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Luigi Butera, MSP

Harvest those
who live with

Missionary Servants of the Word


Many reject Christianity because they

believe it is very severe and hurts the interests
of the individual.

This is a very superficial and wrong

vision. It’s convenient to think profoundly
about the essence of faith and take advantage
about its enormous richness.

In fact, the demands of Christ are

motivated to receive more gifts. For those who
leave everything to follow Christ, He promises
“a hundredfold and everlasting life” (Mt 19,

“Whoever wants to save his life will

lose it, but whoever loses his life for my cause
will find it” (Mt 16, 25).

It is logical that God does not need our
gifts, as He is the Almighty One, the source of
everything. If He demands something from us,
He also wants to give us his gifts, teaching us
how to be generous.

As a good father, who gives everything

to his child and then asks for something, he
does like this not because he needs or due to
selfishness, but only to educate his child to be
generous. That’s our incomparable Father-God
who gives us everything, and then He asks
something to enrich us in everyway.

It is confirmable that the demands of

God are lessons of generosity and
announcements of greater gifts.

Those who manage to understand this

divine teaching, and accept it in life are those
who enjoy of “a hundredfold reward”.

Selfishness impoverishes humanity;

generosity fills us with virtues, necessary

goods and the eternal life. Generosity is
needed to combat the selfishness that is the
beginning of many evils: divisions, slander,
theft, violence, destruction.
In order to have a more human world it
is necessary to have this spirit of generosity,
which gives birth to a better co-existence and
many blessings from God.

1. Those who are devoted to the service of the
Gospel must serve God and men. This dual
service requires a great generosity of spirit.

2. Generosity is the most beautiful expression

of love.

3. The logic of Christ demands that we

renounce to our peace, to share it with others.

4. Generosity grants disposition to a person to

let God intervene in his life.

5. If we do not improve in the life of sacrifice,

commitment, courage and generosity we will
end up drowning the word of God.

6. Our work is not a game; it’s a commitment

of adults.

7. In my daily surrender, I must have

perseverance in prayer, silence, study,
sacrifice..., otherwise, there can be no

experience of God and service to the
8. If we postpone everything, we will achieve

9. The poorer your response to God is, the

more you lose your spirituality.

10. God does not want us lazy, or indolent: He

looks for hard workers.

11. If I work for Christ, I will be enriched, but

if I work to satisfy my selfishness, I will be

12. Usually the one who works less is the one

who criticizes more.

13. The gifts of God die in people who do not

want to share them with others.

14. The lazy plants a little and harvest less

than that. The generous harvest in abundance
because he has been planting a lot.

15. It is necessary to take advantage of every
hour and every minute of my life. I have to
spend my life and multiplying myself to give
an abundant fruit in my ministry. What is done
in eight days I must do it in four.

16. Pessimism disables man to do good deeds.

17. Saint Paul warns us that one has no right

of eating if he does not work: we should have
this idea present in our daily exam of

18. Laziness, distraction and superficiality

prevent us from fulfilling what we have to do.

19. In order to have a Christian community,

there must be sincerity and generosity; nothing
of presumption or deceit.
20. Preaching is to give one’s life, to be
generous in the work we have to do.

21. If we give everything, the Lord will give
us more than we need.

22. Laziness triumphs and beat us down if the

Holy Spirit is not within us.

23. The Lord loves us without limits and

wants a generous response; therefore, those
who do not live generously their Christianity,
lose everything.

24. In the game of the love of God there is no

measure. The person who measures drops
everything to waste.

25. The common defect, in which all Catholics

fall, is the lack of generosity to make others
know the path of salvation.

26. If we don´t give our life for other, we have

no right to complain; complaining is an
evidence of lack of generosity.

27. Since God manifested us He wanted to use
us to help others, we no longer belong to

28. The lazy person is the sunk one, because

he does not want to swim in the waters, does
not want to walk in the way, does not want to
breathe the oxygen of the divine mercy.

29. If we want to store energies for hard and

difficult times, we must be generous: give
everything and give oneself. Afterwards,
everything will appear easier.

30. Two reasons compel us to give us freely

and responsibly for the announcement of the
Gospel: the call that comes from above and
the cry that comes from the need of men that
moan because of their distance from God.
31. The satisfied man is insensitive to the
suffering of others.

32. The person who gives his life generously,
advances in the way of God, because a total
yes simplifies the way toward Him

33. A generous life raises an apostolic concern

among those around us.
34. The revolution is not made by those who
take up arms, but by those who know how to
love: they are those who sacrifice themselves
for the benefit of others.

35. Do we want to enhance what God is giving

us? Let´s share it with others.

36. If we share what we have, God will

multiply it with full hands.

37. If we do not have men who want to give

their life as Christ did, nothing will be
accomplished in the apostolate.
38. It is not spending money what matters
most, though sometimes it is necessary; that is
easy. For me, to bear fruit in the ministry, I
have to give myself.

39. If we don´t give up ourselves, if we do not
accept death for the sake of others, we cannot
bear fruit.

40. The greater authority we have, the more

generous is the service that we have to give.

41. Being generous is not giving something of

what we have. The person that gives himself
to others, gives plentifully.

42. Insofar as I strive to help others, I am

causing that my parents, friends and family
receive more graces from God.

43. The selfish always suffers more than the

person who is generous throughout his life.

44. The good works are often lost because of

the lack of generosity.

45. When a total offering to the Lord is

lacking, then problems multiply; whereas if a

person offers himself generously, then
problems end. Problems become trampolines
that take us to God.

46. Our knowledge of the will of God depends

on our generous offering to Him, since the
person who is not generous doesn´t open his
heart to the divine light.

47. The presence of sin in men requires a total

offering of myself to God. The sin is
extinguished by grace and love.

48. My vocation is to serve others and not to

force others to serve me.

49. Our offering to God makes us know how

to sacrifice ourselves and to be dedicated to
others. As grater our love is, the greater our
generosity will be.

50. The person who knows how to sacrifice

oneself for others can truly love, because only
those who are generous know how to love.

51. If a person puts into service the gifts that
God has given him, these increases, but if he
does the opposite, he buries them, then they
are washed away.
52. The Lord invites us to receive. As much as
we devote ourselves for the good of others, so
much more He fills us with His gifts.

53. Our religion is a religion for generous

persons not for selfish ones.

54. In a Christian measures such as “more or

less” do not fit, but those as “all or nothing”.

55. A lazy person cannot be a servant of the

Word, because an apostle cannot be lazy, he,
by his very nature is active and generous.

56. A feeling of compassion that is not full of

sacrifice is useless.

57. Responding quickly and generously to the

little things make us great before God.

58. In order to be generous it is necessary to
have great horizons.

59. Generosity overcomes all sorrow that

embitters man.
60. Any time is good to renew our
commitment to serve God. Each person has
his own special moments: some because they
are young, others because they are adults or
elderly people; some because they suffer,
others because they are happy, some because
the have just experienced the triumph and
others, the failure.

61. The radical and sincere willingness helps

us to respond to God and fight against our

62. Laziness does not let us to follow Christ

who walks frontward.

63. While we have time, we have to do good

deeds to others: that is our mission.

64. Those who are not generous decrease their
capacity to help the needy.

65. Holiness is not found in the intelligence

and knowledge, but in the generosity.

66. The heart that is not generous will never

be able to see how God acts in its life and in
the life of others.

67. The mission requires to multiply oneself to

serve others in a better way.

68. The closer we are from the Lord through

prayer; the stronger is our offering to Him.

69. In order to fly, we have to break the chains

of our slowness.

70. It is the Lord´s will, the world needs it; we

must respond generously to the vocation that
God has given us.

71. Insofar I share with others the gifts God
has given me, they are multiplied.

72. The person that hurries will grow up, the

one who is going at a snail's pace will not
experience this.

73. If our generosity is stingy, the fruits will

be poor.

74. Those who have generously offered their

life to the Lord have no difficulty in
overcoming the problems.
75. Crossing our arms is to be empty of d the
divine love; we need to multiply our
generosity to Christianize the world.

76. If you sow generously, your harvest will

be plentiful.

77. An exigent formation gives wonderful


78. If we are generous in the service we are
closer to Christ.

79. My surrender to God must not be only

generous but also heroic.

80. If you don´t want to cry tomorrow, work

now with generosity and love.
81. For there is a lot of work, we must
multiply ourselves. The slowness does not fit
with the Gospel.

82. We should all strive to be generous; we

cannot bend the hands before so many needs.

83. Generosity is great when everything we

give everything with love.

84. The proposal of Jesus is not for curious

people but for generous ones.

85. Those who do not multiply themselves in

their offering don´t understand the Kingdom
of God.

86. The heart is open when is not full of itself.

87. The capacity of offering depends primarily

on the generosity of the
heart, rather than on superficial activities.

88. The generosity enriches the person and the

89. God does not pay much attention on what
we give, but how we give it to others.
90. The attitude depends on the generosity we
have. Be prepared to not disappoint the people
of God, who expects a generous response from

91. The man who sleeps in the problems of

life is also lazy in solving the problems of the

92. Our generous response to God is a

warranty to assure blessings for others.

93. From our generous response depend the
constancy, patience and ability to help others.

94. The lack of generous answer kills the


95. If you choose an easy life, you will have

only an empty life left.
96. In the law of Christ, a generosity that has
limits is not generosity: we must forgive and
again forgive always.
97. The best way to help our friends and
family is responding generously to the call of
God, who is the only one that really knows
and can solve their problems.

98. By helping others to save themselves, I

assure my salvation.

99. The more generosity we manifest; the

more love we express.

100. Where there is reluctance, laziness and

conceit, there is no God.

101. Living doing nothing is sin, because God
has called us to share in his work of salvation.

102. The easiest way of achieving things is by

doing them with generosity: letting them half-
finished is more difficult.
103. If we are not active in the effort to
acquire virtues, life will be a frustration.

104. An easy life provokes a multitude of


105. Do not limit ourselves to give what is

indispensable. It is necessary to realize that the
Lord asks us to give an answer without human
calculations, generously, according to His
magnificent plan of love.

106. By being generous in service and love,

God gives us more.

107. Peace comes from love, which relieves

the suffering of others.

108. God has given us 24 hours in the day to
take advantage of them, and not to live slowly.

109. A vocation is supported by concrete acts

of generosity.

110. The more your life is sterile, the more

you will suffer despair.
111. The vitamins that fortify the persons are
found in a generous style of living.

112. To nourish the generosity is to enlarge

the heart.

113. The love of men is measured by the

generosity with which they act.

114. The time that is lost today is time gained

by the devil for the eternal torment of men.


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