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● Research
○ Introduction - 88.5 FM is a Southern California’s only non-commercial
station providing an eclectic blend of Modern Rock, great Rock Legends,
Americana, Singer-Songwriters & more. 88.5 FM and are non-
profit, public services of California State University, Northridge and
Saddleback College.
○ Situation - KCSN would like to capitalize on the loss of competing for
radio station KCRW’s DJ and overall, boost ratings and grow their
○ Targeted demographic
● Primary: adults ages 25 to 45
● Secondary: ages 35+
● Homeowners, white-collar professionals, business owners, college-
● 50% of females and 50% males
● Planning (Action)
○ Possibly expand to mainstream listening stations easy access
● Spotify
○ Having DJs create their own personal playlist
○ Create a monthly or seasonal playlist
○ Increase listenership and rating
● KCRW just lost its head DJ, Jason Bentley @ Morning Becomes
Eclectic, and KCSN would like to utilize the chances of listeners at
the moment.
○ Posting more frequently to social media and user interaction
● Use HootSuite
● Upon looking at their Instagram, there are gray areas where
improvements can be done.
○ More eye-catching photos (Bright & edited)
○ Better captions
○ Hashtags
○ No collages
○ We would like to use our knowledge of navigating social
media to make the page more interactive and appealing to
the eye
○ User-friendly website
○ Topanga Village studio
● Using it as a meeting space
● Hosting live performances
○ Post more videos onto the website of live performances
● By posting more videos on Instagram through IG TV. Viewers
have more chances to scroll around the website and see what else
the station has to offer.
● Execution (Communication)
○ What press tools, media outreach will you implement?
● KCSN has a solid following and they have many opportunities to
post which is great. They have been posting and they have a
presence on social media but we want to enhance that. We want to
boost impressions and outreach.
○ Modernize Instagram
■ IGTV: able to post longer videos 2+ minutes
■ Highlights: save certain posted stories and
categorize them for followers to recap on
■ Polls: personalized interactions with followers to
see what they want
■ Live videos: streaming live to followers of events
that are happening or behind the scenes
● KCSN has a good understanding of who they want to target the
most within the general public. We want to lean into that group by
catering and really crafting posts (content posts, live performances,
interviews) to really grab that attention. These bands and groups all
have followings. So we want to post everywhere we can get as
many shares as we can.
● Develop a bigger YouTube presence.
● KCSN hosts giveaways that give incentives. We need to push
those giveaways more.
● KCSN has a variety of music and that contributes to their identity.
The trigger word is eclectic because they play anything from
bigger names to upcoming artists. We want to make them the home
for new artists - home for those looking for new music.
● KROQ used to be the station for Rock but they lost their
authenticity. KCSN doesn't play the same 10 songs on repeat as do
other stations and we need to advertise that. This is the biggest
thing that sets them apart from other stations.
● Listeners can look on their website and see their playlist and grab
some artists from there.
● Social media such as Instagram, Twitter and FB are going to bring
in followers. They mentioned they have several different DJs who
do sets at various shows, that we can push for. They have a show
for every subgenre within the main genre of music they play.
Music lovers can find their niche.
● We can market the shows on Instagram in a different way. Possibly
putting a face to the name of the DJ.
● Evaluation methods (and what you will measure)
○ How will you show the results?
● Once we gain access to their Instagram, We will be able to
measure results from their insights tool that shows when our
audience is Instagram, which posts are most popular accounts
impressions and reach.
● We can measure how many listeners are tuning in


● A key performance indicator would be an increase in listener

ratings and engagement on their social media (Twitter/Instagram)
● Budget
○ Between $0-$500

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