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Discuss how project managers can be good leaders.

The project manager should possess skills to understand and visualize

the entire picture of a project and convey this effectively to the whole
project team.

The project manager should also be a great team builder. To successfully

lead a team, he must understand the personalities, relationships and
skills of each individual.

The key to any relationship is communication. The project manager is

responsible for communicating with a very wide variety of individuals at
all levels within the working environment.In order to lead a project, the
project manager should be able to clearly communicate the vision, goals,
guidelines and expectations to other team members.

A project manager should successfully and accurately delegate tasks. He

should have a deep understanding of the team’s individuals, their talent,
skills, expertise, and passions. The project manager should utilize this
knowledge and appropriately delegating tasks to the right team
members is the best possible project result. When team members are
assigned tasks that best fit them, they are more inclined to trust their
manager. In turn, the project manager should maintain a proper balance
of checking work, controlling and delegating tasks and develop a mutual
trust with their team.

The project manager should be able to solve problems, whether team

related or project related. He should be resourceful and creative in
finding the solutions to issues of all magnitudes. In most instances,
finding the solution involves accurately identifying the team member
that can help resolve the problem faster and efficiently, and understand
the underlying elements of the project issue to effectively come to a
resolution. And if ever the decision took by the project manager is
wrong, he should be able to put his hands up, be accountable and take

A project manager is a person who is responsible for making decisions,

both large and small. The project manager should make sure they
control risk and minimize uncertainty. Every decision the project
manager makes must directly benefit their project.
What are the implications of ethics in leadership?
Ethical leadership requires ethical leaders. If leaders are ethical, they can
ensure that ethical practices are carried out throughout the
An ethical leader is always fair and just. They have no favorites and treat
everyone equally. Under an ethical leader, no employee has any reason
to fear biased treatment on the basis of gender, ethnicity, nationality or
any other factor.
An ethical leader shows respect to all team members by listening to
them attentively, valuing their contributions, being compassionate and
generous while considering opposite viewpoints.

Honesty is particularly important to be an effective ethical leader,

because followers trust honest and dependable leaders.

Ethical leaders foster a sense of community and team spirit within the
organization. When an ethical leader strives to achieve goals, it is not
just personal goals that they are concerned about. They make genuine
efforts to achieve goals that benefit the entire organization.

In ethical leadership, all decisions are first checked to ensure that they
are in accordance with the overall organizational values. Only those
decisions that meet this criterion are implemented.

Under an ethical leader, employees thrive and flourish. Employees are

rewarded for coming up with innovative ideas, and are encouraged to do
what it takes to improve the way things are done. Employees are praised
for taking the first step rather than waiting for somebody else to do it for

An ethical leader will regularly discuss the high values and expectations
that they place on themselves, other employees, and the organization.
By regularly communicating and discussing values, they ensure that
there is consistent understanding across the organization.
An ethical leader expects employees to do the right thing at all times,
not just when it is convenient for them.

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