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Ta eet Free Education Notes Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics > CHEMICAL ENERGETICS INTRODUCTION Q.1:_ Define thermo chemistry and thermo chemical reactions? Ans: THERMO CHEMISTRY: Definition: The branch of chemistry in which we study the heat changes during)a chemical reaction is talled thermo chemistry. The branch of chemistry in which we study the heat changes during a chemical reaction is called thermo cherristry. 10.1 EXOTHERMIC AND ENDOTHERMIC REACTIONS Define exothermic and emdothermi¢ reaction and explain with examples? EXOTHERMIC REACTION EXO means out’ofor evolve. ‘THERME means heat. Definition: Acchemial reaction in which energy is released in the form of heats called tin exothermic reaction. It's denoted by -ve AH. Or The reaction during which heat is evolwed is called exothérinic reaction, CHARACTERISTICS OF EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS ‘> Exo-means out side and therm means heat. During exothermic reaction the system becomes warmer and the energy released is transferred to the reaction mixture, > The temperature of reaction mixture increases. y In exothermic reaction the enthalpy (heat content) of products is less than the ‘enthalpy of reactants. Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise EXAMPLES: ‘The Combustion Of Coal In A When coal is burnt in the air about 393.7 Ki/mol heat is evolved, One mole of coal burns with one mole of oxygen to produce one mole of carbon dioxide. Coa) + Ox(q) —> C04) AH = -393.7 K. |/mole rae ade tice Free Education Notes -entnaipy of reactants. Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise EXAMPLES: ‘The Combustion Of Coal In Air: When coal is burnt in the air about 393.7 Ki/mol heat és evolved. One mote of coal burns with one mole of oxygen to produce ane mole of carbon dioxide, (5) + On¢q) —°C0qy) OH = —393,7 K.|/mole Burning Of Methane In The Presence Of Oxygen: When methane is burnt in ai, about 890 Ki/mole energy is evolved. One moleof methane burns with two moles of oxygen which results in the formation of ong mole af carbon dioxide anc two moles of water. CHacqy + 2029) — COx9) + 2,04) BH =-890.KJ/mole ‘The Formation Of Water From Hydrogen And Oxygen: When 1 mole of H, reacts with= male of 0, to form 1 mal@6fl,Oheat energy is release. 1 Hayy +5 Pug) H,0q) S41. = =286 K.]/mole ENDOTHERMIC REACTION: Definition: ‘Achemical energy in which energy if absorbed in the form of heat is called endothermic reaction. Itis denoted by ve AH, OR The reaction during whi hégt js abporbed is called endothermic reaction (Characteristics: Endo means Inside ahd therm means heat. During endothermic reaction, the system becomesigolders 7 Ouetoithe abtorption of heat, the temperature of reaction mixture decreases |pendothermic reaction the enthalpy (heat content) of product is greater than the enthalpy Of reactants. Examples: + Decomposition Of Water: During. decomposition of 1 mole of water into 2 mole of hydrogen and half mole of -oxygen 286 kj/mol heat energy is absorbed. The equation of the reaction is as follows 1 HO) — Haig) +5 0: ig) #73 Ougy AH = 42 K.J/mo¥e Formation Of nitric Oxide(NO): During lighting in clouds, nitrogen of aif is combined with oxygen to form ritrie oxide, ‘One mole of nitric oxide is formed by half mole of nitrogen and oxygen each. Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise 1 1+ 5 024) ——+NO_AH = $90.25 K.[/mole y Formation Of nitric Oxide(NO}: During lighting in clouds, nitrogen of air is combined with oxygen to form nitric oxide. ‘One mole of nitric oxide is formed by half mole of nitrogen andl oxygen each Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise 1 1 3 Nata) +5 Rg) —*NO AH = +9025 K.)/mole Q.3: Differentiate between exothermic and endothermic reactions? Ans: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXOTHERMIC AND ENDOTHERMIC REACTIONS: Exothermic Reactions Endothermic Reactions Definition ‘chemical reaction in which energy \s[A chemical reaction In Which energy Is released in the form of heat is called an | absorbed in the form of heat igcalled an exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction. Enthalpy Ih exothermric reactions enthalpy of|in endothermla reactions enthalpy of products Is less than the enthelay of | productsiis- greaterithan the enthalpy of reactants, reactants. System Temperature During exothermic reactions system] During y endothermic reactions system becomes warmer. becomes cola, ixture Temperature ‘The temperature of reaction Mmixtufe| The temperature of reaction mixture Increases. decreases. ample Heat 1 2Hgo—"+ gay + Orgy HQ) — Haig) +5 O2tap 1 Hacay + 5 Dato} PPO How is food warmed using exothermic reactions? : Modem age of life is very fast and progressive. A lot of change in every walk of life has been made by the scientificinventions Nowadays the soldiers of modem army do hot warm their food rations with stove oF ‘catnpfire. The pouch containing the food is attached to flameless radiation heater. The heater contains chemicals that react with water to produce heat. When the pouch is placed in a bag and water added, the temperature of the foad reaches ta 60°C in 15 minutes Mg + 2if,0q) —— Mg(OH)y + Hy AH = ~3.53 K.]/mole Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics 10,2 HEAT CONTENTS OF REACTION Chapterwise Q5: Define heat content, enthalpy. How enthalpy is represented and measured? Ans: HEAT CONTENT (ENTHALPY) Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise 10,2 HEAT CONTENTS OF REACTION Q5: Define heat content, enthalpy. How enthalpy is represented and measured? Ans: HEAT CONTENT (ENTHALPY): Definition: The energy possessed by a substance is called heat contents of that substance. ENTHALPY: Definition: The heat evolved oF absorbed at constant pressure is called as entfilpy of the reaction. Representation: The heat content (enthalpy) of a substance is represeritdhby “H” The change in heat content during @ chemical reaction is then represented by AH. Greek letter 4 (delta) signifies the change in the property, Measurement Of Enthalpy We can measure the change in enthalpy whichis denoted by {AH}. It is obtained by subtracting the enthalpy of reactant (H,),from enthalpy of products (Hy). A ip Hh) Change of tntntey dateeruane Heat coment of rower rats Give two types of enthalpyreactions? ENTHALPY REACTIONS: When The Enthalpy Of Products Is Greater Their The Reactants: i enthalpy of products is greater than the enthalpy of reactants, then the sign of AH will be Pasitiveand over au reaction is endothermic and heat is absorbed. Examples 1 1 3 Mowe) +5 Ox) —9 NOt) AH = +90.25 K.J/mo os) + HO) ——* 60g) + Hyg) SH = +118 K. J/mol. 1 HQ Hoy) +5 Ory) OH = +286 K.J/mol > When The Enthalpy Of Products Is Smaller Than The Reactants: IF Enthalpy of products is smaller than the reactants, then the sign of AH will be negative and overall reaction is exothermic and heat is evolvec Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Examples: + HO 1 Haigy +5 Ont) ‘AH = ~286 K.]/mol S, AH + Ox) — S09) 96.8 K. }/mol. Clg) * 20x15) — COaiq) + 2H20 SH = -890.4 K.]/mol. Te a ee) Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise Examples: 1 Hag) +7 Oacq)——? HQ) AH = —286 K./mol Sig) + 02g) S0,ig) AH = =296.8 K.}/mol. CH egy + 203%) —+ COaiq) + 220) SH = -890.4 K.)/mol Nac) + 3H2¢g) —— 2NHa¢q)_ SH = —89044 K. }/mol. 10.3 MEASUREMENT OF HEAT REACTION. Q.7: Define heat of reaction. How it is measured by calorimeter? Ans: HEAT OF REACTION Definition: The heat absorbed or evolved during thermo chemical/reaction is called heat of reaction, Measurement Of Heat Of Reaction By Calorimeter: The accurate values of AH can be determined by using calorimeter. The simple type of calorimeter is an insulated container fitted with thermometer and stirrer, When reaction proceeds the heat energy evdlved or absorbed will either cool or warm the system for reaction may be calculated by determining the difference in > Temperature. > Mass of reactants, > ‘Specific heat of reaction mixture. Define neutralization reaction and heat of neutralization. Give experiment to determine the heat’6f neutralization for strong base and strong alkali? : NEUTRALIZATION: Definition: The feaction between an acid and base to form a salt and water is called neutralization reaction Heat Or Neutrauzarion: Definition: ‘The amount of heat released during a neutralization reaction in which 1 mole of water is formed is called as the heat of neutralization. oR Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics The amount of heat released when I mole of hydrogen ions (L-ti) from an acid reacts with 1 mole of hydroxide ions (OH) from base to forrh salt and ane mole of water is called heat of neutralization, ExpERIMENT To DETERWINE THE HEAT OF NEUTRALIZATION: Procedure: > Weigh the calorimeter with stirrer. Take 50 cm’ of molar NaOH solution and note its temperature (t,) Take 50 cm’ of molar HCl solution and note its temperature (t,). The tw temperatures will be usually same, but they need not. Pour the HCl solution in 250 ml breaker (Calorimeter) and then add quickly NeQH Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise The amount of heat released when I mole of hydrogen ions (I-t) from an acid reacts with 1 mole of hydroxide fons (OH) from base to form salt and ane mole of water is called heat of neutralization, Experiment To DeTERWINE THE HEAT OF NEUTRALIZATION: Procedure: Weigh the calorimeter with stirrer. Take 50 cm! of molar NaOH solution and note its temperature {t Take 50 cm’ of molar HCl solution and note its temperature (t,). The tw temperatures will be usually same, but they need not. Pour the HOI solution in 250 mi breaker (Calorimeter) and then add quickly NzOH solution being stirred all the time. Note down the highest temperature reached during the redetien. At the end weigh the calorimeter with salt solution. Formula: Heat of neutralization is calculated by the followinig Forrnwla AH = mx Sx (~t) or AH =m xS xt Observations: Mass of calorimeter along. with stirrer 509 Mass of calorimeter along with stieer + salt sol 150g Mass of sat solution (w,- wa) = m= 1009 Specific heat of salt solution 4.25 arc Initial temperature of reactants t; = ts = 20°C Final highest temperature 268°C increaselin temperature ie. ts'C 68°C Then Calculation: Heatof neitralization is given by AH = ms At 4, AH = 100 g x ———— x 6.8°C = 2856] Ty x10 ‘A Amount Of Heat Evolved When I Mole Of NaC! Is Neutralized By HC! ‘The value obtained ie. 28563 is for 50 mls of solution, it must be multiplied by 20 to give the amount of heat evolved, when 1 mole of NaOH is neutralized by HC 5 2856] x 20 = 57120] = 57.12 K.|/mol Result: The heat of neutralization of NaOH by HCl is AH = —57.12 K.] Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise Note: The heat of neutralization for any strong acid with strong base is approximately same. Examples NaOH aq) + HCKaqy—— NAC lian) + Hp) AH = -57.3K. |/mol. KOH aq) + HNOa(aq) > KNO aq) + H20qy AH = -57.3K.]/mol, Result: The heat of neutralization of NaOH by HCI is AH = —$7.12 K.J/mel Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 10 Chemical Energetics Chapterwise Note: The heat of neutralization for any strong acid with strong base-is approximately same. Examples NQOH(aq) + HCliagy NaChag) + 420) 4H = -57.3K.|/mol. aa} KOH aq) + HNOa(aq) ——> KNOaq) + H20q) SH = -S7.3 K.]/mol, 2N@OH aq) + Hag) — NaSO, Iyaqy + 24,0 OH = -(2 x S78) K fmol

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