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Our strange world Session 1

3 Practicing for CAE

Topic vocabulary Word building Writing Language Exam preparation
• Phrasal verbs • Collocations • Situational structures & • Listening: multiple choice /
• Mysteries • Affixation writing functions sentence completion
• Collocations • Word families • Reviews • Conditionals • Speaking: long turn / collaborative
• Word families • Phrasal verbs task
• Information sheets • Collocations • Reading and Use of English: multiple
• Prepositions matching /multiple choice cloze /
gapped text / multiple choice /open
cloze / word formation

The number 5 in this list took place on a highway

Listening: Part 1 − Multiple choice SB p. 56 construction site where they found a rare endangered
spider which made them stop a 15 million dollar-project.
Warmer Number 4 in our list is the discovery of the foundation
of a medieval mansion which apparently never
• Ask: How would you define the word “strange”? existed in Somerset, Wales during the digging in a
What things do you consider strange? Elicit
some answers, then ask: What would you say is construction site.
the strangest thing you have ever seen? While getting ready to build a swimming park, workers
discovered an ancient Mayan ball game court. This
made the construction become an archaeological site.
Topic vocabulary: Strange discoveries
Our number 3 of today.
Discovery number 2 was while building a Marriot Hotel,
1 Students work in pairs to describe the images.
they discovered ancient ruins of Inca walls, so the hotel
They brainstorm ways in which the images
had to be built elsewhere.
might seem strange.
And number 1 of today’s program is the discovery of a
2 U3 Track 1 Students mention briefly if they stash of diamonds!! Yes!! Diamonds were found while
have heard about discoveries which were made having some renovations done in a property in
in a strange way. Then they listen to the audio Fresno, California.
and describe each discovery and which they So, stay with us and enjoy all the information we have
consider to have been the most interesting for you!
one. Answers may vary.
3 Students listen to the U3 Track 1 again and
U3 Track 1 ▶ Transcript ▶ p. 56 answer individually. Then they compare
And today in Our Strange World, your favorite their answers with a partner.
program: Weird Discoveries, Weirder Ways… The
construction industry has grown in leaps and bounds Answer key
over the past centuries. It’s gone through economic (Answers may vary)
booms and downturns, and is now rising to the a. global warming / pollution.
“green” challenge. If everyone helps, we can really b. we can save our planet.
save our planet. However, although the methods c. it won’t be finished on time.
change, the basics remain the same—you either build d. archaeological sites / diamonds.
from scratch on a new piece of property or you break
down whatever is on an existing one and start over.
Sometimes delays happen and deadlines come too fast,
4 Students discuss what they think the workers
and occasionally, unexpected things can put a halt to who made the discoveries might have been
a building project. If there is something that stops it, telling by completing the sentences with their
you will never finish on time. This list names 5 weird opinions. Then they compare their answers
and wonderful things that have delayed or shut down with a partner. Answers will vary.
construction projects around the world.
5 After reading the explanation, students will
check the answers in Activity 4 and correct
if necessary.
Session 1

U3 Track 2 ▶ p. 57
6 Students brainstorm possible answers. Then
they give their own possibilities and share
Man 1: We had to stop work recently on a $15 million
with a partner. Answers may vary.
highway construction project in Texas!
Man 2: Why was that? I mean, it’s a great deal
Answers structure of money!
1. Simple future Man 1: Well, we were digging to begin the
2. Simple present construction when a rare spider was discovered on
3. Simple future the site.
4. If + simple present Man 2: A spider? What kind of a spider? Had you
5. If + simple present seen it before?
Man 1: It was huge and extremely rare! It turned out
to be an endangered species! It was only the second
7 Students tell what the structure of the time a sighting of this species has taken place in
conditional tenses is. Then they fill in the over 30 years! It is a Braken Bat Cave mesh weaver.
activity individually. It is also not a very pretty sight, as it has no eyes!
Man 2: And what did you do?
Man 1: Well, we called our boss and he called the
Answer key police who called a group of scientists! They took
1. will be the spider and asked us to stop. Afterwards, he told
2. want us the now-famous spider was spotted only once
3. will consider before in 1980, not far from the construction site,
4. won’t happen / drive and had a cave named after it. Federal officials now
5. deliver / will not upload have the difficult task of trying to move the project
forward without causing any disruptions to the area
the spider had claimed as its home, since several
8 Students work in groups to tell about holes have been discovered that are similar to the
something they know was discovered in one the spider was living in. Scientists are confident
that more mesh weavers might be found in the same
a weird way. They must use sentences in
area, which is good because the one we did find had
zero and first conditional. Their partners co
to be dissected for verification and study purposes.
evaluate their speaking process.
Man 2: How did the community react?
Man 1: Residents near the site are overjoyed at
Exam practice the find because it will likely delay the highway’s
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the construction for a long time, maybe even put a stop
to it altogether.
information in the Preparation section
Reading and Use of English Part 1 to broaden CONVERSATION 2
students’ knowledge of what is expected Guide: It is no real surprise that Inca walls were
from them in this part of the exam. found during the construction of your hotel in Peru,
but it was still an exciting find. The city of Cuzco
Read the Exam Tip with the class, making
was preparing to welcome a new Grand Hotel when
sure they understand the importance of construction was halted by the discovery of the
reading the full text before answering. ancient ruins.
9 U3 Track 2 Students tell a partner what Tourist: Really? Wow! So they destroyed them to
their reaction would be if they were working build it?
in a construction site and suddenly they Guide: No!!!! The construction was stopped until
they decided what to do. Chronicles from the
made a very weird discovery. Then they
Spanish conquest indicate that the site where the
listen to the conversations twice and answer
hotel would be standing was a farming area, but it
the questions individually. Finally they share has become clear by the discovery of the walls that
to co evaluate. the map of the city will have to be altered. This is
Session 1

because the walls that were found are consistent with

those used by Inca civilizations in their urban areas.
Other than the walls, they also discovered ceramics,
flooring, bones, and coal on the site. It is widely
expected that more historic discoveries will be made
as construction continues. The main architect of the
Grand Hotel has confirmed that the Inca walls will be
strengthened and somehow incorporated into the
new building.
Tourist: I can’t wait to see the final construction!!!
Reporter 1: This is Lindsay Black and Paul Ramsey
reporting from Fresno. If there’s anything that could
make a day better, it would be finding a massive
pile of diamonds on your property. This is more or
less what happened to a property owner in Fresno,
California. Tim Jones bought an old jewelry store and
hired a construction company to do some renovations
for him. During this time, a construction worker came
across a stash of diamonds hidden away behind
some shelving.
Reporter 2: The previous owner of the property,
Casey Stephenson, passed away six years before
the discovery of the diamonds, and the family let the
business go. Stephenson’s daughter has since heard
of the discovery and is trying to claim the diamonds
for herself. A lawyer who specializes in these types of
claims has said that deciding who gets the diamonds
will depend on the property contract and what it
states regarding property that stays behind after a
building is sold.
Reporter 1: And if they have any problem deciding on
what to do with them we will be happy to help! Isn’t
that right Paul?
Reporter 2: Sure Lindsay! We’re such good persons!

Answer key
1. B 2. C 3. B
4. C 5. A 6. C
Session 2

Speaking: Part 2 − Long turn SB p. 58 4 Students check the meanings of the phrasal
verbs in Activity 3. Then they answer the
Warmer activity with a partner. Afterwards they
compare their answers with the rest of
• Students define weird phenomena written the students.
on the board. They tell what they consider a
weird phenomenon is and where you could
find one. Answer key
1. When tornadoes go up into the air they look
1 • Students label the images without asking very scary.
what the meanings are. Then they share
2. Sometimes when cold currents of air collide
their answers with their partners.
with hot ones, a rare atmospheric event
can occur.
Answer key
3. Wind speeds up marine currents inland.
1. bioluminescence
4. Rare phenomena take place all over the world
2. supercell
and make it a very interesting site to live in.
3. rainbow
5. Rare fire balls coming down mountains are
4. clouds
brought on as a result of atmospheric changes.
5. waterspout
6. Sometimes rare phenomena photos turn out
to be fake.

2 Students work in small groups to talk about

what they know about the images on this
5 Students review the meaning of the phrasal
page, what similar characteristics they
verbs in Activity 4 in order to use them
think the phenomena have and where they
afterwards. Then they write sentences about
happen. If they have little or no information,
weird natural phenomena using them on
they tell what they imagine the images show.
separate pieces of paper. They share their
The focus must be on fluent communication.
sentences with other teams who evaluate
their usage.
3 Students read the extracts individually. Then
6 Students describe what they see in the
they deduce the meanings using the context.
pictures and where they think these
They compare their answers with their
phenomena might take place. Then they
partners to improve the results.
choose a partner to work with and answer
the questions in the activity.
Answer key
1. gone over – talked or thought about something 1. Students read the options to label the
in order to explain it. different pictures and then they try to
2. made to – created connect them by using the words they
3. gone on – happened already know.
4. brought on – appeared
5. speed up – accelerated 1. Finnish Lapland
6. collide with – crash 2. Frost flowers
7. takes place – happen 3. Ball lightning
8. goes up – elevate 4. Volcanic lightning
9. come from – direct here from 5. Aurora
10. turn out – result
2. Students tell the class what they consider
a weird natural phenomena is and their
reasons for saying so. Then they work with
Session 2

a partner to decide which of the pictures on the

page show weird natural phenomena and why. They
mingle afterwards to share their answers.

3-5. Students write their opinions on how often they

think the phenomena on the pictures take place and
what kind of persons witness them. They also write
about how they think they were discovered and
how they think the discoverers felt when they did.
Then they talk about their written opinions in small
groups and get to a group conclusion, which they
share with the whole class using visual aids they
make on the board or on exposition paper.

7 Students discuss the sentences in the activity telling

if they agree or not, giving reasons for their answer.
The students’ opinion of the sentences is the means
by which they develop fluency and use the structure
and topic of the lesson.

Exam practice
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information in
the Preparation section Speaking Part 2 to broaden
students’ knowledge of what is expected from them
in this part of the exam.

8 Read the Exam Tip with the class, making sure

they understand the importance of preparing
what they are asked to share in oral participation.

Students get organized in small groups and then

they prepare the task. They should first write
down the main ideas and develop the report they
are going to deliver orally. They rehearse what
they are going to say and they perform the task
for the rest of the class sharing the time between
both participants. They must be aware both of
them need to speak more or less the same time
and foster the other’s participation.
Session 3

Reading and Use of English: Part 7 −

Multiple matching SB p. 60 Answer Key
1. were
2. had invented
Warmer 3. could visit
• Students mime a funny situation or image 4. could not have reported
they saw on a social network which might be
known for the others. The rest of the class
guesses what they are trying to say. As a Exam practice
conclusion have the group decide the reason
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the
why those situations are popular. information in the Preparation section,
Reading and Use of English Part 7 to
1 Students talk about the information they broaden students’ knowledge of what is
can find in newspapers telling if they think expected from them in this part of the exam.
everything they find in them is real and why
they think so. They work in pairs to decide 6 Students read the text and answer the
if the headlines they are reading are true or questions. They first read for general
fake giving reasons for their opinion. comprehension. Then they read for
specific comprehension.
2 Students begin imagining what they would
do in unreal situations. They read the
situations given. Then they choose one Answer key
possible reaction they would have from the 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 D
ones given. Then they tell other possible 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 B
reactions they would have, different from
the suggested ones. They take notes of their
answers. Answers will vary.

3 Students work in pairs to share their

answers of Activity 2. Then they share them
with the rest of the class.

4 Students go through the explanation of

conditional tenses. Then they read the
sentences they built on Activity 2 and
classify them according to the studied rules.
Then they check if the sentences are correct
according to the rules.

5 Students explain each other how to form the

second and third conditionals and give some
examples. They select the best option for the
given sentences and give reasons for their
elections. They share their answers and co
evaluate. They decide on what rule is being
followed in each one.
Session 4

Use of English: Part 1 − Multiple choice Answer key

cloze SB p. 60 a. Answers will vary
b. Speaker 2
Warmer Speaker 1
Speaker 3
• Students describe the weirdest place they have c. Answers will vary
seen or read about that they would like to visit.
d. Answers will vary
They tell a partner about it and they make a
drawing of the description they listened to. They
compare their drawings with the memory one has. 3 Students define the underlined words paying
attention to the context.
1 Students look at the photos in the page and
Answer key
discuss in small groups the answers to the given
questions. They are aware of the need they have • full responsibility – having all on oneself
to be able to establish a conversation telling • happy about – glad to
their point of view and letting the others do too. • barely sees – hardly thinks is possible
Answers will vary. • agree with – think in the same way as

2 U3 Track 3 Students listen to some persons 4 Students work in small teams to match the
talking about visiting the places in the pictures. words as they consider. Then they check with
The first time they listen, they tell their others and co evaluate.
opinions. The second time, they answer the
given questions. Answer key
a. throw a party
U3 Track 3 ▶ p. 62
b. square meal
Speaker 1: I reckon visiting Meteora would be the best c. window frame
experience in my life ever. I’m a big fan of open places
d. guilty of
mainly if they represent a challenge for me. Something
e. totally agree
I always enjoy is visiting uncommon places. It gives me
f. completely useless
the sensation to be a different and interesting person
myself. When I saw the advertising of the place I became g. strongly suggest
crazy to be there. I can’t think of a more appealing place! h. take vigorous exercise
The only disadvantage I can see is that it is a bit far from
home! I think flying to Greece won’t be as cheap, mainly
5 Students work in pairs to analyse the
parting from Puerto Rico, where I live!
information about collocations. Then they
Speaker 2: Visiting a desert is something that scares
me so much! I’ve seen these films where they’re classify the phrases in Activity 4 into their
travelling in the middle of a desert and suddenly their different categories.
car breaks down many kilometers away from anywhere!
It would definitely be one of my worst nightmares! Verb + noun Throw a party
Anyway I need to confess I feel attracted by scary
Adjective + noun Square meal
events, so even though it scares me so, I might go there
one day… This Uyuni Salad Desert in Bolivia is what I Verb + adjective + Take vigorous
would say is a horrible appealing scene! noun exercise
Speaker 3: Dracula!!! Mmmm I don’t really believe in the Totally agree
supernatural and visiting Romania… mmmm not sure… Adverb + verb
Strongly suggest
they say it’s sooo cold and lonely… Anyway the castle
looks great and people get very excited about being in Adverb + adjective Completely useless
the actual Bran Castle… I’m not sure, probably I would Adjective +
go elsewhere if I had the money… Guilty of
Noun + noun Window frame
Session 4

6 Students work in pairs. Then they write more

Answer key
examples and use them in descriptions about
1. A - up to
weird places to visit. Answers will vary.
2. C - attractions
3. A - make
Other collocations 4. C - people
Take a risk 5. D - at
Verb + noun Give an advice 6. A - of
7. D - masks
Have a holiday
8. C - amazed
Annual turnover
Adjective + noun Time waste
Next few days
Verb + adjective + Have a good time
noun Spend some time
Rarely feel
Adverb + verb
Always insist
Very interesting
Very much
Adverb + adjective
Adjective +
Right on time
Noun + noun school
School bus

Exam practice
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the
information in the Preparation section
Reading and Use of English Part 1 to broaden
students’ knowledge of what is expected from
them in this part of the exam.

7 Students choose the best option to fill in the

blanks in the activity individually. Then
they share their answers with a partner to
co evaluate.
Session 5

They fill in the table individually with

Writing: Part 2 − Situational writing SB p. 64 information about two science fiction books
they have read. They share their information
Warmer in order to complete what they might have
• Students work in pairs to write notes on forgotten. They complement the information
experiences they have had or have heard with an online search.
about extraterrestrial life. They make
drawings of how aliens might be if they exist. 5 Students choose one of the two books they
Then they share with the rest of the class. remembered in Activity 4, in order to write
about it. Then they build a sequence map
1 Students get in pairs and discuss the answers in their notebooks with the most important
to the given questions according to their facts of the book they chose. The sequence
opinions. Answers will vary and contribute to map must include at least the following
provide ideas for further use. information:

2 Students tell how they think the ancient • the main theme or themes of the story
pyramids around the world were built and • the most / least interesting characters
if they think they could have been built by • the most interesting relationship in the
story and how it develops
human beings or not and why. They read the
text on the right side and mention what they • the key moment in the story
think the main idea is. Then they answer the • how satisfying the ending is
questions individually and share with the rest • the significance of the place, time and title
of the story
of the class. Final answers should be written
and will be used in the next activity. Answers
When they have already built the map they
will vary.
tell about it to a partner. They share the most
attractive information in their opinions.
Answers key
1. one might think they could have had help from Exam practice
a different-from-human civilization. • Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the
2. they might have had strange experiences about information in the Preparation section
alien visitors. Writing Part 2 to broaden students’
3. we could witness aliens presence as a fact. knowledge of what is expected from them in
4. you would have to collect and analyse evidence. this part of the exam.

6 Students review what the main characteristics

3 Students analyse the structure of the mixed in a review are. Then they go through the
conditionals individually. Then they explain different writing steps in order to write the
others what they understood. Afterwards in review they have been asked to do:
pairs they check the answers they gave in the
last activity and analyse if they are correct or • First they plan what they are going to
need improvement. write, taking Activity 5 as a basis.
• Then they proceed into writing a first
4 Students look at the images and discuss draft in 220 – 260 words in an appropriate
whether they like reading or not and what style. They understand the importance of
kind of books they prefer. Then they tell keeping their ideas within a certain number
what, in their opinion, are the three main of words.
characteristics in a book that would make it • They share with a partner.
attractive for a teenager. • They improve it taking into consideration
the opinions they got.
Session 6

Listening: Part 2 − Sentence completion groups. Masculinity and femininity describe the
SB p. 66
distribution of roles between the genders; for
example, assertive and competitive vs caring and
nurturing. Uncertainty avoidance deals with a
• The group divides into two different society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity,
subgroups. Each new group chooses what
and long-term and short-term orientation
nationality they would like to represent. Then
illustrate the focus and values of a culture.
they introduce themselves and a secretary
registers the differences. They analyse why TEXT 2
different nationalities have things in common Social Networking and Smart Phones
and others that separate them. Over the course of the past two years, “Fourth
screen” technology — smartphones, tablets, etc.—
1 Students look at the images and tell each has changed social networking and the way we
other what they think they express. communicate with one another entirely. What
used to sit on our desks now conveniently fits in
They read the information given in two the palm of our hands, allowing us to effortlessly
different texts, and afterwards discuss what
utilize functionality once reserved for multiple
they think the influence of social networking
devices wherever we go.
in the knowledge of different cultures is.
Given the abrupt rise in mobile computing, it’s
2 In this activity the students practice intensive not surprising the most popular social media
reading looking for the prepositions in the platforms of the past several years hinge on
texts of Activity 1. They explain what they the capabilities of smartphones. Photo and
think their usage is. In the explanations video-sharing applications such as Snapchat and
answers will vary, all of them referring to Instagram, the latter of which has now garnered a
the relation between words given by this staggering 20 billion images since the app’s initial
part of speech. inception in October 2010, exist almost entirely
on mobile. The same goes with platforms such
as Foursquare, an application in which users use
Answer key
their smartphones to check in to various locations
around the globe, and various matchmaking
Cultural differences influence communication,
services. Tinder, for instance, currently boasts
behavior, and values. There are differences in
more than 10 million daily users, based on their
the way that people who identify with different
relation to their smartphone.
cultures, based on both national identity and
gender, manage their communicative behaviors
within SNSs (social network sites). These
3 Students analyse the sentences and the
differences can be understood through five prepositions individually. They proceed to
dimensions and the Diffusion of Innovation answer. They compare their answers with a
Theory. The mentioned cultural dimensions partner to co evaluate.
are: power distance, individualism/collectivism,
masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance,
and long-term/short-term orientation. Power Answer key
1. in
distance is the extent to which the less powerful
2. on – in – at
members of organizations and institutions accept
3. in – for – on
and expect that power is distributed unequally.
4. about
Individualism and collectivism refer to the 5. of – in – in
degree to which individuals are integrated into
Session 6

the transition to adulthood, and death, many of which

4 Students read and analyse the given may sound unusual to non-practitioners. Sometime
information about prepositions. Then they people practice some rituals which are adopted as
write sentences about cultural differences a part of religion, sometime they practice cultural
using prepositions in an accurate way. Then traditions which seems bizarre to others. There are
they explain their usage to the class. a lot of traditions that seems really bizarre to the
world where it is not followed, but let’s focus on
some of them.
5 Students tell a partner what a tradition is and Oktoberfest is the world’s largest funfair held annually
which they know and like in their country. Then in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, unmistakably a German
they look at the images and tell the class what tradition. This 16-day festival, running from late
tradition they think they represent and if they September to the first weekend in October, attracts
know something about them. over six million visitors per year who consume about
1,320,860 gallons of beer, 400,000 pork sausages and
480,000 roasted chickens. It started October 12, 1810,
6 Students try to match the words with their at the wedding of Bavaria’s Crown Prince Ludwig to
definitions. Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. Against
tradition, the couple invited Munich’s locals. The events
were held over five days on the fields that today are
Answer key named Theresienwiese after the bride.
cockfighting a. It is a blood sport between two Far from Germany, Beijing Opera is a uniquely Chinese
roosters (cocks), or more accurately gamecocks, form of theatre that relates stories of romance, legend
held in a ring called a cockpit. and battles. There used to be troupes that travelled
puppetry b. It is an ancient form of theatre or China to put on the shows, but today, the best place
performance that involves the manipulation of to enjoy it is in Beijing. Chinese Shadow Puppetry is an
special dolls. ancient form of storytelling which was popular during
sausages c. It is food usually made from ground the Song Dynasty during the holiday season. The
meat with a skin around it. stories of the shadow puppets told of events that had
auspicious d. It is showing or suggesting that future happened elsewhere in the country and stories with a
Buddhist background.
success is likely.
Shadow play or also known as shadow puppetry is an
ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which
uses flat articulated figures (shadow puppets) to create
7 Students get in small teams and they try to cut-out figures which are held between a source of light
answer the questions to get prepared for and a translucent screen. The cut-out shapes of the
the listening activity. Answers may vary. After puppets sometimes include translucent color or other
listening and answering Activity 8, they check types of detailing. Various effects can be achieved
by moving both the puppets and the light source. A
their answers and correct if necessary.
talented puppeteer can make the figures appear to
walk, dance, fight, nod and laugh.
Exam practice
Shadow play is popular in various cultures; currently
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information there are more than 20 countries known to have
in the Preparation section Listening Part 2 shadow show troupes. Shadow play is an old tradition
to broaden students’ knowledge of what is and it has a long history in Southeast Asia; especially in
expected from them in this part of the exam. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. It is also
considered as an ancient art in other parts of Asia such
8 U3 Track 4 Students listen to the lecture and as in China, India and Nepal. It is also known in the West
from Turkey, Greece to France. It is a popular form of
then fill in the gaps.
entertainment for both children and adults in many
countries around the world.
U3 Track 4 ▶ p. 67
Another very interesting country is India. The standard
Every religion and culture has what outsiders consider viewpoint is that most of the Indian beliefs and values
odd traditions, but which seem perfectly acceptable have sprung with an objective to protect themselves
to true believers. Every religion has ceremonies and from evil spirits, but some were based on scientific
practices that mark life’s milestones: birth, marriage, reasoning. With the passing of time, the reasoning
Session 6

part behind the origin of these cultural beliefs and

superstitions got eroded. That is exactly why most Answer key
of these beliefs appear unsubstantiated and false.
1. sausages and roasted chicken
However, in reality, there are many such beliefs in the
2. puppetry / shadow puppetry
Indians culture which are absolutely absurd and have
3. romance, legends and battles
no logic behind them.
4. 20
Leaving one’s home after wedding or for some other
5. superstition (evil spirits protection) and science
important task is a significant occasion. Thus, Indians
(scientific reasoning)
often consult astrological charts to fix an auspicious
6. India
time for this. Again, it is considered lucky to see
7. European
cereals, paddy, cotton or hay before embarking on a
journey. In India, you may also come across or hear
about people who help in interpreting other’s dreams.
Even the daily life of Indians is governed by beliefs
and superstitions. For example, Monday is not an
auspicious day for shaving and Thursday is a bad day
for washing one’s hair.
A full of culture country is Mexico. Mexican culture
encompasses a broad range of fascinating customs
and traditions. Varying cultural influences throughout
history have extended the diverse nature of Mexican
customs, of which origins lie in Aztec rituals, the
Mayan civilization and European conquests.
The Roman Catholic Church is a fundamental part of
many Mexican people’s life, as the family unit is too.
Many religious festivals, parades and celebrations
that are centred on religion are also often
celebrated with family. The celebration known as ‘La
Quinceañera’ is widely practiced in Mexican culture.
Traditionally it involves a thanksgiving mass and a big
party to celebrate the transition from childhood to
A light-hearted, entertaining and emblematic Mexican
custom is the piñata. These papier-mâché containers
filled with fruit and candies are most popular during
‘Las Posadas’ and for children’s birthdays.
Bullfighting is also extremely popular in Mexico, and
considered to be a well-established part of Mexican
culture just as cockfighting, which is staged in
‘Palenques’ all over the country.
The traditions and customs of Mexico are varied and
diverse. Each region has its own distinct celebrations
and cultural practices, and every community has its
idiosyncrasies. Mexican culture has evolved over time
and possesses a unique flavour.
Session 7

Reading and Use of English: Part 7 − 5 Students read the text as a whole. Then they
Gapped text SB p. 68 read the paragraphs that have been extracted.
They analyse the related words and phrases
Warmer between the given text and the paragraphs
• Students tell a partner a famous tale imagining paying attention to clue words, sequence
it had a different beginning. Then they explain words and phrases, prepositions, among
what circumstances made the story change others. Then they choose the best order to
so much. complete the task. They read the full text again
to check if it has sense or should be changed.
1 Finally they share their answers to self-correct
Students discuss in small groups about their
and co evaluate.
opinion on the give questions which guide
the student into deducing what would have
happened if events had been different in the Answer key
past. Then they tell the class. 1. C 2. B 3. D
4. F 5. A 6. E
2 Taking the questions in Activity 1 as a model,
students discuss other “What if …?” questions
about things that could have happened
in a different way. They choose the most
interesting answers in their groups and share it
with the rest of the class.

3 Students read the information about how to

express hypotheses individually. Then they
tell a partner what they understood about it.
They answer the questions in activities 1 and 2,
paying attention to the structure. They share
their answers with the rest of the class to
practice how to do it correctly.

4 Students compare their answers with their

partners’ in order to improve theirs and give
opinions to the others about how to improve.

Exam practice
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information
in the Preparation section Reading and Use of
English Part 7 to broaden students’ knowledge
of what is expected from them in this part of
the exam.
Session 8

Review SB p. 70 5 Students read the text about things some

students have said they would like teachers
Warmer knew. Then they fill in the gaps of the activity
• Students make a collage with images to show a individually. They proofread the sentences
weird place or event. Then they tell the rest of with the answer they selected. They share
the class what they would do if they witnessed it. their answers with a partner and decide if they
answered accurately or improvements must
be done.
1 Students plan the answers they must give paying
attention to structure and content. They plan and
tell three different ideas. Answer key
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D
2 Students tell a partner about weird situations 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A
they have lived or others have told them and
how they felt about it. Afterwards they read all
the situations and label them as it corresponds.

Answer key
1. B 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D

3 Students keep talking with a partner about

situations in which they felt strange. They then
read the most popular answers in a survey about
situations students in other countries have
thought important for their teachers to know
make them feel strange. After reading each one
they give their opinion if they agree with them or
not and why. Then they share their opinions with
the rest of the class.

4 Students take into consideration the opinions

given in Activity 3 in order to plan a text in
which they express their ideas about situations
they feel are weird or they regret having lived
following several steps:

a. They decide which situation they want to talk

about according to which seemed to be the
most interesting one.
b. Then they write a first draft in 100 – 120 words
in an appropriate style.
c. They exchange their drafts with a partner and
take turns to comment each other’s work.
d. Finally they improve their texts with their
partner’s comments.
Session 9

Use of English: Part 5 − Multiple Choice Definitions

SB p. 72 1. investigate
2. inherit a characteristic from a parent or
3. be raised
• Students mimic a mystery movie name in order 4. think about the past
for the others to guess. They then give an 5. mean, be an abbreviation of
opinion about the movie if they have seen it. 6. stopped working because of a mechanical problem
7. become friends again after a quarrel
1 Students get together in small teams and discuss 8. recover from
the given points according to their experiences. 9. invent
Then they tell each other whatever they know 10. postponed
about an unsolved mystery. It may be their
experience or something they heard about.
4 Students use the clues to write sentences about
2 Students share the definitions they already unsolved mysteries in order to practice the
know. They infer the meanings of the words and vocabulary given. Answers will vary.
phrases by reading them into context.
Exam practice
Answer key • Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information
1. decipher — k. convert a code into normal language in the Preparation section Reading and Use of
2. hoax — a. a humorous or malicious trick English Part 5 to broaden students’ knowledge
3. deceased — j. dead of what is expected from them in this part of
4. linen — i. cloth made from flax the exam.
5. replicate — f. make an exact copy of; reproduce
6. recount — h. tell 5 Students read the text thoroughly to understand
7. abduction — l. the action of forcibly taking the general idea. Then they look for the specific
someone away against his or her will information asked in the questions individually.
8. humiliating — e. shameful; embarrassing Finally they share their answers with a partner
9. spark sth — c. provide the stimulus for an event or in order to correct possible mistakes.
10. dwell — b. live in or at a specific place Answer key
11. all in all — d. considering everything; on the whole 1. C 2. B 3. C
12. pinpoint sth — g. find or locate exactly 4. C 5. B 6. C

3 Students read the sentences. They identify the

phrasal verbs in them. They give a definition
for each one. The definitions might be given in
different words for the same idea.

Answer key
1. looked into
2. take after
3. brought up
4. looked back
5. stand for
6. broke down
7. make … up
8. get over
9. made … up
10. put off
Session 10

Use of English: Part 2 − Open cloze SB pp. 74 A: If you will be able to tell us some of the dishes
you find the most appealing, we’ll be very
Warmer pleased.
B: My pleasure. There are plenty, like the fried
• Working in teams, students prepare a small
presentation about food they like and dislike. spider from Cambodia, Balut from Philippines,
They may use real food or drawings. The and Sannakji from South Korea.
rest of the class expresses their opinions A: Oh, it surely seems interesting, we’ll definitely
about their partners’ presentations. have you over again soon!!

1 Students discuss about the given issues 5 Students rewrite the given requests in a
taking into consideration the photographs more formal way and write examples of their
on the page. They share their answers own using the information read in Activity 4.
with the class and express agreement or Answers may vary.
Answer key
2 Students read the beginning of a 1. Should you try Mexican food, you will love it.
conversation. They conclude who they think 2. If you will taste escamoles, you will tell
the speakers are and how the conversation everyone to do it as well.
will continue considering what they say. 3. If a western country inhabitant would go to an
They get in pairs and take turns reading it. eastern one, he / she would definitely have to
eat at least one exotic dish.
3 Students analyse the relation between the 4. Should one doesn’t like sea food, he / she
speakers in the conversation they read in should avoid eating many eastern cuisine
Activity 2. Then they work in pairs to rewrite dishes.
it as if they were participating in it with 5. If our eating habits will influence the way
a friend. Afterwards they share the new we think, we should try a wide variety of
conversation with different partners international food.
and decide how it is different from the
original one.
6 Students analyse the incomplete sentences
by deciding which part of speech they should
4 Students read the information about polite
be using to fill in the blanks. After they
requests and then identify similar structured
decide which word, which is classified within
sentences in the conversation in Activity 2.
the part of speech they decided, is logic to
They share their answers with the class.
complete the sentences. They share the
answers with a partner to improve them.
Answer key
A: Good afternoon, it’s a pleasure to have such
Answer key
an important person today.
1. prep – in
B: I’m absolutely delighted.
2. pron – herself
A: If you could choose a place to live because of
3. adj – every
its gastronomy, what would it be?
4. v – be
B: Should I have to choose, I think I’d definitely
5. pron – which
stay in an eastern country.
6. if
A: Oh! What an interesting reply, Mr. Jenkins, and
7. adj – its
why is that?
8. prep – off
B: If I had to say what my cuisine passion is,
9. v – will
I reckon I’d say it’s the exotic one and the
eastern countries have many examples of it.
Session 10

Exam practice
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information in
the Preparation section Reading and Use of English
Part 2 to broaden students’ knowledge of what is
expected from them in this part of the exam.

7 Students analyse the incomplete sentences by

deciding which part of speech they should be using
to fill in the blanks. After they decide which word,
which is classified within the part of speech they
decided, is logic to complete the sentences.

Answer key
1. to
2. either
3. before
4. translated
5. one
6. airlines
7. most
8. being
9. all
10. inside
Session 11

commonality of the cold, the overall success of

Listening: Part 3 − Multiple choice SB p. 76 modern medicine, and the many attempts to treat
or prevent the cold — there are very few treatments
Warmer that are actually of any benefit. The only certain
treatment is tincture of time.
• Students write on the board different
situations they remember their parents did to Speaker 4: Follow a chart for information about how
make them feel better when they were small. to treat the symptoms of a cold or the flu and how to
Then they decide in teams which of those was know when to see a doctor. Other illnesses may also
cause flu- or cold-like symptoms. Self-care is often
more important in their lives and why.
all that is needed to treat common viral illnesses. Ask
1 Students look at the photos and discuss what Do you have a sore throat and a fever? You may have
each one shows and if they know anything an infection. Go to the doctor.
about them. Did your symptoms start suddenly, and do you have
a combination of symptoms including muscle aches,
2 Students listen to four speakers
U3 Track 5 chills, a sore throat, runny nose or cough? You may
talking about remedies. Then they match the have the flu. Get plenty of rest, and drink lots of
speakers to the intention in their message. fluids. Over-the-counter medicines may relieve some
of your symptoms.
U3 Track 5 ▶ p. 76
Reporter: What can we do when we get a cold? Let’s Answer key
listen to some persons opinions. Speaker 1 a. an advice
Speaker 1: Until you’re feeling better, it may help Speaker 2 d. a scientific fact
to drink plenty of fluids to replace those lost from Speaker 3 c. an anecdote
sweating and having a runny nose, get plenty of Speaker 4 b. a decision
rest, eat healthily — a low-fat, high-fibre diet is
recommended, including plenty of fresh fruit and
3 Students take into consideration the texts
vegetables… mmm… You may lose your appetite
they just listened in order to give a definition
when you have a cold. This is perfectly normal and
should only last a few days. Don’t force yourself to
to each item.
eat if you’re not feeling hungry.
Speaker 2: You can calculate how far away to stand Answer key
from someone who’s sick. When a sick person coughs, • An advice: an opinion or recommendation
sneezes or talks, they expel virus-containing droplets offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.
into the air. These respiratory droplets can travel up • A decision: the thought process of selecting a
to six feet to another person. A recent study found logical choice from the available options.
that the largest visible distance over which a sneeze • An anecdote: a short and amusing but serious
travels is 0.6 meters, which is almost two feet. It account, which may depict a real / fake incident
did so at 4.5 meters per second, about 15 feet per
or character.
second. A breath travels the same distance but much
• A scientific fact: any observation that has been
slower, at 1.4 meters—4.5 feet—per second. Moral of
the story: remain six feet from infected people, and
repeatedly confirmed and accepted as true.
move quickly when they gear up to sneeze.
Speaker 3: For the last week I have had a cold. I 4 Students order the sentences, underline
usually get one each winter. I have two kids in school the prepositions and explain their use.
and they bring home a lot of viruses. I also work in a Explanations about use will vary.
hospital, which tends (for some reason) to have lots
of sick people. Although this year I think I caught my
cold while traveling. I’m almost over it now, but it’s Answer key
certainly a miserable interlude to my normal routine. 1. I tried to drink hot coffee with lemon, but I got
One thing we can say for certain about the a stomachache.
common cold — it’s common. It is therefore no 2. My mum thinks you shouldn’t go out when you
surprise that there are lots of cold remedies, folk are sick.
remedies, pharmaceuticals, and “alternative” 3. Drinking hot tea with some alcohol in it is said
treatments. Finding a “cure for the common cold” to be healthy.
has also become a journalistic cliché — despite the
Session 11

4. Our grandma says we ought not to eat fresh fruit Her recommendation: “Soak a pair of socks in cold
while being sick. water, put them on your feet and cover them with a
5. It is good to exercise for your respiratory system pair of wool or thermal socks. Go to bed and keep your
health. feet in a warm blanket.” According to Dr. Solomonian,
cold socks stimulate the body to increase circulation to
the feet, relieving congestion from the head, regulating
5 Students read the information about immune response and aiding in the elimination of waste.
prepositions and check their answers to By morning, socks are usually bone dry and feet wake up
Activity 4. toasty and warm.
Ruby Langdon: Mmm... not sure about that Tommy!
6 Students write a text about weird remedies. They But what about this one: Many persons recommend
may get the information from their experience or drinking chocolate to recover from a bad cold. As
the school staff. wonderful as this remedy sounds, there’s a catch:
sugar-sweetened and milk chocolate don’t apply. “Try
Exam practice hot, dark chocolate and sweeten it lightly with honey,”
recommends Dr. Dugoua.
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information “Chocolate contains theobromine, a component that
in the Preparation section Listening Part 3 to
suppresses the nerve activity responsible for coughing
broaden students’ knowledge of what is expected and has been found to be three times more effective in
from them in this part of the exam. stopping persistent coughs than codeine.” Sugar, on the
other hand, can weaken immunity, so it’s best to avoid it
7 U3 Track 6Students listen to the text and look all together when you have a cold.
for specific information. They must read the Tommy Sharp: This is a good one: eat onions and
questions before listening in order to know what oysters! Onions can help you fight a cold for two reasons.
to look for. Firstly, they are naturally antimicrobial, especially when
they haven’t been cooked. “They also contain a lot of
U3 Track 6 ▶ p. 77 sulfur, which is helpful for both immune responsiveness
and detoxification,” explains Dr. Solomonian. Try using
Ruby Langdon: So, to begin talking about very unusual
raw onions in a homemade cough syrup, or swap some
remedies for a cold… Let’s see, what do you think,
of its antimicrobial benefits for taste by cooking it in a
Tommy… can playing jazz boost immunity? Can cold, wet
chicken or vegetable broth — another tried and tested
socks relieve congestion? Some swear it can, by using
home remedy. Oysters can do more than just taste good.
some of these methods. Next time you feel a cold coming
Their high zinc content also makes them beneficial when
on, ditch the over-the-counter meds and try these
you’re out with a cold. “Zinc is responsible for white
unusual remedies.
blood cell function, which is associated with fighting
Research has shown that listening to jazz for 30 minutes viruses and bacteria,” says Dr. Dugoua. “Oysters are the
boosts our levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA), an immune best source of zinc, followed by beef shank and crab.”
protein that plays a critical role in defending against Zinc is also important for the health of mucus
infection. “IgA resides in the mucosa — the lining of membranes, our barrier between our internal and
the nose, mouth, throat and other areas of the body. external environment, continues Dr. Solomonian. For
It acts as an antibody and prevents virus, bacteria and vegetarians, she suggests eating whole grains, snacking
other microorganism infection,” explains Jean-Jacques on nuts like pumpkin seeds or taking a supplement.
Dugoua, a naturopathic doctor (ND) and director of Sucking on a zinc lozenge can help too.
clinical pharmacology and naturopathic medicine for
Ruby Langdon: Ok Tommy! And if none of these
work, have a glass of coconut water. “Hydrating
Furthermore, adds Dr. Dugoua, the effect of jazz on IgA is important when you have a cold and are losing
levels continues for an additional half hour after music fluids, especially when you have a fever,” explains Dr.
stops playing. Bluegrass, choral music and soft rock have Dugoua. But to achieve proper hydration the human
also been shown to induce a similar response, meaning body requires electrolytes, which balance out our
that this kind of music fans are lucky too. blood chemistry. “Coconut water is a good source of
Tommy Sharp: That sounds amazing, Ruby! The next electrolytes,” says Dr. Dugoua, who notes that salt,
remedy may sound counterproductive, but according bananas and electrolyte replacement drinks used in
to Leslie Solomonian, assistant professor at the College sports also replenish our electrolyte reserves.
of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, wearing cold Tommy Sharp: So interesting, Ruby! I think I’ll try them!!
wet socks to bed when coming down with a cold can
mimic the effects of immune-enhancing hydrotherapy
treatments. Answer key
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. B
Session 12

Use of English: Part 4 − Key word 5 Students go through the definition of the
transformation SB p. 78 given words. They describe the law they think
is being illustrated in each image using them.
Warmer Answers will vary.

• Students go through the school rules with Exam practice

a partner and tell whether they agree
with them or not and why. Then they share • Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the
information in the Preparation section
their conclusions with the rest of the class.
Reading and Use of English Part 4 to broaden
students’ knowledge of what is expected from
1 Students use the knowledge they have them in this part of the exam.
about the world in order to discuss the given
questions about laws in groups. They share
6 Students use the words in parentheses to
their opinions with the class.
write sentences which mean the same as
the first ones. They need to be careful not to
2 Students go through the text in order to give change the sense of the sentence and to use
each different idea a subject. They share their the given word which they may not change.
answers with a partner. Some answers may
vary if given proper arguments.
Answer key
1. it is not permitted
Answer key 2. when requiring to get
1. technical skills 3. you may be punished for
2. mood 4. it is illegal that anyone over
3. national identity 5. you must remember
4. safety 6. it is compulsory for dog owners
5. national identity
6. health
7. pollution
8. safety
9. safety
10. family

3 Students write one sentence as a maximum

for each weird law. Then they may illustrate

4 Students go through the given information

about obligation. They complete the
sentences using the words given.

Answer key
1. you should
2. may
3. citizens to smile
4. not allowed
5. must measure under
Session 13

Reading and Use of English: Part 6 − Exam practice

Cross text multiple matching SB p. 80 • Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information
in the Preparation section Reading and Use of
English Part 6 to broaden students’ knowledge
Warmer of what it is expected from them in this part of
• Students describe a special talent they have. the exam.
Random students show their talent to the
others. They decide who has the most unique 4 Students read four extracts and answer the
talent in the class. questions. First they read to get the general
idea. They select the extract to answer
1 Students look at the photos and discuss about each question.
talents with a partner. They decide whether
the talents are inherited or developed. Answer key
1. A, B, C, D
2. B
2 Students match the words to have a logical
3. D
meaning. They share their answers with a
4. A
partner and improve them if necessary.

Answer key
a. better known
b. gone wrong
c. turn out
d. head off
e. believe their eyes
f. hook up
g. record breaker
h. show off
i. make it through
j. speed things along

3 Students work in teams to match the words in

Activity 2 with their definitions. They can get
guidance in the text on the next page.

Answer key
1. Trust one’s sight – BELIEVE THEIR EYES
2. To depart or set out – HEAD OFF
3. To end up; result – TURN OUT
4. That did not work in conformity with fact or truth;
opposite of what it should have been - GONE
5. More familiar or renowned than – BETTER KNOWN
6. To connect or attach something to something else
7. To display or behave in an ostentatious or
conspicuous way – SHOW OFF
8. To perform – MAKE IT THROUGH
9. Someone in the top of the list in a category –
10. Accelerate a process – SPEED THINGS ALONG
Session 14

weighs just one to seven grams, but it’s packed with

Use of English: Part 4 − Key word a lot of different technology,” he told Fortune. “It has
transformation SB p. 82 to deliver a burst of flavour, a lot of sweetness, and
a lot of tartness if it’s a fruit gum.” Our team figures
out how to combine all those. “Some days, I don’t
Warmer blow any bubbles. Other days I have to blow a lot. It
• Students plan a speech about the ideal job depends on what stage we are in the project.” Kiefer
for the future. They present it in small groups has to get the flavour just right, which isn’t easy with
comparing their ideas with the ones they some combos like strawberry and lime - which he
says don’t complement each other that well. Kiefer
used to have when they were children.
started out as a chemical engineer and was working
mainly with detergent and soaps. “But with gum
1 Students discuss the given questions about there are just so many flavours! I find the job
ordinary and uncommon jobs. very stimulating. I’ve had only one cavity since
I started here.”
2 U3 Track 7 Students listen to a text about 4. Fountain Pen Doctor
the most unusual jobs and give their opinions Don’t you just hate it when your fountain pen
breaks? It’s the worst. Luckily there’s a man whose
about each one.
sole job it is to fix fountain pens. Richard Binder,
U3 Track 7 ▶ p. 82 59, of Richard Binder Fountain Pens in Nashua,
New Hampshire, has been “pen doctoring full-time”
Think your job is boring? Well, it probably is since leaving his software engineer job in 2002. He
compared to some of these odd professions. receives broken pens from everywhere — Argentina,
We’ve rounded up some of the weirdest jobs out Japan, South Africa. He often has 600 pens waiting
there. Some are awesome, some are dangerous and to be fixed at any one time. “More than half of my
some are just disgusting. work, really, is nib work,” Binder told Fortune. “The
1. Pet Food Tester heart of a fountain pen is the nib, the point through
Yes, it’s a thing, and yes, it’s totally gross. But as the which the ink flows. If the nib is no good, it doesn’t
owner of pet food company Huds and Toke, Mark matter how fancy the rest of it is, it’s not a good pen.
Gooley, says, “If you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, Nibs can be scratchy if they’re worn or misaligned.
don’t you dare expect your dog to eat it.” Mr. Gooley People often want them adjusted for more or less ink
eats dog food for a living. He eats everything from flow, or customised for calligraphy. “My gross income
doggie treats and chewy bones to liver mixture. “I’m is less than when I was a software engineer, but I’m
looking for palatability. I want it to be soft in the happier. I just got a handwritten thank you from
mouth and I want it to be an enjoyable experience for a gentleman in the Philippines. Basically I get my
the dog,” he told PerthNow. pleasure from making people happy with their pens.”
“The dog might not be able to tell me ‘that tastes What a nice guy.
terrible’, so I have to taste it,” he said. And if it 5. Chicken Sexer
doesn’t pass the taste test, it’s back to the drawing Don’t worry. It sounds way worse than it actually
board. “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like being is. When chicks are born they all cuddle together in
a mad scientist. People look at me blankly and say, masses trying to stay warm. But these cute young
‘I just don’t get it’. But I wouldn’t do anything else.” things need to be separated according to their sex.
Someone’s got to do it, I guess. It’s a sad end for male chicks - most are sent off for
2. Face Feeler culling because they’re irrelevant for egg production.
Ever wondered how shaving brands and beauty But the female chicks are primed for their future
companies can claim their products give you the careers as egg-layers. Brutal, but true.
smoothest skin? 6. Waterslide Tester
Well, one lucky person has verified it for them. A face This is my personal favourite. Monday morning
feeler tests how soft and smooth a person’s skin is definitely seems a lot more enticing if you get to
after using a product, to prove how well it works. So spend your working week slipping down water
all day, they just sidle up to beautiful test models and slides. Especially come summer. And water slides
feel their faces. Nice. are usually placed in massive theme parks. Imagine
3. Gumologist getting to spend your lunch break on a rollercoaster,
A lot of hard work goes into creating the perfect and eating a hot dog for lunch. Working holiday, am
piece of chewy. Just ask Jesse Kiefer, who works as a I right?
Gumologist for Cadbury Schweppes. “A piece of gum
Session 14

7. Teddy Bear Repair Technician

Kids get really emotional about their toys. Remember Answer key
when your favourite toy lost an arm, or suffered a 1. To test pet food quality.
similar life-threatening injury? It was devastating. But 2. Smooth skin.
now there’s a special technician who can come to the 3. How sweet the product is.
rescue. The Build-A-Bear Workshops have a Teddy Bear 4. It will be able to lay eggs.
Repair Technician who is hired to repair those much- 5. If they are worn or not aligned.
loved teddy bears and get them back to their cuddly,
6. On a rollercoaster.
intact, lovable selves.
7. Teddy bear technician.
8. IMAX Screen Cleaner
8. He developed a new cleaning technique.
Those giant cinema screens are total germ-bait.
9. Babysitting cups.
It’s a business model just waiting to happen. And
Michael Quaranto, of Houston’s 1570 Cinema Services, 10. Snake poison.
capitalised on it big time. The airline pilot got together
with his best mate, Andrew Brown, and on their 14 days 4 Students build mind maps with word families
off a month, they travel around the country and clean
parting form the given words on Activity 3.
IMAX screens. “Theatres that carry concessions often
Answers will vary.
have Gummi bears or soda thrown at the screen. We
also find spit wads,” Quaranto told Fortune. “The biggest
problem is that they get dusty. The most dust we’ve 5 Students read the information about affixation
ever seen was a quarter-inch thick. “We usually have to and decide whether the words they included in
empty the vacuum cleaner at least two or three times
the mind maps were transformed by suffix or
during the process. We’re covered in dust by the end of
prefix addition.
the night”. So next time you go to the movies, make sure
you take a good look at that super-clean screen.
9. Cup Keeper 6 Students use the information they learned
This job takes babysitting to a whole new level. The about affixes to underline the ones that
Stanley Cup is awarded to the championship team in transform the given words and explain their
the US / Canada’s National Hockey League competition. usage. In the usage explanations answers
But there’s only one cup, and each year’s winning teams will vary.
are engraved on it. Due to the trophy’s huge price tag, it
must be chaperoned at all times while it’s away from its
permanent home at the Hockey Hall of Fame. A “Keeper Answer key
of the Cup” is paid to accompany the trophy during its 1. dependence
travels and make sure it doesn’t go astray. 2. dependent
10. Snake Milker 3. independent
Snake venom is powerful stuff. It can be turned into 4. dependant
drugs to treat all kinds of conditions, including a 5. independently
poisonous snake bite. 6. dependability
But some brave soul needs to collect that venom by 7. dependable
hand. They gently expose the snake’s fang and squeeze 8. interdependent
out the deadly juices. “The only difference between 9. dependence
me and any other company in the world that produces 10. independence
something is that the means of production here can kill
you... and wants to,” Alabama snake milker Ken Darnell
told NPR. 7 In pairs, students form word families with the
given ones. They share their answers and
3 Students listen again to the U3 Track 7 and complement them.
answer the questions with a word from the box.
Answers will vary.
8 Students read the text and decide which part of
speech should be used in each one.
Session 14

Answer key
1. verb 2. adjective 3. noun 4. verb
5. noun 6. adjective 7. verb 8. Noun

9 Students fill in the gaps in the text in Activity 8.

Answers may vary.

Answer key
1. had 2. special 3. group 4. made
5. election 6. fellow 7. solved 8. workers

Exam practice
• Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information in
the Preparation section Reading and Use of English
Part 4 to broaden students’ knowledge of what is
expected from them in this part of the exam.

10 Students fill in the blanks with a form of the

given word.

Answer key
Session 15

Speaking: Part 3 − Collaborative task SB p. 84 5 Students look at the photos. They discuss
who they are, what they know about them
Warmer and why they are special.
• Students make a drawing about what they would
like an adventure to be like. They tell a partner
6 Students work in small groups to talk about a
about it. They discuss on why it is different for
topic they feel strongly about. It may be one of
each one.
the proposed ones or any other they choose.
Then they share their main ideas with the class.
1 Students discuss about what they think an
extraordinary person is and why.
Exam practice
2 Students read quotes from people considered • Go to http://bit.ly/1lNcQ3j, read the information
extraordinary by many others. They discuss in the Preparation section Speaking Part 3
their meanings and tell if they agree or not to broaden students’ knowledge of what is
with them. They will also tell if they know a expected from them in this part of the exam.
person they consider as extraordinary as the
mentioned people and why. 7 Students discuss the answers for the given
questions in two minutes. They produce fast and
3 Students choose the best option that completes logical sentences. Answers will vary.
the given sentences about extraordinary people.
Then they share their answers with a partner
8 Students prepare a one minute speech on what
for correction.
an extraordinary person is. They include the
main ideas and some details that support
Answer key their ideas.
1. treat people with
2. taught me how to
3. made sushi out of
4. answers to
5. learn
6. build it up
7. set off / keep on
8. lift up

4 Students read the given information in pairs.

They build verbs with the correct preposition.

Answer key
1. Talk – about / back / for
2. Turn – against / around / at / back / down / in /
3. Bring – about / back / down / in
4. Look – around / at / back / down / for / into / out /
5. Do – back / for / in
Session 16

Speaker 2: One of my most special vacations ever

Consolidation ▶ SB ▶ p. 86
was probably one when I had to visit a very small
Warmer village that had no more than 500 inhabitants. We
were stuck in the middle of an expedition and the
• Students tell each other what they learned in guide told us there was no other solution but to
the last sessions, what was more difficult and stay there overnight. None of us wanted to do so,
what they think is more interesting. because, of course, there were no hotels, not even
a hostel, nonetheless we accepted. When we got to
1 Students read the given text to understand the village we were overwhelmed because of the
the main ideas. They select the words they way they treated us! They had never received
think they could gap making sure to choose tourists over, so we became their special guests!
It was such a good experience, that we stayed for
different parts of speech. They share their
a whole week! I absolutely adored it!
gapped texts with other students and fill
Speaker 3: We went to this incredible place, a place
them in.
which has one of the largest mosques in the whole
North Africa. We went in and then some boys came
2 Students complete the sentences with the and, er, they wanted to show us around. Well, we
correct form of the given word. They use weren’t so sure, but they did anyway. After that, they
asked us to come to a carpet museum and they said,
the knowledge they acquired about word
really, you have to see – it’s wonderful, there are old
Tunisian carpets. So we decided to go with them.
And guess what! The museum turned out to be a
Answer key carpet shop, owned by the father of one of the boys.
1. led And of course, he wanted to sell us a carpet. We
2. shattered actually didn’t want to buy one, because we didn’t
3. popularity have enough space in our backpacks, but finally he
4. boyhood managed to persuade us to buy one. So my friend,
5. done yeah, she bought one. To thank us for that, the boy
guided us around the town and we ended up going
6. claiming
down these really narrow alleyways and we had no
7. unpolite
idea where we were because this whole city was like
a maze. Then we came to a house and we realized
it was the house of one of the boys and we were
3 U3 Track 8 Students talk about interesting invited in by his family, we had tea, food and lots of
people and their characteristics. They listen fun. It was a great experience!
to different speakers. They match them with Speaker 4: Well I guess one of my worst
the headings for their speech. experiences was when I had to sleep almost hugging
other 10 strangers. Yes! It was in a hiking trip in the
U3 Track 8 ▶ p. 86 mountains. All the members of the expedition were
amateurs, including me, but the brochure, and the
Speaker 1: Well this was one of the funniest
guide, said there was no risk at all. We began hiking
anecdotes ever. It was also one of the most
and for some hours everything went fine. But after
embarrassing ones I have lived. Once I had to travel
some difficult climbing, there was this horrible cliff
between two cities and I was going by bus. This travel
and after some tripping, all our supplies, blankets
would take forever, because the cities were really
and clothes fell off!!! Yes!!! We were there in the
far away. So, after some hours, the bus stopped and
middle of nowhere, at dusk, extremely cold and with
everyone hurried down to the convenience store.
nothing!!! So the guide called for help, which by the
Since we parked, I could see there was this funny
way took hours to get to where we were. So, cold,
lady entering the convenience store and she had
tired and not knowing each other, we had to go to
quite a look that made her look weirder. Well, I got
sleep holding each other in order not to freeze!!
off the bus and went directly to the store and forgot
about the lady. I went to the restroom and one of the Speaker 5: They have always said that dolphins are
doors was slightly open. So I opened the door to get some of the most intelligent creatures ever. There
in and to my surprise there was the woman!!! I was is this place in the coast of the Caribbean where
petrified when she shouted! Anyway it was all just a you can swim among them but having the funniest
local joke. The lady was not really a lady, but a stunt, feeling. I know there are many places where you can
and everything was a show for the store’s publicity!! have this experience, but in this place, you can really
Session 16

feel they are laughing and having lots of fun. Even when you
enter the water and you see in their eyes, you can sense
they are laughing at you!

Answer key
Speaker 1 - C No way to get to know a lady
Speaker 2 - F Strangers are not so strange
Speaker 3 - B Exchanging cultures
Speaker 4 - D Sharing experiences strengthens
Speaker 5 - G Sharing the delights of the environment

4 Students look at the posters and decide who they

were made for and what is the main message in
them. They share their ideas with the class.

5 Students talk about posters they have seen or built

and what their characteristics must be. They decide
on which of the given characteristics are not likely
to appear in one.

Answer key
rhetorical questions
long sentences
headings and subheadings

6 Students design an information sheet to invite

people for an event. They present it to the class
explaining its content.

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