Determination of Elemental Sulfur Deposition Rates For Different Natural Gas Compositions

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 135 (2015) 461–465

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Determination of elemental sulfur deposition rates for different natural

gas compositions
J.P.L. Santos a, A.K.C. Lima Lobato b, C. Moraes c, L.C.L. Santos d,n
Federal University of Sergipe, Petroleum Engineering Core, Av. Marechal Rondon, S/N, Jardim Rosa Elze, CEP: 49100-000 São Cristóvão/SE, Brazil
Federal University of Bahia, Postgraduate Program of Chemical Engineering, R. Prof. Aristides Novis, 2, 2º andar, Federação, CEP 40210-630 Salvador/BA,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Department of Chemical Engineering, Av. Horário Macedo, 2030, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941-909, Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
Federal University of Bahia, Department of Materials Science and Technology, R. Prof. Aristides Novis, 2, 3º andar, Federação, CEP 40210-630, Salvador/BA,

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural gas is increasing its share in the worldwide energy market. However, it poses several problems
Received 26 April 2015 during transportation. The formation and deposition of elemental sulfur (S8) in pipelines is the issue that
Received in revised form has the greatest impact on both operational safety and maintenance costs. The formation of S8 as a
28 September 2015
yellow powder may be influenced by changes in operational conditions, such as pressure and tem-
Accepted 8 October 2015
Available online 14 October 2015
perature drops, and by the composition of the natural gas stream. This study aims to examine the
contribution of the nucleation phenomenon to the process of S8 formation and deposition. Simulations
Keywords: were performed using the HYSYSs V7 process simulator, with the Peng-Robinson equation of state, and a
Natural Gas MATLAB routine was devised to calculate the variables affecting the nucleation rate. The influence of
natural gas composition on the nucleation rate was evaluated using thermophysical data of average gas
Elemental sulfur
streams from fields of the Brazilian states of Ceará/Rio Grande do Norte (CE/RN), Espírito Santo (ES), Rio
Nucleation de Janeiro (RJ) and Bahia (Fazenda Mamoeiro Field, FSP). The results show that gas composition and
operational conditions may influence the amount of sulfur deposited in the pipelines, and the nucleation
rate increases by reducing the temperature.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction resulting in low production or even shutdowns (Zhou et al., 2013).

Taylor and Kimtantas (2014) reported that solid elemental
Natural gas is increasing its share in the worldwide energy sulfur deposits can accumulate and cause flow constriction,
market because of industrial growth. Therefore, concerns about thereby reducing the separation capacity of the equipment. They
environmental risks and safety issues during its transportation can plug instrumentation connections, cause poor process control,
and distribution must be taken into account. Several problems and require additional maintenance costs. Chesnoy and Pack
may occur during natural gas transportation, particularly the for- (1997) have shown that elemental sulfur deposition onto mea-
mation and deposition of elemental sulfur (S8) in pipelines, which surement instruments may cause errors of up to 2%, or even higher
has high impact on both operational safety and maintenance costs. in some cases, on the readings of transported gas volumes.
Deposition of S8 in pipelines is an increasingly observed and Pack et al. (2013) discovered that trace amounts of sulfur vapor
studied phenomenon. Santos et al. (2013) stated that the forma- in the gas stream could create elemental sulfur deposits in the gas
tion and deposition of sulfur in pipelines can cause serious con- stream during local depressurization, as occurs in metering de-
sequences for the production, processing, operation and trans- vices, through the process of desublimation, and hence adversely
portation of gas. Pipe blockage caused by sulfur deposition and impact the flow measurement accuracy.
corrosion caused by perforated pipes and damaged equipment According to Pack (2005) and Cézac et al. (2008), nucleation is
failure can seriously affect the normal operation of the field, the most probable mechanism to promote sulfur deposition in
natural gas pipelines. According to these authors, the process of
sulfur formation and deposition basically comprises three nu-
Corresponding author. Fax: þ 55 71 3283 9835.
E-mail addresses: (J.P.L. Santos),
cleation steps, namely particle formation, coagulation and/or (A.K.C. Lima Lobato), (C. Moraes), condensation (particle growth), and deposition. (L.C.L. Santos). Zhu et al. (2011) concluded that temperature is the dominant
0920-4105/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
462 J.P.L. Santos et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 135 (2015) 461–465

parameter affecting condensate formation, whereas pressure is the small nuclei grow and disperse, until they reach a certain size
dominant parameter for desublimation. In general, natural gas (critical nucleus) that enables the continuous growth of crystals.
transportation systems operate with high flow rates, low tem- The nucleation process is a microscopic phenomenon that involves
perature drops (due to thermal insulation) and high pressure from tens to thousands of molecules, so it is difficult to observe it
drops (because of turbulent flow). Unless there is a sudden local experimentally in pipelines.
temperature drop in the system, pressure variation seems to be an Zhu et al. (2011) showed that the precipitation of elemental
important parameter to describe the deposition mechanism. Thus, sulfur does not occur immediately at the point in the pipeline
the mechanism of elemental sulfur deposition via nucleation and where the gas stream flows. At this point, the initial concentration
desublimation seems to be more probable. of sulfur in the vapor phase reaches the maximum solubility in
Studies by Pack et al. (2012) validated by actual data on the natural gas. A limit of this barrier, which is controlled by the Gibbs
deposition locations of elemental sulfur in pipelines show that free energy, has to be overcome to form a critical nucleus, based on
flow dynamics in pipelines with “T” junctions may be an im- the Classical Nucleation Theory. The nucleation rate can be ob-
portant parameter affecting preferential deposition in specific lo- tained from the combination of Eq. (1)–(5) according to Turk
cations such as valves. (2000):
The problem has become more evident as natural gas con-
( −ΔG )
sumption has increased, and has created significant operation and J = Ke kBT (1)
maintenance problems, resulting in high costs for the industry.
Thus, the understanding of the problem and the consequent where J is the nucleation rate (cm  3 s  1); K is the pre-exponential
search for a solution are very important for the operation of nat- factor (cm  3 s  1); ΔG is Gibbs free energy (J); kB is the Boltzmann
ural gas transportation systems. Solving the problem can help to constant (J/K); and T is the temperature (K).
reduce maintenance costs and lessen the need for internal The Gibbs free energy is a state function which depends only on
equipment inspections. the initial and final states. Enthalpy and entropy values of the in-
Nucleation has been mentioned as one of the factors that may itial and final states can be obtained from HYSYSs, together with
contribute to sulfur formation and deposition (Pack, 2005; Cézac information on natural gas composition, pressure and tempera-
et al., 2008). However, studies on the nucleation process are still ture. Using these values calculated for the gas streams from the
just beginning, and more research is needed. Therefore, in- desired fields, the variation of the Gibbs energy can be obtained
vestigating the mechanism of elemental sulfur formation is part of from Eq. (2):
the objective of this work, and the aim is to better understand the ΔG = ΔH − T ΔS (2)
contribution of the nucleation phenomenon to the process of S8
formation and deposition. where ΔG is the change in Gibbs free energy (kJ/kg); ΔH is the
change in enthalpy (kJ/kg); ΔS is the change in entropy (kJ/kg K).
The pre-exponential factor of Eq. (1) is given by:
2. Methodology 2σ 1
K = θαcvsN2[ ]2
kBT (3)
The simulations in this work were performed using the HYSYSs
V7 process simulator, using the Peng-Robinson equation of state, where ϴ is the non-isothermal factor (¼1 for diluted mixtures);
and a MATLABs program version R2010a was used to determine αc is the condensation factor (m/s); vs is the solute's molecular
the nucleation rate. The methodology used for the simulations in volume (m³); N is the number of condensable molecules (cm  3);
the HYSYSs was the same used by Pack (2005). Information about and s is the solute's interfacial tension (N/m).
the operational conditions of the Fazenda Mamoeiro Field, which The solute's molecular volume can be calculated for each point
belongs to the Field-School Project (FSP) of the Federal University as a function of temperature, according to Eq. (4):
of Bahia, allowed the simulations to be performed using actual
parameters, such as natural gas composition, operating pressure vs = T
and temperature conditions. The influence of natural gas compo-
[M (3 − 2( T ))0.31NA] (4)
sition on the homogenous nucleation rate was evaluated using
where M is the molar volume of sulfur (mol/m³); NA is Avogadro's
thermmophysical data of average gas streams produced in the
number (mol  1); and Tb is the bubble point temperature (K).
fields of the Brazilian states of Ceará/Rio Grande do Norte (CE/RN),
The number of condensable molecules is calculated by Eq. (5):
Espírito Santo (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Bahia (Fazenda Ma-
moeiro Field, FSP), as shown in Table 1. N = ρM yE NA (5)
Nucleation in natural gas transport is the process by which
where ρM is the density of the mixture (mol/cm³); and yE is the
Table 1 solute's molar fraction under the extraction conditions.
Composition of natural gas samples used in the simulations The interfacial tension of sulfur can be expressed by Eq. (6)
according to Zhu et al. (2011):
Composition (% vol) CE/RN ES RJ FSP
Methane 74.53 88.16 79.69 69.79 σ = Pc2/3Tc1/3[0.1207(1 + ) − 0.281](1 − Tr )1.222
1 − Tbr (6)
Ethane 10.40 4.80 9.89 14.33
Propane 5.43 2.75 5.90 6.24
where Pc is the critical pressure (MPa); Tc is the critical tempera-
i-Butane 0 0 0 1.15
Butane 2.81 1.55 2.13 1.83
ture (K); Tbr is the reduced bubble point temperature; and Tr is the
Pentane 1.30 0.44 0.77 1.14 reduced temperature.
C6 þ 1.40 0.44 0.44 0.49 The mass of sulfur that can be deposited through the nuclea-
Nitrogen 1.39 1.62 0.80 3.19 tion/desublimation process at a certain point, based on the rate of
CO2 2.74 0.24 0.50 1.51
nuclei formation, can be obtained using Eq. (7) according to Pack
O2 0 0 0 0.33
H2S (mg/m³) 1.50 7.50 6.70 7.60 (2005):
m = n. MM (7)
Source: Vaz et al. (2008), modified.
J.P.L. Santos et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 135 (2015) 461–465 463

this correlation. According to Alami et al. (2012), the Hasbah field

in Saudi Arabia has a pressure at the choke of 1700 psia
(11617 kPa), which is the same as in the FSP.
In addition, it is noted that the choke pressure drop before the
restriction is very small in the Hasbah field, which is similar to the
FSP. Given that pressure and temperature conditions from the
choke onwards for the two fields are very close and that there is
no information on the sulfur concentration in the gas stream for
the FSP, in this study it was assumed that the maximum amount of
sulfur in the gas at the wellhead is 0.5 ppm (equal to the Hasbah
field), and it is 0.01 ppm for the conditions upstream of the se-
parator's regulating valve. When the mixture that is leaving the
Fig. 1. Fazenda Mamoeiro Field (FSP).
choke reaches the restriction, it becomes supersaturated with
sulfur and desublimates. This implies that the amount of desu-
blimated sulfur is determined by the difference between the
where m is the mass of the substance (kg); n is the number of amount of sulfur in the gas stream (0.5 ppm) and the sulfur sa-
moles; and MM is the substance's molecular mass (kg/kmol). turation condition at the restriction (0.01 ppm). Thus, there is a
A MATLABs program was developed to solve Eq. (1)–(6) in desublimation of 0.49 ppm of sulfur.
each pipeline segment of the gas stream flows. Because there is no A MATLABs routine was used to calculate the variables in-
natural gas pipeline from the Fazenda Mamoeiro field to deliver volved in the nucleation rate. Using this routine, it was possible to
the produced gas to the customers, the line from the wellhead to calculate the value of each variable as a function of pressure and
the pressure-restricting valve in the separator (points A and B of temperature for each segment of the line with 3 in I.D. and 35
Fig. 1, respectively) was considered as a transportation pipeline for meters length, from the wellhead to the separator. In this case, a
the calculation of the nucleation rate. The steel pipeline has an I.D. temperature vector with 100 points was dimensioned so that the
of 0.0762 meter, 35 meters length and absolute roughness of other variables were calculated from it. The input parameters used
0.000183 meter. to solve Eq. (1)–(6) are shown in Table 2.
The field produces oil and gas at a flow rate of 7 m³/day and It was possible to obtain a nucleation rate profile along the
7000 m³/day, respectively. Because multi-phase flow would affect pipeline using data from Table 2 together with the routine de-
the nucleation rate calculation, only gas flows in the pipeline were veloped to solve Eq. (1)–(6). This nucleation profile for the set of
considered. This consideration is not rough and can be confirmed line segments (from the wellhead to the separator) is shown in
by determining the hold-up of liquid (λl), which is the pipe area Fig. 2.
fraction occupied by the liquid phase. The fraction of the pipe Fig. 2 shows the behavior of the nucleation rate along the gas
occupied by the liquid phase can be determined by Eq. (8) ac- flow pipeline of the Fazenda Mamoeiro field. The solubility con-
cording to Shoham (2006): ditions of sulfur in the gas stream are changed as temperature falls
qL along the line. At high temperatures (for example, 350 K), the
λl = sulfur solubility in natural gas (0.5 ppm) is close to maximum in
qL + qG (8)
the gas stream. Therefore, most sulfur remains solubilized. This
where qL is the liquid flow rate (m³/day); and qG is the gas flow means that nucleation rates are lower at high temperatures, re-
rate (m³/day). sulting in low amounts of deposited elemental sulfur. However, as
By inserting the oil and gas flows produced by the FSP in Eq. the temperature falls because of cooling during gas flow, the so-
(8), the results show that the fraction of the area of the pipe oc- lubility of the mixture is modified, and the gas stream starts to be
cupied by the liquid phase is about 0.1%. Therefore, 99.9% of the supersaturated in sulfur. Therefore, the amount of sulfur that may
pipe area is occupied by the gas phase. desublimate increases, which results in an increase in the particle
The variables were calculated by the computational routine for formation rate, as shown in Fig. 2.
each pressure and temperature along the pipeline: pre-ex- It is noteworthy that the segment selected to determine the
ponential factor, density of the mixture, volume of solute, number nucleation profile has no restrictions in the line that could result in
of condensable molecules, reduced temperature, interfacial ten- low pressure and temperatures. This explains the occurrence of a
sion and, consequently, nucleation rate for each condition. Because
the pressure drop along the pipeline causes temperature reduc- Table 2
tion, a linear relationship between pressure and temperature Input parameters of the MATLABs routine used to calculate the nucleation rate
along the pipeline was assumed in the calculations for simplifi- profile of the Fazenda Mamoeiro field (FSP).

cation purposes. Input parameters Values

Variation of Gibbs free energy (J)  738.3  10  23
Boltzmann constant (J/K) 1.38  10  23
Pressure at the wellhead (kPa) 11617.6
3. Results and discussion
Pressure upstream of the separator (kPa) 10928.2
Temperature at the wellhead (K) 350
Using Eq. (1), it is possible to calculate the nucleation rate at a Temperature upstream of the separator (K) 305
certain point in the pipeline. Contrary to the methodology adopted Sulfur molar fraction under extraction conditions 4.9  10  7
by Pack (2005), who calculated the nucleation rate only at the (dimensionless)
Avogadro's number (mol  1) 6.023  1023
point in the pipeline where the pressure of the gas stream is re- Sulfur critical temperature (K) 1314
duced, a nucleation rate profile of the analyzed pipeline segment Sulfur bubble temperature (K) 717.7
was determined in this study, and the segment was subdivided Sulfur critical pressure (MPa) 11.75
into multiple parts. Since there is no information on the percen- Sulfur molar volume (mol/m³) 6.45  104
Non-isothermal factor (dimensionless) 1
tage of sulfur in the gas stream of the Fazenda Mamoeiro field
Condensation factor (m/s) 0.1
(FSP), fields with similar characteristics were studied to determine
464 J.P.L. Santos et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 135 (2015) 461–465

1.40E+09 Gas Processing Unit (NGPU) with pressure and temperature simi-
lar to those of the plant that receives the gas produced at the
1.20E+09 Hasbah field, that is, 800psia (5414.4 kPa) and 35 °F (275 K).
The nucleation rate obtained by running the MATLABs routine
for the conditions downstream of the restriction was
1.03  1013 cm  3 s  1. This value is in accordance with Pack (2005),
J (cm-3s-1)

within an order of magnitude of the 1013 cm  3 s  1 value given by
the author for restrictions. The sulfur mass that would be de-
posited for this nucleation rate was calculated using the afore-
mentioned procedure. It is noteworthy that the amount of sulfur
that could desublimate at this point was considered equal to
2.00E+08 0.0099 ppm, as reported by Alami et al. (2012). The nucleation rate
translates to 4.77  1023 nuclei per day. The sulfur mass deposited
0.00E+00 downstream of the valve, determined by Eq. (7), is as follows:
300 310 320 330 340 350
Temperature (K) m = (4.77 × 1023/6.023 × 1023) × 32.06 = 9.7 kg/year

Fig. 2. Nucleation rate profile as a function of temperature along the pipeline in the This value is on the same order of magnitude as that of Pack
Fazenda Mamoeiro Field (FSP). (2005), who estimated 1.075 kg/year of sulfur deposited down-
stream of a certain point for a gas stream with 0.009 ppm of sulfur.
low nucleation rate along the studied line. However, very low It has to be mentioned that the author found a lower mass for a
temperatures may occur in pressure-reduced conditions, for ex- similar sulfur concentration (0.009 ppm) because pressure and
ample in restrictions, and nucleation rates may reach much higher temperature conditions were different. The author considered a
values in those cases. This can be observed in the behavior of the temperature of 288.65 K at the reduction stage, whereas this study
curve in Fig. 2, which increases exponentially to very high nu- uses a value of 275 K.
cleation rates at very low temperatures, as in the case of pressure The values obtained for the line and the restriction confirm
reductions. According to Pack (2005), nucleation rates may reach previous results showing that a higher amount of deposited sulfur
values on the order of 1013 cm  3 s  1 in restrictions, which ex- is found downstream of the restriction points. More particle–
plains why these places have larger amounts of elemental sulfur particle collisions occur at these locations, enabling a higher de-
deposited downstream of valves. gree of agglutination and larger particle sizes. This is enhanced by
The mass of sulfur deposited along the pipeline can be esti- the effect of a pressure and temperature drop that makes the
mated from the nucleation rate profile. Thus, the calculated values stream supersaturated with sulfur. Differences in nucleation at
for the 100 points along the pipeline were used to estimate the different pressure and temperature conditions make it easier to
average nucleation rate. The average nucleation rate was understand why some points show visible deposition of elemental
6.26  108 cm  3 s  1 for a 35-meter section of pipeline. Using the sulfur and others do not.
average nucleation rate, the line's operational conditions, the gas The nucleation rates in the pipeline and the restrictions enable
production flow rate of the Fazenda Mamoeiro field and the gas to assess the effect of pressure and temperature on the deposition
composition given in Table 1, the rate is 1.49  1022 nuclei/day. phenomenon. However, as previously discussed, the composition
Using the molecular mass of sulfur (32.06 kg/kmol) in Eq. (7), the of the gas stream is another parameter that may influence sulfur
mass of sulfur deposited in the pipeline is deposition in pipelines. Thus, the same operational conditions of
pressure, temperature, production flow rate and amount of sulfur
m = (1.49x1022 /6.023x1023) × 32.06 = 0.291 kg/year in the FSP gas stream were used to calculate the nucleation rate
The amount of sulfur deposited in the pipeline is small com- profiles of the gas streams of the CE/RN, ES and RJ fields, whose
pared to the values that can be deposited downstream of the re- compositions are shown in Table 1. The only variable that has to be
strictions. However, the small amount of deposited sulfur can be modified in the routine for each field is the change in Gibbs free
explained by two factors. First, the very short extension of the line energy; the other variables are calculated as functions of tem-
(35 m) resulted in a small pressure drop, which reduces the pos- perature. The comparative results showing the influence of natural
sibility of sulfur supersaturation in the gas stream. Second, the gas composition on the nucleation rate profile are shown in Fig. 3.
nucleation rate was calculated for a pipe segment with no re- Fig. 3 shows that the composition of the gas stream influences
strictions; therefore, gas was able to flow in a wider space with the homogenous nucleation rate profile, even though the different
less turbulent conditions. The number of molecules that collide streams have the same operational conditions. Nucleation rates
inside the pipeline is low under such conditions, and the particles are very similar for all compositions at high temperatures, when
formed are very small and can be transported together with the sulfur concentration is close to the maximum solubility in the gas
gas stream for longer distances, with little deposition in the pi- stream. However, the curves are separated when the temperature
peline. The objective of this calculation was to demonstrate that is reduced because of the cooling effect of the pipeline. Thus, the
the amount of sulfur deposited in unrestricted pipeline sections is influence of the gas composition becomes more significant at very
actually very small, and does not cause a significant loss of flow low temperatures, as can occur in restrictions. A comparison of the
area. However, even small amounts of sulfur deposited along the curves for gas streams from the ES and CE/RN fields, which have
pipeline may cause corrosion problems and affect transportation very different compositions, shows that, at low temperatures, the
operational safety. nucleation rates of the gas from the ES field grow exponentially
As previously discussed, the more serious problems of ele- and reach much higher values than those of the gas stream from
mental sulfur deposition occur downstream of restrictions in pi- the CE/RN field.
pelines. In these places, the gas stream may reach very low pres- The differences between the curves can be explained by the
sures and temperatures because of the Joule-Thompson effect. To tendency of the gas stream to form droplets at low temperatures.
evaluate the effect on nucleation rate at these locations, a situation When the gas stream has a higher fraction of heavy components
was considered in which the FSP gas was delivered to a Natural (C3 þ), as in the case of the CE/RN field, the probability of forming
J.P.L. Santos et al. / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 135 (2015) 461–465 465

1.80E+09 is important to comprehend and solve real problems because

ES gas stream the results showed that higher deposition rates occur at the
point of low pressures and temperatures. The deposition along
RJ gas stream
1.40E+09 the line is very small, which shows that the deposition is more
FSP gas stream localized and concentrated at pressure breakpoints.
J (cm-3s-1)

CE/RN gas stream


8.00E+08 Acknowledgments

The authors thank the Bahia Research Foundation (Fundação de
4.00E+08 Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPESB) for financing the
Project, grant number APP 0008/2011, and the Graduate Studies
Program in Chemical Engineering (Programa de Pós-Graduação em
0.00E+00 Engenharia Química) of the Federal University of Bahia (Uni-
300 310 320 330 340 350
versidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA).
Temperature (K)
Fig. 3. Influence of gas stream composition on the nucleation rate profile.
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