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Voice over:  The competition will start any minute from now.

All the contestants and

guests students and requested to come inside the gym and take your seats.
Voice over:  Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to witness the highlights of Civil
Engineering Week 2020 – The Search for Mr.  & Ms. Civil Engineering.
And this juncture, we would like to request every to stand for our invocation by the
YCBC and please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem.

Voice over:   *WELCOME ADDRESS*

The stage is set and the lights become elastic. Ladies ang Gentlemen,
let us all welcome our candidates and their grand production number


Voice over: Live at the center stage, it’s the Mr.  & Ms. Civil Engineering. Please
welcome our hosts for this night Ms. Marjorie Bacareza & Gio Fugoso.


Gio: A pleasant evening to each and everyone here. I’m Arvic.
Roj: And I’m Marjorie Bacareza.
Both: And we are your host for tonight.

Marj: Good eveninng, Gio!

Gio : Good evening, Marj! You look quite ravishing tonight. It’s truly an honor to
share the stage with you.
Marj: Thank you Gio! You too, I can say that, that suit really looks good on you.
Truly, this is the most awaited event for our audience. Now, everybody is excited
about the program, right?
Gio: Absolutely, Marj! They’re probably crossing their fingers about who’s winning.
Isn’t that right, everyone? Well,  can we hear a shout from every team starting from
Team Steel!
Marj: How about the Team Timber! and finally, from the Team Concrete!

Gio: I guess our audience is ready, so how about our candidates?

Marj: Maybe we should go for a little interview right Gio?


Marj:  So our candidates are somewhat nervous but at the same time excited. Why
don’t we give them around of applause please. Now, this wouldn’t be a competition if
there was no one to judge, right, Gio?

Gio: Precisely, Marj. So help us decide who among our candidates deserve to the next
Mr. and Ms. Civil Engineering 2020, here is the panel of judges:

Introduction of Judges

Marj: There they are! The people who will be responsible for deciding who will be the
next Mr. and Ms. Civil Engineering 2020.
Gio: As of now, we will be presenting the criteria for judging for the production
number because I’m pretty sure everybody is wondering how the candidates will be
judged based on their performance a while ago.
Marj: Exactly. So, the official criteria for the production number will be as follows:

Criteria for Production Number

Gio: That’s right. And now we have introduced the panel of judges and have
presented the criteria for judging for the production number. We will now be giving
some of the minor awards. Are you all excited?
Marj: So the winner for the…

Minor Awards: Mr. and Ms. Photogenic; People’s Choice Award

Gio: Congratulations to all the winners. Now to entertain us for their amazing
performance. Ladies and gents please welcome the winning team for the modern
dance competition _______________. Give them a thunderous applause please.
Marj: Wow that was an awesome performance guys thank you so much!


Marj: So before we moved on to the next category let me read to you the criteria for
judging for the Professional Attire.

Criteria for Professional Attire

Gio: Without any further ado let us all welcome our candidates in their Professional

Marj: That’s it guys our candidates in their professional attire. And now its time to
announce the rest of the minor awards.
Gio: Are you ready guys? So the winner for the…..

Minor Awards:

Marj: Congratulations to all the winners! Give ‘em a big round of applause please.
At this juncture we will be asking our candidates for their preliminary round.
Gio: Guys are you ready? We put a little bit of a twist in our preliminary round.
*explain the mechanics*


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