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Achievement test 1 – Speaking

Timing: 10 minutes per test
Marks: Award up to five marks for each of the five categories (Task Achievement, Range, Organisation,
Pronunciation and Accuracy) according to the criteria set out in the Analytical Marking Scheme.
This speaking test consists of two tasks and is to be conducted with learners in pairs.

Speaking task 1
TIME About 6 minutes
INTERACTION Teacher Learner A; Teacher Learner B
1 Read the following rubric to both learners: ‘First I want to ask you some general questions about yourselves.’
2 Ask questions 1–3 to Learner A.
3 Ask questions 4–6 to Learner B.
4 Ask questions 7–12 to either or both learners, as appropriate.
1 What do you do? Do you work or are you a student?
2 Tell us about your job/course. What do you like and dislike about it?
3 either: What’s the best job you have ever had? Tell us about it.
or: What’s the best course you have ever done? Tell us about it.
4 What kinds of things are you interested in?
5 Tell us about a hobby you have, or a hobby you had when you were a child.
6 What new hobbies would you like to try in the future? Why?
7 What kinds of music do you like listening to?
8 What musical instrument would you love to able to play?
9 Have you ever been to a music concert? [Tell us about a concert you went to.]
10 Where and when did you meet your best friend?
11 When was the last time you met someone interesting? What happened?
12 What suggestions would you give to someone who wanted to meet new people where you live?

Speaking task 2
TIME About 4 minutes
INTERACTION Learner A Learner B
1 Give learners their role cards. Tell them that they will have a conversation about the topic on the card
(Organising a class meal) and that they will talk for about four minutes. Allow them time to read through their
role cards.
2 Invite Learner A to start the conversation.
3 End the test after four minutes.

English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010
Achievement test 1 – Speaking

Organising a class meal

It is the end of your English course and you want to organise a class meal.
Talk with your partner and decide where you would like to go. You can use these ideas to help
you, or use your own ideas.
• the number of people who would come
• the kinds of food you like
• the sort of restaurant you prefer


Organising a class meal

It is the end of your English course and your partner wants to organise a class meal.
Talk with your partner and decide where you would like to go. You can use these ideas to help
you, or use your own ideas.
• the number of people who would come
• the kinds of food you like
• the sort of restaurant you prefer

English Unlimited Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

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