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Fuel 87 (2008) 1807–1813


Oxidation stability of biodiesel fuel as prepared

by supercritical methanol
Jiayu Xin, Hiroaki Imahara, Shiro Saka *
Department of Socio-Environmental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Yoshida-honmachi,
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Received 19 September 2007; received in revised form 18 December 2007; accepted 19 December 2007
Available online 14 January 2008


A non-catalytic supercritical methanol method is an attractive process to convert various oils/fats efficiently into biodiesel. To eval-
uate oxidation stability of biodiesel, biodiesel produced by alkali-catalyzed method was exposed to supercritical methanol at several tem-
peratures for 30 min. As a result, it was found that the tocopherol in biodiesel is not stable at a temperature higher than 300 °C. After the
supercritical methanol treatment, hydroperoxides were greatly reduced for biodiesel with initially high in peroxide value, while the
tocopherol slightly decreased in its content. As a result, the biodiesel prepared by the supercritical methanol method was enhanced
for oxidation stability when compared with that prepared by alkali-catalyzed method from waste oil. Therefore, supercritical methanol
method is useful especially for oils/fats having higher peroxide values.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biodiesel; Oxidation stability; Supercritical methanol; Antioxidant; Peroxide value

1. Introduction To overcome these drawbacks, non-catalytic conversion

method has been developed as supercritical methanol
Biodiesel fuel, which is defined as mono alkyl esters method: one-step supercritical methanol method (Saka
derived from vegetable oils or animal fats through transe- process) [3–5] has been developed by our research group.
sterification, is an alternative for diesel engines. Being The shortcoming of this one-step supercritical methanol
derived from biomass resources, biodiesel is regarded as a method is that it requires a severe reaction condition com-
renewable and carbon-neutral fuel. For sustainable devel- pared with the conventional commercial method. Conse-
opment of society and energy, biodiesel has been recently quently, the special alloy must be used for the biodiesel
given more attentions [1] and commercially used in many production system. Therefore, an alternative method for
countries. biodiesel production that has milder reaction condition
Current commercial production for biodiesel involves than the one-step supercritical methanol method, two-step
the use of alkali-catalyzed method [2]. In this method, how- supercritical methanol method (Saka–Dadan process) [6,7]
ever, oils/fats that are high in free fatty acid and water con- has been developed, the reaction temperature and pressure
tents are difficult to be utilized since the former reacts with of which can be decreased down to 270 °C and 20 MPa.
alkaline catalyst to form undesirable saponified product In a previous study, thermal stability of biodiesel in
and the latter hinders the complete conversion. Further- supercritical methanol was investigated and it was found
more, purification process is necessary to remove catalyst that biodiesel could be stable without decomposition or
and saponified products. cis–trans isomerization under the condition of 300 °C/
19 MPa or lower in temperature [8]. For high-quality bio-
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +81 75 753 4738. diesel production, on the other hand, oxidation stability
E-mail address: saka@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp (S. Saka). of biodiesel is also one of the most important issues.

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1808 J. Xin et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 1807–1813

As is well known, in general, biodiesel has relatively O O(CH2)2 CH3

poorer oxidation stability compared with fossil diesel [9–
11]. Many reports have appeared on the oxidation stability
of various biodiesel fuels. Factors affecting the stability of
biodiesel fuels have been studied by Knothe [12], Falk HO OH
and Meyer-Pittroff [13] and McCormick et al. [14]. The
changes of key fuel properties of biodiesel during oxidation
3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester (Propyl gallate, PG)
have been reported by Lacoste and Lagardere [15] and
Bondioli et al. [16]. From these literatures, it is clear that H H
oxidation stability of biodiesel fuels are highly related with N N
its fatty acid composition, storage condition (temperature,
light, etc.), materials of the container, water and metal
content. N,N -diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD)
To enhance the oxidation stability, antioxidants were
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of antioxidants used in this study.
employed to prolong the stabilized time of biodiesel. The
effect of various synthetic and natural antioxidants on the
oxidation stability of biodiesel fuels has been reported by tilled water (HPLC grade), potassium hydroxide (reagent
Mittelbach and Gangl [17,18], Liang et al. [19] and Dunn grade), potassium iodide (reagent grade) and sodium thio-
[20]. Biodiesel is usually prepared from vegetable oil, vari- sulfate solution were purchased from Nacalai Tesque Inc.
ous natural antioxidants originally in oils are important for Japan. Waste oil samples were collected from several res-
oxidation stability of biodiesel. Main natural antioxidants taurants in Kyoto city, their chemical compositions of fatty
in vegetable oils are tocopherols (a-tocopherol, b-tocoph- acids in triglycerides and tocopherol content were shown in
erol and c-tocopherol). However, these natural antioxi- Table 2.
dants may be denatured and/or decomposed when they The vegetable oils were converted to fatty acid methyl
are placed for a long time under air or high temperature. esters (biodiesel) by alkali-catalyzed method with potas-
Since high temperature and high pressure are inevitable sium hydroxide as a catalyst. The reaction conditions
in supercritical methanol method, stability of natural anti- adopted were as follows: 30 g oil and 8.25 ml methanol
oxidant during supercritical methanol treatments is an were mixed with 0.15 g potassium hydroxide. Transesterifi-
important issue that should be studied. cation reaction was carried out at 69 °C in an oil bath
In this work, therefore, stability of tocopherol in biodie- under continuous mixing with a magnetic stirrer for
sel was studied in supercritical methanol. Effect of super- 60 min. The obtained esters were subjected to supercritical
critical methanol treatment on oxidation stability of methanol exposure; biodiesel was mixed with methanol
various biodiesels was evaluated with an addition of phe- (biodiesel/methanol = 1/1 (v/v)) in a 5 ml batch-type reac-
nol-type and amine-type antioxidants at different concen- tion vessel made of Inconel-625 and exposed to supercriti-
trations. Comparison was then made between oxidation cal methanol at 270 °C/17 MPa for 30 min. After the
stability of biodiesel prepared by supercritical methanol exposure, methanol was evaporated with a rotary evapora-
method and alkali-catalyzed method. tor at 75 °C for 15 min to get ‘‘exposed biodiesel” to super-
critical methanol.
2. Materials and methods Chemical composition of biodiesel was analyzed by
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Shima-
The vegetable oils used in this study were safflower, dzu, LC-10AT) which consists of the column (Cadenza
rapeseed and palm oils; the chemical compositions of fatty CD-C18, 25 cm in length  4.6 mm in inner diameter,
acids in their triglycerides were shown in Table 1. As repre- Imtakt Co.) and refractive index detector (Shimadzu,
sentative synthetic antioxidants, 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic RID-10A) operated at 40 °C with 1.0 ml/min flow rate of
acid propyl ester(Propyl gallate, PG, P99%) and N,N0 - methanol as a carrier solvent. Tocopherol, as one of the
diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD, P99%) bought from main natural antioxidant in vegetable oils [21–23], was also
Aldrich–Sigma were chosen and their chemical structures studied by the HPLC consisting of the column (Asahipak
are shown in Fig. 1. Anhydrous methanol (P99.7%), dis- ODP-50, 25 cm in length  4.6 mm in inner diameter, Sho-

Table 1
Various vegetable oils used in this study and their chemical compositions of fatty acids in triglycerides
Vegetable oil Fatty acid composition (wt%) Saturated fatty acid Unsaturated fatty acid
(wt%) (wt%)
C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 Others
Safflower 6.4 2.2 13.9 76.0 0.2 1.3 8.6 89.1
Rapeseed 4.3 1.9 61.5 20.6 8.3 3.4 6.2 85.5
Palm 39.5 4.1 43.2 10.6 0.2 2.4 43.6 54.0
J. Xin et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 1807–1813 1809

Table 2
Waste oils used in this study, their chemical compositions of fatty acids in triglycerides and tocopherol content
Waste oil Fatty acid composition (wt%) Saturated fatty acid Unsaturated fatty acid Tocopherol content
(wt%) (wt%) (ppm)
C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 Others
Sample 1 8.3 2.7 44.4 36.8 6.3 1.5 11.0 87.5 83
Sample 2 4.3 1.5 61.5 21.6 6.3 4.8 6.8 89.4 <5
Sample 3 5.8 2.3 60.1 21.8 7.3 2.7 9.1 89.2 <5
Sample 4 8.8 2.3 53.7 30.7 1.8 2.7 11.1 86.2 <5
Sample 5 12.3 3.4 32.0 47.6 1.6 3.1 15.7 81.2 <5

dex Co.) and fluorescence detector (RF-10AXL, Shima- of biodiesel. To study the effect of temperature on the
dzu) operated under the same condition above. The struc- tocopherol content in biodiesel, rapeseed biodiesel was
tural changes of biodiesels were analyzed by a Fourier- chosen as a representative biodiesel. Rapeseed biodiesel
transform infrared spectrometry (Shimadzu, FT-IR in Table 3 was exposed to supercritical methanol at
8300). Tocopherol content and peroxide value were mea- 270 °C/17 MPa, 300 °C/20 MPa, 330 °C/37 MPa, and
sured according to Standard Methods for the Analysis of 360 °C/47 MPa for 30 min, the remaining tocopherol con-
Fats, Oils and Related Materials 2.4.10 [24] and 2.5.21 tent in rapeseed biodiesel is presented in Fig. 2. At the tem-
[25], respectively. In the work, ‘‘induction period” was used perature lower than 300 °C, the remaining tocopherol
to determine oxidation stability of biodiesel. In the proce- slightly decreased with an increase in temperature. With
dure, biodiesel is aged at 110 °C by passing air through the increase in temperature, the tocopherol content was sig-
at constant rate. The effluent gases are collected in a cell nificantly decreased. When the temperature reached
filled with distilled water of which the conductivity is 360 °C, only about 1/3 tocopherol remained in rapeseed
recorded. Once hydrogen peroxides as primary oxidation biodiesel.
products are decomposed into volatile acids, conductivity The significant decrease in the tocopherol content results
values steeply increase. The period of time up to this point in inevitably poor oxidation stability of biodiesel. Further-
is called induction period and is expressed in hours. Oxida- more, it has been already confirmed that the poly-unsatu-
tion stability of biodiesel before and after supercritical rated fatty acid methyl esters are decomposed in
methanol exposure and their blends with different antioxi- supercritical methanol at the temperature higher than
dants were studied in accordance with EN14112 [26] on 300 °C [8]. Therefore, reaction temperature adopted in
Rancimat equipment model 743 (Methrom, Herisau, supercritical methanol method lower than 300 °C is favor-
Switzerland). able. For this reason and the proposed two-step supercrit-
ical methanol method, oxidation stability of biodiesel was
3. Results and discussion thus studied at 270 °C.

3.1. Effect of temperature on the natural antioxidant in 3.2. Oxidation stability of various biodiesel fuels
Three biodiesel samples, from safflower, palm and rape-
As a main natural antioxidant in vegetable oils, toc- seed oils, with different fatty acid compositions were suc-
opherols play an important role in preventing oxidation cessfully prepared by alkali-catalyzed method, and the

Table 3
Key properties of biodiesel fuels used in this study and European specification standard (EN14214)
Properties Method Unit EN14214 Biodiesel
Safflower Rapeseed Palm
Density at 15 °C EN ISO 3675 g/cm3 0.86–0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87
Viscosity at 40 °C EN ISO 3104 mm2/s 3.5–5.0 4.11 4.29 4.01
Pour point ISO 3016 °C – 7.5 13 10
Cloud point ISO 3105 °C – 5 5 10
Ester content EN 14103 wt% >96.5 97.75 97.39 98.46
Monoglyceride EN 14105 wt% <0.8 0.53 0.23 0.27
Diglyceride EN 14105 wt% <0.2 0.50 0.09 0.25
Triglyceride EN 14105 wt% <0.20 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Total glycerol content EN 14105 wt% <0.25 0.21 0.07 0.11
Water content EN ISO 12937 ppm <500 288 284 197
Acid number EN 14104 mg(KOH)/g <0.5 0.33 0.30 0.09
Iodine value EN 14111 g(I2)/100 g <120 141 114 50
Oxidation stability at 110 °C EN 14112 h >6 0.9 6.5 14.7
n.d., not detectable.
1810 J. Xin et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 1807–1813

a 50
Safflower biodiesel, exposed
Safflower biodiesel, unexposed

Induction period (hour)

Rapeseed biodiesel, exposed
Rapeseed biodiesel, unexposed
Palm biodiesel, exposed
30 Palm biodiesel, unexposed



0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on the tocopherol content in rapeseed PG concentration (ppm)
biodiesel as treated in supercritical methanol at 270 °C/17 MPa, 300 °C/
20 MPa, 330 °C/37 MPa, and 360 °C/47 MPa for 30 min.
b 50
Safflower biodiesel, exposed
fuel properties of the obtained biodiesels are shown in Safflower biodiesel, unexposed
40 Rapeseed biodiesel, exposed

Induction period (hour)

Table 3. Rapeseed biodiesel, unexposed
Taking into account the fatty acid composition in Table Palm biodiesel, exposed
1 and oxidation stability in Table 3, it is apparent that oxi- 30 Palm biodiesel, unexposed

dation stability gets better with decrease in the degree of

unsaturation in biodiesel. Safflower biodiesel, which is high 20
in content in poly-unsaturated fatty acids, has the shortest
induction period (0.9 h), whereas palm biodiesel, which is
high in saturated fatty acid content, has the longest one 10
(14.7 h). This tendency is consistent with the literatures
[27]. Since the induction period longer than 6 h determined 0
by Rancimat Method is required to satisfy the biodiesel 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
specification EN14112, an addition of the antioxidant is DPD concentration (ppm)
inevitable for safflower biodiesel. Fig. 3. Oxidation stability of biodiesels before and after supercritical
These biodiesels were subjected to supercritical metha- methanol exposure at 270 °C/17 MPa for 30 min as a function of various
nol exposure at 270 °C/17 MPa for 30 min. From HPLC antioxidant concentrations (shadowed area is a range unsatisfactory in
chromatograms and FT-IR spectra, it was observed that specification standard) (a) PG and (b) DPD.
there exists no decomposition or structural change such
as cis–trans isomerization. Fig. 3 shows oxidation stability tion process; free radicals produced in this process are elec-
of biodiesels before and after supercritical methanol expo- tron acceptor and can be readily reduced by hydrogen
sure at 270 °C/17 MPa for 30 min as a function of various donors. As shown in Fig. 1, PG molecule has three hydro-
PG and DPD concentrations. Induction period increased gens can be given from OH bond, while DPD has two
monotonously with increasing PG concentration. How- hydrogens can be given from NH bond. Moreover, the
ever, the increment at higher PG concentration was not molecular weight of PG (212 g/mol) is smaller than that
so obvious as that at lower PG concentration. With regard of DPD (260 g/mol); as a result, the effect of enhancing
to safflower biodiesel, 5000 ppm of the PG was required to the oxidation stability is better in the former than the
guarantee an induction period of 25 h. For palm biodiesel, latter.
on the other hand, less than 100 ppm of the PG was In Fig. 3, two opposite tendencies were found in oxida-
enough to guarantee an induction period of 50 h. tion stability of biodiesels before and after supercritical
In a similar manner, oxidation stability test was con- methanol exposure; oxidation stability of exposed biodiesel
ducted by using DPD. As shown in Fig. 3b, basically the is better than unexposed one for safflower biodiesel,
same results were observed. From these results, it can be whereas slightly worse for rapeseed and palm biodiesel
emphasized that DPD antioxidant can offer better oxida- for both cases of (a) and (b). To clarify these tendencies,
tion stability over palm biodiesel than safflower biodiesel, peroxide value and tocopherol content were analyzed for
indicating that more antioxidant is needed for the latter both exposed and unexposed biodiesels. Peroxide value
to ensure an induction period more than 6 h. indicates the content of hydroperoxide, which triggers oxi-
From Fig. 3a and b, it is seen that at the same concen- dation process and reacts with antioxidant [28], thus low
tration of the antioxidant, PG provides longer induction peroxide value is favorable for high oxidation stability in
period than DPD. Oxidation of biodiesel is a chain reac- biodiesel.
J. Xin et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 1807–1813 1811

25 250
Unexposed Unexposed

Tocopherol content (ppm)

Peroxide value (meq/kg)

20 200

15 150

10 100

5 50

0 0
Safflower Rapeseed Palm Safflower Rapeseed Palm
Fig. 4. Changes in peroxide value of various biodiesels as exposed to Fig. 5. Changes in tocopherol content of various biodiesels as exposed to
supercritical methanol at 270 °C/17 MPa for 30 min. supercritical methanol at 270 °C/17 MPa for 30 min.

Fig. 4 shows changes in peroxide value of various bio- oxyl radicals. As a result, less tocopherols are left in less
diesels as exposed to supercritical methanol at 270 °C/ unsaturated methyl esters (palm biodiesel). This result
17 MPa for 30 min. With regard to safflower biodiesel, could explain the above tendencies in Fig. 3.
the initial peroxide value was rather high, about 23 meq/
kg; after supercritical methanol exposure, it decreased to 3.3. Comparison of conversion methods for oxidation
about 2 meq/kg, while for peroxide value of rapeseed bio- stability
diesel, only a slight decrease was observed. For palm bio-
diesel, however, peroxide value increased slightly after Due to the repeated use of the waste oils and long term
exposure in supercritical methanol. These results indicate storage, waste oils are usually high in peroxide value and
that both decomposition and formation of hydroperoxide low in tocopherol content. To verify the effect of conver-
might occur at the same time under the supercritical meth- sion methods on peroxide value and tocopherol content
anol condition. In addition, hydroperoxide is reported to of biodiesel, five samples of waste oils were collected from
be unstable at a temperature higher than 180 °C [29]. restaurants in Kyoto city and converted into biodiesels by
Therefore, peroxide value could be reduced the biodiesel both alkali-catalyzed method and supercritical methanol
with high peroxide value as observed under supercritical method. Peroxide value and tocopherol content of waste
methanol exposure. oils and their biodiesels are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Since
For safflower biodiesel, exposed biodiesel shows supe- the samples with high peroxide value leads to side reaction
rior oxidation stability to unexposed one, since the decom- between hydroperoxides and antioxidant, that with low
position of hydroperoxide is so significant during the peroxide value is favorable for oxidation stability of biodie-
supercritical methanol exposure. For palm biodiesel, on sel. As shown in Fig. 6, peroxide values of biodiesel pre-
the contrary, exposed biodiesel shows slightly lower oxida- pared by alkali-catalyzed method were reduced,
tion stability due to the slight formation of hydroperoxide
and deformation of tocopherol during the supercritical
methanol exposure. 50
Fig. 5 shows changes in tocopherol content of various Waste oil, no treatment
Alkali-catalyst method
biodiesels as exposed to supercritical methanol at 270 °C/
Peroxide value (meq/kg)

40 Supercritical methanol method

17 MPa for 30 min. For only palm biodiesel, a noticeable
decrease can be observed in tocopherol content after super-
critical methanol exposure. These results were consistent
with the literature, where decreasing rate of tocopherol is
proportional to the degree of saturation in vegetable oil 20
Yamauchi proposed a mechanism to explain this phe- 10
nomenon [32]. At high temperature, the peroxyl radicals
react with esters and form hydroxyl radicals, by rearrange- 0
ment and further oxidation, epoxyalkoxyl radicals are 1 2 3 4 5
formed. Because the epoxyalkoxyl radicals are less selective Sample number
in the reactions with tocopherols and fatty acid esters than Fig. 6. Peroxide value of waste oils and biodiesels prepared from the
peroxyl radicals, some of the unsaturated esters will be able waste oils by alkali-catalyzed method and supercritical methanol method
to compete with tocopherol in the reaction with epoxyalk- (270 °C/17 MPa for 60 min).
1812 J. Xin et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 1807–1813

100 method were longer than those prepared by alkali-cata-

Waste oil, no treatment lyzed method. As mentioned before in Fig. 7, the tocoph-
Alkali-catalyzed method erol content of waste oil sample 1 is higher than sample
Tocopherol content (ppm)

80 Supercritical methanol method

3. As a result, the induction period of biodiesel prepared
from sample 1 can be expected to be longer than sample
3. In addition, supercritical methanol exposure can reduce
the peroxide value by efficient decomposition of hydroper-
40 oxide. Consequently, it can be clarified that supercritical
methanol method is superior to alkali-catalyzed method
20 for biodiesel production from oils/fats having high perox-
ide value.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Conclusions
Sample number

Fig. 7. Tocopherol content of waste oils and biodiesels prepared by alkali- Oxidation stability of biodiesel prepared by supercritical
catalyzed method and supercritical methanol method (270 °C/17 MPa for methanol method was evaluated through the exposure of
60 min).
biodiesels to supercritical methanol at 270 °C/17 MPa for
30 min. As a result, it was found that oxidation stability
compared with waste oil itself, but around 7 meq/kg of the became better after the exposure for biodiesel initially high
peroxide is remaining. When the biodiesel prepared by in peroxide value, while it was slightly decreased for that
supercritical methanol method, in contrast, there exists initially low in peroxide value, compared with unexposed
almost no peroxide value detected. biodiesel prepared by alkali-catalyzed method. During
In terms of tocopherol content, as shown in Fig. 7, there supercritical methanol exposure, most hydroperoxides
is almost no difference between biodiesel prepared by was decomposed due to high temperature and high pres-
alkali-catalyzed and supercritical methanol methods from sure, while tocopherol remained almost unchanged in its
waste oil sample 1. The initial tocopherol contents in waste content for high unsaturated biodiesel (safflower and rape-
oil samples 2–5 are very low, the significant difference seed biodiesel) but slightly decreased for low unsaturated
between them and sample 1 may be because of reservation biodiesel (palm biodiesel). Therefore, it was clarified that
and utilization in the restaurants. For example, the tocoph- supercritical methanol method is useful especially for
erol at frying temperature is unstable and quickly con- oils/fats that have higher peroxide values.
sumed by oxidation. If the oil is repeatedly used at high
temperature, the tocopherol in the oil will be destroyed. Acknowledgements
Fig. 8 shows a comparison of oxidation stability of bio-
diesels prepared by alkali-catalyzed and supercritical meth- This work has been done as in part of the Kyoto Univer-
anol methods from waste oils. It is apparent that induction sity 21 COE program ‘‘Establishment of COE on Sustain-
periods of biodiesels prepared by supercritical methanol able-Energy system” (2002.9-2007.3), and in part of NEDO
‘‘High Efficiency Bioenergy Conversion Projects” (2003.9–
2006.3), for all of which the authors are highly
Sample 1, Supercritical methanol method
45 Sample 1, Alkali-catalyzed method
Sample 3, Supercritical methanol method
Induction period (hour)

Sample 3, Alkali-catalyzed method

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