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1. B After being elected to the presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt 16. A The Immigration acts of the mid-1920s, described by some as
surrounded himself with the best and brightest advisors, which draconian in nature, started a decline in European
he referred to as the brain trust. [USSRG:44,2,1] immigration to the United States. [USSRG:8,1,2]
2. D In order to account for inflation in wages, the United Auto 17. C The first issue addressed by President Roosevelt after taking
Workers bargained with General Motors until the Treaty of office was the bank crisis. The day after his inauguration, he
Detroit was created to include a cost of living allowance in called for a national banking holiday until he could push
employee wages every year. [USSRG:92,1,1] through the Emergency Banking Act. [USSRG:45,2,1]
3. C The Home Owners Loan Corporations advised lenders not to 18. A After putting himself through high school and Stanford
make loans to neighborhoods marked with red on their maps, University, Herbert Hoover earned a fortune as a mining
which represented a high risk for defaulted loans. [USSRG:66,1,2] engineer overseas. [USSRG:34,1,1]
4. B As a part of his Great Society welfare program, President 19. D President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court-packing plan was
Johnson introduced Medicare as a healthcare plan for the included in the Judicial Procedures Reform Act, which did not
elderly that was to be housed within Social Security. pass through Congress successfully. [USSRG:70,2,1]
20. D The Smoot-Hawley Tariff was passed by Congress in an
5. A At the onset of the Depression, engineers and architects were attempt to protect domestic industries from foreign
the first professional occupations to suffer due to cutbacks in competition after the stock market crash of 1929. [USSRG:20,2,2]
construction and related capital. [USSRG:16,1,2]
21. E The Bonus Army, or the Bonus Expeditionary Force, marched
6. B The term G-Men, a shortened version of "government men," on Washington D.C. in 1932 to protest the decision to
was used by the public for the agents of the newly created withhold Veteran’s bonuses until the due date in 1945.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. [USSRG:33,1,1] [USSRG:36,1,2]

7. C The Federal Reserve System is made up of twelve district 22. B Desptie discovering her husband’s affair with Lucy Mercer in
banks that serve as lenders of last resort to other banks in time 1919, Eleanor Roosevelt remained devoted to him as a
of need. [USSRG:14,1,2] political partner and friend. [USSRG:41,1,2]
8. D During the Great Depression, couples refrained from marriage 23. C Outlawed by President Hoover’s Norris-LaGuardia Act of
and thus the birthrate decreased by 14% from 1929 to 1932. 1932, yellow-dog contracts were used by companies to force
new employees to abstain from joining unions. [USSRG:8,2,2]
9. A The allied nations’ economic conference of 1944 was held in 24. E The growing public resentment of extensive welfare spending
the small town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The and the endless demands of special interest groups led to local
conference decided to place the American dollar as the taxpayer revolts in the 1970s. [USSRG:97,2,1]
principal currency for world reserves and exchanges, thus
25. E The recovery of American production and unemployment to
insuring American economic dominance in the years to come.
[USSRG:88,1,1] pre-Depression levels was brought on by World War II.
10. D The Scottsboro boys were a group of nine African American
26. C The Mississippi Flood of 1927 served as a sneak peek at the
youths that got in a fight with a group of young white boys on
ability of future President Hoover to respond to a national
a train, and were hastily sentenced to death by an all-white
crisis and highlighted the plight of poor southern blacks.
jury. [USSRG:28,2,2] [USSRG:28,1,2]
11. C In order to halt rampant overproduction, the Agricultural 27. E Due to its relative isolation from the global economy and lack
Adjustment Act and other similar legislation called for of reliance on trade with other countries, the Soviet Union
immediate reduction in cultivation that led to the destruction actually thrived during the 1930s. [USSRG:22,1,2]
of millions of acres of crops and millions of livestock. 28. E President Truman’s Fair Deal expanded on the ideals of the
New Deal, and thus borrowed from its name to convey
12. C The idea held by President Roosevelt and his advisors that
Truman’s desire to continue the wave of reform that President
excess crop cultivation was lowering prices is known as
Roosevelt began. [USSRG:86,1,1]
overproduction. [USSRG:49,2,1]
29. B The National Recovery Agency was declared unconstitutional
13. C The idea of “trickle-down economics” is fundamental to the
by the Supreme Court as a result of the case of Schechter v.
supply side economics that motivated President Reagan’s tax
United States. [USSRG:58,1,2]
breaks in the 1980s. [USSRG:98,1,2]
30. E After a failed vice-presidential run in 1920, Franklin D.
14. A The introduction of hi-tech agricultural technology began a
Roosevelt ran for Governor of New York under the urging of
large decline in the agricultural labor force that continues to
presidential candidate Al Smith. [USSRG:43,1,1-2]
the present day, with less than three percent of the American
labor force working in agriculture. [USSRG:96,1,1] 31. E President Hoover, a man dedicated to the idea of self-reliance
and voluntarism, opposed government relief and strongly
15. E While on a family vacation in 1921, Franklin D. Roosevelt
advocated for private donations to charities and church
was stricken by the viral disease known as poliomyelitis, or
groups. [USSRG:34,2,2]
simply polio. [USSRG:40,2,2]

32. D Southern Democrats of the New Deal era were often known as 48. D The area of farmland in the central United States that was
Dixiecrats for their devotion to the status quo of the South. destroyed by soil erosion and dust storms was known as the
Dust Bowl. [USSRG:26,1,1]
33. E The FDIC, which was created to insure accounts with deposits 49. D The three presidents preceding Franklin D. Roosevelt –
up to $2,500, is officially known as the Federal Deposit Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover –
Insurance Corporation. [USSRG:47,1,2] all belonged to the Republican Party. [USSRG:39,1,1]
34. C The Depression did little to dampen the public’s enthusiasm 50. A President Roosevelt often addressed the public through radio
for radio entertainment, leading to a drastic increase in radio broadcasts known as fireside chats. [USSRG:41,2,2]
ownership during the 1930s. [USSRG:31,2,3]
35. B In the 1970s, the term stagflation was invented to describe the
economic situation created by a lack of growth coupled with
inflation. [USSRG:97,1,2]
36. E In an effort to protect high school and college students from
dropping out of school or becoming radicalized by fascist
propaganda, the Works Progress Administration created the
National Youth Administration under the leadership of Mary
McLeod. [USSRG:62,2,3]
37. D The Works Progress Administration and other New Deal
initiatives that came before it, such as the CCC, CWA, and
PWA, were created to bring relief to the American people
through government employment opportunities. [USSRG:61,2,2;

38. A The Tennessee Valley Authority was extremely successful in

protecting against flooding, providing relief, and bringing
electricity to those in need. [USSRG:50,1,2]
39. C The G.I. Bill gave many hundreds of thousands of veterans a
chance to enter the middle class by providing healthcare,
education, and loans. [USSRG:92,1,3]
40. A Known for his nationally syndicated radio show Father
Charles Edward Coughlin ranted against the evils of
communism and blamed the Great Depression on an
international banking conspiracy. [USSRG:56,1,1]
41. C The Republican Party chose Alfred Landon to run against the
incumbent President Roosevelt, who won in a landslide.

42. E In his inaugural speech in front of capitol hill, President

Roosevelt revealed his desire to free America from the grips of
fear, as fear itself is the only thing to fear, and return the
American people to prosperity. [USSRG:38,1,1]
43. D Emboldened by the successful passing of the Emergency
Banking Act through Congress, President Roosevelt appointed
Harry Hopkins as the head of the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration. [USSRG:45,2,4]
44. C Huey P. Long, nicknamed the Kingfish, was a populist
politician that gained fame as the Governor of Louisiana and
then pushed for national redistribution of wealth. [USSRG:55,2,2]
45. C The famous economist John Maynard Keynes was known
primarily for his belief that deficit spending by the government
could stimulate demand enough to bring a country out of
depression. [USSRG:73,2,1]
46. A Temporary workers known as scabs were often hired by
companies to take the place of striking workers in order to end
the strike. [USSRG:60,2,2]
47. D In early 1933, Giuseppe Zangara fired five shots at then
President-elect Roosevelt, but missed and instead fatally
wounded Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak. [USSRG:39,2,1]
1. A The downturn of October 1937, which began with a stock 17. B The practice of buying on margin, which was popularized in
market crash that was eerily similar to the crash of 1929, was the 1920s, involved a person using a stockbroker’s loan to buy
called the Roosevelt Recession. [USSRG:72,2,1] stocks, and then repaying the loan with part of the dividends
2. E The creation of pension plans gave the American public the from the gains of the stock. [USSRG:11,2,1]
resources to invest their savings in the stock market for the first 18. A The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, was created at the
time, which led to a major expansion of the stock market and 1944 economic conference at Bretton Woods in order to
mutual funds. [USSRG:94,1,4] stabilize the global currency exchange system. [USSRG:89,1,1]
3. A During and after the Depression the Democratic Party 19. C The great stock market crash of 1929 began on October 24th
welcomed many new Mexican American members who felt with the beginning of high volume panic selling, and was
alienated by the rich white community. [USSRG:75,1,2] continued on the 28th and 29th when the market lost about
4. D After enduring the hardships of World War I, the majority of 25% of the average stock value. [USSRG:12,1,2]
Americans favored isolationist policies designed to minimalize 20. E The “Four Freedoms” enumerated by President Roosevelt did
interactions between the United States and the outside world. not include the freedom from harm, although this too was a
major priority for the president. [USSRG:89,1,4]
5. C Nations that are on a gold standard back up the value of their 21. E The continuous cycle of newer industries replacing outdated
currency with gold. [USSRG:10,1,1] ones is known as creative destruction, a term coined by
6. C The “four horsemen of the apocalypse” were four Supreme Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter. [USSRG:9,1,2]
Court Justices during the New Deal era that stood against 22. C Due to its focus on richer voters, the straw poll conducted by
government regulation of industry and commerce. Justice te Literary Digest on the eve of the 1936 election predicted
Cardozo was not a member of this group, and was often victory for the Republican Alfred Landon. [USSRG:69,1,1]
considered a proponent of judicial restraint. [USSRG:58,1,1]
23. E After being denied entry into Cuba, the 930 Jewish passengers
7. C The black opera singer Marian Anderson performed a large of the S.S. St. Louis were denied asylum in the United States.
concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial arranged by [USSRG:79,1,2]
Eleanor Roosevelt and the NAACP. [USSRG:73,2,2] 24. B In 1919 Eleanor Roosevelt discovered her husband’s secret
8. A Social Security was first created during the second New Deal, affair with Lucy Mercer, which continued in an on-and-off
and still provides old age insurance to retired American fashion until his death in 1945. [USSRG:41,1,2]
workers. [USSRG:66,2,2] 25. A Harry S. Truman was a politician in Missouri before rising to
9. B The large slums that were created around many major cities national prominence as Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Vice
were known commonly during the Depression as President. [USSRG:85,2,1]
“Hoovervilles.” [USSRG:23,1,2] 26. C Many stock traders on Wall Street during the 1920s would
10. E In lieu of real dollars, many small towns began printing and artificially raise the prices of stocks by trading them back and
using local scrip as legal tender. [USSRG:17,2,2] forth in a scheme known as “pools.” [USSRG:11,2,2]
11. C The drug thalidomide caused a wave of birth defects that 27. A President Roosevelt’s popular radio broadcasts were called
brought about the Kefauver-Harris amendment to the Food fireside chats due to the relaxed, conversational nature of the
Drug and Cosmetic act, which demanded more rigorous President’s speeches. [USSRG:41,2,2]
testing of drug safety. [USSRG:87,1,3] 28. B The New Deal established the role of the federal government
12. E The phenomenon of buying on credit that began in the 1920s in times of crisis to one of intervention and proactive measures
was based on the concept of “buy now, pay later.” [USSRG:7,1,3] to regain stability. [USSRG:83,1,2]
13. A The Dawes Plan restructured post-World War I debt by 29. C The main route for westward migration to California during
loaning money to Germany to pay reparations to France and the Depression was Route 66. [USSRG:26,1,1]
England, who, in turn, used this money to pay back loans to 30. C The Good Neighbor policy of President Roosevelt promised
the United States. [USSRG:9,2,1] nonintervention in the internal and external affairs of Latin
14. E President Roosevelt used the Interstate Commerce Clause of American countries. [USSRG:78,1,2]
the Constitution to justify the regulation of business and 31. E From 1924 to 1938 the total membership of women in labor
finance in the New Deal. [USSRG:70,1,2] unions quadrupled, showing a clear increase in female
15. C The Indian Reorganization Act marked a clear departure from participation. [USSRG:76,1,1]
the forced assimilation of Native Americans into American 32. E Government unemployment relief programs such as the
society that was part of the Dawes Act of 1887. [USSRG:76,1,3] Works Progress Administration were designed to create
16. D After the failure of more liberal and politically active unions of temporary, low-paying jobs as employers of last resort.
the nineteenth century, the American Federation of Labor
stayed more conservative and focused on the goal of increasing 33. C The series of three Neutrality Acts that were passed during the
wages and decreasing working hours. [USSRG:52,1,2] 1930s limited American involvement in World War II.

34. A Although the use of tax cuts was central to Kennedy’s

economic policy, he based these cuts on Keynesian fiscal policy
and not on supply-side economics. [USSRG:90,2,2]
35. E The Federal Housing Administration expanded home
ownership by decreasing requisite down payments and
expanding loan periods to enable smaller monthly payments.

36. A The Civilian Conservation Corps was an important New Deal

organization that sought to create jobs for American workers,
mostly focused on public beautification and conservation.

37. E The Bank of the United States, the home bank of thousands of
Jewish immigrants, closed in December of 1930 due to the
massive depletion of cash holdings caused by the bank panic.

38. D President Roosevelt’s quarantine doctrine was based on the

idea of isolating the aggressor nations of the world as one
would a sick patient. [USSRG:80,2,1]
39. D The Wagner Act gave federal support for unions to undergo
collective bargaining, a major step in the labor movement and
an important aspect of the New Deal reforms. [USSRG:60,1,1]
40. E President Hoover’s efforts to provide relief through bank
bailouts and several welfare programs were undermined by his
dedication to a balanced budget, which required a large tax
hike. [USSRG:35,1,3]
41. B Historians commonly group the initiatives of the New Deal
into the three R’s: relief, recovery, and reform. [USSRG:45,1,3]
42. D Historian William E. Leuchtenburg once called Franklin D.
Roosevelt the first modern president. [USSRG:38,1,2]
43. E The G.I. Bill greatly expanded the amount of Americans
attending college by funding the education of hundreds of
thousands of veterans. [USSRG:93,2,1]
44. C In spite of the fact that slavery had been abolished in 1863, the
vast majority of southern black farmers remained bound to
rich white landowners as sharecroppers. [USSRG:27,2,1]
45. B The 1920s were often called the age of prosperity due to the
vast increases in consumption and production that occurred
during the decade. [USSRG:7,1,1]
46. A The disease known as polio is caused by a viral infection that
targets the nervous system. [USSRG:40,2,2]
47. D The large amount of young men returning home after World
War II created a large increase in birthrates called the “baby
boom.” [USSRG:92,2,5]
48. C Upton Sinclair was known nationwide for authoring the
famous novel The Jungle and campaigning to end poverty in
California. [USSRG:54,2,3]
49. B The Works Progress Administration was the first major New
Deal initiative that focused on the welfare of artists and
writers, through the Federal Arts Project and the Federal
Writers’ Project. [USSRG:62,1,1]
50. D The International Band for Reconstruction and Development,
created at the Bretton Woods conference, is known commonly
as the World Bank. [USSRG:89,2,2]
1. B Associationalism is a term used to describe the voluntary 18. D The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or
cooperation between businesses and the government on OPEC, was responsible for increasing the price of oil after the
economic policy. [USSRG:53,1,3] 1973 Yom Kippur War. [USSRG:97,1,2]
2. B The term caveat emptor – buyer beware – is often used to 19. C After graduating from the prestigious Groton Preparatory
describe the virtually regulation-free stock market of the School, Franklin D. Roosevelt attended Harvard University
1920s. [USSRG:47,2,1] beginning in 1899. [USSRG:40,1,1]
3. D The Fair Labor Standards Act finally accomplished several 20. D Although President Roosevelt’s New Deal did much to aid
goals of the labor movement by creating a minimum wage, African Americans as part of the general population, Harry
limiting work hours, and prohibiting child labor. [USSRG:64,1,4] Truman was the first president to truly extend the idea of New
4. E General Douglas C. MacArthur, who became famous during Deal liberalism to include civil rights for African Americans.
his campaign in the Pacific Theater of World War II, was
appointed by President Hoover to remove the Bonus Army 21. A President Ronald Reagan, who distrusted the power of the
from its encampments. [USSRG:37,1,2] federal government, began the dismantling of the New Deal
State through privatization and deregulation. [USSRG:98,1,1]
5. E The theory of mature capitalism held that the American
economy of the 1930s had reached a permanent plateau of 22. C President Roosevelt called for the repeal of the 18th
productivity and efficiency. [USSRG:49,2,2] amendment’s prohibition of alcohol sale and consumption,
leading to the passage of the 21st amendment to repeal
6. A The failure of the Vienna bank Kreditanstalt in May of 1931
prohibition. [USSRG:44,1,2]
worsened the already dire economic crisis by causing many
more European banks to fail as well. [USSRG:14,1,1] 23. A The National Industrial Recovery Act is considered as part of
the First New Deal, as it was created within the first few
7. E The Securities and Exchange Commission was created by
months of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency. [USSRG:46,2,1]
President Roosevelt in 1934 to replace the Federal Trade
Commission in regulating the stock market. [USSRG:47,2,2] 24. C Frances Perkins, a women’s rights and labor advocate, was the
most notable female member of President Roosevelt’s brain
8. B Groups called John Reed Clubs were infamous for distributing
trust. [USSRG:44,2,2]
communist propaganda. [USSRG:38,2,1]
25. E John Steinbeck’s own hometown of Salinas, California was the
9. B The Employment Act of 1946 committed the government to
site of mass burnings of his book The Grapes of Wrath, which
maintaining the highest possible levels of purchasing power,
was seen as an attack on the Californian agricultural elite.
production, and employment. [USSRG:90,1,1] [USSRG:31,1,13]
10. C The 25 years before the 1920s is often referred to as the 26. C President Reagan strongly believed in the reduction of the
“golden age of agriculture” by historians due to the large boom federal government’s power and the deregulation of the
in agricultural production that occurred during this time marketplace. [USSRG:98,2,1]
period. [USSRG:9,1,1] 27. A The 1934 midterm elections increased the Democratic
11. B The economic collapse of capitalism was predicted by Karl majority in both houses of Congress by a significant amount.
Marx, the progenitor of modern socialism. [USSRG:35,2,3] [USSRG:57,2,1]

12. C President Roosevelt refused to support a federal anti-lynching 28. B After World War II, many returning servicemen worked for
bill because he did not want to lose the vote of the Southern the Veterans Administration, totaling 17% of the work force.
white Democrats that had been important in his election to
29. A The increased pressure from foreign competition coupled with
the presidency. [USSRG:74,1,3]
the expansion of the service industries caused a decline in
13. D The Ponzi scheme, a method to steal money from investors by industrial output as the American economy began to
promising a large return and paying out small dividends to modernize. [USSRG:97,2,3]
hold off fraud suspicions, is named after its originator Charles
30. E Despite the general public opinion that married women
Ponzi. [USSRG:10,1,2]
should stay out of the work force, necessity forced many wives
14. C The American Communist Party, the only political party in to find employment. [USSRG:30,1,1]
the United States to truly fight against white supremacy, came
31. B The privatization of an industry refers to the transfer of
to the aid of the Scottsboro boys. [USSRG:28,2,2]
ownership of utilities and services from the government to the
15. D The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was designed to private sector that occurred largely during the Reagan
stabilize crop prices and support farmers in general. [USSRG:47,2,3] administration. [USSRG:99,1,1]
16. B Monetarists believe that the cause of deflation in crop prices 32. E The Dawes Act, passed in 1887 to legislate the forced
during the Depression, which reduced the profits earned by assimilation of Native Americans into American society, was
farmers, was a decline in the stock of available money. passed long before the New Deal of the 1930s and is distinct
from the Dawes Plan that restructured European debt
17. E The American plan to pump investment funds into Europe
payment after World War I. [USSRG:76,1,3; USSRG:60,1,1; USSRG:46,2,1;
after World War II to enable reconstruction as known as the USSRG:47,2,3]
Marshall Plan. [USSRG:88,2,2]

33. E President Hoover’s main attempt to bring relief to the public  

was through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, but the
effects of this initiative were negated by tax increases.

34. A The Public Works Administration, which was decidedly

different from the other New Deal work relief programs, was
created as part of the National Industrial Recovery Act.

35. E The theory of underconsumption held that the economic crisis

was caused by a lack of purchasing power and demand.

36. C Because of the sheer volume of legislation created by the

Roosevelt Administration within the first three months of his
election, President Roosevelt’s successors have been measured
by their actions during their first 100 days in office. [USSRG:44,2,1]
37. D A man of many talents, Herbert Hoover learned to speak
Mandarin while working as a mining engineer in China.

38. A Unlike the auto bandits of the Great Depression, Al Capone

ran a large crime syndicate that focused on the distribution of
illegal alcohol. [USSRG:32,2,2]
39. A Dr. Francis Townsend became famous nationwide for his
campaign for government funded retirement pensions for all
Americans over the age of 60. [USSRG:56,2,1]
40. B After several years of ignoring blatant signs of foreign
aggression, the American public finally supported going to war
after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. [USSRG:80,2,3]
41. E The day after his inauguration, President Roosevelt called for
an emergency session of Congress on the 9th of March, and
instituted a national banking holiday until that date.

42. A Due to the massive reduction in available gold reserves, Great

Britain was forced to leave the gold standard. [USSRG:14,1,1]
43. B The National Housing Act of 1934, which created the Federal
Housing Administration and the Federal Savings and Loan
Insurance Corporation, was proposed by economist Marriner
Eccles. [USSRG:65,2,1]
44. A The American Liberty League was an elite group of business
leaders that utilized a strict interpretation of the Constitution
to justify their campaign against the government regulation of
the New Deal. [USSRG:52,2,5]
45. A In March 1932, Charles Lindbergh’s infant son was the victim
of a brutal kidnapping and murder that tugged at the anxieties
and insecurities of the American people. [USSRG:32,2,4]
46. E President Reagan’s chief economic advisor Arthur Laffer
warned of the danger of high taxes, which he claimed were
detrimental to investment and the economy as a whole.

47. D The Bonus Army, a collection of over 20,000 World War I

veterans, converged in Washington D.C. to lobby for the early
payment of their bonuses. [USSRG:37,1,1]
48. C The San Francisco General Strike, which was started by the
International Longshoreman’s Association, virtually paralyzed
the city. [USSRG:52,1,1]
49. D The American public often associated the labor movement
with socialism due to its extremely liberal nature, which often
undermined union support. [USSRG:8,2,2]
50. B Born among the wealthy elite of New York, Franklin D.
Roosevelt grew up as a privileged young man. [USSRG:40,1,1]
1. B Medicare –completely separate from Medicaid – is housed 18. A The phenomenon of land speculation led the Miami Daily
within Social Security and still provides healthcare to many News to print the longest ever newspaper issue with 504 pages.
elderly Americans. [USSRG:94,1,2]
2. A As the world economy collapsed and the Soviet Union 19. A The “Treaty of Detroit” between the United Auto Workers
flourished, many Americans found merit in the ideals of and General Motors resulted in the company giving annual
Communism. [USSRG:35,2,4] cost of living allowances, which index wages for inflation of
the general price level. [USSRG:92,1,1]
3. E Beginning with the AAA of the New Deal and continuing in
multiple acts passed by the Truman Administration, the goal 20. A The Council of Economic Advisors was created as part of the
of agricultural legislation was that of halting overproduction to Employment Act of 1946 as part of the Government’s
raise the prices of crops. [USSRG:47,2,3] commitment to correctly managing the economy. [USSRG:90,1,2]
4. C Vast differences in benefits paid out by Social Security can be 21. D The majority of females in the 1920s work force were un-
traced to the local administration of benefits payments. married, poor, and most often either black or foreign born.
[USSRG:67,2,3] Most working women of the time were domestic servants or
5. C Although many large cities cut their budgets in any way filled simple white-collar jobs. [USSRG:8,2,1]
possible during the Depression, unemployment relief was the 22. D The Revenue Act of 1932 required a balanced budget in order
first to be severely reduced by major cities. [USSRG:23,2,1] to make sure the government did not accrue any debt from
6. C The result of many simultaneous withdrawals of large accounts budget deficits. [USSRG:35,1,3]
can create a bank panic, where the bank lacks the funds to 23. A The Taft-Hartley Act, which included a provision that forced
honor all requested withdrawals. [USSRG:13,1,1] labor leaders to make an anti-Communist pledge, shows the
7. E The Wagner Act was submitted to Congress by former American people’s fear that labor unions were tied to the
National Labor Board Chairman Robert Wagner, who was Communist Party. [USSRG:91,2,2]
then serving as a senator from New York. [USSRG:59,2,4] 24. D Lyndon B. Johnson was a member of President Roosevelt’s
8. C The idea of a “family wage” was that men should be paid brain trust as a “political dealmaker.” [USSRG:45,1,1]
enough to support a wife and children in order to support the 25. B The main tools used by the Federal Reserve are the buying and
traditional family structure. [USSRG:8,2,1] selling of government bonds and the manipulation of the
9. C Historians often refer to the New Deal relief system as a dual Discount rate. [USSRG:14,1,3]
welfare state, as it created relief to entitled workers and welfare 26. D The neo-Austrian school of thought on the economic collapse
to the poor. [USSRG:68,1,3] of 1929 is based in the ideas of Austrian economist Friedrich
10. B The Communist Party organized the Popular Front campaign von Hayek. [USSRG:18,2,1]
to gain support from progressive civil rights and labor groups. 27. C Famed economist John Maynard Keynes blamed under-
investment for the triggering of the Depression and claimed
11. D The New York Journalist Louis Howe became Franklin D. that the large decline in investment of the early 1920s was a
Roosevelt’s publicity manager and advisor during the early major reason for the crash. [USSRG:19,1,4]
1920s and maintained this relationship until the President’s 28. A Farmers during the Depression struggled with the problem of
untimely death. [USSRG:41,2,1] deflation, which lowered the price they could sell their goods
12. A The technical name for stocks that represent ownership of a for. Deflation, a decrease in price levels, should not be
part of a company is securities. [USSRG:10,2,2] confused with disinflation – a slowing inflation rate.
13. E Former Louisiana Governor Huey P. Long created a “Share [USSRG:16,2,1]

our Wealth” society that pushed for the redistribution of 29. B Although the IMF was supposed to set the conditions of their
wealth based on a progressive tax. [USSRG:55,2,1] loans to developing countries, these conditions were most
14. C The only two states that the Republican candidate Alfred often set by the United States. [USSRG:89,1,2]
Landon won in the election of 1936 were Vermont and 30. C The Wagner Act, which was passed during President
Maine. [USSRG:69,1,1] Roosevelt’s second term, is considered part of the second New
15. C The All-American Canal’s construction through the Deal. [USSRG:60,1,1]
cooperation of multiple New Deal agencies marked a 31. A On the eve of the 1936 election, a poll conducted by the
significant step towards economic cooperation and recovery. Literary Digest incorrectly predicted Alfred Landon to win due
[USSRG:64,1,2] to its focus on higher demographics of the population.
16. E The current chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is Ben [USSRG:69,1,2]

Bernanke, who has also done research on the stock market 32. C Eleanor Roosevelt was an outspoken advocate for the rights of
crash. [USSRG:14,2,2] women and minorities, and often showed public support for
17. A The Johnson Act of 1934 regulated the international trade of these interest groups. In one such occasion the First Lady
bonds by prohibiting the trade of bonds with countries in debt insisted upon sitting in the colored section at the Southern
to the United States. [USSRG:77,2,1] Conference for Human Welfare. [USSRG:73,2,2]

33. D Due to the continuing shipment of American Arms to China 50. C The mass production of homes in large suburban
during the Sino-Japanese conflict, Japanese planes attacked the neighborhoods greatly decreased the cost of housing in post-
American gunboat Panay. [USSRG:80,1,3] war America. [USSRG:92,2,4]
34. A The Judicial Procedures Reform Act is known commonly as  
president Roosevelt’s court packing plan. [USSRG:70,2,1]
35. A Famous black opera singer Marian Anderson was denied use of
Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the American
Revolution. [USSRG:73,2,2]
36. C In a 6 to 3 vote the Supreme Court struck down the
processing tax used to fund the Agricultural Adjustment
Agency, thus dooming the initiative’s future. [USSRG:58,2,3]
37. B In a fireside chat broadcast made after the Emergency Banking
Act was passed, President Roosevelt convinced the American
people to return their savings to the banking system.

38. E The Savings and Loans Crisis was caused by the removal of
geographic restrictions on investments made by Savings and
Loans institutions during President Reagan’s wave of
deregulation. [USSRG:98,2,1]
39. A After World War II, the American government urged
producers to channel their war-time production into useful
peacetime applications. This desire to transfer war production
into peace time led General Motors to mass produce the Jeep.

40. E The main stated goal of the IMF was to stabilize the values of
world currencies by pegging exchange rates to the value of the
United States Dollar. [USSRG:89,1,1]
41. B The main missing piece of the Social Security Act was the
omission of a healthcare provision. It was not until the
Johnson administration that healthcare was added to Social
Security in the form of Medicare and Medicaid. [USSRG:67,2,1]
42. E The last day of the stock market crash, October 29th, is
known as Black Tuesday for the figurative mourning of the
financial community for the fall of the market [USSRG:12,1,3]
43. E The practice of granting concessions to an aggressive party to
achieve short term peace is known specifically as appeasement,
a term often used to describe the Western powers’ treatment of
German aggression in the 1930s.. [USSRG:80,2,2]
44. A The introduction of floating exchange rates after the value of
the dollar became too artificially high marked the end of the
Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates. [USSRG:88,2,1]
45. D Simon Kuznets – Nobel laureate and father of national income
accounting – was a major proponent of the mal-distribution
thesis that blamed the economic collapse on the inefficient
distribution of wealth. [USSRG:19,1,2]
46. C Adolf Berle, a member of President Roosevelt’s brain trust, was
a critic of big business and corporate America who authored
The Modern Corporation and Private Property. [USSRG:50,2,2]
47. C In 1933, the United States and the largest European powers
met at the London Economic conference. [USSRG:77,2,2]
48. B The Tydings-McDuffie Act officially denoted the Philippines
as a commonwealth on track for independence instead of
remaining as an American “island possession.” [USSRG:78,2,3]
49. B The New Deal had a significant effect in increasing the size,
influence, and power of the federal government without
drastically changing foreign policy. [USSRG:81,1,1]
1. B The Bonus Army set up camp in an open area called Anacostia 18. E The dual errors of President Hoover’s recovery plan were of
Flats and in nearby empty federal buildings. [USSRG:37,1,1] increasing taxes and keeping a balanced budget
2. A The Civilian Conservation Corps differed from the CWA and simultaneously, which negated the effect of recovery efforts.
PWA in that it focused on younger workers and aimed to
complete conservation and beautification projects. [USSRG:46,2,1] 19. E The unsafe and unsanitary conditions of illegal abortions
during the Depression led to the death of 8,000 to 10,000
3. B The idea that some industries desired protection from
women every year. [USSRG:29,1,1]
dangerous competition is known as corporate liberalism.
[USSRG:53,1,2] 20. E The American people saw President Hoover’s treatment of the
4. D The many work relief programs of the New Deal – the CCC, Bonus Army as unforgivable, which hindered his chances at
CWA, and PWA – were criticized for being “make-work” reelection. [USSRG:37,1,3]
assignments that only created jobs for the sake of employment 21. C After World War I, the British Pound Sterling was reinstated
without any real objectives. [USSRG:46,2,2] to its status as the main currency of the international gold
5. E After being elected in his own right in 1948, President standard. [USSRG:20,2,2]
Truman unveiled a 21-point plan for the expansion of federal 22. D The Marshall Plan gave $13 billion in grants to European
programs to provide further relief and reform for the American countries to aid in rebuilding after World War II. [USSRG:88,2,2]
people. [USSRG:85,2,1] 23. A In 1934, the Securities and Exchange Commission was created
6. D Huey P. Long’s political career was jump started by his to regulate the stock market, taking over the job of the Federal
election to the office of Governor of Louisiana, where he built Trade Commission. [USSRG:47,2,2]
up a political powerhouse. [USSRG:55,1,3] 24. C President Reagan’s tax cuts effectively redistributed wealth
7. D The nationally syndicated CBS radio show “The Golden Hour from the poor to the wealthy. This was shown by a 75%
of the Little Flower” was hosted by the popular Father Charles increase in income for the nation’s richest 1% of people over
Edward Coughlin. [USSRG:56,1,1] the course of the 1980s. [USSRG:98,1,2]
8. E The effect of the New Deal on demand was largely negated by 25. C The Council of Economic Advisors, which was created by the
the vast decreases in state budgets during the Depression. 1946 Employment Act, was first utilized by President
Truman. [USSRG:90,1,2]
9. D Many poor southern sharecroppers fell to diseases caused by 26. C Frances Perkins, who served as Secretary of Labor for President
nutritional deficiency such as pellagra and rickets. [USSRG:27,2,1] Roosevelt, believed that the President’s paralysis helped
10. B The National Industrial Recovery Act suspended anti-trust transform him from a “privileged playboy” into a more
laws to allow industries to create their own regulatory codes in empathetic person. [USSRG:41,1,1]
conjunction with labor unions. [USSRG:48,2,2-3] 27. C The House Committee on Un-American Activities charged
11. A Cost of Living Adjustments – COLA – were first included in the Federal Arts Project with communist propaganda, which
the 1950 Treaty of Detroit and then became an important way led to the termination of the Federal Theatre Project.
for unions to include inflation in their negotiations for wages. [USSRG:63,1,1]
28. D The National Association of Manufacturers, or NAM, was
12. D Famous conservative publisher William Randolph Hearst sent strongly opposed to the New Deal as it represented the
spies to university campuses to find “red” professors in an regulation of big business. [USSRG:53,1,1]
effort to stop what he saw as a communist conspiracy. 29. D During a summer outing to his family’s vacation home in
1921, Franklin D. Roosevelt contracted the poliomyelitis virus
13. E The failure of President Hoover to come through with his
and was left with severe paralysis of the legs. [USSRG:40,2,2]
promise for civil rights reform led many African Americans to
switch their allegiance to the Democratic Party. [USSRG:28,2,1] 30. C The Glass-Steagall Act included a small provision that created
the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, to
14. E The Mississippi Flood of 1927 gave the public a glimpse at the
protect banks and depositors through government insurance of
dismal ability of future President Hoover to deal with disaster
deposits up to $2,500. [USSRG:47,1,2]
and illustrated the racial inequality of the South. [USSRG:28,1,2]
31. B The G. I. Bill allowed millions of veterans returning from
15. A In an attempt to protect small farmers from bankruptcy,
World War Two to purchase homes. [USSRG:92,2,3]
Congress passed the Farm Credit Act. [USSRG:53,2,2]
32. B President Reagan’s chief economic advisor was Arthur Laffer,
16. C Although they had long known each other as distant cousins,
who warned against high tax rates. [USSRG:98,1,2]
Franklin and Eleanor fell in love in 1903. Franklin and
Eleanor were actually fifth cousins once removed and shared 33. B About 250,000 children took to the streets as vagrants during
the surname Roosevelt before they were married. [USSRG:41,1,2] the 1930s due to disillusionment with their homes and
communities. [USSRG:30,2,2]
17. B The author Horatio Lager perfected the use of the rags to
riches storyline that typified novels for young men before the 34. E The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was President
Depression. [USSRG:31,1,3] Hoover’s first major departure from his devotion to
voluntarism and self reliance. [USSRG:35,1,2]

35. E Investment magnate Merrill Lynch brought investment

opportunities to millions of Americans in small towns and
rural areas in his pursuit of the idea of “people’s capitalism. “

36. C Although many have claimed that President Roosevelt’s New

Deal was focused on stimulating demand, historians now
believe that the primary goal of these policies was simply to
provide relief. [USSRG:49,1,1]
37. D The American stock market was completely unregulated until
the Securities Act of 1933 created a source of regulation for
the young market. [USSRG:47,2,1-2]
38. E In a dramatic gesture, Franklin D. Roosevelt walked to the
podium on crutches to deliver a nomination speech for Al
Smith at the Democratic National Convention. [USSRG:43,1,1]
39. E The EPIC program, End Poverty In California, was created by
the famous muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair. [USSRG:55,1,1]
40. D Before the Great Depression, Californian agriculture depended
on the labor of migrant workers who immigrated from
Southeast Asian nations such as the Philippines. [USSRG:26,1,3]
41. A President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty” included the
Economic Opportunity Act, which provided job training
nationwide. [USSRG:96,2,2]
42. C About 10 million acres of cotton were destroyed by the AAA’s
initiative to halt overproduction, which ultimately succeeded
in doubling farm incomes from 1933 to 1936. [USSRG:48,11]
43. E The Public Works Administration was an important New
Deal work relief program headed by Harold Ickes. [USSRG:46,1,2]
44. E President F. D. Roosevelt’s advisor Harold Ickes compared his
anti-monopoly campaign to President Andrew Jackson’s
campaign against the United States Bank. [USSRG:73,1,1]
45. D By attacking and occupying Manchuria, the Japanese Empire
took its first step out of the League of Nations. [USSRG:22,2,1]
46. D Local charities and church groups lost the vast majority of
their contributions due to the Depression, and were largely
unable to provide much aid to the public. [USSRG:23,2,1]
47. E In order to protect the savings of the American People,
President Roosevelt pushed for the Glass-Steagall Act to
separate investment and commercial banking. [USSRG:47,1,1]
48. B After World War II, new farming technologies decreased the
need for human labor in the agricultural industry, especially
after 1970. [USSRG:96,1,2]
49. E The Dust Bowl severely affected areas in Colorado, Texas,
Oklahoma, and Kansas, but did not actually reach the West
Coast. [USSRG:26,1,1]
50. B The Democratic ticket of James Cox and Franklin D.
Roosevelt lost the election of 1920 but gave the emerging
politician some vital experience. [USSRG:40,2,1]
1. C The 930 Jewish passengers of the S.S. St. Louis was famously 18. B President Hoover received his college education at Stanford
turned away from both Cuba and the United States but University in California. [USSRG:34,1,1]
eventually found refuge in several European countries. 19. E The Taft-Hartley Act was passed by Congress over the veto of
President Truman in 1946. [USSRG:85,2,1]
2. D After leaving Columbia University’s law school, Franklin D.
20. B Melville Fuller served as a justice of the Supreme Court before
Roosevelt passed the bar and became a corporate lawyer.
[USSRG:40,2,1] the Depression era. [USSRG:58,1,1]
3. B New Ph.D. graduates were highly unlikely to find 21. E The stock market rash ruined the confidence that the
employment on university faculties, but were often hired by American public once had with purchasing on credit, so
the government. [USSRG:16,1,3] installment plans became rarely used. [USSRG:12,2,1]
4. A The Federal Arts Project launched the careers of many writers 22. E Edwin Nourse was appointed by President Truman as the first
such as Ralph Ellison and Richard Wright. [USSRG:62,2,4] Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors in 1945.
5. E The idea of the “stream of commerce” is the argument that a
23. C The Japanese economy of the 1930s was based on the export
nationally organized industry can be regulated through the
of silk to finance the import of supplies for the industrializing
interstate commerce clause because interstate trade then
economy. [USSRG:22,2,1]
becomes a part of the business. [USSRG:71,2,1]
24. C By subsidizing decreased cultivation of farmland, multiple acts
6. B Members of the Roosevelt White House advocated for the
after World War II aimed to halt overproduction. The Soil
inclusion of a Department of the Consumer in the presidential
Bank Act was one of these pieces of legislation. [USSRG:95,2,3]
cabinet. [USSRG:54,1,2]
25. D From 1929 to 1933 the national unemployment rate increased
7. D The main goal of the Depression-era labor movement was to
from about 3% to just fewer than 25%. [USSRG:15,1,1]
increase the purchasing power of workers. [USSRG:50,2,3]
26. D The idea of American Jingoism is that of an aggressive foreign
8. A The neo-Austrian school of thought, based on the theories of
policy utilizing violence to protect national interests, which
Austrian Friedrich von Hayek, blamed the Federal Reserve
can be somewhat described as Imperialism. [USSRG:77,1,3]
Board for the stock market crash. [USSRG:18,2,1]
27. E In 1934, French and German farms had far more access to
9. C The Works Progress Administration differed from its
electricity, giving them a better rural standard of living and
predecessors in many ways, but still was based on creating jobs
more efficiency. [USSRG:64,1,3]
by employing workers for public works projects. [USSRG:62,1,2]
28. B The migration of poor blacks from the South to the cities of
10. D After the plan to create the International Trade Organization
the North after World War II is considered to be the most
failed, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was started
consequential demographic shift of the 20th century.
in its place. [USSRG: 88,2,3] [USSRG:85,1,2]
11. B The rise of the stock market after World War I shifted 29. D Frances Perkins became the first woman to be appointed to a
American investment from Europe to the domestic stock presidential cabinet position when President Roosevelt chose
market. [USSRG:20,2,2] her as his Secretary of Labor. [USSRG:75,2,4]
12. A A key piece of John Maynard Keynes’ theory that under- 30. A The Fair Labor Standards Act created an hourly minimum
investment caused the Great Depression is that a reduction in wage of 25 cents and limited the work week to 44 hours.
residential construction in the late 1920s caused a large [USSRG:61,2,1]

decrease in investment right before the stock market crash. 31. E Between his election in 1932 and his tragic death in 1945,
[USSRG:19,1,3-4] Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President of the United States
13. C After being called in to aid in rescue operations and security for 13 years. [USSRG:39,2,2]
assignments after the 1927 Mississippi Flood, the National 32. B In 1952, Jonas Salk developed an effective vaccine against
Guard abused the African American survivors. [USSRG:28,1,2] polio that has saved the lives of untold millions of people.
14. B President Lyndon B. Johnson’s dedication to civil rights [USSRG:40,2,2]

legislation pushed Southern whites into the Republican Party, 33. A In New york, the summer of 1935 was highlighted by a
which created the foundations of a new conservative citywide strike against butcher shops held by the United
movement. [USSRG:86,2,1] Council of Working-Class Women. [USSRG:53,2,4]
15. E The conservative Democrats of the South were known as 34. E Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to four presidential
Dixiecrats. [USSRG:67,2,3] terms before his untimely death. [USSRG:38,1,2]
16. D In keeping his promise for social reform, President Truman 35. B The Bonus Army was made up of around 20,000 World War I
created the Presidential Civil Rights Commission to begin his veterans seeking to be paid out their veterans benefits.
social reform agenda. [USSRG:86,1,1]
36. B The idea of judicial restraint is that judges should limit the
17. A The theory of underconsumption held that a lack of
exercise of their own authority. [USSRG:58,1,1]
purchasing power in the hands of the public was perpetuating
the economic hardship of the Depression. [USSRG:54,1,3]

37. C In spite of all the violence that the world witnessed in the
1930s, the United States remained devoted to isolationism.

38. D The first major sit-down strike occurred at the Goodyear tire
and rubber plant in February of 1936, when workers refused
to work but did not leave their workspaces. [USSRG:60,2,2]
39. C Huey P. Long agreed with the neo-Austrian school of thought
that the cause of the Depression was the mal-distribution of
wealth. [USSRG:55,1,3]
40. A The Tax Reduction Act of 1964, which was designed by
President Kennedy but passed by his successor President
Johnson, is commonly identified as Keynesian in nature.

41. B Franklin D. Roosevelt’s victory in the presidential election of

1932 was the largest landslide victory since Abraham Lincoln’s
virtually uncontested reelection. [USSRG:39,1,2]
42. E President Hoover believed early on that the crisis was only
temporary and was caused by the European reparations
system, not the foundations of the American economy.

43. B In the aftermath of the pension boom, most businesses

switched their retirement benefits to 401(k)’s. [USSRG:94,2,1]
44. B Just weeks before the stock market crash of 1929, economist
Irving Fisher predicted that stock prices had reached a
permanently high plateau. [USSRG:10,2,1]
45. D President Truman’s plan for nationalized health insurance was
opposed by the American Medical Association and Congress.

46. B The Federal Farm Board of the Hoover Administration, unlike

similar initiatives under the New Deal, decreased supply by
buying up crops rather than burning them. [USSRG:35,1,1]
47. C Although the court-packing plan failed, President Roosevelt
eventually influenced older justices to retire by restoring
retirement benefits for Supreme Court Justices. [USSRG:72,1,1]
48. C During the Great Depression, high school attendance rates
increased from under 50% to over 75% over the course of the
1930s. [USSRG:30,2,3]
49. D In the election of 1936, Alfred Landon won only two states for
a total of 8 electoral votes. [USSRG:69,1,1]
50. D After the stock market crash of 1929, President Hoover asked
businesses to maintain wage levels and investment spending to
stabilize the economy. [USSRG:14,2,3]
1. B Despite the success of the New Deal, the upper class still did 17. C As part of his “Great Society” plan for social reform, President
not support welfare and income redistribution and did not Johnson expanded funding for many welfare programs,
increase their support for the Democratic Party. [USSRG:83,2,1] especially AFDC. [USSRG:85,1,3]
2. C Increased foreign competition and corporate outsourcing led 18. B The Chicago Outfit, an illegal organization known for alcohol
to the decline of the industrial Northeast, which became distribution, was led by the infamous Al Capone. [USSRG:32,2,2]
known as the Rustbelt. [USSRG:97,2,3] 19. E There was a 23% decrease in the marriage rate from 1929 to
3. A The Home Owners Loan Corporation was introduced to 1932, which was accompanied by a 14% drop in birth rates.
provide cheaper loans to homeowners facing the possibility of
foreclosure. [USSRG:65,1,3] 20. D The Japanese desire for national autarky, or economic
4. D Economists Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz believe that independence, led them to expand their economic capacity
the inaction of the Federal Reserve caused the stock market to through territorial gains. [USSRG:22,2,1]
crash. [USSRG:18,1,2] 21. B Upton Sinclair’s program to End Poverty In California is
5. D The day after his inauguration, President Roosevelt known by the acronym EPIC. [USSRG:55,1,1]
immediately began to address the current banking panic. 22. A The Native American people had an unemployment rate that
[USSRG:45,2,1] was three times higher than the national average during the
6. A Lazaro Cardenas, a renowned economic and social reformer, Depression. [USSRG:76,1,2]
was elected to the presidency of Mexico during the 23. D One important component of the Works Progress
Depression. [USSRG:78,2,1] Administration was the National Youth Administration.
7. D Upton Sinclair, a famous author and longtime socialist,
switched his political allegiance to the Democratic Party in 24. B Herbert Hoover graduated from Stanford University with a
1933 to follow his political aspirations. [USSRG:54,2,3] degree in geology. [USSRG:34,1,1]
8. B The supply-side economics of Arthur Laffer and President 25. C The United Automobile Workers were successful in gaining
Reagan emphasized the fact that high taxes decrease the recognition and bargaining rights with General Motors
amount of funds available for investment. [USSRG:98,1,2] through the use of a sit-down strike. [USSRG:61,1,1]
9. D The leader of the black Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters 26. A The great drought of the 1930s created a large desert-like Dust
was A. Phillip Randolph, who pushed President Roosevelt to Bowl that destroyed millions of acres of farmland. [USSRG:25,2,1]
create the Fair Employment Practices Commission. [USSRG:83,2,3] 27. E The passage of the third Neutrality Act prevented the United
10. E The five largest industries in America prior to World War I States from intervening during the Spanish Civil War, when
were printing, machinery, lumber, iron and steel, and malt the fascist Francisco Franco overtook the Spanish government.
liquors. [USSRG:19,2,2]
28. D The banking system in America faced a period of relative
11. A John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers union organized
stability from the end of World War II until the deregulation
the Committee for Industrial Organization in response to the
of the Reagan Administration. [USSRG:95,1,1]
AFL’s refusal to create a widespread industrial union.
[USSRG:60,1,3] 29. B During his campaign for the presidency, Franklin D Roosevelt
12. D The majority of government spending shifted from New Deal agreed with President Hoover when he promised a 25% cut in
agencies to the War Production Board during World War II. the federal budget. [USSRG:39,1,2]
[USSRG:82,1,2] 30. C At a conference of American States held in Uruguay, President
13. B Unlike mafia bosses like Al Capone that evaded the Roosevelt promised not to interven in Latin American Affairs,
government to illegally distribute alcohol, auto bandits like which is known now as the “Good Neighbor Policy.”
Bonnie and Clyde became famous for striking out against the [USSRG:78,1,1]

rich elite. [USSRG:32,1,1] 31. D Terms such as “Hoovervilles” and “Hoover blankets” that were
14. A In order to reform the practices of the AAA and reclaim the used during the Depression show that the public blamed
land lost to the Dust Bowl, President Roosevelt pushed for the President Hoover for their economic hardship. [USSRG:33,2,1]
creation of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment 32. E The Quarantine Doctrine of President Roosevelt compared
Act. [USSRG:64,1,1] aggressor nations to diseased patients that must be isolated
15. D Shortly after the passage of the Kennedy tax cuts, government form the other nations of the world. [USSRG:80,2,1]
spending was greatly increased by the escalating violence in the 33. D A discontented middle class in Brazil supported a military
Vietnam Conflict. [USSRG:97,1,1] coup that successfully installed the pro-industrial nationalist
16. A In 1965, President Johnson signed the Medicare Bill into law, Getulio D. Vargas to the presidency. [USSRG:21,2,4]
which created a Social Security-funded healthcare program for 34. E The Soviet Union’s relative isolation and lack of international
the elderly called Medicare. [USSRG:94,1,2,] ties created insulation from the failure of global markets.

35. C President F. D. Roosevelt’s Republican opponent in the 1936

election, Alfred Landon, is best described as a fiscal
conservative with no intention to change the New Deal.

36. B Albert Einstein’s 1933 escape from Nazi Germany alerted

many Americans to the dangers of the Nazi regime. [USSRG:79,1,1]
37. C The Securities and Exchange Commission was created by the
Securities Exchange Act in June of 1934. [USSRG:47,2,2]
38. C Frank Capra directed many movies that centered on decent,
upstanding heroes from small towns confronting the urban
elite. [USSRG:31,2,2]
39. E The black student fund of the National Youth Administration
was put in the hands of famous educator Mary McLeod.

40. C The cell phone is often seen as a product of the deregulation of

the telecommunications industry. [USSRG:98,2,2]
41. C At its peak employment, the Civil Works Administration
employed 4.2 million workers, more than the 3.5 million of
the Works Progress Administration and 250,000 of the CCC.
[USSRG:46,1,2: USSRGL46,2,1; USSRG:62,2,1]

42. A The FDIC was originally created to insure deposits of up to

$2,500 and has generally increased this limit with inflation
over the years, to the current level of $150,000. [USSRG:47,1,2]
43. D The Resettlement Administration, which was created to
relocate farmers to more arable land, became the Farm
Security Administration after its director Rexford Tugwell
resigned in 1937. [USSRG:64,2,3]
44. C The idea of having “most favored nations” in American
international trade was created by the Reciprocal Trade
Agreement Act. [USSRG:77,2,3]
45. E Far from a political advisor, Arthur M. Schlesinger is a notable
historian of the New Deal and Great Depression. [USSRG:45,1,2]
46. E Stuart Chase, an amateur economist and journalist,
championed the theory of underconsumption in his book, A
New Deal. [USSRG:54,1,3]
47. E The Revenue Act of 1932 committed the federal government
to a balanced budget by limiting spending to the amount of
money available. [USSRG:35,13]
48. E The plight of Southern sharecroppers was recognized by the
Communist Party as a chance to fight back against racial
apartheid by supporting local resistance efforts. [USSRG:28,1,1]
49. D The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 was often called the
“Indian New Deal” because of the broad reform that it
brought to Indian-government relations. [USSRG:76,1,3]
50. E The Smoot-Hawley Tariff was the last high protective tariff
passed by the American government. [USSRG:20,2,2]
1. C Deflation was a terrible thing for American farmers, because it 19. A About 22 million Americans were introduced to investment
inevitably leads to lower price levels and thus lower profits. during World War I, when the government sold Liberty and
Victory war bonds to help fund the war. [USSRG:10,2,2]
2. B The Supreme Court decided in the case of Louisville Joint 20. A Eleanor Roosevelt was very politically active as First Lady and
Stock Land Bank v. Radford that the Emergency Farm used her position to advocate for civil rights and equality.
Mortgage Act violated the fifth amendment for the [USSRG:73,2,2]
government’s taking of private property without just 21. E The Truman Administration quickly fixed the first post-
compensation. [USSRG:58,2,3] World War II recession by introducing Keynesian fiscal policy
3. E During the Depression, white-collar workers were employed at via military contract spending increases. [USSRG:90,2,1]
higher rates than workers in manufacturing. [USSRG:16,1,2] 22. B Relief, reform, and recovery are the three R’s of the New Deal,
4. B Many Americans who feared the growing power of the radical which are the three categories used to sort through the many
Huey P. Long were relieved to hear of his assassination in New Deal initiatives. [USSRG:45,1,3]
September of 1935. [USSRG:55,2,2] 23. B The National Labor Relations Board was created by the
5. B During the Bonus Army’s stay in Washington, D.C., the Wagner Act to oversee employee elections for unions.
president of the United States was Herbert Hoover. [USSRG:37,1,1]
6. D The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 24. C The Monetarists believe that the deflation of the Depression
1965 were passed by devoted civil rights reformer President was caused by a decline in the stock of money. [USSRG:16,2,2]
Lyndon B. Johnson. [USSRG:86,2,1] 25. B Filipinos were labeled as “American nationals” after the
7. D The International Trade Organization, had it succeeded, annexation of the Philippines, which meant that they lacked
would have begun with the United States and Great Britain as the rights of full citizens. [USSRG:78,2,2]
its founding members. [USSRG:88,2,3] 26. A The idea that strength and resolve could beat economic
8. D The majority of organized labor aligned with the Democratic hardship led many young boys to idolize the physical and
Party after World War II. [USSRG:83,2,1] mental strength of Superman. [USSRG:75,2,1]
9. C In the summer of 1925, the Miami Daily News printed the 27. D As vocal proponents of Keynesian fiscal policy, Alvin Hansen
longest ever newspaper issue. [USSRG:10,1,2] and Paul Samuelson were known as American disciples of John
Maynard Keynes. [USSRG:87,2,1]
10. C The economist Alvin Hansen wrote that because it took $2
billion more out of the economy than it contributed, Social 28. E The Mississippi Flood of 1927 threatened the City of New
Security actually reduced total consumption. [USSRG:72,2,3] Orleans but did the most damage about 12 miles north of the
city of Greenville in Mississippi. [USSRG:28,1,2]
11. B After helping Woodrow Wilson gain the Democratic
nomination for the Presidency, he was rewarded with a cabinet 29. C The main purpose of the Kefauver-Harris Amendment was to
position, and was then considered by President Wilson to be add new safety testing measures for new drugs. [USSRG:87,1,3]
his protégé. [USSRG:42,2,1] 30. A The Marshall Plan for post-World War II recovery in Europe
12. B The deregulation of the airline industry and the reduction of was officially known as the European Recovery Program and
the Federal Aviation Administration caused the airline price gave aid to finance reconstruction in over a dozen countries.
wars of the 1990s. [USSRG:98,2,2]
31. D A 1936 Gallup Poll showed that 82% of people agreed that
13. B President Reagan, who believed in a severely limited and small wives should not work if their husbands do, because females in
federal government, began to dismantle the legacy of the New the work force block jobs that could be given to a man.
Deal. [USSRG:98,1,1] [USSRG:30,1,2]

14. B The Works Progress Administration was created in 1935 by 32. A Charles Evan Hughes served as the Chief Justice of the
the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, long after the Supreme Court from 1930 to 1941. [USSRG:58,1,1]
creation of the other major work relief initiatives. [USSRG:62,2,3] 33. C The New Deal’s fiercest opposition came from the leaders of
15. B The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 made the Philippines a big business who feared regulation. [USSRG:52,2,5]
commonwealth of the United States and initiated a 10-year 34. B The Tennessee Valley Authority was very successful in a wide
program towards national independence. [USSRG:78,2,3] range of different initiatives, such as providing power and
16. E Franklin Delano Roosevelt grew up within the comfort of his creating environmental projects. [USSRG:50,2,1]
family’s estate in the small town of Hyde Park, New York. 35. D In order to halt overproduction, the AAA allowed farmers to
destroy millions of acres of crops and slaughter millions of
17. D The American Federation of Labor remains a very large and livestock in order to drive prices up. [USSRG:48,1,1]
influential labor union to the present day as the AFL-CIO.
36. E The Memorial Day Massacre occurred on May 30, 1937 when
18. A The American invention of artificial silk was very dangerous Chicago police broke up a picnic of organized steel workers
for the Japanese export trade, which was dependent on the from Republic Steel. [USSRG:61,1,2]
export of silk during the Depression era. [USSRG:22,2,1]

37. C After President Hoover went back on his promise of civil

rights reform, disillusioned Southern blacks began to switch
allegiance to the Democratic Party. [USSRG:28,2,2]
38. D President Hoover feared that any comprehensive aid program
would create a class of dependent citizens. [USSRG:35,1,1]
39. D As part of the Civil Works Administration’s dedication to
relief efforts, the organization employed all of the unemployed
teachers in the city of Boston. [USSRG:46,1,2]
40. E Although President Lincoln – the Great Emancipator – had
been a member of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party
of the twentieth century became the party of social reform.

41. E The revolutionary forces of Grau San Martin were doomed by

the presence of American naval forces in Havana harbor,
allowing Carlos Mendieta to seize power. [USSRG:78,1,2]
42. E The bank Kreditanstalt was located in Vienna until its collapse
in May of 1931. [USSRG:14,1,1]
43. A In what is called the Rape of Nanking, Japanese forces brutally
murdered and raped 300,000 civilians in 1937. [USSRG: 80,1,3]
44. A The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation was
created to insure home loans made by savings and loan
institutions as a lender of last resort. [USSRG:65,2,2]
45. A The virus poliomyelitis attacks the nervous system of its
victims, leading to paralysis. [USSRG:40,2,2]
46. E The Democratic Party, which lost some Southern support due
to the social reform of the New Deal, was given the winning
margin in 1948 by African Americans living in the North.

47. B The Fair Labor Standards Act limited the work week to 44
hours and included a provision to gradually reduce this to 40
hours over the next two years. [USSRG:61,2,1]
48. E The Indian Reorganization Act abolished the federal policy of
forced assimilation and began to grant freedoms to Native
Americans that had been denied for over a century. [USSRG:76,1,3]
49. D Decreasing birth rates during the Depression were made
possible by the widespread availability of contraception.

50. C At the height of the Depression, the City of New York reached
a total unemployment of one million people. [USSRG:16,1,1]
1. A President Roosevelt attended the prestigious Groton Prep 19. B During his time as a mining engineer in China and Australia,
School before going to Harvard University. [USSRG:40,2,1] Herbert Hoover produced a standard textbook for mining
2. C President Truman appointed the conservative Edwin Nourse engineers. [USSRG:34,1,1]
as the first Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors to 20. A The many home loan programs of the New Deal helped
appease Republicans and the business sector. [USSRG:90,1,2] expand the middle class and endear the people of the
3. B The Glass-Steagall Banking Act protected savings accounts by American suburbs to the Democratic Party. [USSRG:83,2,2]
separating investment and commercial banking. [USSRG:47,1,1] 21. B The S.S. St. Louis carried 930 Jewish passengers that were
4. E In 1947, veterans made up 70% of college student bodies due denied asylum in the United States and Cuba but eventually
to the G. I. Bill’s funding for education, making it responsible found refuge in other European countries. [USSRG:79,1,2]
for an expansion in college education. [USSRG:93,2,1] 22. B Clubs that sprang up in major cities to distribute communist
5. D A call loan is a loan that is made without a date on which the propaganda in different media were named after the
lender can demand full payment at will, which often leads to communist activist John Reed. [USSRG:38,2,1]
very long term loans. [USSRG:14,2,1] 23. E The National Association of Manufacturers, along with other
6. A The leader of the global economy before World War I was organizations like the American Liberty League, aggressively
Great Britain, but this role was passed on the the United States opposed the New Deal. [USSRG:53,1,1]
after the war due to the Dawes Plan. [USSRG:20,2,3] 24. B There were many reasons for the expansion of the middle class
7. B The Federal Reserve buys and sells government bonds on the after World War Two, but deregulation was not one of them.
open market to any available markets in order to manipulate
the domestic money supply. [USSRG:12,1,1] 25. E The economist Joseph Schumpeter believed that the under-
consumption of the 1920s was a product of wages not keeping
8. C The “Kingfish” was the former Governor of Louisiana and
up with labor productivity, causing workers to not be able to
Senator, Huey P. Long. [USSRG:55,2,2]
afford the products they made. [USSRG:19,1,3]
9. E Dr. Francis Townsend campaigned for a federally funded old-
26. E The main financial stimulus of the Cold War was the creation
age pension of $200 per month paid to every American citizen
of a military-industrial complex that pumped money into the
over 60 years old. [USSRG:56,2,1]
American economy. [USSRG:82,1,3]
10. E Veterans’ benefits were basically the only form of government
27. A President Hoover rationalized his decision to remove the
assistance prior to the New Deal. [USSRG:36,1,2]
Bonus Army from its encampments by saying that they were
11. E The term stagflation – simultaneous stagnation of growth and communist agitators that threatened the very existence of the
inflation – symbolized the limitations of Keynesian demand government. [USSRG:37,1,4]
management by showing how it can fail to produce results.
28. A A prominent activist and reformer, Eleanor Roosevelt was an
12. C The rising costs of the Vietnam Conflict in the late 1960s important member of the League of Women Voters.
caused CEA Chairmen Walter Heller to urge President
29. E At its peak from 1933 to 1934, the Civil Works
Johnson for a tax increase. [USSRG:97,1,1]
Administration employed 4.2 million workers in various
13. E The idealistic director of the Resettlement Administration, an public works projects. [USSRG:46,1,2]
organization designed to help resettle farmers whose land had
30. C Unemployment in the Soviet Union was almost nonexistent
been destroyed by erosion, was Rexford Tugwell. [USSRG:64,2,3]
during the Great Depression due to the nature of the
14. E In comparison to the 90% of German and French farms that command economy and booming agricultural and
had access to electricity in 1934, only 11% of American farms manufacturing industries . [USSRG:23,1,2]
had the same access. [USSRG:64,1,3]
31. B The first major relief effort undertaken by President Hoover
15. B Although unemployment relief remains a key facet of modern was the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to
welfare programs, the CCC did not make it out of the bail out failing banks. [USSRG:35,1,2]
Depression era. [USSRG:83,1,3]
32. E The Soil Conservation Service encouraged the creation of
16. E In 1918, three years before he contracted polio, Franklin D. “shelterbelts” made of brush and trees to break up wind
Roosevelt contracted influenza and was unable to serve in the patterns that were eroding exposed fields. [USSRG:64,1,2]
military during World War I. [USSRG:40,2,1]
33. A While speaking to a group of American legionnaires in Florida,
17. B John L. Lewis, a member of the United Mine Workers, then President-elect Roosevelt was shot at by Italian
organized the CIO after becoming dissatisfied with the construction worker Guiseppe Zangara, whose bullets missed
American Federation of Labor. [USSRG:60,1,3] him but fatally wounded Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.
18. B Louis McHenry Howe served President Roosevelt as his [USSRG:39,2,1]

publicity manager and closest advisor. [USSRG:41,2,1] 34. B The main work relief program of the second New Deal was
the Works Progress Administration, which was created in
1935 and employed a total of 8 million people during its eight
years of existence. [USSRG:61,2,2]

35. D In 1933, unemployment peaked at 24.9%, the highest level

during the Great Depression. [USSRG:15,1,1]
36. C The labor movement was often associated with socialism after
the Russian Revolution of 1917. Many Americans feared that
the radical unionization of workers was a prelude to a
communist revolution. [USSRG:8,2,2]
37. D After World War II, collective bargaining made private
pension plans an important part of almost all labor contracts.

38. B Adolf Berle, who authored The Modern Corporation and

Private Property, was a member of President Roosevelt’s brain
trust and an outspoken critic of big business. [USSRG:50,2,2]
39. A After Justice Van Devanter took advantage of the reinstated
retirement benefits for Justices of the Supreme Court,
President Roosevelt appointed Hugo Black to replace him.

40. E The 1932 election saw the incumbent Herbert Hoover lose in
a landslide, as the up and coming Franklin D. Roosevelt
received 472 electoral votes out of the 531 possible. [USSRG:39,1,2]
41. D Considered by many to be the crowning achievement of the
second New Deal, Social Security is still very important to the
present day. Medicare is a component of Social Security that is
very important but was not signed into law until 1965.

42. A The neo-Austrian school of thought believes that the Federal

Reserve did too much in the 1920s, which inhibited the ability
of the free market to adjust. [USSRG:18,2,1]
43. C Upton Sinclair, the famous author and activist, ran for
Governor of California as the Democratic candidate in 1934.

44. D The famed photographer Dorothea Lange gained notoriety for

her iconic pictures of struggling farmers, which she took for
the Farm Security Administration to document the plight of
such farmers. [USSRG:65,1,1]
45. C Promises of jobs in fruit and vegetable picking in California
led many farmers affected by the Dust Bowl to head West.

46. A The case of Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank v. Radford struck
down the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, which set a
precedent for the end of the AAA that was brought about by
United States v. Butler. [USSRG:58,2,3]
47. C The Tax Reduction Act of 1964, which was created by
president John F. Kennedy, was passed by President Lyndon
B. Johnson after his predecessor’s tragic death. [USSRG:90,2,2]
48. C Southern California was the hardest hit area of the State,
which was shown by the fact that half of the State’s 350,000
unemployed workers lived in the city of Las Angeles.

49. C The encampment of the Bonus Army at Anacostia Flats was

adjacent to the Potomac River. [USSRG:37,1,3]
50. D A provision to provide healthcare to the elderly was left out of
the Social Security Act to appease the medical community, but
was added in 1965 by President Johnson in the form of
Medicare. [USSRG:67,2,1]
1. A The ”Internationale” was a famous communist hymn that was 20. E While in school, Franklin D. Roosevelt always gave his social
sung by dissidents marching the streets of Detroit during the life the highest priority. [USSRG:40,1,1]
Depression. [USSRG:38,2,1] 21. E Many corporate leaders who opposed the New Deal formed
2. E The policy of forced assimilation of Native Americans was the American Liberty League to campaign against the radical
legislated by the 1887 Dawes Act. [USSRG:76,1,3] reform of the Roosevelt Administration. [USSRG:52,2,5]
3. D By the time of President F. D. Roosevelt’s inauguration in 22. C Annual Improvement Factors, or AIF’s were added to labor
1933, half of all home mortgages in America were in default. contracts to provide yearly wage increases to match inflation
and industry standards. [USSRG:92,1,1]
4. E Marian Anderson’s concert from the steps of the Lincoln 23. D The Taft-Hartley Act was passed in 1946, despite the veto of
Memorial was attended by 75,000 people and heard on the President Truman. [USSRG:85,2,1]
radio by several million. [USSRG:73,2,2]
24. D The Dawes plan called for Federal Reserve loans to Germany,
5. C During the 1930s, American ownership of radios more than which would then be used to pay reparations to England and
doubled due to the relative cheapness of radio entertainment. France. [USSRG:9,2,1]

6. E While speaking at the Seventh International Conference of 25. D Aided by a Brazilian middle class that was frustrated by the
American States in Montevideo, Uruguay, President Roosevelt Great Depression, Getulio D. Vargas was able to take power.
enumerated his “good neighbor policy” for the first time.
[USSRG:78,1,2] 26. A The immigration acts of 1921 and 1924 placed draconian
7. D The drug Thalidomide caused a wave of birth defects and led immigration restrictions that greatly reduced the amount of
to the adoption of the Kefauver-Harris Amendment to the immigration to America. [USSRG:8,1,2]
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. [USSRG:87,1,3] 27. C The first relief program created by the Roosevelt
8. B The Daughters of the American Revolution owned Administration after passing the Emergency Banking Act was
Constitution Hall in Washington D.C. during 1939, when FERA, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.
black opera singer Marian Anderson was denied the right to
28. A The expansion of the German state in the 1930s was
sing there. [USSRG:73,2,2]
rationalized by the ideologically charged concept of
9. A A total of 1.1 billion shares were traded on the stock market in Lebensraum, which combined elements of anti-Semitic hatred
1929, a far cry from the 317 million that were traded a decade and national autarky. [USSRG:22,2,1]
earlier in 1919. [USSRG:11,1,1]
29. B Nobel laureate Simon Kuznets contributed to the mal-
10. D Companies that decide to “go public” have decided to sell distribution thesis on the cause of the Depression, which
shares of their business on a stock exchange. [USSRG:10,2,2] blamed the great collapse on an inefficient distribution of
11. E Marriner Eccles, who would later serve as the Chairman of the wealth. [USSRG:19,1,2]
Federal Reserve Board, created the National Housing Act to 30. B The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 established job
make home loans more available and safe. [USSRG:65,2,2] training camps as a part of President Johnson’s “War on
12. C From 1924 to 1938, the number of female union members Poverty.” [USSRG:96,2,2]
quadrupled from 200,000 to 800,000. [USSRG:76,1,1] 31. C President Roosevelt always sought to maintain the support of
13. D President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote for the Harvard big business, which he did so through bringing in conservative
Crimson while in college. [USSRG:41,2,1] advisors and appointing Joseph P. Kennedy as the head of the
14. D The Johnson Act prohibited the trading of bonds with SEC. [USSRG:52,2,4]
countries in debt to the United States. [USSRG:77,2,1] 32. E The stagflation of the 1970s resulted from a combination of
15. A The Rural Electrification Administration was created to bring stagnant growth and inflation. [USSRG:97,1,2]
energy resources to rural farmers who had previously been 33. A From 1928 until his election to the Presidency in 1932,
unable to obtain electricity. [USSRG:64,1,4] Franklin D. Roosevelt served as Governor of New York for
16. B Despite the many aggressive offensives of the axis powers prior two terms. [USSRG:44,1,1]
to 1939, it was not until the German invasion of Poland that 34. D The Glass-Steagall Banking Act protected the savings of the
France and England entered World War II. [USSRG:80,2,3] American people by separating investment from commercial
17. E The 1934 Securities and Exchange Act created the Securities banking and creating the FDIC to insure deposits. [USSRG:47,1,1-2]
and Exchange Act to regulate the Stock Market. [USSRG:47,2,2] 35. D The Tennessee Valley Authority spanned across seven states
18. D Famed economist Irving Fisher proclaimed that stock prices and was very successful in its electrification, conservation, and
were at a permanently high level, just two weeks before the flood control efforts. [USSRG:50,2,1]
great crash. [USSRG:10,2,1] 36. E President Roosevelt’s advisor Harold Ickes compared the
19. D The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 created the President’s fight against monopolies to President Andrew
Works Progress Administration. [USSRG:62,1,2] Jackson’s fight against the United States Bank during the
1830s. [USSRG:73,1,1]

37. C The Kennedy tax cuts were extremely successful in lowering

unemployment, which dipped all the way down to 3.7%.

38. A While serving as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D.

Roosevelt advocated for an aggressive naval building program
and supported the American entry into World War I.

39. B The Scottsboro boys were on a freight train from Chattanooga

to Memphis when they got in the infamous fight that would
lead to their national celebrity. [USSRG:28,2,2]
40. D The discount rate is the interest rate at which the Federal
Reserve makes loans of last resort to banks. [USSRG:12,1,1]
41. D In 1933, as an act of fiscal responsibility, President Roosevelt
suspended retirement benefits for Supreme Court Justices
through the Economy Act. After retirement benefits were later
restored, Justice Van Devanter took advantage and retired.

42. B During the Great Depression, female vagabonds were known

as “sisters of the road.” [USSRG:30,2,2]
43. D With 57% of the popular vote, Franklin D. Roosevelt easily
won the election of 1932. [USSRG:39,1,2]
44. C The financial turmoil during the summer of 1931 led many
investors to switch their holdings from the Pound Sterling into
gold, which depleted the nation’s gold reserves and spelled the
doom of the gold standard. [USSRG:21,2,1]
45. B The Savings and Loans Crisis of 1986-1989 was ended by
bailouts from the Federal Savings and Loans Insurance
Corporation. [USSRG:98,2,1]
46. D The local taxpayer revolts of the late 1970s were the result of
resentment against increasing welfare spending and the
demands of special interest groups. [USSRG:97,2,1]
47. A In 1919, the New York Times named Herbert Hoover to its list
of the top ten most important living Americans. [USSRG:34,1,1]
48. D When foreign competition after World War II began to
diminish the importance of American industrial production,
the ensuing shift towards the service industries greatly
decreased the ability of unions to organize. [USSRG:97,2,3]
49. E The Dow Jones average hit its all-time low of 41.22 during
July of 1932. [USSRG:38,2,1]
50. D The Republican successor to President Harry S. Truman was
Dwight D. Eisenhower. [USSRG:86,2,3]

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