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European Journal of Orthodontics 5 (1983) 233-240

© 1983 European Orthodontic Society

A comparison of cephalometric norms for

the African Bantu and a caucasoid
William Bacon*, Pierre Girardin* and Jean ChristopheTurlot**
*Departement d'Orthodontie and **Departement de Mathematiques, Strasbourg

Summary. Cephalometric standards are established and compared for 40 young

Cameroonian Africans and 40 White French students of similar ages, all of whom had perfect
Class I occlusion and none of whom had had orthodontic treatment. A factorial analysis of
correlation was undertaken to detect the main discriminant factors in the two groups.
The position and the angulation of the incisors appeared to be the strongest discriminant

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factors. Higher values for convexity, ANB angle, SNB angle and lower face height were
representative racial characters in the Bantu: Upper face height and facial taper were
dominant traits in whites.

Introduction This study compares a standard cephalo-

metric determination in African black subjects
Racial characteristics may lead to important and a similar white group.
cephalometric variations. One set of stan-
dards cannot be used in cephalometric
analysis of all populations. Material and methods
Few cephalometric studies have been
carried out on black African populations. The black sample was selected from Cam-
Bjork (1950) compared facial prognathism eroonian Bantu students living in Strasbourg,
in Bantu and Swedish populations. Jacobson France. Only subjects with Class I molar and
and Dreyer (1956) and Jacobson (1978) canine occlusion and normal profile were
published the results of studies on African selected. All were in good health, in possession
Bantu. of all their teeth and without any obvious
Reports on black American populations craniofacial abnormalities. None of the
have been published by Cotton et al. (1951), subjects had had any orthodontic tooth
Altemus (1959), Drummond (1968), Kowalski movement. The final sample consisted of 40
and Walker (1974), Fonseca and Klein (1978) male subjects aged between 20 and 30 years.
but, because of the ethnic mixing that The white sample was made up of 40 male
has taken place among the American Caucasian students from Strasbourg Uni-
black population, these results should be versity who fulfilled the same criteria.
applied with caution to African blacks, Lateral cephalometric radiographs were
who have remained relatively unmixed taken and each radiograph was traced twice
ethnically and have quite different diatetic with an interval of several days. Only the
habits. tracings that correspond with an accuracy of
Table 1 Mean and significance test for skeletal and dental measurements in the two populations
Bantus Caucasoids Significant

Variables Mean Maximum Minimum S.D. S.E. Mean Maximum Minimum S.D. S.E. P<0.05

VI Frankfort/Ba N 26.9 32.5 22.5 2.5 0.40 28.1 32.5 22.0 2.1 0.34 0.023
V2 BaSN 130.7 143.0 118.0 6.0 0.95 127.5 138.0 117.0 5.3 0.84 0.015
V3 SN Length 73.2 81.0 66.0 3.4 0.53 76.8 84.0 68.0 3.1 0.49 H.S.
V4 Facial Axis
CC Gn/Ba N angle 91.1 101.0 82.5 4.4 0.69 92.2 102.5 81.5 4.6 0.73
V5 Facial angle
Frankfurt/Facial Plane (NPo) 91.6 101.0 82.0 4.4 0.69 91.0 97.0 83.0 3.3 0.52 —
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V6 SNA 88.1 109.0 81.0 5.3 0.84 84.1 95.0 76.5 3.8 0.61 H.S.
V7 SNB 84.1 100.5 75.0 5.0 0.79 81.5 88.5 73.0 3.8 0.60 0.011
V8 ANB 4.0 9.0 -0.5 2.4 0.38 2.4 8.0 -2.0 2.1 0.34 0.002
V9 Convexity (mm)
A point—facial plane 4.2 9.0 -0.5 2.3 0.36 1.1 9.0 -3.0 2.7 0.43 H.S.
V 10 "Wits" (mm)
Projection A and B points on
occlusal plane -3.0 6.0 -10.5 3.6 0.57 -0.1 5.0 -4.0 2.4 0.38 H.S. 03

V 11 Lower face height angle ANS-Xi-Po 49.5 59.5 37.0 5.3 0.83 45.2 52.5 38.0 3.9 0.62 H.S.
V 12 Upper face height (mm) N point to
projection ANS on NM line 53.3 60.0 46.0 2.9 0.46 57.1 76.0 51.0 4.5 0.72 H.S.
V 13 Lower face height (mm) Z
Projection of ANS to M point D
on NM line 77.8 97.0 60.0 6.8 1.10 71.0 79.0 56.0 5.2 0.82 H.S. O
V 14 Frankfort—Mandibular plane 22.4 35.0 5.0 7.9 1.20 19.4 35.0 8.0 5.7 0.90 0.041 C
V 15 Facial taper o
Mandibular/Facial plane 65.3 75.0 59.0 3.7 0.58 70.0 100.0 57.5 6.1 0.97 H.S. 2
V 16 Mandibular arc 5
Corpus/condyle axis (DC-Xi-Po) 32.8 45.0 24.0 5.5 0.87 32.9 44.0 17.0 5.6 0.89 — o
V 17 T-A. Pog. (mm) 7.4 12.0 4.0 2.2 0.35 1.6 6.0 -2.0 2.3 0.37 H.S.
V 18 T-A. Pog. (degrees) 29.4 40.0 20.0 4.9 0.77 24.6 38.0 14.0 4.5 0.72 H.S. X
V 19 1-A. Pog (degrees) 32.5 46.0 26.0 5.2 0.82 26.0 36.0 17.0 5.3 0.83 H.S. r
V 2 0 T-i 118.2 135.0 93.0 8.2 1.30 129.0 146.0 111.5 8.5 1.35 H.S.
V21 Lower lip E. Line (mm) 4.9 10.0 -1.0 2.4 0.38 -4.1 + 1.0 -11.0 2.9 0.46 H.S.


at least 1 mm or 1° were used. The mean ference would indicate a more dolichofacial
values were rounded off to half a degree or pattern for the blacks.
half a millimetre.
V5 The facial angle, which determines the
The cephalometric analysis was based on degree of chin protrusion, is slightly higher
Ricketts (1961) analysis but was complemen- in blacks but this difference is not statistically
ted by further cephalometric measurements. significant.
The 21 variables studied are shown in Table 1.
The values obtained from the two groups V6, 7 and 8 The positions of A and B
were compared by Students t test, first with points in the face are influenced by the position
separate variances and then with pooled of the incisors and their skeletal support. The
vaiiances to act as a control for the first position of N, which is affected by the shorter
analysis. A factorial analysis of correlation cranial base in blacks, also affects SNA and
was also devised to detect the main dis- SNB angles.
criminant factors in the two groups. The SNA and SNB angles are signi-
ficantly higher in blacks than in whites and
the standard deviation is higher for blacks.
Results and Discussion The difference in SNA angle is significantly
higher for the blacks, the difference in SNB
The results are shown in Table 1. angle is less significant (P=0.011).
The SKB angle is clearly higher for

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blacks, whereas the facial angle, which can
The Cranial Base be used as another measurement of the
position of the mandible in the face, is not.
VI The cranial deflection measurements This may be explained by the fact that the B
show very small standard deviations. The point in the Bantu lies on or in front of A
minor difference between the mean for blacks Pog line as a result of the markedly pro-
and whites is only slightly significant ( P = truding lower incisors. The reverse applies in
0.023). In whites BaN has a more forward the whites where the concavity of the sym-
and upward inclination relative to the physis is more pronounced.
Frankfort plane.
V9 Convexity, which is a measure of the
V2 The cranial base angulation is higher for antero-posterior position of the lower face
the blacks but this is only slightly significant relative to the skull, is significantly higher for
(P=O.OI5). Bantus. The high convexity and SNA angle
V3 The cranial base is shorter for the indicate the advanced position of A point
blacks. This difference, which has also been relative to the base of skull.
demonstrated by Jacobson (1978), is highly V10 The 'Wits' measurement describes the
significant. intermaxillary sagittal relationship by refer-
These findings show that the cranial ence to the occlusal plane. The significantly
base structures are not strictly comparable lower values for blacks means that the man-
in the two populations and this should be dible is further forward than the maxilla
borne in mind when interpreting measure- along the occlusal plane, indicating a dolicho-
ments related to S, SN line or Ba N line. mandibular tendency with respect to the
maxilla in the Bantu.
Maxillo-facial Analysis V l l The lower facial height angle is signi-
ficantly higher for Bantus. This has also been
V4 The facial axis does not differ statis-
tically in the blacks and whites but it must be reported by Fonseca and Klein (1978).
remembered that the cranial deflections are V13 Wylie's vertical facial analysis con-
not identical and a correction for this dif- firms the previous observation. The lower

face height is significantly more developed

in blacks than in whites which helps to
explain the high value of ANB angle in
V12 The upper face height, in contrast,
appears to be significantly less developed for
blacks than for whites. The standard devia-
tion for the upper face measurement is small
in the black subjects.
V14 The mandibular plane angle is steeper
relative to the Frankfort plane in the black
than in the white group but this difference is
only slightly significant (P=0.04). The man-
dibular pattern varies greatly among the
Bantu. The standard deviation was high for
this measurement. Figure 1 Typical profile of a Black, based on mean
V15 The facial taper angle is significantly
lower for blacks than whites.
V16 The mandibular arc is about the same

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for the two populations.

Dento-Maxillary Pattern
V17-21 As far as dento-facial make-up is
concerned, the Bantu are distinguished by
protrusion and labioversion of the upper and
of the lower incisors. All the angular and
linear measurements characteristic of the
upper and lower incisor position are mark-
edly increased and the interincisal angle is
much lower for the blacks than for the whites, Figure 2 Typical profile of a White, based on mean
and all of these differences are highly signi- values.
ficant. The dental pattern gives rise, in turn,
to protrusion of the upper and lower lips far combination of the 21 variables, not cor-
beyond the E line. related and of maximum variance. These
Typical profiles of the two groups, based factors give the best summary of the cor-
on the mean values, are shown in Figures relation set structure. The principal plane
1 and 2. divides the information contained in the data
table into two groups, each of 50%. The
variables are plotted on a graph, and black
Factorial Analysis and white individuals are represented by
A factorial analysis of correlation was under- different symbols (Fig. 3).
taken to detect the greatest differences The circle of correlations (Fig. 4) permits
between the two groups. The aim was to find accurate interpretation of the data.
a simple geometric representation, des- The correlation matrix is shown in
cribing the relationships between the patients Table 2. Correlation between two variables
represented by the variables. The variables, in this study are significant for values above
called the principal components, are a linear .21 or below —.21 (P<0.05). Values above

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Figure 3 Factorial analysis of correlations. Black population=«. White
population = O The two populations are dispersed in two specific areas, in accord-
ance with the variable distribution.

.28 or below —.28 represent highly signi-

ficant correlations (P<0.01).
The plotted samples (Fig. 3) show group-
ing of the two populations into precise areas.
The black subjects form a homogeneous
group on one side of the graph while the
white population, on the opposite side, is
slightly more dispersed signifying larger
variability in the white than in the black
group. There is only very slight overlap of
the two groups. This differential distribution
allows two axes to be clearly defined, an X
axis, dividing the two populations according
to the strongest variables, and a Y axis,
showing the variations and the correlations
in the whole sample regardless of racial
characters. Our interest is focused on the
distribution of the variables along the X
axis which discriminates between the two
Figure 4 The circle of correlations. The greater the Proximity of two or more variables on
distance of a variable from the origin on the abscissa, the graph indicates a high correlation bet-
the more discriminant the character. ween these variables which move in the same
Table 2 Correlation matrix. Correlations between two variables are significant for values above .21 or below .21 (P< .05). Values above .28 or below .28
are highly significant correlations (P<0.01)
VI 1.00
V2 .57 1.00
V3 -.69 -.51 1.00
V4 .40 - . 0 4 - . 6 6 1.00
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V5 -.78 -.44 .79 - . 5 2 1.00

V6 .47 .32 - . 7 6 .58 - . 5 4 1.00
V7 -.20 -.06 .43 - . 5 4 .51 - . 2 0 1.00
V8 .08 - . 0 1 - . 0 5 - . 1 1 .07 .11 .67 1.00
V9 -.25 .01 .40 - . 5 5 .52 - . 1 8 .89 .51 1.00
VI0 -.39 -.26 .38 - . 3 5 .49 - . 2 6 .58 .30 .64 1.00
II1 .03 .03 - . 2 0 .36 - . 2 4 .11 - . 8 1 - . 8 5 - . 6 5 - . 4 0 1.00
V12 -.11 -.06 .33 - . 4 4 .31 - . 2 0 .80 .60 .78 .47 - . 8 9 1.00 >
V13 .24 .32 - . 0 7 - . 2 7 - . 0 2 .08 .46 .31 .45 .47 - . 2 7 .30
30 1.00
100 t\
VI4 .43 .51 - . 2 1 - . 2 2 - . 2 2 .17 .31 .21 .29 .03 - . 1 8 .19 .87 1.00
VI5 -.33 -.32 .31 - . 1 7 .40 - . 2 1 .42 .23 .44 .92 - . 2 6 .32 .42 - . 0 5 1.00 >
VI6 -.15 -.26 -.10 .38 - . 0 3 - . 0 0 - . 3 7 - . 1 4 - . 3 4 - . 3 4 .20 - .-.16
16 -.22 -.48 .42 1.00 O
VI7 -.28 -.07 .03 .04 - . 0 8 - . 0 9 - . 4 3 - . 3 4 - . 3 8 - . 2 4 .32 - . 2 3 - . 3 6 - . 2 9 - . 2 1 .19 1.00 n
V18 -.52 -.24 .56 - . 4 9 .75 - . 2 9 .57 .24 .52 .50 - . 3 0 .28 .24 .05 .42 - . 1 5 - . 3 1 1.00 £
VI9 -.27 .29 - . 2 5 - . 0 6 - . 0 6 .11 - . 3 3 - . 1 6 - . 2 5 - . 2 0 .22 - . 2 4 - . 2 7 - . 1 9 - . 2 4 .08 .39 - . 0 9 1.00 O
V20 .31 - . 0 0 - . 2 1 .35 - . 3 2 - . 0 1 - . 3 0 - . 0 8 - . 4 0 - . 3 3 .13 - . 1 4 - . 1 3 - . 0 2 - . 2 2 .18 .19 - . 1 7 - . 1 5 1.00 £
V21 .16 - . 0 8 - . 2 0 .24 - . 0 6 .26 .07 .19 .11 .15 - . 0 9 .01 - . 2 5 - . 3 6 .16 .14 - . 1 4 - . 0 7 - . 1 2 - . 2 1 1.00 2
VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 VI1 VI2 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 °
"~~~""~-'^^^^^~"^^^^^~~"~-^~~~~~—~^^^^^^^^^^^~^^^^^^^^^^^^^~^^^^^^^~^^^~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~^^^^^^^^^^^ m


direction. Variables high in negative cor- VI2, representing upper face height, is
relation are diametrically opposed. The more important for the whites. Its position
greater the distance of the variable from relative to the ongin suggests that upper face
the centre of the circle in the direction of the height is a differential character between the
discriminant axis, the more significant the populations.
specificity test. A high facial taper angle (VI5) appears
Among the strongest coordinates in the to be a significantly discriminating character
black population (Fig. 4) is a group of in the white population but cranial base
variables covering VI7, V21, VI9 and, with angulation (V2) is of minor importance, being
further extension, VI8. situated almost on the centre of the circle.
VI7, V21 and VI9 represent lower Cranial deflection and SN length (VI
incisor position, upper incisor angulation and V3) deviate more from this origin than
and labial protrusion respectively, and high V2 but not enough to be considered as major
values for these variables, which are highly discriminants. VI, V2 and V3 do not show
correlated, are representative of specific high correlations with any other variable and
racial characteristics in blacks. VI8, which this also applies to V10 (Wits) which is not a
indicates lower incisor inclination, is of less highly significant discriminating character,
marked racial specificity since it is plotted although it is more important for the whites.
closer to the origin. In conclusion, it appears that numerous
Almost diametrically opposed to this variables characteristic of the dento-maxillo-
group of variables is V20, the inter-incisal facial architecture are significantly different

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angle. A high value of V20 is the most in the black and white populations studied.
discriminating trait in whites. Some discriminating characteristics are seen
A second grouping includes V8 and V9, to be stronger than others. The strongest
which represent convexity and ANB angle racial differences are related to the position
respectively and are highly correlated. High of the incisors and the lips, to the convexity
values for convexity and ANB angle are and ANB angle, to SNA angle, to the upper
highly characteristic of the black population. and lower face height and to facial taper.
A high SNA angle (V6) is more an
attribute of the black group, while SKB (V7),
which is plotted closer to the origin, is less
significant. The high correlation between Address for correspondence
SNA and SNB is to be expected since both
groups had a normal occlusion with no Class Professor William Bacon,
II or Class III deviation. Faculte de Chirurgie Dentaire,
Univeisite Louis Pasteur,
Another group associates V13 and VI1,
1 Place de L'Hopital,
representing lower face height in millimetres
67000 Strasbourg,
and degrees respectively. These components
appear to be relatively dominant character-
istics of the black group. They also show a
significant correlation with V14 which indi-
cates mandibular plane inclination but V14 References
is too close to the origin to be considered a
major discriminating trait. V14 is highly Altemus, L. S. (1959). Frequency of the
negatively related to V16 (mandibular arc) incidence of malocclusion in American
and to a lesser extent to V4 and V5 (facial negro children—Ages 12-16 Angle Ortho-
axis and facial plane). dontist, 29: 189-200.
V4, V5 and V6 are too close to the origin Bjork, A. (1950). Some biological aspects of
to be regarded as discriminating variables prognathism and occlusion of the teeth.
between the two populations. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 9: 1-40.

Cotton, W. N., Takano, W. S. and Wong, Jacobson, A. (1975). The 'Wits' appraisal
W. M. (1951). The Downs analysis applied of jaw disharmony. American Journal of
to three other ethnic groups. Angle Ortho- Orthodontics, 67: 125-138.
dontist, 21: 213-230. Jacobson, A. (1976). Application of the Wits
Drummond, R. A. (1968). A determination of appraisal. American Journal of Ortho-
cephalometric norms for the negro race. dontics, 70: 179-189.
American Journal of Orthodontics, 54: Jacobson, A. (1978). The craniofacial skeletal
670-682. pattern of the South African Negro.
American Journal of Orthodontics, 73:
Fonseca R., Klein, W. (1978). A cephalo- 681-690.
metric evaluation of American negro Kowalski, C. and Walker, G. (1974). Dif-
women. American Journal of Orthodontics, ferential diagnosis of adult male Black
73: 152-159. and White population. Angle Orthodontist,
Jacobson, A. and Dreyer, C. J. (1956). The 44: 346-350.
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Africa, 11:41-47. 141-156.

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