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Assignment no.

1. Analyze the Deboo’s integrator as shown in Figure below assuming A= w t/s. Find out ideal gain and
practical gain. Also, show that approximate phase error of the integrator is given by ∅=−2ω /ωt . For
ω o <ωt where wo=1/(RC) may be considered as negligibly smaller than w t.

Hint : (wo/wt) can be neglected as <<1

2. Determine the approximate phase error and magnitude error for the compensated inverting
amplifier assuming A1=A2= wt/s.

3. Assuming identical op-amps A 1 =A2=wt/s, and determine the transfer functions vo 1/vi, vo2/vi ,an vo3/vi
and the type of filter realized by the active-R circuit.

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