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Annotated Bibliography: A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics

of ASD

Linda Corral

Brandman University : Intro-to-Autism- Spec-Dis-Spring-II-2020-EDUU-575-OL2

March 22, 2020

A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 2


This paper will attempt to present to you the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

and the importance to start to discuss the relationship between ASD and our society gaining a

better understanding and how we can better understand individuals with ASD. This paper will

discuss etiology, cognitive development, and neurological and how research has made these

areas of importance and areas to be researched. It was taken into account the degree to which

empirical research journal articles have addressed the areas of need. This is why this paper was

written in a bibliography approach. This paper will help the reader gain access to research based

empirical research studies, that are a lined with the area of needed training and understanding.

Furthermore, this paper will give the reader an overview and inform the reader of what the study

is addressing and if it is an area of interest to them to get informed.

A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 3

Annotated Bibliography: A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics

of ASD

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)has been an unknown field for many people for many

years, now. ASD has been a field that individuals have looked the other way due to limited

training and understanding. This is why it is important to start to discuss the relationship between

ASD and the three area of need for a better understanding of this field. The areas of interest

listed as; etiology, cognitive development, and neurological. Most importantly, consider the

degree to which empirical research journal articles have addressed the areas of need and have

been created to educate individuals to bring awareness to ASD. In writing bibliographies of these

article’s the reader of this paper will be more likely to want to read the empirical research that

has been conducted in regard to improving understanding of ASD.


Hayretdag, C., Algedik, P., Ekmekci, C. G., Gunal, O.B., Agyuz, U., Yildirim, H., & Coskunpinar,

E.(2020). Determination of genetic changes in etiology of autism spectrum disorder in twins by

whole-exome sequencing. Gene Reports, 19. https://doi-

In this journal article a nonfiction based study done on twin studies of experiential

research, attempts to ascertain whether it is the genetic factors have a major role in the etiology

of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As, for many years the underlying genetic linked to ASD

has been a theory and unknown. When people have attempted to link genetic many studies have
A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 4

failed to find the link. The study used a, “ whole-exome sequencing to study genome-wide

differences in twins with ASD to reveal the genetic difference in the response for the etiology of

ASD”(Hayretdag, Algedik, Ekmekci, Gunal, Agyuz, Yildirim, and Coskunpinar, 2020). The

Study took a DNA sample from, “ six monozygotic twins and one dizygotic twin,” (Hayretdag,

Algedik, Ekmekci, Gunal, Agyuz, Yildirim, and Coskunpinar, 2020)to analyze. The findings

filtered out, “ 110 disease -related to genes” (Hayretdag, Algedik, Ekmekci, Gunal, Agyuz,

Yildirim, and Coskunpinar, 2020).They went out to identify, “44 single nucleotide

polymorphisms(SNPs)”(Hayretdag, Algedik, Ekmekci, Gunal, Agyuz, Yildirim, and

Coskunpinar, 2020).The studies showed results of evidence that there are 6 different genes

(Hayretdag, Algedik, Ekmekci, Gunal, Agyuz, Yildirim, and Coskunpinar, 2020) associated

with the candidates, and the one key element helped improve the further improvement of ASD

genetic based ASD.

An experienced journalist’s , Hayretdag, Algedik, Ekmekci, Gunal, Agyuz, Yildirim, and

Coskunpinar were well aware of the limitations of their experiment and the ethical implications

of their experiential research issues in bedded into their study. The authors are open in their

article about their methods and scholarly research in regard to ASD. The researcher study was

conducted in a credible, timely, descriptive, and well-researched. However, one important

limitation this study had and is very important is replication of the study and sample size could

have been questioned. In order to uphold the credibility and reliability the study would need to

be repeated by others.
A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 5

Steinman, G.,& Mankuta, D. (2019). Molecular biology of autism’s etiology- An alternative

mechanism. Medical Hypotheses, 130. https://doi-

In this journal article a nonfiction base study, conducted with multiple children with

autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ages 1-4 years of age, with illnesses. The study was

experiential research conducted in, attempts to ascertain deemed candidates for lumber puncture.

The study collected candidate’s spinal fluid and tested for IGF (Steinman and Mankuta,

2019).The study was able to show with data that the IGF levels stayed the same for one year.

The study also showed that, “ autopsied corpus callosum from patients with ASD revealed

changes consisted with immature myelin myelin development and MRI Brain evaluation of the

white matter”( Steinman and Mankuta, 2019). This study is one of the few that have been able to

prove a collation with etiology of autism spectrum disorder. The researchers seek to explain how,

“ the present discussion will examine the functional association of insulin-like growth factor-1

(IGF1) to neo-neuron myelination in students with ASD. The results of the study showed a

correlation in child with ASD to have a structural defects correlated with reduced levels of IGF1,

across candidates of the study. Even with this great discover the limitation was the need for a

bigger sample population to show this to be a type 1 discover. However, in the findings it could

be used a start to future research of interest for researchers and dissertation students.

Cognitive Development

Smith, A. (2009). The Empathy Imbalance Hypothesis of Autism: A Theoretical Approach to

Cognitive and Emotional Empathy in Autistic Development. Psychological Record, 59(3), 489–

A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 6

The Journal article titled, “ Imbalance Hypothesis of Autism: A Theoretical Approach to

Cognitive and Emotional Empathy in Autistic Development”. The researchers start the article

posing the motivation behind the study. It started by stating, “there has been a widely held belief

that people with autism spectrum disorders lack empathy”( Smith, 2009). This is a sentence that

most likely will grab anyone’s attention. The reasoning being that as a society we seek to

discover what is unknown. And this statement is one that we have heard many times. But is it

true or is it a comment that has been heard and passed on for years? Furthermore, this article

examines the empathy imbalance hypothesis (EIH) of ASD. This article is well balanced with the

key elements for a true study. As, it has background information, history, research

documentation, data, and a question to answer. One of the key elements in the research areas are,

the behavioral characteristics of ASD and how they could be, “generated by this imbalance and a

susceptibility to empathic over arousal”( Smith, 2009). This article goes into extreme-male-brain

theory of ASD. This part of the article starts to be a similarity to the other research articles that

have been found to state in regard to the characteristics of ASD. This is a key that this is a valid

idea and information posed as it is being replicated from another journal article. This starts to

add creditability to a connection between research on Neurological development and cognitive

development that a line with emotional empathy in ASD development. The results of this study

were that “a modification of the pictorial emotional Stroop paradigm could facilitate an

experimental test of the empathy imbalance hypothesis”( Smith, 2009). The only limitation seen

in this study was the length in the article and there being repetition of similar information listed.

This could keep a researcher from reading into this article, if the article is too wordy and is

A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 7

The Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-Year Prospective Study. Child

Development, 81(5), 1400–1416.


In this journal article titled, “The Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-

Year Prospective Study”. The used a sample size of 37 children with autism males ages 5 to 5

and a half (The Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-Year Prospective Study).

The study purposed to test the veracity of one participant many deficits with are thought to

account of ASD. In comparison to 31 typical children male children ages 5 to 5 and months(The

Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-Year Prospective Study)The focus was on

task taping components of Theory of mind, executive functioning, and central coherence (The

Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-Year Prospective Study). The study was

done and then done one more time s 3 years later. This was a great aspect as it added a

comparison of three years with in the main cognitive developmental areas. The results came to

exhibit how even with a three-year gap in the testing to perform a comparison analysis. The

results indicated a need for support in the areas of , attribution, planning, and set-shifting in both

test results (The Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-Year Prospective Study).

The change that was of most significant was in findings pose for a multiple deficit. The

limitations within this study was the poor communication over the years to retest was one of the

major fallouts. The second limitation was that this study was one that was done over three years.

This could be one of the discouraging reasoning to follow-up with this research after a time

period of three years in which candidates can change their minds in regard to wanting to

participate in a study such as this one. The pros of this study is that it added an additional view

within the development of an individual with ASD.

A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 8


Shyman, E. (2017). Please Wait, Processing: A Selective Literature Review of the Neurological

Understanding of Emotional Processing in ASD and Its Potential Contribution to

Neuroeducation. Brain Sciences (2076-3425), 7(11), 153. https://doi-

In this journal article with a base study of neurological understanding in regard to

Autism. The article selected literature review of the neurological understanding of emotional

processing in ASD and its potential contribution to neuroeducation. This study went into the

corresponding conditions from prognosis, and potential methods of intervention and education

for individuals with the disorder (Shyman, 2017). One of the areas that this study seeks to

provide significantly a different type of, “ understanding is that of neuroscience, and specifically

neuroimaging and line of understanding can be used to inform more comprehensive educational

practices”( Shyman, 2017). A resource that was shared with its readers was an, “emerging

methodological practice known as Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention (NDBI),

of which there are a number of examples, has been found to be effective for a variety of issues

experienced by individuals with ASD”( Shyman, 2017). This article added credibility to it by

adding many artifacts and other resources that helped a line the research question and

hypotheses. The limitations that there was a lot of extra information that was added that made

this article long and lengthy. The results from the study were of benefit to the researcher and the
A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 9

field of ASD. The results focused on the neurological benefits a lined with the brain aspects. The

end results of the study was, “that the structural and functional makeup of the brains of

individuals with ASD is not only different from those without ASD, but also similar to one

another, using these advances to design educational protocols in areas that have been difficult to

capture behaviorally (such as socio-emotional approaches) can provide an innovative and sound

means to enhancing the current state of education for individuals with ASD”( Shyman, 2017).

Sivapalan, S., & Aitchison, K. J. (2014). Neurological Structure Variations in Individuals with

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, 24(3), 268–275.

In this journal article a nonfiction base study done on Neurological structure variations

in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD). This study purposed to answer the

question of the theories of what factors are linked to ASD and how do they connect to

individual’s neurological structures. In this study the researcher attempts to explain how ASD

has always been a lined to neurodevelopmental disorder and how it can answer many questions

in regard to individuals needs that live with ASD. This study is one that many educators and

services providers to children with ASD must read. As, this article focused on the, “impairments

in social communication and social interactions along with repetitive, stereotyped behaviors and

interests”(Sivapalan and Aitchison, 2014). This is currently and has been for many years an area

in which many questions have been raised. An element that this study came to show was, “ a

common theme is that the disorder is one of impaired brain development. This study went into

showing how neuroimaging studies offer a way to investigate impaired brain development the
A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 10

structural differences between individuals with ASD and typical individuals”(Sivapalan and

Aitchison, 2014). This study used many literatures demonstrates heterogeneity in the reported

findings”( Sivapalan and Aitchison, 2014). The outcome of this study was a review of the

limitation presentation of those with ASD, consistent findings are not easily available. The

limitations to this study was the investigation of the underlying processes of ASD and its related

disorders. In conclusion, this study was one that added much more in-depth research and back

information in regard to the understanding characteristics of ASD.

A Review on the Etiology, Cognitive and Neurological Characteristics of ASD 11


Hayretdag, C., Algedik, P., Ekmekci, C. G., Gunal, O.B., Agyuz, U., Yildirim, H., &

Coskunpinar, E.(2020). Determination of genetic changes in etiology of autism spectrum

disorder in twins by whole-exome sequencing. Gene Reports, 19. https://doi-

Shyman, E. (2017). Please Wait, Processing: A Selective Literature Review of the Neurological

Understanding of Emotional Processing in ASD and Its Potential Contribution to

Neuroeducation. Brain Sciences (2076-3425), 7(11), 153. https://doi-

Sivapalan, S., & Aitchison, K. J. (2014). Neurological Structure Variations in Individuals with

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, 24(3), 268–275.

Smith, A. (2009). The Empathy Imbalance Hypothesis of Autism: A Theoretical Approach to

Cognitive and Emotional Empathy in Autistic Development. Psychological

Record, 59(3), 489–510.

Steinman, G.,& Mankuta, D. (2019). Molecular biology of autism’s etiology- An alternative

mechanism. Medical Hypotheses, 130. https://doi-

The Development of Core Cognitive Skills in Autism: A 3-Year Prospective Study. Child

Development, 81(5), 1400–1416.


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