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Name of the Post Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2

Advertisement No 112/2018-19

Preliminary Test Held on 30/06/2019

Que. No. 1-300 GS

Publish Date 08/07/2019

Last Date to Send Suggestion (S) 16/07/2019


(1) All Suggestionsare to be sent with reference to website published

Question paper with Provisional Answer Key Only.
(2) All Suggestions are to be sent in the given format only.
(3) Candidate must ensure the above compliance.

(૧) ઉમેદવારે વાંધા-�ૂચનો ર�ૂ કરવા વેબસાઇટ પર પ્રસસધ્ધ થયેલ

સનયત ન�ૂનાનો ઉપયોગ કરવો.

(૨) ઉમેદવારોએ પોતાને પર�ક્ષામાં મળેલ સીર�ઝની પ્ર�પુ�સ્તકામાં
છપાયેલ પ્ર�ક્રમાંક �ુજબ વાંધા- �ૂચનો ર�ૂ ન કરતા તમામ

વાંધા-�ૂચનો વેબસાઇટ પર પ્રસસધ્ધ થયેલ પ્રોસવઝનલ

આન્સર ક�ના પ્ર�ક્રમાંક �ુજબ અને તે સંદભર્માં ર�ૂ કરવા.

(૩) ઉમેદવારોએ ઉક્ત � ૂચના� ંુ અ�ુક પાલન કરવું અન્યથા વાંધા-� ૂચનો

�ગે કરેલ ર�ૂઆતો ધ્યાને લેવાશે નહ�.

001. hk»xÙeÞ LkkLke çk[ík Vtz (NSSF) çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) ík{k{ LkkLke çk[íkkuLke hf{ ¼khíkLkk yufrºkík Vtz{kt s{k fhðk{kt ykðu Au.
(B) NSSF nuX¤Lkk ÔÞðnkhku fuLÿLke hksfku»keÞ ¾kÄLku «íÞûk heíku yMkh fhíkk LkÚke.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

002. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt “çkuhkusøkkheLke ò¤”Lku Mkk[e heíku ðýoðu Au ?

(A) {sçkwík ykŠÚkf ð]ÂæÄ Aíkkt hkusøkkheLke ð]ÂæÄ{kt ½xkzku Úkðku.
(B) yuðe ÃkrhÂMÚkrík ßÞkt çkuhkusøkkh ÷kufku ©{{kt òuzkðk íkiÞkh Úkíkkt LkÚke.
(C) yuðe ÃkrhÂMÚkrík ßÞkt {kuxk¼køkLkk fk{Ëkhku ykuAwt ðuíkLk ykÃkíkk yMktøkrXík ûkuºk{kt fk{u ÷køku÷k nkuÞ.
(D) yuðe ÃkrhÂMÚkrík ßÞkt Q¼e fhðk{kt ykðu÷e LkkufheykuLke MktÏÞk Lkkufhe-çkòh{kt «ðuþ fhíkk ÷kufkuLke MktÏÞk fhíkk ykuAe nkuÞ

003. [÷ýLkk yð{qÕÞLkLke Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE Mkt¼rðík yMkh / yMkhku Au ?

1. rðËuþe rðrLk{Þ çkòhku{kt [÷ýLkk {qÕÞ{kt ½xkzku.
2. rLkfkMkLke Ÿ[e MÃkÄkoí{fíkk
3. Ÿ[ku Vqøkkðku
4. ykÞkíkLke ®f{ík{kt ðÄkhku
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

004. xufkLkk ¼kð ÞkusLkk nuX¤ Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ðMíkwyku «kÃík fhðk{kt ykðu Au ?
1. fXku¤ 2. çkkøkkÞíke Ãkkf 3. íku÷erçkÞkt 4. fÃkkMk
(A) Võík 1 yLku 4 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

005. yMktøkXeík ûkuºkLkk fk{Ëkhku {kxuLke Mðkð÷tçkLk ÃkuLþLk ÞkusLkkLku .......... MkkÚku ¼u¤ðe Ëuðk{kt ykðe Au.
(A) «ÄkLk{tºke SðLk ßÞkurík ðe{k ÞkusLkk (B) «ÄkLk{tºke Wßsð÷k ÞkusLkk
(C) yx÷ ÃkuLþLk ÞkusLkk (D) LkuþLk÷ Vu{e÷e çkurLkVex Mfe{

006. VeMkf÷ heMÃkkuLMkeçke÷exe yuLz çksux {uLkus{uLx yuõx (FRBM), 2003 çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt /
Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) yk yrÄrLkÞ{ ÷kððk ÃkkA¤Lkku {wÏÞ ykþÞ hksfku»keÞ ¾kÄLku ykuAe fhðkLkku yLku íkuLku rLkÞík {ÞkoËkyku{kt hk¾ðkLkku Au.
(B) íku hksfku»keÞ ¾kÄ íku{s {nuMkq÷e ¾kÄ çktLku MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷ku Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

007. òuzfkt òuzku.

1. hksfku»keÞ Lkerík a. {kŠsLk {Lke
2. rÄhkýLkerík b. çkìLf Ëh
3. LkkýkfeÞ Lkerík c. fh Ëh
(A) 1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - b (B) 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - b
(C) 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a (D) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - c

008. íkksuíkh{kt þY fhðk{kt ykðu÷e “Mkki¼køÞ ÞkusLkk” .......... ÃkqY Ãkkzðk çkkçkíkLke Au.
(A) ðes¤e (B) ð]æÄ ÃkuLþLk
(C) ÞwðkLkkuLku hkusøkkhe (D) yktíkhòíkeÞ ÷øLkkuLku «kuíMkknLk

PSP – MASTER] 2 [Contd.

001. Which of the following statements regarding National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) is/are correct ?
(A) All small savings collections are credited to the Consolidated Fund of India.
(B) The transactions under NSSF do not impact the fiscal deficit of the Centre directly.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

002. Which of the following correctly describes the term ‘Unemployment Trap’?
(A) Fall in employment growth despite robust economic growth.
(B) The situation where unemployed people are unwilling to join the labour force.
(C) The situation where the majority of workers are employed in the low paying unorganised sector.
(D) The situation where number of jobs created is less than the number of people entering the job market.

003. Which of the following is/are the likely implication/s of currency devaluation?
1. The decline in value of the currency in forex markets.
2. Higher export competitiveness
3. Higher inflation
4. Rise in cost of imports.
(A) 1 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

004. Which of the following items are procured under the Price Support Scheme?
1. Pulses 2. Horticulture crops 3. Oilseeds 4. Cotton
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 2 and 3 only (C) 1, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

005. The Swavalamban Pension Scheme for the unorganized workers has been merged with _______ .
(A) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
(B) Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
(C) Atal Pension Yojana
(D) National Family Benefit Scheme

006. Which of the following statement/s is /are correct regarding Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
(FRBM) Act, 2003 ?
(A)  The main purpose behind introducing this Act was to reduce and keep the fiscal deficit within fixed limits.
(B) It is concerned with both fiscal as well as revenue deficit.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

007. Match the column.

1. Fiscal Policy a) Margin Money
2. Credit Policy b) Bank rate
3. Monetary Policy c) Tax rate
(A) 1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - b (B) 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - b
(C) 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a (D) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - c

008. The recently launched ‘Saubhagya Yojana’ is related to providing _________ .

(A) electricity (B) old age pension
(C) employment to youth (D) incentive to intercaste marriages


009. y÷øk-y÷øk Ëuþku ðå[u ykŠÚkf Mktf÷LkLke «r¢Þk{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku Mkk[ku ¢{ Au ?
(A) MkrnÞkhwt çkòh - {wõík ðuÃkkh rðMíkkh - ykŠÚkf MktÃk - fMx{ MktÃk
(B) {wõík ðuÃkkh rðMíkkh - MkrnÞkhwt çkòh - fMx{ MktÃk - ykŠÚkf MktÃk
(C) MkrnÞkhwt çkòh - {wõík ðuÃkkh rðMíkkh - fMx{ MktÃk - ykŠÚkf MktÃk
(D) {wõík ðuÃkkh rðMíkkh - fMx{ MktÃk - MkrnÞkhwt çkòh - ykŠÚkf MktÃk

010. Mkhfkhe ytËksÃkºk{kt {nuMkq÷e ¾kÄ .......... îkhk ¼hÃkkE ÚkkÞ Au.
1. WÄkh 2. rðrLkðuþ 3. fh ykðf 4. Ãkhkuûk fhðuhk
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 1 yLku 4 (C) Võík 3 yLku 4 (D) Võík 2 yLku 4

011. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ykŠÚkf ykÞkusLkLke {kuxk ÃkkÞkLke rMkÂæÄ LkÚke ?

(A) hk»xÙeÞ ykðf{kt ðÄkhku (B) {kÚkkËeX ykðf{kt ðÄkhku
(C) ykiãkurøkfefhý (D) hkusøkkhe

012. Lkkýk ykÞkuøk hk»xÙÃkríkLku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE çkkçkíkku{kt ¼÷k{ýku fhu Au ?

(A) fuLÿ yLku hkßÞ ðå[u fhðuhkLke ðnU[ýe (B) yLkwËkLk yLku rÄhkýLkkt ¼køk÷kt
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

013. .......... Úke ðÄw ðkŠ»kf xLkoykuðh Ähkðíkkt ík{k{ ðuÃkkhe yuf{kuyu GST nuX¤ LkkUÄýe fhkððe Ãkzu Au.
(A) Yk. 5 ÷k¾ (B) Yk. 20 ÷k¾ (C) Yk. 40 ÷k¾ (D) Yk. 50 ÷k¾

014. 14{k Lkkýk ykÞkuøku fuLÿeÞ rð¼ksLkÃkkºk Mkk{qrnf fhðuhk rLkrÄ{kt hkßÞkuLkku nk÷Lkku 32% Lkku rnMMkku ðÄkheLku .......... fÞkuo Au.
(A) 35% (B) 39% (C) 42% (D) 50%

015. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE Ãkt[ð»keoÞ ÞkusLkkLkku nuíkw Mkki «Úk{ ð¾ík “Mk{kðíkeo ð]ÂæÄ” ykÃkðk{kt ykÔÞku níkku ?
(A) 9{e Ãkt[ð»keoÞ ÞkusLkk (B) 10{e Ãkt[ð»keoÞ ÞkusLkk
(C) 11{e Ãkt[ð»keoÞ ÞkusLkk (D) 12{e Ãkt[ð»keoÞ ÞkusLkk

016. GSTLku fkhýu hkßÞ MkhfkhkuLku ÚkÞu÷e ¾kux fuLÿ Mkhfkh .......... ð»ko {kxu ¼hÃkkE fhþu.
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) fkuE ¼hÃkkE Lknª fhu
017. Mktfr÷ík çkk¤rðfkMk Mkuðkyku - ELxeøkúuxuz [kEÕz zuð÷Ãk{uLx MkðeoMkeÍ (ICDS) çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞkt rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?
1. 0 Úke 6 ð»ko ðå[uLkk ðÞsqÚkLkk çkk¤fkuLkwt Ãkku»ký rð»kÞf yLku MðkMÚÞ rð»kÞf ÂMÚkrík MkwÄkhðe.
2. yk ÞkusLkk øk¼oðíke yLku Äkºke {kíkkykuLku ykðhe ÷u Au.
3. Võík 0 Úke 12 ð»ko ðå[uLkk ðÞsqÚkLkk çkk¤fkuLku ykðhe ÷u Au.
4. ICDS fkÞo¢{ 1975{kt þY fhðk{kt ykÔÞku níkku.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4 (C) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) Võík 3 yLku 4

018. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ÞkusLkk ykŠÚkf heíku ÃkAkík ðøkoLkk Mk{wËkÞLku Ãkqhíke ykðf Q¼e fhðk yLku Mðhkusøkkhe {kxu ðÄkhkLkk MkkÄLk /
Mkk{økúe Ãkqhe Ãkkzu Au ?
(A) {kLkð fÕÞký ÞkusLkk (B) {kLkð rðfkMk ÞkusLkk (C) {kLkð hkusøkkh ÞkusLkk (D) {kLkð þÂõík ÞkusLkk

019. 1991Lkk ykŠÚkf MkwÄkhkyku çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt Mkk[wt LkÚke ?
(A) hksfku»keÞ MkwÄkhk {khVíku Mk{økú÷ûke ykŠÚkf ÂMÚkhíkk
(B) rLkfkMkLku W¥kusLk Ãkqhwt Ãkkzðk ðuÃkkhLkerík{kt MkwÄkhkyku
(C) LkkýkfeÞ ûkuºkku íku{Lkwt «ËþoLk MkwÄkhu íku {kxu íku{kt MkwÄkhkyku
(D) ðMíke rðMVkux ykuAku fhðk {kxu ÔÞkÃkf ðMíkeLkerík

PSP – MASTER] 4 [Contd.

009. Which of the following is the correct sequence in the process of economic integration between different
(A) Common market-free trade area- economic union –custom union
(B) Free trade area- common market- custom union- economic union
(C) Common market- free trade area- custom union-economic union
(D) Free trade area- custom union- common market- economic union

010. In government budget Revenue deficit gets financed by _____ .

1. Borrowing 2. Disinvestment 3. Tax Revenue 4. Indirect tax
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 4 only (C) 3 and 4 only (D) 2 and 4 only

011. Which of the following has not been the achievement of economic planning in a big way?
(A) Rise in National income (B) Increase in per capita income
(C) Industrialisation (D) Employment

012. The Finance Commission makes recommendations to the President in which of the following matters?
(A) Distribution of taxes between the Centre and States
(B) The division of grants in aid and loans
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

013. All business units with annual turnover exceeding ________ lakhs have to be registered under GST.
(A) INR 5 Lakhs (B) INR 20 Lakhs (C) INR 40 Lakhs (D) INR 50 lakhs

014. The 14th Finance Commission has enhanced the share of the States in the central divisible pool of taxes from
the current 32% to _______ .
(A) 35% (B) 39% (C) 42% (D) 50%

015. In which Five-Year Plan was the objective of ‘Inclusive Growth’ given for the first time ?
(A) 9th Five-Year Plan (B) 10th Five-Year Plan
(C) 11 Five-Year Plan (D) 12th Five-Year Plan

016. Central Government will compensate the loss of State Governments due to GST for _______ years.
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) No compensation

017. Which of the following statements are correct regarding the Integrated Child Developement Services
(ICDS) ?
1. Improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age group of 0 to 6 years.
2. The scheme covers pregnant and lactating mothers.
3. Only children belonging to the age group of 0 to 2 years are covered
4. ICDS programme was launched in 1975
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only (C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 3 and 4 only

018. Which among the following schemes provides additional tools/equipment to the economically backward
class community to generate adequate income and self-employment?
(A) Manav Kalyan Yojana (B) Manav Vikas Yojana
(C) Manav Rojgar Yojana (D) Manav Shakti Yojana

019. Which of the following is NOT correct about economic reforms of 1991 ?
(A) Macroeconomic stabilization through fiscal correction
(B) Trade policy reforms to provide stimulus to exports
(C) Financial sector reforms to improve its performance
(D) Massive population policy to reduce population explosion


020. ¼khíkLke ykÞkík-rLkfkMk (EXIM) çkUfLkwt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt fkÞo LkÚke ?
(A) ðMíkwyku yLku MkuðkykuLke ykÞkík yLku rLkfkMk {kxu rÄhký Ãkqhwt Ãkkzðwt.
(B) økwýð¥kkLke ¾kíkhe {kxu rLkfkMkLke ðMíkwykuLkwt rLkheûký
(C) rðËuþ{kt MktÞwõík MkknMkkuLku rÄhký
(D) rðËuþ{kt MktÞwõík MkknMkLke rnMMkk {qze{kt Vk¤ku ykÃkðk {kxu ¼khíkeÞ ÃkûkfkhkuLku ÷kuLk ykÃkðe
021. VwøkkðkLku fhðuhkLkwt «ríkr¢Þkþe÷ MðYÃk íkhefu ðýoLk fhðk{kt ykðu Au, fkhý fu ..........
(A) íku rLkfkMkLku yMkh fhu Au yLku ykÞkíkLku ykf»kof çkLkkðu Au.
(B) íku [÷ýLkk yð{qÕÞLk íkhV Ëkuhe òÞ Au.
(C) íku {tËe MkSo þfu Au.
(D) íku økheçk yLku rLkçko¤ ðøkkuoLku ðÄw yMkh fhu Au.
022. MÚkq¤ sL{Ëh (¢qz çkÚko hux) ð»ko{kt .......... ËeX Sðeík sL{Lke MktÏÞkLke {kÃkýe fhu Au.
(A) ðMíkeLkk 100 (B) ðMíkeLkk 1000
(C) ðMíkeLkk 10,00,000 (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª
023. ykÍkË ¼khíkLkk yÚkoíktºk Mkt˼uo, Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ½xLkk MkkiÚke ðnu÷e ½xe níke ?
(A) ðe{k ftÃkLkeykuLkwt hk»xÙeÞfhý (B) Mxux çkUf ykìV ELzeÞkLkwt hk»xÙeÞfhý
(C) çkuLfªøk rLkÞ{Lk yrÄrLkÞ{ ½zkÞku (D) «Úk{ Ãkt[ð»keoÞ ÞkusLkkLke hsqykík

024. fÞk ðkŠ»kf ytËksÃkºk{kt økwshkíku Mkki «Úk{ ð¾ík “suLzh çksux” hsq fÞwO ?
(A) 2005-06 (B) 2014-15 (C) 2015-16 (D) 2016-17
025. ¾kLkøke çkuLfªøk{kt .......... xfk MkeÄw rðËuþe hkufký (FDI)Lke {tsqhe ykÃkðk{kt ykðe Au.
(A) 100 (B) 49 (C) 74 (D) 26
026. GST çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) rðsÞ fu÷fhLke yæÞûkíkk nuX¤ xkMfVkuMkuo GSTLke y{÷ðkhe {kxuLkku {køko íkiÞkh fÞkuo.
(B) GSTyu ík{k{ Ãkhkuûk fhðuhkykuLkwt MÚkkLk ÷eÄwt Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

027. WYøðu {tºkýkyku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuLke MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷e Au ?

(A) «þwÕf / sfkíkLkk Ãkøk÷ktyku (B) rçkLk «þwÕf / sfkíkLkk Ãkøk÷ktyku
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

028. çkuLfkuyu íkuykuLke nkÚk WÃkhLke hkufz yLku fw÷ yMfÞk{íkku ðå[uLkku [ku¬Mk økwýku¥kh ò¤ððkLkku nkuÞ Au suLku .......... fnu Au.
(A) CLR (hkufz «ðkrníkkLkwt «{ký) (B) SLR (fkÞËk{kLÞ «ðkrníkkLkwt «{ký)
(C) SBR (fkÞËk{kLÞ çkuLf «{ký) (D) CBR (fuLÿeÞ çkuLf «{ký)
029. ðÄkhkLkwt {nuMkq÷ «kÃík fhðk {kxu ÷økkzðk{kt ykðíkkt ntøkk{e ðuhkLku .......... fnu Au.
(A) MkuMk (B) Ëtz
(C) Mkh[kso (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

030. 2019-20Lkk ytËksÃkºk{kt Mkhfkhe ¾[oLke MkkiÚke {kuxe çkkçkík fE Au ?

(A) ÷kuLkLke [qfðýe (B) Mkthûký ¾[o
(C) fuLÿeÞ ykÞkusLkLkku ¾[o (D) fhðuhkyku yLku Ve{kt hkßÞkuLkku rnMMkku
031. ¾uzqíkkuLke ykðf çk{ýe fhðkLkkt nuíkwLkk Mkt˼uo Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt LkÚke ?
1. ÷ûÞktf ð»ko 2022-23 Au.
2. ðkMíkrðf ykðf çk{ýe fhðkLke Au.
3. Võík ¾uíke{ktÚke Úkíke ykðfLku çk{ýe fhðkLke Au.
4. yk nuíkwLku rMkæÄ fhðk {kxu ¾uíkeLkk {køkkoLíkhLku «kuíMkkrník fhðkLkwt Au.
(A) Võík 1, 3 yLku 4 (B) Võík 2 yLku 4 (C) Võík 3 (D) Võík 1 yLku 3

PSP – MASTER] 6 [Contd.

020. Which of the following is NOT a function of the EXIM Bank of India?
(A) Financing of export and import of goods and services
(B) Inspection of exported goods for quality assurance
(C) Financing of joint ventures in foreign countries
(D) Loans to Indian parties for contributing to share capital of joint ventures abroad
021. Inflation is described as a regressive form of taxation because _______ .
(A) It affects exports and makes imports attractive
(B) It leads to devaluation of the currency
(C) It may cause recession
(D) It affects the poor and vulnerable sections more
022. The crude birth rate measures the number of live births during a year per _______ .
(A) 100 of population (B) 1000 of population
(C) 10,00,000 of population (D) None of these
023. In the context of independent India’s economy, which one of the following was the earliest event to take place?
(A) Nationalization of Insurance companies
(B) Nationalization of State Bank of India
(C) Enactment of Banking Regulation Act
(D) Introduction of First Five-Year Plan
024. In which yearly budget, Gujarat introduced Gender budget for the first time?
(A) 2005-06 (B) 2014-15 (C) 2015-16 (D) 2016-17
025. In private banking ________ percent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been allowed.
(A) 100 (B) 49 (C) 74 (D) 26
026. Which of the following statements is correct regarding to GST?
(A) The task force under the chairmanship of Vijay Kelkar paved the way for implementing GST
(B) GST has replaced all indirect taxes.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
027. Uruguay Round of negotiations are concerned with which among the following?
(A) Tariff Measures (B) Non-Tariff Measures
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
028. The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash on hand and total assets, this is
called _______________.
(A) CLR (central liquid reserve) (B) SLR (statutory liquidity ratio)
(C) SBR (statutory bank ratio) (D) CBR (central bank reserve)
029. The temporary tax levied to obtain additional revenue is called _______ .
(A) Cess (B) Penalty
(C) Surcharge (D) None of the above
030. Which is the biggest item of government expenditure in Budget 2019-20?
(A) Loan repayment (B) Defence expenditure
(C) Expenditure on central plans (D) Share of the states in taxes and fees
031. Which of the statements is / are NOT correct in context of doubling the farmers’ income objective?
1) The target year is 2022-23
2) It is real income which is to be doubled
3) Income from cultivation alone is to be doubled
4) Diversification of agriculture is to be promoted to achieve this objective
(A) 1, 3 and 4 only (B) 2 and 4 only
(C) 3 only (D) 1 and 3 only


032. yuf MkkÚku çkuðze ¾kÄLke Mk{MÞkLkku yÚko yu ÚkkÞ Au fu Ëuþ .......... Ähkðu Au.
(A) Ÿ[e hksfkur»kÞ ¾kÄ yLku Ÿ[e [k÷w ¾kíkkLke ¾kÄ
(B) Ÿ[e hksfkur»kÞ ¾kÄ yLku Ÿ[e {nuMkq÷e ¾kÄ
(C) Ÿ[e hksfkur»kÞ ¾kÄ yLku Ÿ[e þkMkfeÞ ¾kÄ
(D) Ÿ[e hksfkur»kÞ ¾kÄ yLku Ÿ[e «kÚkr{f ¾kÄ

033. ¼khík{kt NABARD .......... Lku ÃkwLk: Äehký Ãkqhwt Ãkkzíkwt LkÚke.
1. þuzâwÕz ðkrýßÞ çkuLfku
2. «kËurþf økúkr{ý çkuLfku
3. ykÞkík-rLkfkMk çkuLf
4. hkßÞ s{eLk rðfkMk çkuLf
(A) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (C) Võík 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

034. ¼khík MkhfkhLke Mkkøkh{k¤k Ãknu÷ çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1.  yk Ãknu÷Lkku nuíkw ËuþLkk 7,500 rf.{e. ÷ktçkk ËheÞkfktXk, 14,500 rf.{e. ÷ktçkk Mkt¼rðík LkkÔÞ s¤{køkkuo yLku {wÏÞ
yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ ËheÞkE ðuÃkkh {køkkuoLkk ÔÞqnkí{f MÚkkLkkuLkk Mkk{tsMÞ îkhk çktËh-rðfkMkLku «kuíMkkrník fhðwt.
2.  Mkkøkh{k¤k fkÞo¢{ nuX¤ Lk¬e fhu÷kt «kusuõxLku Mkkøkh{k¤k rðfkMk ftÃkLke (Mkkøkh{k¤k zuð÷Ãk{uLx ftÃkLke) (SDC)
Eõðexe xufku Ãkqhku Ãkkzþu.
3. Mkkøkh{k¤k «kusuõxLke y{÷ðkhe MktÃkqýoÃkýu LkkiÃkrhðnLk {tºkk÷Þ (Ministry of Shipping) îkhk fhðk{kt ykðþu.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) Võík 1 (C) Võík 1 yLku 2 (D) Võík 2 yLku 3

035. ¼khíkLke nk÷{kt fkÞohík “ykÄkh” ÞkusLkk ykÞkusLk Ãkt[Lke .......... {kxuLke ¼÷k{ýku WÃkh ykÄkheík Au.
(A) {Õxe-yuÃ÷efuþLk zuxk (B) MkeL¢kuLkkEÍTz zuxk fkzo
(C) fku÷uxh÷ M{kxo fkzo (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

036. MkknMk {qze (ðuL[h fuÃkex÷)Lkku þwt yÚko ÚkkÞ Au ?

(A) WãkuøkkuLku Ãkqhe Ãkkzðk{kt ykðíke xqtfk Mk{Þøkk¤k {kxuLke {qze.
(B) Lkðk Wãkuøk MkknrMkfkuLku Ãkqhe Ãkkzðk{kt ykðíke ÷ktçkk Mk{Þøkk¤kLke þYykíkLke {qze (Mxkxo-yÃk fuÃkex÷)
(C) LkwfMkkLkeLkk Mk{Þ{kt WãkuøkkuLku Ãkqhk Ãkkzðk{kt ykðíkkt Lkkýk.
(D) WãkuøkkuLku VuhçkË÷e yLku LkðeLkefhý {kxu Ãkqhk Ãkkzðk{kt ykðíkkt Lkkýk.

rðrðÄ Mkr{ríkyku îkhk ¼khík{kt økheçke hu¾k nuX¤Lke (BPL) ðMíkeLkk ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ yktfzkyku çkkçkíku òuzfkt òuzku.
Mkr{rík (çkeÃkeyu÷ ðMíke)
a. íkUzw÷fh Mkr{rík 1. 50%
b. yuLk. Mke. MkõMkuLkk Mkr{rík 2. 77%
c. yswoLk MkuLk økwÃíkk Mkr{rík 3. 37%
(A) a - 3, b - 1, c - 2 (B) a - 1, b - 2, c - 3
(C) a - 2, b - 3, c - 1 (D) a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

038. yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ íkh÷íkkLke Mk{MÞk .......... Lke rçkLk-WÃk÷çÄíkk MkkÚku MktçktÄ Ähkðu Au.
(A) ðMíkwyku yLku Mkuðkyku (B) MkkuLkw yLku [ktËe
(C) zkì÷h yLku çkeòt {sçkqík [÷ýku (nkzo fhLMkeÍ) (D) rLkfkMkÃkkºk yrÄþu»k

“siðrðrðÄíkk” çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?
1. íku W¥kh Äúwð«Ëuþ íkhV síkkt ðÄu Au.
2. íku W¥kh Äúwð«Ëuþ íkhV síkkt ½xu Au.
3. íku rð»kwðð]¥k íkhV síkkt ðÄu Au.
4. íku rð»kwðð]¥k íkhV síkkt ½xu Au.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 2 yLku 4

PSP – MASTER] 8 [Contd.

032. The twin deficit problem means a country having _______ .
(A) High fiscal deficit and high current account deficit
(B) High fiscal deficit and high revenue deficit
(C) High fiscal deficit and high governance deficit
(D) High fiscal deficit and high primary deficit
033. In India, NABARD does not provide refinance to _______ .
1. Scheduled commercial banks
2. Regional rural banks
3. Export-import bank
4. State land development banks
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
034. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Government of India’s Sagarmala initiative?
1.  The initiative aims at promoting port-led development by harnessing the country’s 7, 500-km-long
coastline, 14,500 km of potentially navigable waterways and strategic locations on key international
maritime trade routes.
2.  Sagarmala Development Company (SDC) will provide equity support for projects identified under
Sagarmala programme.
3. The implementation of the Sagarmala projects is done solely by the Ministry of Shipping.
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 only
(C) 1 and 2 only (D) 2 and 3 only
035. The ongoing ‘Aadhaar’ scheme of India is based on the recommendations of the Planning Commission
for ____________.
(A) Multi-Application Data (B) Synchronized Data Card
(C) Collateral Smart Card (D) None of these
036. What does venture capital mean?
(A) A short-term capital provided to industries
(B) A long-term start-up capital provided to new entrepreneurs
(C) Funds provided to industries at times of incurring losses
(D) Funds provided for replacement and renovation of industries
037. Match the following in reference to the BPL population in India as projected by the different committees.
(Committee) (BPL Population)
a. Tendulkar Committee 1. 50%
b. NC Saxena Committee 2. 77%
c. Arjun Sen Gupta Committee 3. 37%
(A) a - 3, b - 1, c - 2 (B) a - 1, b - 2, c - 3
(C) a - 2, b - 3, c - 1 (D) a - 2, b - 1, c - 3
038. The problem of international liquidity is related to the non-availability of _______ .
(A) Goods and services (B) Gold and silver
(C) Dollars and other hard currencies (D) Exportable surplus
039. Which of the following statements regarding ‘Biodiversity’ are correct?
1. It increases towards the Arctic region
2. It decreases towards the Arctic region
3. It increases towards the Equator
4. It decreases towards the Equator
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 2 and 4 only


040. rh{kux Mku®LMkøk yu rðrðÄ htøkku{kt Ãk]ÚðeLke MkÃkkxeLke Açkeyku {u¤ððk rðþu Au, íku{ Aíkkt .......... Lku fkhýu ðkˤe ûkuºkLku xk¤ðwt
Mkk{kLÞ Au.
(A) xqtfe íkhtøk ÷tçkkE (B) Ãkkýe MkkÚku økqt[ðý
(C) {kuxe «feýoLk yMkh (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

041. [tÿr{þLk, [tÿÞkLk-1 Lkwt yLkwøkk{e [tÿÞkLk-2 .......... Lkku Mk{kðuþ fhþu.
(A) ykuŠçkxh MÃkuMk¢k^x (B) ykuŠçkxh yLku hkuðh
(C) ÷uLzh MkkÚkuLkwt ykuŠçkxh yLku hkuðh (D) ÷uLzh MkkÚkuLkwt {kLkðMkn ykuŠçkxh

042. {kuçkkE÷ xkðh .......... Akuzu Au.

(A) B rfhýku (B) R rfhýku
(C) X rfhýku yLku B rfhýku (D) ðes[wtçkfeÞ rfhýkuíMkøko

043. [uLk-heyuõþLk xfkðe hk¾ðk {kxu ÞwhurLkÞ{Lkwt fÞwt ykEMkkuxkuÃk ûk{íkk Ähkðu Au ?
(A) U-245 (B) U-235 (C) U-225 (D) U-230

044. íkksuíkh{kt MkV¤íkkÃkqðof nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðu÷k yuLxe-Mkuxu÷kEx r{MkkE÷ Ãkrhûký ¼khíkLku ykðfkþ{kt Ëw~{Lk Mkuxu÷kExLkku Lkkþ
fhðkLke ûk{íkk Ähkðíkku rðïLkku .......... Ëuþ çkLkkðu Au.
(A) [kuÚkku (B) «Úk{ (C) ºkeòu (D) Ãkkt[{ku
045. Äw{kzkLkku Mktfuík .......... Au.
(A) ÷ktçkk ytíkhLkk MktËuþkÔÞðnkhLkk MkkiÚke swLkk MðYÃkku ÃkifeLkwt yuf Au.
(B) {kE¢kuðuð ykuðLk{kt ðÃkhkíke yãíkLk xufLkku÷kuS Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

046. MOOCs .......... Ãkqhwt Ãkkzu Au.

(A) rðãkÚkeoykuLku Mkðkuo¥k{ økwýð¥kkðk¤k E-÷LkeOøkLkk MkkÄLkku (B) çkuLfkuLku ÔÞðnkhkuLkwt Ã÷uxVku{o
(C) Mkhfkhe f[uheyku{kt {k÷Lke ¾heËe (D) økúknfkuÚke ËwfkLkËkhkuLku LkkýkLkwt nMíkktíkhý
047. EL£khuz yLku òuE þfkÞ íkuðe Mkuxu÷kEx Açkeyku fËk[ .......... Ãkqhe Ãkkze þfu.
(A) ðkˤLke òzkE yLku Ÿ[kE Lk¬e fhðk {kxuLke ÃkæÄrík (B) Mkqfk yLku ¼eLkk ðkˤku ðå[uLkku ¼uË Ãkkh¾ðkLke ÃkæÄrík
(C) f]rºk{ ð»kko {kxu ÞkuøÞ ðkˤku yku¤¾ðk {kxuLke ÃkæÄrík (D) “Lkðk” yLku “swLkk” ðkˤku ðå[u ¼uË Ãkkh¾ðkLke ÃkæÄrík

048. Mkur{fLzõxh MkçkMxÙux{ktÚke ELxeøkúuxuz MkhfexkuLkwt MksoLk fhðk {kxu ðÃkhkíke {q¤¼qík «r¢Þk fE Au ?
(A) r÷ÚkkuøkúkVe (B) Vkuxku ÃkuxLkeOøk (C) rLkðkhý (D) Mkt÷øLkíkk
049. siíkkÃkwh Ãkh{kýw Qòo {Úkf Ãkqýo Úkíkkt íku rðïLkwt MkkiÚke {kuxwt Ãkh{kýwt Qòo {Úkf çkLkþu. íku fux÷k Ãkh{kýwt heyuõxhku Ähkðíkwt nþu yLku
íkuLke Mkt[Þûk{ ûk{íkk fux÷e nþu ?
(A) Mkkík, 8200 MW (B) [kh, 8500 MW (C) Ãkkt[, 8900 MW (D) A, 9900 MW

050. ykxeoVeþeÞ÷ LÞqh÷ Lkuxðfo þwt Au ?

(A) íku {kLkð{øksLke «íkef]íkeYÃk fBÃÞwxh Lkuxðfo Au.
(B) íku WËknhý îkhk Mk{MÞk Wfu÷ðkLkwt þe¾íkwt fBÃÞwxh Lkuxðfo Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

051. ze.ykh.ze.yku. (DRDO) Lkwt Rustom-2 «kuøkúk{ þwt Au ?

(A) íku ‘÷kUøk yuLzÞkuhLMk’ ðk¤wt {kLkðhrník nðkE ðknLk Au.
(B) íku rðfkMk nuX¤Lke yuLxe xuLf r{MkkE÷ Au.
(C) íku rðfkMk nuX¤Lkwt Au.
(D) íku rðfkMk nuX¤Lke MkwÃkhMkkurLkf MkÃkkxeÚke nðkLke (surface to air) r{MkkE÷ Au.

PSP – MASTER] 10 [Contd.

040. Remote sensing is all about acquiring images of Earth surface in different colors. It is however very common
to avoid blue region due to ______ .
(A) Shorter wavelength (B) Confusion with water
(C) Large Scattering effect (D) None of the above
041. Chandrayaan-2, the successor to Chandrayaan-1, mission to moon, shall comprise _______ .
(A) An orbiter spacecraft (B) An orbiter and a rover
(C) An orbiter with lander and rover (D) A manned orbiter with lander
042. Mobile towers releases _______ .
(A) B Rays (B) R Rays
(C) X Rays and B rays (D) Electromagnetic Radiation
043. Which isotope of Uranium has the capacity to sustain the chain reaction?
(A) U-245 (B) U-235 (C) U-225 (D) U-230
044. Recently, India successfully conducted anti-satellite missile test which makes it the world’s _____________
country capable of destroying an enemy satellite in the space.
(A) Fourth (B) First (C) Third (D) Fifth
045. Smoke Signal is _______ .
(A) One of the oldest forms of long-distance communication
(B) Latest technology used in microwave ovens
(C) Options (A) and (B) both are correct
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
046. MOOCs provide _______ .
(A) Best quality e-learning resources to students
(B) Transaction platform to the banks
(C) Purchases of goods in the government offices
(D) Money transfer from the customers to shopkeepers
047. Infrared and visible satellite images might provide _______ .
(A) A way of determining cloud thickness and altitude
(B) A way of distinguishing between wet and dry clouds.
(C) A way of identifying clouds suitable for cloud seeding.
(D) A way of distinguishing between “new” and “old” clouds.
048. What is the fundamental process used for creating Integrated Circuits from semiconductor substrate?
(A) Lithography (B) Photo-patterning (C) Desilting (D) Adhesion
049. Jaitapur Nuclear Power Park would be the world’s largest nuclear power plant once completed. How many
nuclear reactors would it have and what would be their cumulative capacity?
(A) Seven, 8200 MW (B) Four, 8500 MW (C) Five, 8900 MW (D) Six, 9900 MW
050. What is an Artificial Neural Network?
(A) It is computer network modelled on human brain
(B) It is computer network that learns problem solving by example
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
051. What is the Rustom-2 programme of DRDO?
(A) It is a Long Endurance UAV (Unmanned Arial Vehicle)
(B) It is an antitank missile under development
(C) It is a IJT under development
(D) It is a Supersonic surface to air missile under development.

PSP – MASTER] 11 [P.T.O.

052. USB yux÷u ..........
(A) ÞwrLkðMko÷ MkkuMko çkMk (B) ÞwrLkðMko÷ MkeheÍ çkMk
(C) ÞwrLkðMko÷ MkeheÞ÷ çkMk (D) yÕxÙk MkeheÞ÷ çkMk

053. ð»ko 2017{kt ze.ykh.ze.yku. (DRDO)yu “{wLºkk” - MUNTRA rðfMkkÔÞwt su {kLkðhrník he{kux ykuÃkhuxªøk .......... Au.
(A) xuLf (B) rð{kLk
(C) r{MkkE÷ (D) zÙkuLk

054. hk»xÙeÞ xufLkku÷kuS rËðMk 11{e {u Lkk hkus þk {kxu {Lkkððk{kt ykðu Au ?
(A) Ãkku¾hý ¾kíku Ãkh{kýw ÃkheûkýLku MkV¤íkkÃkqðof nkÚk Ähe ¼khíku yuf {kuxe íkfLkefe rMkÂæÄ nktMk÷ fhe.
(B) Ãkku¾hý ¾kíku r{MkkE÷ ÃkheûkýLku MkV¤íkkÃkqðof nkÚk Ähe ¼khíku yuf {kuxe íkfLkefe rMkÂæÄ nktMk÷ fhe.
(C) ©e nrhfkuxk ¾kíku WÃkøkún «ûkuÃký ðknLk ÃkheûkýLku MkV¤íkkÃkqðof nkÚk Ähe ¼khíku yuf {kuxe íkfLkefe rMkÂæÄ nktMk÷ fhe.
(D) fýkoxf{kt Ãkh{kýw {kLkðhrník he{kux ðknLk ÃkheûkýLku MkV¤íkkÃkqðof nkÚk Ähe ¼khíku yuf {kuxe íkfLkefe rMkÂæÄ nktMk÷ fhe.

055. fÞk WÃkøkúnLku “zTðkVo” (ðk{Lk) WÃkøkúnLkk Ëhßsu Wíkkhðk{kt ykÔÞku ?

(A) Ã÷wxku (B) {tøk¤ (C) Ãk]Úðe (D) þw¢
056. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ¼khík{kt Mkt¼rðík þu÷ økuMk çkuÍeLk LkÚke ?
(A) {nkLkËe çkuÍeLk (B) ¾t¼kík çkuÍeLk (C) r¢»ýk-økkuËkðhe çkuÍeLk (D) Ëk{kuËh çkuÍeLk
057. íkksuíkh{kt [ktËeÃkwh, ykurhMMkk ¾kíku “HELINA”Lkwt Ãkheûký fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt. íku þuLkk ÷økíkwt Au ?
(A) {Õxe çkuh÷ xuLf (B) yuLxe xuLf økkEzuz r{MkkE÷
(C) yuzðkLMz økLk (D) hzkh nu÷efkuÃxh

058. rðxk{eLk D Mkt&÷u»ký çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. rðxk{eLk D Ãkkhòtçk÷e «fkþ îkhk [k{ze{kt WíÃkLLk ÚkkÞ Au.
2. rðxk{eLk D Lkwt Ÿ[wt «{ký ðÄw hkuøkøkúMík nkuðk MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷wt Au.
3. MkqÞo «fkþLku ðÄkhu Ãkzíkk rðxk{eLk D Lku WíÃkLLk fhíkkt yxfkððk {kxu þheh{kt fkuE ÃkæÄrík LkÚke.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

059. GAGAN Mkuxu÷kEx LkuðeøkuþLk fkÞo¢{Úke Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ÷k¼ku «kÃík ÚkðkLke yÃkuûkk Au ?
1. ¼qMíkhþkMºkeÞ
2. ¼kiøkkur÷f {krníke Mktøkún
3. MÚk¤ ykÄkrhík Mkuðkyku
4. LkuðeøkuþLk yLku Mk÷k{íke{kt ðÄkhku
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 3 yLku 4
(C) Võík 1 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

060. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

(A) Wãkuøk{kt çkkÞkuxufLkku÷kuSLkk WÃkÞkuøkLku MkVuË çkkÞkuxufLkku÷kuS íkhefu økýðk{kt ykðu Au, íku ykiãkurøkf «r¢ÞkykuLku MkwÄkhu Au
yLku Lkðk WíÃkkËLkkuLkwt MksoLk fhu Au.
(B) çÕÞw çkkÞkuuxufLkku÷kuS s÷eÞ ÃkÞkoðhý MkkÚku QòoLkk Lkðk Mºkkuíkku Q¼k fhðk yLku Lkðe Ëðkyku rðfMkkððk Mktf¤kÞu÷wt Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 12 [Contd.

052. USB stands for _____.
(A) Universal Source Bus (B) Universal Series Bus
(C) Universal Serial Bus (D) Ultra Serial Bus

053. In the year 2017, DRDO developed “Muntra”, which is basically an unmanned remote operating _______.
(A) tank (B) plane
(C) missile (D) drone

054. Why National Technological Day is celebrated on 11th May?

(A) India achieved a major technological breakthrough by successfully carrying out nuclear test at Pokhran.
(B) India achieved a major technological breakthrough by successfully carrying out first missile test at
(C)  India achieved a major technological breakthrough by successfully carrying out satellite launch
vehicle test at Sriharikota.
(D)  India achieved a major technological breakthrough by successfully carrying out nuclear unmaned
remote vehicle test in Karnataka

055. Which planet was downgraded to ‘dwarf’ planet status?

(A) Pluto (B) Mars
(C) Earth (D) Venus

056. Which of the following is NOT a prospective shale gas basin in India?
(A) Mahanadi basin (B) Cambay basin
(C) Krishna-Godavari basin (D) Damodar basin

057. Recently “HELINA” was tested in Chandipur, Odisha. What does it refer to?
(A) Multi Barrel tank (B) Anti tank Guided Missile
(C) Advanced gun (D) Radar Helicopter

058. Which of the following statements are correct about Vitamin D Synthesis?
1. Vitamin D is produced in the skin by ultraviolet light.
2. Higher levels of Vitamin D are associated with higher morbidity.
3. Body has no mechanism to prevent sunlight from producing too much Vitamin D.
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3

059. Which of the following benefits are expected from GAGAN satellite navigation programme ?
1. Geodynamics
2. Geographic Data Collection
3. Location based Services
4. Navigation and Safety Enhancement
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 3 and 4 only
(C) 1 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

060. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(A)  The use of Biotechnology in industry is regarded as white biotechnology, it helps to improve industrial
process and create new products.
(B)  Blue biotechnology deals with aquatic environment to generate new sources of energy and develop
new drugs.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

PSP – MASTER] 13 [P.T.O.

061. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuzeyku Mkk[e heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?
1. ¼khu Ãkkýe (nuðe ðkuxh) - íku yuf yÚkðk ðÄw zâwxurhÞ{ yýwyku MkkÚku çktÄkÞu÷k ykuÂõMksLk{ktÚke çkLkkððk{kt ykðu Au.
2. íktíkwMkk{økúe/ykÂÛðf Mkk{økúe (VeMkkE÷) - íkuLku fkuEÃký Ãkqðo YÃkktíkhLke sYh LkÚke.
3. VeÍLkuçk÷ Mkk{økúe - Ãkh{kýw VeþLk Ãkqðuo YÃkktíkh Úkðwt sYhe Au.
4. Úk{o÷ heyuõxh - yk heyuõxhku [uELk «ríkr¢Þk nkÚk Ähðk {kxu ÍzÃke økríkþe÷ LÞwxÙkuLkLkku WÃkÞkuøk fhu Au.
(A) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 4 (D) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4

062. yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ yðfkþ {Úkf çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?
1. yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ yðfkþ {Úkf yuf rðþk¤ yðfkþÞkLk Au.
2. íku [tÿLke Vhíku ¼ú{ý fhu Au.
3. yðfkþ {ÚkfLke ¼ú{ýfûkk Ãk]ÚðeÚke ykþhu 400 rf.{e. WÃkh Au.
4. yðfkþ {ÚkfLkku Ãknu÷k ¾tz/xqfzkLkwt hrþÞkyu 2008{kt «ûkuÃký fÞwO níkwt.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2 yLku 4 (C) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

063. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. PSLV yu GSLV fhíkkt swLkwt Au.
2. GSLV yðfkþ{kt ðÄkhu ¼kh Ÿ[fðkLke ûk{íkk Ähkðu Au.
3. PSLV çku íkçk¬kyku Ähkðu Au yLku GSLV [kh íkçk¬kyku Ähkðu Au.
4. GSLV hkufux íkuLkk ytrík{ íkçk¬k{kt ¢kÞkusurLkf yuLSLkkuLkku WÃkÞkuøk fhu Au.
(A) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4
064. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuzeyku Mkk[e Au ?
1. Ãk]Úðe-I - MkiLÞ ykð]r¥k - 150 rf.{e.Lke ©uýe
2. Ãk]Úðe-II - ðkÞwˤ ykð]r¥k - 350 rf.{e.Lke ©uýe
3. Ãk]Úðe-III - Lkkifkˤ ykð]r¥k - ÄLkw»k íkhefu yku¤¾kÞ Au
(A) Võík 1 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 1 yLku 2

065. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. T-55 yLku rðsÞLÚkk xuLf nðu Mkuðk{ktÚke Ãkhík ÷E ÷uðk{kt ykÔÞkt Au.
2. yswoLk - {wÏÞ ÞwØ xuLf MðËuþe heíku zeÍkELk yLku rLk{koý fhu÷e Au.
3. T-72 yLku T-90 - yk çktLku xuLf Mkuðk{kt Au.
4. T-90 xuLfLku ysuÞ yLku T-72 xuLfLku ¼e»{ fnuðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (C) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) Võík 4

066. Mk{k[khku{kt fux÷efðkh Lkux{exhªøk òuðk {¤u Au su .......... Lku «kuíMkkrník fhðk Mkt˼uo Au.
(A) ½h½ÚÚkw WÃk¼kuõíkkyku îkhk Mkkih QòoLkwt WíÃkkËLk yLku ðÃkhkþ
(B) ½hu÷w hMkkuzk{kt ÃkkEÃk îkhk fwËhíke økuMkLkku WÃkÞkuøk
(C) {kuxhfkhku{kt CNG fexLkwt MÚkkÃkLk
(D) þnuhe ½hku{kt ÃkkýeLkk {exhLkwt MÚkkÃkLk
067. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?
(A) Mkku÷ez Mxux ÷uMkh - íku CD yLku DVD Ã÷uÞhku{kt ðÃkhkíkk ÷uMkh suðkt Au.
(B) Mku{efLxõxh ÷uMkh - íku ÷uMkh «eLxhku yLku çkkhfkuz MfuLkhku{kt ðÃkhkÞ Au.
(C) økuMk ÷uMkh - yuõMkkE{h ÷uMkh íkhefu Ãký yku¤¾kÞ Au.
(D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{
068. LkkEx rðÍLk WÃkfhýku{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk «fkhLkk íkhtøkkuLkku WÃkÞkuøk ÚkkÞ Au ?
(A) huzeÞku íkhtøkku (B) Mkqû{ ({kE¢ku) íkhtøkku
(C) RL£khuz íkhtøkku (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

PSP – MASTER] 14 [Contd.

061. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
1. Heavy Water - It is made from oxygen bonded to one or more deuterium atoms.
2. Fissile materials - It does not require any prior conversion.
3. Fissionable Materials - It requires conversion before undergoing nuclear fission.
4. Thermal Reactor - These reactors make use of fast moving neutrons to undertake the chain reaction.
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 4 only (D) 1, 2 and 4 only
062. Which of the following statements are correct regarding International Space station?
1. The International Space station is a large spacecraft.
2. It orbits around the Moon.
3. The orbit of space station is about 400 km above the Earth.
4. The first piece of space station was launched by Russia in 2008
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
063. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. The PSLV is older than GSLV.
2. GSLV has the capability to lift greater loads into space.
3. PSLV has two stages and GSLV has four stages.
4. GSLV rockets use Cryogenic engines in its last stage.
(A) 1, 2 and 4 only (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
063. Which of the following pairs are correct?
1. Prithvi-I - Army Version- range of 150kms
2. Prithvi-II - Air Force Version- range of 350kms
3. Prithvi-III - Naval verison- called as Dhanush
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 1 and 2 only
065. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. T-55 and Vijayantha tanks are now withdrawn from the service.
2. Arjun –main battle tank is indigenously designed and manufactured.
3. T-72 and T-90 both these tanks are in service.
4. T-90 tanks are called as Ajeya and T-72 as Bhishma.
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 4 only
066. Net Metering is sometimes seen in the news in the context of promoting _______ .
(A) The production and use of Solar energy by the households/consumers
(B) The use of piped natural gas in the kitchen of households
(C) The installation of CNG kits in motor cars
(D) The installation of water meters in Urban households
067. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(A) Solid-State Lasers - these are like the one used in CD& DVD players
(B) Semiconductor Lasers - they are used in Laser printers and Barcode scanners
(C) Gas Lasers - also called as excimer lasers
(D) All of the above
068. Which one of the following types of waves are used in the night vision apparatus?
(A) Radio waves (B) Microwaves
(C) Infrared waves (D) All of the above

PSP – MASTER] 15 [P.T.O.

069. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A)  ð[woy÷ «kEðux Lkuxðfo (VPN) yuf xufLkku÷kuS Au su ykuAk Mk÷k{ík Lkuxðfo Mkk{u Mk÷k{ík yLku fkuz MkkÚkuLkwt (yuLkfkuzuz) òuzký Au.
(B) VPN ònuh LkuxðfoLku ¾kLkøke Lkuxðfo{kt rðMíkhu Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

070. çÕÞwxwÚk çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. çÕÞwxwÚk yu xqtfe ©uýeLkk hurzÞku ykðíkoLk (þkuxo huLs huzeÞku £efðLMke)Lkwt Lkk{ Au.
2. íku 2.4 GHz WÃkh fkÞohík Au yLku íku yðks yLku {krníkeLkwt «ðnLk fhðk Mkûk{ Au.
3. çÕÞwxwÚk WÃkfhýLke yMkhfkhf ©uýe (huLs) 500 {exh Au.
4. çÕÞwxwÚk {krníkeLkwt «ðnLk 1 mbps Lkk Ëhu fhu Au.
(A) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (B) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4
(C) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) Võík 1, 3 yLku 4

071. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. yuLxeçkkÞkuxeõMk yuLxe{kE¢kuçkeÞ÷ Ëðkyku íkhefu Ãký yku¤¾kÞ Au.
2. yu÷uõÍkLzh ^÷u®{øku «Úk{ yuLxeçkkÞkuxefLke þkuÄ fhe níke.
3. ðkÞhMkÚke ÚkÞu÷k [uÃk Mkk{u yuLxeçkkÞkuxeõMk yMkhfkhf LkÚke.
4. ÃkurLkrMkr÷Lk rðï{kt Mkki «Úk{ yuLxeçkkÞkuxef Au.
(A) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4
(C) Võík 1 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

072. VeLøkh«eLx MfuLkªøk WÃkhktík, Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ÔÞÂõíkLke çkkÞku{uxÙef yku¤¾ {kxu ðkÃkhe þfkÞ ?
1. ykEheMk MfuLkªøk
2. huxeLk÷ MfuLkªøk
3. yðksLke yku¤¾
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 1 yLku 2 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

073. ¼khík îkhk MÃkü fhðk{kt ykðu÷e Ãkt[þe÷ MktrÄ ytíkøkoík Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt íkuLkk Ãkkt[ rMkæÄktíkku{ktLkwt LkÚke ?
(A) þktríkÃkqýo MknyÂMíkíð
(B) yufçkeòLke yktíkrhf çkkçkíkku{kt fkuE ˾÷ Lknª
(C) ÷kufþkne Mk{ksLku «kuíMkknLk ykÃkðwt
(D) yufçkeòLke «kËurþf yufíkk yLku y¾trzíkíkkLku {kLk ykÃkðwt
074. økwshkík{kt ykhûký çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk ¾kuxwt Au ?
(A) MÚkkrLkf MktMÚkkyku{kt {rn÷kyku {kxu 50% çkuXfku ykhrûkík Au.
(B) 13 rðÄkLkMk¼k {íkrðMíkkhku yLkwMkqr[ík òríkyku {kxu ykhrûkík Au.
(C) 26 rðÄkLkMk¼k {íkrðMíkkhku yLkwMkqr[ík sLkòríkyku {kxu ykhrûkík Au.
(D) 3 MktMkËeÞ {ík rðMíkkhku yLkwMkqr[ík òríkyku {kxu ykhrûkík Au.

075. Lke[uLkk Ãkife yuðe fE çkkçkík Au fu su ytøku hkßÞÃkk÷ hk»xÙÃkríkLku ¼÷k{ý fhe þfíkk LkÚke ?
(A) Wå[ LÞkÞk÷ÞLkk LÞkÞkrÄþkuLku Ëqh fhðk
(B) hkßÞLke rðÄkLkMk¼kLkwt rðMksoLk fhðwt
(C) hkßÞ{kt çktÄkhýeÞ íktºk ¼ktøke Ãkzâwt nkuðkLke ònuhkík fhðe.
(D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

076. ÷kufMk¼k{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE {íkËkLkLke «r¢ÞkLkku «fkh LkÚke ?

(A) rð¼ksLk {ík (B) økwÃík {ík
(C) ç÷kELz {ík (D) fkÃk÷eyku (M÷eÃMk)Lkk rðíkhý îkhk {íkLke LkkUÄýe fhðe.

PSP – MASTER] 16 [Contd.

069. Which of the following statements is /are correct?
(A)  A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that creates a safe and encoded connection over a
less secure network.
(B) VPN extends a public network across a private network
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

070. Which of the following statements are correct regarding Bluetooth?

1. Bluetooth is the name for a short range radio frequency.
2. It operates at 2.4 GHz and is capable of transmitting voice and data.
3. The effective range of Bluetooth devices is 500 meters.
4. Bluetooth transfers data at the rate of 1 mbps.
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 1, 3 and 4 only

071. Which of the following statements are correct?

1. Antibiotics also known as antimicrobial drugs.
2. Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic.
3. The antibiotics are not effective against viral infections.
4. Penicillin is the first antibiotic in the world.
(A) 1, 2 and 4 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

072. In addition to fingerprint scanning, which of the following can be used in the biometric identification of a
1. Iris scanning
2. Retinal scanning
3. Voice recognition
(A) 1 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1 and 2 only (D) 1, 2 and 3

073. Which one of the following was NOT among the five principles of Panchasheel Treaty enunciated by India?
(A) Peaceful coexistence
(B) Noninterference in others’ internal matters
(C) Promotion of a democratic society
(D) Respect for each other's territorial unity and integrity

074. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding reservations in Gujarat?

(A) 50% of seats are reserved for women in Local bodies.
(B) 13 legislative assembly constituencies are reserved for Scheduled Castes.
(C) 26 legislative assembly constituencies are reserved for Scheduled Tribes.
(D) 3 Lok Sabha Constituencies are reserved for Scheduled Castes.

075. Which one of the following is an issue about which a Governor cannot make a recommendation to the
(A) Removal of the judges of the High Court.
(B) Dissolution of the state legislative assembly.
(C) Declaration of breakdown of the constitutional machinery in the state.
(D) None of the above

076. Which of the following is NOT a type of Voting procedure in Lok Sabha?
(A) Division Vote (B) Secret Ballot
(C) Blind vote (D) Recording votes by Distribution of Slips

PSP – MASTER] 17 [P.T.O.

077. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞk rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. hkßÞÞkËe{kt Mk{krðü fkuEÃký çkkçkík ytøku fkÞËkyku ½zðkLke ¾kMk Mk¥kk hkßÞMk¼kLku Au.
2. yr¾÷ ¼khíkeÞ Mkuðkyku Q¼e fhðkLke ¾kMk Mk¥kk hkßÞMk¼kLku Au.
3. òu ÷kufMk¼kLkwt rðMksoLk ÚkkÞ íkku fxkufxeLke ònuhkík {tsqh fhðkLke ¾kMk Mk¥kk hkßÞMk¼kLku Au.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) 1, 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 2

078. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk {wÆkyku WÃkh ðkýe yLku yr¼ÔÞÂõíkLkk MðkíktºÞLkku n¬ ðksçke rLkÞtºkýkuLku Ãkkºk Au ?
1. ËuþLkwt Mkkðo¼ki{íð yLku y¾trzíkíkk 2. rðËuþe hkßÞku MkkÚku r{ºkk[kheLkk MktçktÄku
3. çkËLkûke 4. yËk÷íkLkku yLkkËh
(A) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3

079. ¼khíkeÞ çktÄkhý .......... Lku «ríkçktrÄík fhu Au.

1. {kLkð íkMfhe
2. ðuX
3. fkuEÃký ¾kýku{kt 16 ð»ko fhíkkt ykuAe ðÞ Ähkðíkkt çkk¤fkuLku hkusøkkhe
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 2 (C) Võík 1 yLku 2 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

080. ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLkk yk{w¾{kt “LÞkÞ” þçËLkku WÕ÷u¾ .......... ÔÞõík fhu Au.
(A) Mkk{kSf, hksfeÞ yLku ÄkŠ{f LÞkÞ (B) Mkk{kSf, ykŠÚkf yLku MkktMf]ríkf LÞkÞ
(C) Mkk{krsf, ykŠÚkf yLku hksfeÞ LÞkÞ (D) ykŠÚkf yLku hksfeÞ LÞkÞ

081. Mkðkuoå[ yËk÷íke nwf{íkLku [kh ©uýeyku{kt rð¼kSík fhe þfkÞ. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt yk [kh{kt LkÚke ?
(A) {q¤ nfw{ík (B) yÃke÷eÞ nfw{ík
(C) ¾kMk nfw{ík (D) ÃkwLk:Šð[khýkLke nfw{ík

082. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞkLkku ð»ko 1976{kt ÚkÞu÷k MkwÄkhk yLðÞu çktÄkhý{kt Mk{kðuþ fhðk{kt ykÔÞku Lk níkku ?
1. Mkkðo¼ki{ ÷kufþkne «òMk¥kkf
2. Mkkðo¼ki{ Mk{ksðkËe rçkLkMkkt«ËkrÞf ÷kufþkne «òMk¥kkf
3. ËuþLke yufíkk
4. ËuþLke yufíkk yLku y¾tzeíkíkk
(A) Võík 1 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2 yLku 4 (C) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 1

083. ðirïfefhýLke yMkh nuX¤, hkßÞyu .......... Lke ¼qr{fk Äkhý fhe ÷eÄe Au.
(A) MkwrðÄk ykÃkLkkh yLku rLkÞ{Lkfkh (B) yktíkh{k¤¾kLkk rðfkMkfíkko
(C) fÕÞký hkßÞ (D) Mkk{kSf Mkuðkyku Ãkqhe ÃkkzLkkh

084. çkk¤fkuLkk n¬ku {kxuLke MktÞwõík hk»xÙkuLke Mk¼k îkhk ònuh fÞko «{kýu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk çkk¤fkuLkk n¬ku Au ?
1. nÞkík/Sðíkk hnuðkLkku n¬ 2. hûkýLkku n¬
3. íkuykuLkk ðk÷eyku MkkÚkuLkk MktçktÄLkku n¬ 4. rðfkMkLkku n¬
(A) Võík 1 yLku 4 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

085. çktÄkhýeÞ MkwÄkhkyku {kxuLke «r¢Þk çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk Mkk[wt LkÚke ?
(A) çktÄkhýLkk {kuxk ¼køkLkk ¼køkkuLkk MkwÄkhk {kxu MktMkËLkk çktLku øk]nkuLke ¾kMk çknw{íke sYhe Au.
(B) fux÷kf MkwÄkhkyku {kxu MkkËe çknw{íke sYhe Au.
(C) ¼khíkLkk hk»xÙÃkrík ÃkwLk:rð[khýk {kxu fne þfu.
(D) fux÷kf MkwÄkhku {kxu yzÄk hkßÞkuÚke ykuAk Lk nkuÞ íku{Lkk îkhk Mk{ÚkoLk sYhe Au.

PSP – MASTER] 18 [Contd.

077. Which of the following statement/s is /are correct?
1. Rajya Sabha enjoys special powers to make laws in respect of any matter enumerated in the State List.
2. Rajya Sabha enjoys special powers to create All India Services
3. Rajya Sabha enjoys special powers to approve Proclamations of emergencies if the Lok Sabha stands
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 2 and 3
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 2 only
078. On which of the following grounds, ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’ is subjected to reasonable
1) Sovereignty and integrity of the country 2) Friendly relations with foreign states
3) Defamation 4) Contempt of court
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 4 only
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2 and 3 only
079. The Indian Constitution prohibits _______ .
1. Human Trafficking
2. Forced Labour
3. Employment of children under sixteen years of age in any mines
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
(C) 1 and 2 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
080. The mention of the word ‘Justice’ in the Preamble to the Constitution of India expresses ________ .
(A) Social, political and religious Justice (B) Social, economic and cultural Justice
(C) Social, economic and political Justice (D) Economic and political Justice
081. The Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be divided into four main categories, which of the following is
NOT in those four?
(A) Original Jurisdiction (B) Appellate Jurisdiction
(C) Special Jurisdiction (D) Review Jurisdiction
082. Which of the following was NOT inserted in the Constitution by the amendment made in the year 1976?
1. Sovereign Democratic Republic
2. Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
3. Unity of the nation
4. Unity and integrity of the nation
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2, and 3 only (D) 1 only
083. Under the impact of Globalization, the state has assumed the role of _______ .
(A) Facilitator and regulator (B) Developer of Infrastructure
(C) Welfare state (D) Provider of Social Service
084. Which of the following are the rights of the children as declared by United Nations Convention on the rights
of the children?
1) Right to survival
2) Right to protection
3) Right to relationship with their parents
4) Right to development
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
085. Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding the process of constitutional amendments?
(A) Special majority of both Houses in Parliament is required to amend most parts of the constitution.
(B) Simple majority is required for certain type of amendments
(C) President of India can ask for reconsideration
(D) For some amendments ratification by not less than half of the states is required

PSP – MASTER] 19 [P.T.O.

086. ¼khíkLke Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE þk¤kyku{kt “hkEx xw yußÞwfuþLk yuõx,2009” økheçkku {kxu 25% rLk:þwÕf çkuXfku VhSÞkík çkLkkðu Au ?
(A) Võík Mkhfkhe þk¤kyku
(B) Võík Mkhfkhe þk¤kyku yLku Mkhfkhe yLkwËkLk ÷uíke ¾kLkøke þk¤kyku
(C) Mkhfkhe þk¤kyku, Mkhfkhe yLkwËkLk ÷uíke ¾kLkøke þk¤kyku yLku yLkwËkLk Lk ÷uíke ¾kLkøke þk¤kyku
(D) Võík ¾kLkøke þk¤kyku

087. ¼khíkLkk [qtxýe ykÞkuøk ÃkkMku .......... Au.

(A) yÄo-LÞkrÞf Mk¥kk (B) Mk÷knfkhe Mk¥kk
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

088. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt hkßÞLke Wå[ yËk÷íkLkk nfw{ík nuX¤Lkwt LkÚke ?
(A) íku Lke[÷e yËk÷íkkuLke yÃke÷ku Mkkt¼¤e þfu Au.
(B) íku {q¤¼qík n¬kuLke ò¤ðýe {kxuLke hex ykÃke þfu Au.
(C) íku çku hkßÞ ðå[uLkk LkËeLkk ÃkkýeLkk rððkË ytøku rLkýoÞ fhe þfu Au.
(D) íku íkkçkkLke yËk÷íkkuLkwt rLkÞ{Lk yLku rLkÞtºký fhu Au.
089. ¼khíkLkk Lkkýk Ãkt[ îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu÷e ¼÷k{ýku .......... .
(A) Mk÷knLkwt MðYÃk Au. (B) çktÄLkfíkko Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

090. òuzfkt òuzku.

a. ÷kufþkne rðfuLÿefhý 1. 73{ku MkwÄkhku
b. LkøkhÃkt[kÞíkku 2. 74{ku MkwÄkhku
c. Ãkt[kÞíkehks [qtxýeyku 3. çk¤ðtíkhkÞ {nuíkk Mkr{rík
d. rî-MíkheÞ «Úkk 4. yþkuf {nuíkk Mkr{rík
(A) a - 3, b - 1, c - 2, d - 4 (B) a - 4, b - 1, c - 2, d - 3
(C) a - 4, b - 2, c - 1, d - 3 (D) a - 3, b - 2, c - 1, d - 4

091. ÷kufMk¼k [qtxýeLkku W{uËðkh íkuLke MkeõÞkuhexe zeÃkkuÍex (yLkk{ík) økw{kðu Au òu íkuLku .......... Lk {¤u
(A) {kLÞ {íkkuLkk 1/3 (B) {kLÞ {íkkuLkk 1/4
(C) {kLÞ {íkkuLkk 1/6 (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

092. ¼khíkLkk rLkÞtºkf yLku {nk÷u¾kÃkheûkf {kxu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt yLðu»ký rððufkrÄfkh nuX¤Lkwt Au yLku ykð~Þf LkÚke ?
(A) rnMkkçke yLðu»ký (B) Mk¥kkLkwt yLðu»ký
(C) rðrLkÞkuøkLkwt yLðu»ký (D) {kr÷feLkwt yLðu»ký

093. òu ÔÞÂõík .......... ð»koLke ðÞLkku nkuÞ íkku íku Ãkt[kÞíkLkk MkÇÞ íkhefu [qtxkE þfu Au.
(A) 18 (B) 21
(C) 25 (D) 30

094. økwshkíkLke yLkwMkqr[ík òríkykuLke ÞkËe{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ð»ko{kt “çk÷kne” yLku “çk÷kE” òríkykuLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkÞku ?
(A) 1956 (B) 1998 (C) 2002 (D) 2004

095. ¼khík{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku MºkeykuLkku çktÄkhýeÞ yrÄfkh Au ?

(A) Mkíke Úkðk WÃkh yLku íkuLkk Mºkeyku ÃkhíðuLkk økwýøkkLk WÃkh hkuf
(B) ykSrðfk {kxu Ãkqhíkk MkkÄLkku {u¤ððkLkku yrÄfkh
(C) {kík]íðLku ÷økíkk ÷k¼Lke òuøkðkE
(D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª
096. hkßÞLkeríkLkk {køkoËþof rMkæÄktíkku .......... {kxu ÃkkÞkYÃk Au.
(A) ËuþLkk þkMkLk (B) Mºke MkþÂõíkfhý
(C) çktÄkhýLke ò¤ðýe (D) ÔÞÂõíkøkík yrÄfkhkuLkk hûký

PSP – MASTER] 20 [Contd.

086. Right to Education Act, 2009 mandates 25% free seats to the poor in which among the following schools of
(A) Government Schools only
(B) Government Schools and Government Aided Private Schools only
(C) Government Schools, Government aided Private Schools and Private unaided schools
(D) Private schools only
087. The Election Commission of India has _______ .
(A) Quasi-Judicial Power (B) Advisory Power
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
088. Which of the following is NOT within the jurisdiction of the State High Court?
(A) It can hear appeals from lower courts
(B) It can issue writs for restoring Fundamental Rights.
(C) It can decide the river water dispute between the two states.
(D) It exercises superintendence and control over courts below it.
089. The recommendations made by the Finance Commission of India are
(A) Advisory in nature (B) Binding in nature
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
090. Match the column.
a. Democratic Decentralization 1. 73rd Amendment
b. Nagar Panchayats 2. 74th Amendment
c. Panchayatiraj Elections 3. Balwantrai Mehta Committee
d. Two Tier System 4. Ashok Mehta Committee
(A) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4 (B) a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3
(C) a-4, b-2, c-1, d-3 (D) a-3, b-2, c-1, d-4
091. A candidate of Lok Sabha election loses his security deposit if he/she does not get _______ .
(A) 1/3 of valid votes (B) 1/4 of valid votes
(C) 1/6 of valid votes (D) None of the above
092. Which of the following audit is discretionary and not obligatory on the part of Comptroller and Auditor
General of India?
(A) Audit of accountancy (B) Audit of authority
(C) Audit of Appropriation (D) Audit of Propriety
093. A person may be elected as a member of the Panchayat if he/she attains the age of _______ years.
(A) 18 (B) 21
(C) 25 (D) 30
094. In which of the following year, ‘Balahi and Balai’ castes were inserted in the list of Scheduled Castes in
(A) 1956 (B) 1998
(C) 2002 (D) 2004
095. Which one of the following is the constitutional right of women in India?
(A) Prevention of commission of sati and its glorification on women
(B) Securing right to an adequate means of livelihood
(C) Provision of maternity benefits
(D) None of the above
096. Directive Principles of State Policy are fundamental for _______ .
(A) Governance of the country (B) Empowerment of women
(C) Preservation of the Constitution (D) Protection of Individual Rights

PSP – MASTER] 21 [P.T.O.

097. ¼khík {kxu çktÄkhýeÞ Mk¼kLkku ÏÞk÷ Mkki «Úk{ ð¾ík Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuýu hsq fÞkuo ?
(A) sðknh÷k÷ Lknuhw (B) {nkí{k økktÄe
(C) MkhËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷ (D) yu{. yuLk. hkìÞ

098. “«ku-xu{” MÃkefh çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞk rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) øk]nLkk Lkuíkk ðrhc MkÇÞku Ãkife yufLku “«ku-xu{” - MÃkefh íkhefu rLkÞwõík fhu Au.
(B) «ku-xu{ MÃkefhLkku fkÞofk¤ Lkðk çkLku÷k øk]nLkk MkºkLke þYykíkLke íkkhe¾Úke 15 rËðMkLkku nkuÞ Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

099. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt hkßÞ / fuLÿþkrMkík rðMíkkh Ãkrù{ ÍkuLk÷ fkWÂLMk÷Lkwt MkÇÞ LkÚke ?
1. {nkhk»xÙ 2. økwshkík 3. økkuðk 4. Ë{ý yLku Ëeð
(A) Võík 2 yLku 3 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3 (C) Võík 4 (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

100. PESA (Ãkt[kÞík yuõMkxuLþLk xw þuzâwÕz yuheÞkÍ) yuõxLke òuøkðkEyku .......... îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu÷e ¼÷k{ýkuLku ykÄkhu h[ðk{kt
ykðu÷e Au.
(A) fu. Ãke. ®Mk½ Ëuyku Mkr{rík (B) fu. MkkLÚk{ Mkr{rík
(C) yuMk. ¼qheÞk Mkr{rík (D) yuMk. fkuXkhe Mkr{rík

101. fhðuhkyku yLku Mkhfkhe ðuÃkkh-ðkrýßÞLkk ð¤íkh îkhk fuLÿ MkhfkhLku ÚkÞu÷e ík{k{ ykðfku .......... {kt s{k fhðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) ¼khíkLkwt ykfÂM{f Vtz (B) ònuh rnMkkçk
(C) heÍðo çkuLf ykuV ELzeÞk (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

102. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt fkhý ¼khíkLke LkkøkhefíkkLkku ytík ÷kðe þfu Au ?
(A) MðuåAkyu íÞkøk fhðku (B) VhSÞkík heíku hË Úkðe
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

103. çktLku øk]nkuLke MktÞwõík çkuXf çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?
1. çktLku øk]nku (÷kufMk¼k yLku hkßÞMk¼k)Lke MktÞwõík çkuXf hkßÞMk¼kLkk rLkÞ{kLkwMkkh Lknª Ãkhtíkw ÷kufMk¼kLkk rLkÞ{kLkwMkkh ÚkkÞ Au.
2. MktÞwõík çkuXfLkwt fkuh{ ÷kufMk¼k yLku hkßÞMk¼kLkk fw÷ MkÇÞkuLkwt 1/10 Au.
3. yíÞkhMkwÄe ÷kufMk¼k yLku hkßÞMk¼kLke Võík ºký MktÞwõík çkuXfku ÚkE Au.
4. ÷kufMk¼k yLku hkßÞMk¼kLke MktÞwõík çkuXfLke yæÞûkíkk ÷kufMk¼kLkk MÃkefh fhu Au.
(A) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4 (B) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (C) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

104. òuzfk òuzku.

1. ¼khíkLkwt yufrºkík Vtz a. yýÄkÞkuo ¾[o
2. ykfÂM{f Vtz b. ík{k{ {nuMkq÷e ykðfku, W¼e fhðk{kt ykðu÷e ÷kuLk yLku ÷kuLkLke ðMkw÷kík
3. ònuh rnMkkçk c. fk{økehe¾[oLku ÃknkU[e ð¤ðk {kxuLkwt Wå[f yLkwËkLk
4. ÷u¾kLkwËkLk d. «kurðzLx Vtz, LkkLke çk[ík yLku yLÞ ÚkkÃkýku yLðÞu ÚkÞu÷e ykðf
(A) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - d (B) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - d
(C) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d (D) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - c

105. ÷kufMk¼k{kt hksfeÞ ÃkûkLku íkuLkk MkÇÞLku rðhkuÄÃkûkLkk Lkuíkk íkhefu [qtxðk {kxu ykuAk{kt ykuAe fux÷k xfk çkuXfku sYhe Au ?
(A) 10% (B) 15%
(C) 20% (D) ÷kufMk¼k{kt hksfeÞ ÃkûkLku 75 MkÇÞku nkuðk ykð~Þf Au

PSP – MASTER] 22 [Contd.

097. Who among the following first put forward the idea of a “Constituent Assembly” for India ?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (D) M. N. Roy
098. Which of the following statement/s about Pro-tem Speaker is/are correct?
(A) The leader of the house appoints one of the senior members as pro-tem Speaker.
(B) The tenure of the pro-tem Speaker is fifteen days from the date the newly formed House starts its session.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

099. Which of the following States/Union Territories is/are not a member of Western Zonal Council?
1. Maharashtra 2. Gujarat
3. Goa 4. Daman and Diu
(A) 2 and 3 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 4 only (D) None of the above

100. Provisions of PESA - Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act are designed on the basis of the
recommendations made by ________.
(A) K P Singh Deo committee (B) K. Santhanam committee
(C) S. Bhuria committee (D) S. Kothari committee

101. All revenues received by the Union Government by way of taxes and other receipts for the conduct of
Government business are credited to the _______ .
(A) Contingency Fund of India (B) Public Account
(C) Reserve Bank of India (D) None of the above

102. Which of the following can cause loss of Indian Citizenship?

(A) Voluntary renunciation (B) Compulsory Termination
(C) Both A and B (D) Neither A nor B

103. Which among the following statements are true regarding joint sitting of the two Houses?
1)  The joint sitting of the two Houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) takes place according to the rules of
Lok Sabha but not according to the rules of Rajya Sabha.
2) The quorum of joint sitting is 1/10 of the total members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
3) So far there have only been three joint sittings of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
4) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over the joint sitting of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha.
(A) 1, 2 and 4 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

104. Match the column.

1) Consolidated Fund of India a. Unforeseen expenditure
2) Contingency Fund b.  All revenue receipts, loans raised and recovery of loans
3) Public Account c.  Lumpsum grant to meet operational expenditure
4) Vote on Account d. Receipts through Provident Fund, small savings and other deposits
(A) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d (B) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
(C) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d (D) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c

105. What minimum percentage of strength is needed for a political party to elect the leader of Opposition?
(A) 10% (B) 15%
(C) 20% (D) In the Lok Sabha a party must have 75 members

PSP – MASTER] 23 [P.T.O.

106. 1857 Lkk rðÃ÷ð çkkË Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞkt Ãkrhýk{ku ykÔÞkt ?
(A) hkýe rðõxkuheÞkLkwt ònuhLkk{wt su{kt rçkúxeþ hksøkkËeyu ¼khík{kt ðneðxLke MkeÄe sðkçkËkhe nMíkøkík fhe.
(B) çktøkk¤{kt çkuðze MkhfkhLke þYykík ÚkE.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

107. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. ¼khíkLkk ðzk«ÄkLkLku Ëqh fhðk {kxuLke «r¢ÞkLke òuøkðkE ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhý{kt fhðk{kt ykðe LkÚke.
2. hkßÞLkk hkßÞÃkk÷Lku Ëqh fhðk {kxuLke «r¢ÞkLke òuøkðkE ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhý{kt fhðk{kt ykðe Au.
3.  ¼khíkLkk rLkÞtºkf yLku {nk÷u¾k ÃkheûkfLku Ëqh fhðk {kxuLke «r¢Þk ¼khíkLke Mkðkuoå[ yËk÷íkLkk LÞkÞkÄeþLku Ëqh fhðk
{kxuLke «r¢Þk suðe s Mkh¾e Au.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

108. LÞkÞ Ãkt[kÞík çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ¾kuxwt Au ?

(A) íku ðifÂÕÃkf rððkË rLkðkhðk {kxu íktºk çkLkkðu Au.
(B) íku rËðkLke íku{s VkusËkhe çktLku çkkçkíkku{kt LÞkrÞf fkÞkuo Ähkðu Au.
(C) íku ÷kufþkne rðfuLÿefhý yLku LÞkÞ {kxuLkk Mkh¤ {køko íkhV Ëkuhu Au.
(D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª
109. PESCO (Ãkh{uLkLx MxÙõ[zo fkuykuÃkhuþLk) yuõx fÞk rðMíkkhLkk Ëuþku MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷wt Au ?
(A) Ãkqðo yurþÞk (B) ÞwhkuÃkeÞLk Mkt½
(C) ÃkqðeoÞ ykr£fk (D) Ërûký y{uhefk

110. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. Lk{oËk LkËeLkwt LkËe{w¾ ¾t¼kíkLkk y¾kík{kt Au. CancelledQuestion
2. Mkkçkh{íke LkËe ¾t¼kíkLkk y¾kík{kt {¤u Au.
3. Ãkrù{ çkLkkMk fåALkk LkkLkk hý{kt ¾w÷u Au.
4. {ne LkËe ¾t¼kíkLkk y¾kík{kt {¤u Au.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 1, 3 yLku 4 (C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 3 yLku 4
111. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. fkXeÞkðkz îeÃkfÕÃk ¼qftÃk òu¾{ íkeðúíkkLkk ÍkuLk-II {kt ykðu Au.
2. fåA îeÃkfÕÃk ¼qftÃk òu¾{ íkeðúíkkLkk ÍkuLk-V {kt ykðu Au.
3. økwshkík hkßÞLkku fkuEÃký ¼køk ¼qftÃk òu¾{ íkeðúíkkLkk ÍkuLk-III {kt ykðíkku LkÚke.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) 1, 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2 (D) Võík 3
112. ¼khík{kt fuMkhLkk WíÃkkËLk {kxu yuf{kºk «ÏÞkík hkßÞ .......... Au.
(A) ykMkk{ (B) rMkr¬{ (C) {u½k÷Þ (D) sB{w yLku fkÂ~{h
113. ¼khík{kt fÃkkMkLke ¾uíke {kxu Lke[uLkk Ãkife MkkiÚke ykËþo rðMíkkh fÞku Au ?
(A) çkúñÃkwºkLke ¾eý (B) ¼khíkeÞ-øktøkkLkwt {uËkLk
(C) ËϾýLkku Wå[«Ëuþ (D) fåALkwt hý

114. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE LkËeLku {w¾rºkfkuý LkÚke ?

(A) fkðuhe (B) Ëk{kuËh (C) r¢»ýk (D) Lk{oËk
115. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt Mkhkuðh yÕÃkûkkheÞ s¤ Ähkðu Au ?
(A) r[Õfk Mkhkuðh (B) Ãkktøkkuøk Mkhkuðh
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 24 [Contd.

106. Which of the following consequences followed the aftermath of the revolt of 1857?
Queen Victoria’s Proclamation wherein the British Crown assumed direct responsibility of
administration in India.
(B) Dual government in Bengal was introduced.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
107. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct ?
1. The process of removal of Prime Minister of India has not been provided in the Indian Constitution.
2. The process of removal of Governor of a State has been provided in the Indian Constitution.
3.  The process of removal of Comptroller and Auditor-General is the same as that of the removal of a
judge of the Supreme Court of India.
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
108. Which among the following is incorrect about Nyaya Panchayats?
(A) It composes a system of alternate dispute resolution.
(B) It has judicial functions both in civil as well as in criminal fields.
(C) It leads to democratic decentralisation and also provides easy access to justice.
(D) None of the above
109. PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation) Pact is associated with countries of which region?
(A) East Asia (B) European Union
(C) Eastern Africa (D) South America
110. Which of the following statements are correct?
1) The estuary of the Narmada river is in the Gulf of Khambhat.
2) Sabarmati river falls into the Gulf of Kutch. CancelledQuestion
3) West Banas debouches into the Little Rann of Kutch.
4) The Mahi river falls into the Gulf of Khambhat.
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 3 and 4 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 3 and 4 only
111. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
1) Kathiawar peninsula falls in Zone II of earthquake risk intensity.
2) Kachchh peninsula falls in zone V of earthquake risk intensity.
3) Not any part of Gujarat state falls in Zone III of earthquake risk intensity.
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 2 and 3
(C) 2 only (D) 3 only
112. The only state famous for producing Saffron in India is _______ .
(A) Assam (B) Sikkim
(C) Meghalaya (D) Jammu & Kashmir
113. Which of the following is the most ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in India?
(A) The Brahmaputra valley (B) The Indo-Gangetic plain
(C) The Deccan plateau (D) The Rann of Kutch
114. Which of the following rivers does not have delta?
(A) Cauvery (B) Damodar
(C) Krishna (D) Narmada
115. Which of the following lakes has/have brackish water?
(A) Chilka lake (B) Pangong lake
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

PSP – MASTER] 25 [P.T.O.

116. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt Ãkðoíkrþ¾h Ãkrù{ ½kxLke Ãkðoík{k¤kyku{kt LkÚke ?
(A) fwËhu{w¾ rþ¾h (B) {nkçk¤uïh rþ¾h
(C) f÷MkwçkkE (D) rLkÞ{økehe

117. ðkÞw{tz¤Lkk fux÷kf [ku¬Mk ¼køk{kt ¾qçk s ðÄw ðuøkðk¤k «ðknku Ähkðíke WÃk÷e ÃkðLk «ýk÷eLku .......... fnu Au.
(A) [¢ðkík (B) «rík[¢ðkík (C) [ku{kMkw (D) suxMxÙe{

118. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt rð»kwðð]r¥kÞ rLkíÞ÷e÷kt støk÷Lkwt ÷ûký LkÚke ?

(A) Ãknku¤k ÃkkLkLkk ð]ûkku (B) òze Ak÷ðk¤kt ð]ûkku
(C) ÷íkkyku yLku ðu÷kykuÚke ½uhkÞu÷kt (D) «[wh {kºkk{kt Wøku÷k ð]ûkku
119. òuzfkt òuzku.
½Mkkhk Ãkrhçk¤ ¼qr{MðYÃk
a. ÃkðLk (nðk) 1. zqçkf çk¾ku÷
b. rn{LkËe 2. s÷økíko
c. ¼qøk¼o s¤ 3. þ]tøk yLku ÃkwåA
d. ðnuíkwt Ãkkýe 4. ÷nurhÞkt
(A) a - 4, b - 2, c - 1, d - 3 (B) a - 4, b - 3, c - 1, d - 2
(C) a - 3, b - 2, c - 4, d - 1 (D) a - 1, b - 3, c - 2, d - 4

120. ¼khík{kt ¼qMíkheÞ yLku ¼qMðYÃk heíku MkkiÚke Þwðk ¼qr{MðYÃk .......... Au.
(A) rn{k÷Þ Ãkðoíkku (B) W¥khLkk {uËkLkku
(C) ËϾýLkk ÷kðkLkku Wå[ «Ëuþ (D) îeÃkfÕÃkeÞ Wå[ «Ëuþ

121. 2011Lke ðMíke økýíkhe yLkwMkkh Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku ÄkŠ{f Mk{wËkÞ MkkiÚke ðÄw Mkkûkhíkk Ëh Ähkðu Au ?
(A) çkkiØ (B) siLk (C) r¾úMíke (D) þe¾
122. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e LkÚke ?
(A) rð÷Þ-htÄú - fkMxo (B) ðe-ykfkhLke ¾eý - LkËeyku
(C) {þY{ ¾zfku - ËrhÞkLkk {kuò (D) Þw-ykfkhLke ¾eý - rn{LkËe
123. ¼khíkLkk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk «Ëuþ{kt “økúux ELzeÞLk nkuLkorçk÷” íkuLkk «kf]ríkf rLkðkMkMÚkkLk{kt òuðkt {¤u Au ?
(A) W¥kh-Ãkrù{ ¼khíkLkk huíkeLkk hýku (B) Ërûký ¼khíkLkk Mk{wÿfktXkyku
(C) Ãkrù{ økwshkíkLkk ¾khkÃkxLkk Ë÷Ë÷ (D) Ãkrù{ ½kx

124. Ãk]Úðe økún WÃkh {kuxk¼køkLkwt {eXw Ãkkýe (fresh water) rn{ rþ¾hku yLku rn{LkËeyku íkhefu yÂMíkíð Ähkðu Au. çkkfeLkk {eXk
ÃkkýeLkwt MkkiÚke ðÄw «{ký .......... .
(A) ðkíkkðhý{kt ¼us yLku ðkˤkyku íkhefu òuðk {¤u Au.
(B) {eXk ÃkkýeLkk Mkhkuðhku yLku LkËeyku{kt òuðk {¤u Au.
(C) ¼qøk¼os¤ íkhefu yÂMíkíð Ähkðu Au.
(D) s{eLkLkk ¼us íkhefu yÂMíkíð Ähkðu Au.

125. ¼khíkLke ÷uxuhkEx s{eLkku çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?
1. íku Mkk{kLÞ heíku ÷k÷ htøkLke nkuÞ Au.
2. íku LkkExÙkusLk yLku Ãkkuxkþ{kt Mk{]æÄ nkuÞ Au.
3. íku hksMÚkkLk yLku W¥kh«Ëuþ{kt Mkkhe heíku rðfrMkík Au.
4. yk s{eLkku{kt xuÃkeÞkufku (MkkçkwËkýk) yLku fksw Mkkhe heíku Wøku Au.
(A) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (C) Võík 1 yLku 4 (D) Võík 2 yLku 3
126. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Ãkrhçk¤ku Mk{wÿ«ðknkuLku yMkh fhu Au ?
1. Ãk]ÚðeLkwt Ähe¼ú{ý 2. nðkLkwt Ëçkký yLku ÃkðLk 3. Mk{wÿLkk ÃkkýeLke ½Lkíkk 4. Ãk]ÚðeLkwt ¼ú{ý
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 1 yLku 4 (D) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4

PSP – MASTER] 26 [Contd.

116. Which one of the following mountain peaks is NOT in the Western Ghat mountain ranges?
(A) Kudremukh peak (B) Mahabaleshwar peak
(C) Kalsubai peak (D) Niyamgiri
117. An upper wind system with very high velocity flows in certain parts of the atmosphere is called as _______.
(A) A Cyclone (B) An Anticyclone
(C) The Monsoon (D) A Jet Stream
118. Which one of the following is NOT the feature of the equatorial Evergreen forest?
(A) Broad leaf trees (B) Thick barked trees
(C) Surrounded with creepers and climbers (D) Luxuriant grown trees
119. Match the column.
Erosion Agent Landforms
a. Wind 1. Sinkhole
b. Glacier 2. Potholes
c. Underground water 3. Crag and Tail
d. Running water 4. Ripples
(A) a - 4, b - 2, c - 1, d - 3 (B) a - 4, b - 3, c - 1, d - 2
(C) a - 3, b - 2, c - 4, d - 1 (D) a - 1, b - 3, c - 2, d - 4
120. Geologically and Geomorphically the youngest land form in India is _______ .
(A) The Himalayan mountains (B) The Northern plains
(C) The Deccan Lava plateau (D) The Peninsular plateau
121. Which of the following religious communities record highest literacy rate as per 2011 census?
(A) Buddhists (B) Jains C) Christians (D) Sikhs
122. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correct?
(A) Swallow Holes – Karst (B) V-shaped valley – Rivers
(C) Mushroom rock – sea waves (D) U-shaped valley – Glacier
123. In which of the following regions of India is the ‘Great Indian Hornbill’ found in its natural habitat?
(A) Sand deserts of North-West India (B) Sea Coasts of Southern India
(C) Salt marshes of Western Gujarat (D) Western Ghats
124. On the planet Earth, most of the fresh water exists as ice caps and glaciers. Out of the remaining fresh water,
the largest proportion _______ .
(A) is found in atmosphere as moisture and clouds
(B) is found in fresh water lakes and rivers
(C) exists as ground water
(D) exists as soil moisture
125. Which of the following statements regarding laterite soils of India are correct?
1) They are generally red in color.
2) They are rich in Nitrogen and Potash.
3) They are well-developed in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
4) Tapioca and cashew nuts grow well on these soils.
(A) Only 1, 2 and 3 (B) Only 2, 3 and 4
(C) Only 1 and 4 (D) Only 2 and 3
126. Which of the following factors influence the ocean currents?
1) Rotation of the Earth 2) Air pressure and wind
3) Density of ocean water 4) Revolution of the Earth
(A) Only 1 and 2 (B) Only 1, 2 and 3
(C) Only 1 and 4 (D) Only 2, 3 and 4

PSP – MASTER] 27 [P.T.O.

127. Ãkrù{ ¼khík{kt ÚkhLkk hýLkk MÚk¤ çkkçkíkLke MkkiÚke íkfoMktøkík Mk{sqíke .......... Au.
(A) øktøkk¾eý íkhV síkk ðhMkkËðk¤k ÃkðLkkuLku yhðÕ÷e îkhk yðhkuÄ
(B) økh{e îkhk ¼usLkwt çkk»Ãke¼ðLk
(C) ¼wÃk]cLkku ðhMkkË Úkðk {kxu hksMÚkkLkLke W¥khu ÃkðoíkkuLke økuhnkshe
(D) Ërûký-Ãkrù{ [ku{kMkkLkku ¼us Wå[ Mkqfk ÃkðLkLkk «ðknku ¾U[e ÷u Au.

128. ¼khíkLkk ykðhe ÷uíkkt rðMíkkh{kt Wíkhíkk ¢{{kt ykÃku÷e s{eLkku Mkk[ku ¢{ .......... Au.
(A) fktÃkLke s{eLk, fk¤e s{eLk, ÷k÷-hkíke s{eLk, ÷uxuhkEx s{eLk
(B) fktÃkLke s{eLk, ÷k÷-hkíke s{eLk, fk¤e s{eLk, ÷uuxuhkEx s{eLk
(C) fktÃkLke s{eLk, ÷k÷-hkíke s{eLk, ÷uxuhkEx s{eLk, fk¤e s{eLk
(D) ÷k÷-hkíke s{eLk, fktÃkLke s{eLk, fk¤e s{eLk, ÷uxuhkEx s{eLk

129. Ëk{kuËh LkËeLkku WÃk÷ku «ðkn .......... Ähkðu Au.

(A) Vkx¾eý (B) yÄkuð¤ktfðk¤e ¾eý
(C) ½Mkkhý ¾eý (D) rLkûkuÃký ¾eý
130. {uLøkúkuð (íkðh) çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. íku fktXkLku [¢ðkíkku yLku MkwLkk{eykuLke yMkh Mkk{u hûký ykÃku Au.
2. {uLøkúkuð ðLkMÃkríkLku ÷eÄu ÃkkýeLke ½x Úkíke LkÚke.
3. íku ¾khkþ MknLk fhe þfu íkuðkt ð]ûkku Au yLku fktXkLke fXkuh ÃkrhÂMÚkríkyku MkkÚku yLkwfq÷Lk Ähkðu Au.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

131. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. nk÷ rðïLke 55% ðMíke þnuhe rðMíkkhku{kt hnu Au.
2. rðïLke þnuhe ðMíkeLkk 54%Lkwt rLkðMkLk yurþÞk Au.
3. ykr£fk, íkuLke þnuhe rðMíkkhku{kt hnuíke 43% ðMíke MkkÚku, MkkiÚke økúkr{ý Au.
(A) Võík 2 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3
(C) 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 2 yLku 3

132. Wíkhíke nðkLkwt íkkÃk{kLk ..........

(A) y[÷ hnu Au. (B) Ãknu÷k ½xu Au íÞkhçkkË ðÄu Au.
(C) ½xu Au. (D) ðÄu Au.
133. yuf ¼kiøkkur÷f ½xLkk íkhefu, y÷-LkeLkku .......... MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷wt Au.
(A) rðïLkk rðþk¤ rðMíkkh{kt ðhMkkËLkk MðYÃkku{kt çkË÷kð
(B) Mkk{wÿef s¤{kt íkkÃk{kLk{kt rðr¼LLkíkk
(C) ðkíkkðhýeÞ yr¼Mkhý{kt LkkUÄÃkkºk ¾÷u÷ku
(D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{
134. “økus” yLkwMkkh ¼khíkeÞ huÕðu fux÷e ©uýeyku{kt rð¼kSík ÚkÞu÷wt Au ?
(A) Ãkkt[ (B) [kh (C) ºký (D) çku
135. MkkíkÃkwzk ©uýeLke h[Lkk fhíkkt ÃkqðoÚke Ãkrù{ íkhV síkkt Ãknkzeyku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku ¢{ Mkk[ku Au ?
(A) hksÃkeÃk¤k Ãknkzeyku, {nkËuð Ãknkzeyku, fi{wh Ãknkzeyku, MkkuLkÃkh Ãknkzeyku
(B) hksÃkeÃk¤k Ãknkzeyku, {nkËuð Ãknkzeyku, {if÷ Ãknkzeyku, hks{nu÷ Ãknkzeyku
(C) {nkËuð Ãknkzeyku, hksÃkeÃk¤k Ãknkzeyku, fi{wh Ãknkzeyku, MkkuLkÃkh Ãknkzeyku
(D) hksÃkeÃk¤k Ãknkzeyku, fi{wh Ãknkzeyku, {nkËuð Ãknkzeyku, hks{nu÷ Ãknkzeyku

PSP – MASTER] 28 [Contd.

127. The most plausible explanation of the location of the Thar desert in Western India is _______ .
(A) The obstruction caused by Aravaillis to the rain bearing wind that proceeds to the Ganga Valley
(B) The evaporation of moisture by heat
(C) The absence of mountains to the north of Rajasthan to cause orographic rainfall in it
(D) That the moisture carried by the south-west monsoon is driven away by the dry upper air current

128. The correct sequence in descending order of the given soils with respect to area coverage of India is _____ .
(A) Alluvial, black, red, laterite
(B) Alluvial, red, black, laterite
(C) Alluvial, red, laterite, black
(D) Red, alluvial, black, laterite

129. The upper course of Damodar river occupies a _______.

(A) Rift valley (B) Synclinal valley
(C) Eroded valley (D) Depositional valley

130. Which of the following statement/s regarding ‘Mangroves’ is/are correct?

1. They protect the shoreline from the effect of cyclones and tsunamis.
2. Mangrove vegetation facilitates no water loss.
3. They are salt tolerant trees and are adapted to life in harsh coastal conditions.
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3

131. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?

1) Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas.
2) Asia is home to 54% of the world’s urban population.
3) Africa remains mostly rural, with 43% of its population living in urban areas.
(A) 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 2 and 3 only

132. The temperature of descending air _______ .

(A) Remains constant (B) First decreases then increases
(C) Decreases (D) Increases

133. As a geographical phenomenon, the El-Nino is associated with _______ .

(A) The shift of rainfall patterns in a large area of the globe
(B) The temperature variations in oceanic water
(C) The remarkable disturbances in atmospheric circulation
(D) All of the above

134. In how many categories is the Indian railway divided according to ‘Gauge’?
(A) Five (B) Four
(C) Three (D) Two

135. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the hills from East to West that constitute the Satpura range?
(A) Rajpipala hills, Mahadeo hills, Kaimur hills, Sonpar hills
(B) Rajpipala hills, Mahadeo hills, Maikal hills, Rajmahal hills
(C) Mahadeo hills, Rajpipala hills, Kaimur hills, Sonpar hills
(D) Rajpipala hills, Kaimur hills, Mahadeo hills, Rajmahal hills

PSP – MASTER] 29 [P.T.O.

136. íkkuzk ykrËòríkLkwt rLkðkMkMÚkkLk .......... {kt Au.
(A) Ehk{÷k Ãknkzeyku (B) rþðk÷ef Ãknkzeyku
(C) {nkËuð Ãknkzeyku (D) Lke÷røkrh Ãknkzeyku
137. òuzfkt òuzku.
s¤ÄkuÄ hkßÞ
a. økkufkf i. {æÞ«Ëuþ
b. MLkuf ii. Íkh¾tz
c. òunLkk (òuLnk) iii. fuh¤
d. ÄwtðkÄkh iv. fýkoxf
(A) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i (B) a - iv, b - iii, c - i, d - ii
(C) a - i, b - ii, c - iv, d - iii (D) a - i, b - ii, c - iii, d - iv

138. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku “Mðíktºk - MðuåAk[khe” Wãkuøk çkkçkíku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) íku MÚkkLk-rðþu»k nkuÞ Au.
(B) íkuLkk WíÃkkËLkLkk Ãkzíkh ¾[o{kt Úkkuzku Vhf Ãkzíkkt s ÃkkuíkkLkwt MÚk¤ çkË÷u Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

139. ¼khíkLkk {kuxk hý (Úkh) {kt .......... ®Mk[kELkwt {wÏÞ Mºkkuík Au.
(A) fuLkk÷ (B) fwðku (C) xâwçkðu÷ (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{
140. ¾uºke, y÷ðh yLku ¼e÷ðkzk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ¾Lkes MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷kt rðMíkkhku Au ?
(A) çkkuõMkkEx (B) íkktçkw (C) ÷kunyÞMf (D) fku÷Mkku
141. ¼khíkLkk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku «Ëuþ {uLøkúkuð støk÷, LkeíÞ ÷e÷k støk÷ yLku ÃkkLk¾h støk÷kuLkwt MktÞkusLk Ähkðu Au ?
(A) yktÄú «ËuþLkku W¥kh fktXku (B) Ërûký-Ãkrù{ çktøkk¤
(C) Ërûký Mkkihk»xÙ (D) yktËk{kLk yLku rLkfkuçkkh xkÃkwyku

142. øktøkk LkËe Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk hkßÞ{ktÚke ðnu Au ?

1. rn{k[÷ «Ëuþ 2. A¥keMkøkZ
3. rçknkh 4. ykurhMMkk
(A) Võík 1 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4
(C) Võík 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

143. [¢ðkík{kt økh{ yLku Xtzk ðkíkkøkún yufçkeò{kt ¼¤e òÞ Au yLku ºkeò «fkhLkku ðkíkkøkún íkiÞkh ÚkkÞ Au suLku .......... fnu Au.
(A) ykuõ÷wzuz ðkíkkøkún (B) Mkeõ÷wzuz ðkíkkøkún
(C) ðkuhxuûk ðkíkkøkún (D) ðLko÷ ðkíkkøkún

144. ¼qftÃkLkk {kuòt - ‘P’ {kuòt çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) íku xqtfe íkhtøk ÷tçkkELkk {kuòt Au. (B) íkuLku ÷tçkkí{f {kuòt Ãký fnu Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

145. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze ¾kuxe heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?

(A) {h[kt yLku ík{kfwLke ¾uíke - økwLxwh (B) hu÷ fku[ Vuõxhe - fÃkwhÚk÷k
(C) ÷kufku{kuxeð ðõMko - r[¥khtsLk (D) ¼khíkLkwt ðuLkeMk - fLÞkfw{khe
146. Ãknkze r[ºkf¤k{kt fE þi÷e W¥k{ {LkkÞ Au ?
(A) økw÷uh (B) çkþku÷e (C) fktøkzk (D) {uðkze

PSP – MASTER] 30 [Contd.

136. The habitat of the Toda tribe is in ________.
(A) Erramala Hills (B) Siwalik Hills
(C) Mahadev Hills (D) Nilgiri Hills

137. Match the column.

Waterfall State
a. Gokak i. Madhya Pradesh
b. Snake ii. Jharkhand
c. Jonha iii. Kerala
d. Dhuandhar iv. Karnataka
(A) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i (B) a - iv, b - iii, c - i, d - ii
(C) a - i, b - ii, c - iv, d - iii (D) a - i, b - ii, c - iii, d - iv

138. Which of the following statement/s regarding “Foot Loose” industry is/are correct ?
(A) It is location-specific.
(B) It immediately changes its location as soon as there is small change in the base cost of production.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

139. The most important source of irrigation in Great Indian Desert (Thar) is _______ .
(A) Canal (B) Well
(C) Tube well (D) All of the above

140. Khetri, Alwar and Bhilwara are regions associated with which of the following minerals?
(A) Bauxite (B) Copper
(C) Iron Ore (D) Coal

141. Which of the following regions of India has a combination of Mangrove forest, evergreen forest, and
deciduous forests?
(A) North Coastal Andhra Pradesh (B) South West Bengal
(C) Southern Saurashtra (D) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

142. River Ganga flows through which of the following states?

1. Himachal Pradesh 2. Chhattisgarh
3. Bihar 4. Odisha
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

143. When warm front and cold front merge with each other in cyclone, a third type of front is formed which is
known as _____________ .
(A) Occluded front (B) Secluded front
(C) Vortex front (D) Vernal front

144. Which of the following statement/s regarding seismic waves - “P” - wave is/are correct?
(A) They are waves with short wavelength. (B) They are also known as longitudinal waves.
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

145. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

(A) Mirchi and Tobacco farming - Guntur (B) Rail Coach factory - Kapurthala
(C) Locomotive works - Chittaranjan (D) Venice of India - Kanyakumari

146. Which painting is considered as best style in Mountain Painting ?

(A) Guler (B) Barsholi
(C) Kangda (D) Mewari

PSP – MASTER] 31 [P.T.O.

147. Ërûký ¼khík{kt «[r÷ík “ðhkn” þi÷eLkk rðsÞLkøkhLkk rMk¬kyku fE Äkíkw{ktÚke çkLkkððk{kt ykÔÞkt níkkt ?
(A) [ktËe (B) íkktçkw (C) MkkuLkw (D) fktMkwt
148. ¼khík{kt 13{e MkËeLkk Mk{ÞLku .......... Þwøk íkhefu yku¤¾ðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) ¼ÂõíkÞwøk (B) ¼k»kkÞwøk (C) ËþoLkÞwøk (D) Ä{oÞwøk
149. ykurhMMkk{kt {trËhLkk {tzÃkLku þwt fnuðkÞ Au ?
(A) ËuW÷ (B) søk{kunLk (C) f¤þ (D) MíkqÃke
150. íkuhkÃktÚkLkk MÚkkÃkfLkwt Lkk{ sýkðku.
(A) yk[kÞo r¼ûkw (B) søkSðLkËkMk (C) hk{[hý (D) ¼e¾kLktË
151. þknsnktyu “Ãktrzíkhks”Lkwt rçkhwË fÞk MktMf]ík frðLku ykÃÞwt níkwt ?
(A) YÃk økkuMðk{e (B) søkLLkkÚk (C) Lke÷ftX Ëerûkík (D) rð{÷feŠík
152. økwshkík{kt siLkkuyu ÷½wr[ºkþi÷eLkku rðfkMk õÞkhu MkkæÞku ?
(A) [ki÷wõÞ fk¤{kt (B) MkÕíkLkík fk¤{kt (C) økwÃík fk¤{kt (D) {æÞ fk¤{kt
153. “QŠ{-Lkðh[Lkk” þwt Au ?
(A) Lkkxf (B) Mkk{rÞf (C) ÷kuffÚkk (D) ¼sLkðkýe
154. økk{[kuhu fktMkkLke Úkk¤e ðøkkzeLku ÷kufkuLku ¼uøkk fhLkkhLku .......... fnuðk{kt ykðíkku.
(A) ðneðt[k (B) økhkuzk (C) [qtËrzÞk çkúkñý (D) ËuðeÃkqsf
155. .......... ÷kXeLkk ÷kufr[ºkfkh Au.
(A) ðús÷k÷ ¼økík (B) rðLkÞ rºkðuËe (C) fw{kh {tøk¤®Mkn (D) ¾kuzeËkMk Ãkh{kh
156. ¼Y[ rsÕ÷k{kt økwVk-MÚkkÃkíÞ õÞkt ykðu÷wt Au ?
(A) çkkurhÞk (B) frzÞk zwtøkh (C) $xðk (D) Mkkýk
157. røkhLkkhLkwt {trËh fkuýu çktÄkÔÞwt níkwt ?
(A) ¼e{Ëuð (B) fw{khÃkk¤ (C) íkusÃkk÷ (D) MkßsLk{tºke
158. “çkkðLk æðs {trËh” õÞkt ykðu÷wt Au ?
(A) Mkhkuºkk (B) ÚkkLk (C) ÃkkðkøkZ (D) «¼kMkÃkkxý
159. ûkºkÃkfk÷eLk #xku fÞk rfÕ÷kLkk ÃkkÞk{ktÚke {¤e níke ?
(A) ͪÍwðkzk (B) z¼kuE (C) ðzLkøkh (D) sqLkkøkZ
160. “[ku½rzÞk” þwt Au ?
(A) LkøkkhktLkku «fkh Au. (B) íktíkwðkãLkku «fkh Au.
(C) ðktMk¤eLkku «fkh Au. (D) {tShkLkku «fkh Au.

161. MktøkeíkLke ÄúwÃkË økkLkÃkæÄríkLkku MkkiÚke ðÄw «[kh fkuýu fÞkuo níkku ?
(A) hkò {kLk®Mkn (B) fwt¼kS hkýk (C) yk[kÞo MkkhtøkËuð (D) çkksçknkËwh
162. «¼kMkÃkkxý{kt Mkku{LkkÚkLkwt {trËh Ãknu÷eðkh fE MkËe{kt çktÄkÞwt níkwt ?
(A) 8{e (B) 12{e (C) 10{e (D) 14{e

163. økku¤kfkh ÃkkÞk yLku Z¤íkk AkÃkhktðk¤wt {trËh MÚkkÃkíÞ Mkrðþu»k õÞkt òuðk {¤u Au ?
(A) fuh¤ (B) hk{uïh (C) økwshkík (D) {iMkqh

PSP – MASTER] 32 [Contd.

147. From which metal were the famous “Varah” style Vijayanagar coins in South India made ?
(A) Silver (B) Copper (C) Gold (D) Bronze
148. The time of the 13th century is known as an era of _______ in India.
(A) Bhakti era (B) Language era
(C) Philosophy era (D) Religion era
149. What is the temple porch (mandap) known as in Orissa ?
(A) Deuol (B) Jagmohan (C) Kalash (D) Stupi
150. Mention the name of the founder of Terapanth.
(A) Acharya Bhikshu (B) Jagjivandas (C) Ramcharan (D) Bhikhanand
151. To which sanskrit poet did Shahjahan gave the title of “Panditraj” ?
(A) Roop Goswami (B) Jaggannath (C) Neelkanth Dixit (D) Vimalkirti
152. When did the Jains attain the development of miniature painting style ?
(A) Chalukya period (B) Sultanate period
(C) Gupta period (D) Medieval period
153. What is “Urmi Navrachana” ?
(A) Drama (B) Periodic (C) Folktale (D) Hymn
154. The one who gathered the people at the square of the village by banging bronze plate was known as _____ .
(A) Vahivancha (B) Garoda
(C) Chundadi Brahmin (D) Devipujak
155. _______ is the folk painter of Lathi.
(A) Vrajlal Bhagat (B) Vinay Trivedi
(C) Kumar Mangalsinh (D) Khodidas Parmar
156. Where is the cave-architecture situated in Bharuch district ?
(A) Boriya (B) Kadia Dungar (C) Intava (D) Saana
157. Who built the temple of Girnar ?
(A) Bhimdev (B) Kumarpal (C) Tejpal (D) Sajjanmantri
158. Where is the “Bavandhawaj” temple situated ?
(A) Sarotra (B) Than (C) Pavagadh (D) Prabhas Patan
159. From the base of which fort were the bricks of Kshatrapa period found ?
(A) Zinzhuvada (B) Dabhoi
(C) Vadnagar (D) Junagadh
160. What is “Choghadiya” ?
(A) A type of drum (nagara) (B) A type of string musical instrument
(C) A type of flute (D) A type of “manjira” (musical instrument)
161. Who did the most propaganda of Dhrupad singing style of music ?
(A) Raja Mansinh (B) Kumbhaji Rana
(C) Acharya Sarangdev (D) Bajbahadhur
162. In which century was the Somnath Temple first built in Prabhas Patan ?
(A) 8th (B) 12th (C) 10th (D) 14th
163. Where is the temple architecture with rounded base and leaning roof especially seen?
(A) Kerala (B) Rameshwaram
(C) Gujarat (D) Mysore

PSP – MASTER] 33 [P.T.O.

164. Mðkr{LkkhkÞý Mkt«ËkÞLke “rþûkkÃkºke”{kt «kòuòÞu÷k AtËLkwt Lkk{ sýkðku.
(A) þkËqo÷rð¢erzík (B) yLkwüwÃk (C) nrhøkeík (D) Íq÷ýk
165. ðuËfk¤ ËhBÞkLk rþfkh Akuze ½uxkt-çkfhk WAuhLkkh ðøkoLku fÞk Lkk{u yku¤¾ðk{kt ykðíkkt ?
(A) økkuÃkk÷f (B) Xkfkuh (C) ÃkrhÞk (D) økkzhe
166. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE LkËe økwshkíkLkk MkÃíkMktøk{ íkeÚko{ktLke yuf LkÚke ?
(A) nkÚk{íke (B) {uþhe (C) ðkºkf (D) {kÍq{
167. Ík÷kðkz{kt LkkøkLke Ãkqò fÞk Lkk{u ÚkkÞ Au ?
(A) ðkMkwrfLkkøk (B) ¼qstøkËuð (C) ¼kuÚke¾{e (D) ¼kËhðkËuð
168. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk frð/frðykuyu økhçkeLke h[Lkkyku fhe Au ?
(A) ËÞkhk{ (B) ðÕ÷¼ frð
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku (D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

169. òuzfkt òuzku.

Lkð÷fÚkk ÷u¾f
a. yøkLkÃkt¾e 1. [tÿfkLík çkûke
b. {ehk Þkr¿kfLke zkÞhe 2. ð»kko yzk÷ò
c. çktËeðkLk 3. ®çkËw ¼è
d. Ãkuhur÷rMkMk 4. nheLÿ Ëðu
(A) a - 1, b - 2, c - 3, d - 4 (B) a - 1, b - 3, c - 2, d - 4
(C) a - 4, b - 2, c - 3, d - 1 (D) a - 4, b - 3, c - 2, d - 1

170. MkhËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷Lke «rík{k ‘MxuåÞw ykìV ÞwrLkxe’Lkk rþÕÃke fkuý Au ?
(A) çkk÷f]»ý Ëkuþe (B) hk{ rð. Mkwíkkh (C) rçk{÷ Ãkxu÷ (D) ÷wE fnkLk
171. ÃkhtÃkhkøkík ÔÞðMkkÞ {wsçk “økkhwze” yux÷u þwt ?
(A) {Ëkhe (B) ¼ðkÞkt (C) ËhS (D) Zku÷e
172. økwshkíkLkk ykrËðkMkeyku “ŸËheÞk Ëuð”Lkku íknuðkh õÞkhu Wsðu Au ?
(A) ðhMkkËLke {kuMk{{kt (B) Vkøký {kMk{kt (C) Ãkkf íkiÞkh ÚkkÞ íÞkhu (D) rþÞk¤k{kt

173. E.Mk. 2019 {kt fÞk økwshkíke r[ºkfkhLku ÃkÈ©e yìðkuzo {éÞku Au ?
(A) økw÷k{ {kunB{Ë þu¾ (B) yíkw÷ zkurzÞk (C) ßÞkurík ¼è (D) yr{ík ytçkk÷k÷
174. “ð¾kh” Lkk{Lkk økwshkíke fkÔÞMktøkúnLkk ÷u¾f fkuý Au ?
(A) h½wðeh [kiÄhe (B) rMkíkktþw Þþùtÿ (C) [tÿfktík þuX (D) ÷k¼þtfh Xkfh
175. «¼w÷k÷ rîðuËeLkwt yÃkoý fÞk f÷kûkuºku Au ?
(A) r[ºkf÷k (B) htøk¼qr{ (C) ÷kuff÷k (D) Lk]íÞf÷k
176. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt fåA{kt ç÷kuf r«LxLkwt fuLÿ økýkÞ Au ?
(A) ¼wòuze (B) Lkk{Ëk (C) ysh¾Ãkwh (D) Íwhk
177. .......... íkuLkkt “¾hkËe çkòh” {kxu òýeíkwt Au.
(A) Ezh (B) Ãkk÷LkÃkwh (C) z¼kuE (D) çkktxðk
178. ºký ¼øLk siLk {trËhku økwshkíkLkk fÞk ðLk{kt ykðu÷kt Au ?
(A) røkhLkk støk÷ku{kt (B) zktøk ðLk{kt (C) Ãkku¤kuLkk støk÷ku{kt (D) Lk{oËk ¾eýLkk støk÷ku{kt

PSP – MASTER] 34 [Contd.

164. Mention the name of the metre used in the “Shikshapatri” of Swaminarayan sect.
(A) Shardulvikridit (B) Anustup (C) Harigeet (D) Zulana
165. By which name was the class which gave up hunting and started rearing sheep and goats known ?
(A) Gopalak (B) Thakore (C) Pariah (D) Gadri
166. Which of the following rivers is NOT one of the rivers of Saptasangam Tirth of Gujarat ?
(A) Hathmati (B) Meshri (C) Vatrak (D) Mazhum
167. By which name is snake worshipped in Zhalawad ?
(A) Vasukinaag (B) Bhujungdev (C) Bhothikhami (D) Bhadarwadev
168. Which of the following poets has / have composed “Garbi” ?
(A) Dayaram (B) Vallabh Kavi (C) Both A and B (D) Neither A nor B
169. Match the column :
Novel Author
a. Aganpankhi 1. Chandrakant Bakshi
b. Mira Yagnik Ni Dairy 2. Varsha Adalja
c. Bandivan 3. Bindu Bhatt
d. Paralysis 4. Harindra Dave
(A) a - 1, b - 2, c - 3, d - 4 (B) a - 1, b - 3, c - 2, d - 4
(C) a - 4, b - 2, c - 3, d - 1 (D) a - 4, b - 3, c - 2, d - 1
170. Who is the sculptor of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s statue, “Statue of Unity” ?
(A) Balkrishna Doshi (B) Ram V. Sutar
(C) Bimal Patel (D) Louis Kahn
171. What is “Garudi” according to traditional profession ?
(A) Madari (Snake charmer) (B) Bhavaya
(C) Tailor (D) Dholi (Drummer)
172. When do the tribals of Gujarat celebrate the festival of “Underiya Dev” ?
(A) In monsoon season (B) In Fagun month
(C) When the crop is ready (D) In winter
173. Which Gujarati painter has received the Padmashree award in 2019 ?
(A) Gulam Mohmmad Sheikh (B) Atul Dodiya
(C) Jyotindra Bhatt (D) Amit Ambalal
174. Who is the author of Gujarati poetry-collection, “Vakhar” ?
(A) Raghuveer Chaudhary (B) Sitanshu Yashschandra
(C) Chandrakant Sheth (D) Labhshankar Thakar
175. In which field of arts has Prabhulal Dwivedi contributed ?
(A) Painting (B) Theatre (C) Folkarts (D) Dance
176. Which of the following is known as the center of Block Print in Kutch ?
(A) Bhujodi (B) Namda
(C) Ajrakhpur (D) Zhura
177. _______ is known for its “Kharadi Bazar”.
(A) Idar (B) Palanpur (C) Dabhoi (D) Bantwa
178. In which forest of Gujarat are the ruins of three Jain temples found ?
(A) In the forest of Gir (B) In the forest of Dang
(C) In the forest of Polo (D) In the forest of Narmada Valley

PSP – MASTER] 35 [P.T.O.

179. nÂMíkrøkhe {nkíkeÚko fÞk rsÕ÷k{kt ykðu÷wt Au ?
(A) yhðÕ÷e (B) Ëuð¼qr{ îkhfk
(C) ¼kðLkøkh (D) Lk{oËk

180. “çkkuB{k÷è{” fÞk hkßÞLke fXÃkqík¤e f¤k Au ?

(A) rMkr¬{ (B) {u½k÷Þ (C) íkkr{÷Lkkzw (D) yktÄú«Ëuþ
181. “XkfÞko[k¤ku” .......... Lkku «fkh Au.
(A) ¼ðkELkk ðuþ (B) zktøke Lk]íÞ
(C) r[ºkf¤k (D) yknehkuLkk Ãknuhðuþ
182. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Mk{wËkÞ{kt ÷øLk«Mktøku fux÷kf ÃktÚkf{kt “økkuËzeLkku ͽzku” fhðk{kt ykðu Au ?
(A) ðMkkðk (B) ¼hðkz (C) hçkkhe (D) ËuðeÃkqsf
183. økwshkíkLke ÷kufMktMf]rík{kt .......... Lku ËrhÞkE Ëuðe/ðnkýðxe Ëuðe íkhefu {kLkðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) hktË÷{kíkk (B) rðÄkºke Ëuðe (C) rþfkuíkhe {kíkk (D) {u÷ze {kíkk
184. Lke[uLke çkkiØ Ãkrh»kËkuLku Mk{Þ¢{{kt økkuXðku.
1. ðiþk÷e 2. hksøk]n 3. Ãkkx÷eÃkwºk 4. fkÂ~{h
(A) 1, 4, 3, 2 (B) 3, 2, 1, 4 (C) 4, 1, 2, 3 (D) 2, 1, 3, 4

185. ¼khíkLke çknkh Mðíktºk ¼khíkeÞ MkiLÞLke MÚkkÃkLkk fhLkkh «Úk{ ÔÞÂõík .......... níkkt.
(A) yu{. yu{. hkìÞ (B) ÷k÷k nhËÞk÷
(C) hkMk rçknkhe çkkuÍ (D) Mkw¼k»k[tÿ çkkuÍ

186. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

(A) “zeþ-ykuLk-MxuLz” yu nhÃÃkk MktMf]ríkLkwt ÷kûkrýf ðkMký Au.
(B) ½ô nhÃÃkkLkku {wÏÞ ¾kuhkf níkku.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

187. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

(A) ÉøðuË Mk{Þ{kt ELÿ MkkiÚke {kuxku ¼økðkLk Au.
(B) ÉøðuËLkk ík{k{ {tz¤kuLke þYykík yÂøLkLke MíkwríkÚke ÚkkÞ Au.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

188. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. ðirËf Mk{Þ{kt ykÞMkLkku Mkt˼o Äkíkw níkku.
2. ÉøðuË ÃkAeLkk Mk{Þ{kt ~Þk{ ykÞMk yÚkðk f]»ý ykÞMkLkku Mkt˼o ÷ku¾tz Úkíkwt níkwt.
3. yk{, ÉøðuË yu ÷kunfk¤ ÃkqðuoLkku økútÚk Au.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 1 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

189. MftËøkwÃíkLkku {tËMkkihLkku rþ÷k÷u¾ yLku ELËkuhLkwt íkk{úÃkºk Ëþkoðu Au fu -

(A) íkuyku rðrðÄ fkheøkhkuLkk þÂõíkþk¤e Mk{qnku níkkt.
(B) íkuyku ykŠÚkf heíku MkæÄh níkkt.
(C) íkuyku yuf MÚk¤uÚke çkeò MÚk¤u MÚk¤ktíkh fhíkkt níkkt.
(D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

PSP – MASTER] 36 [Contd.

179. In which district is the “Hastigiri Mahatirth” situated ?
(A) Aravalli (B) Devbhoomi Dwarka
(C) Bhavnagar (D) Narmada
180. “Bommalattam” puppet art belongs to which state ?
(A) Sikkim (B) Meghalaya
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Andhra Pradesh
181. “Thakaraya Charo” is a type of _______ .
(A) An act of Bhavai (B) Dangi dance
(C) Painting (D) Dressing of Ahirs
182. In which of the following communities is “Godadi no Jhagado” done at the marriage function in some
areas ?
(A) Vasava (B) Bharwad
(C) Rabari (D) Devipujak
183. _______ is believed as marine / shipping Goddess in the folk culture of Gujarat.
(A) Randal mata (B) Vidhatri devi
(C) Shikotar mata (D) Meldi mata
184. Arrange the following Buddhist Councils in chronological order
1. Vaishali 2. Rajagriha
3. Pataliputra 4. Kashmir
(A) 1, 4, 3, 2 (B) 3, 2, 1, 4
(C) 4, 1, 2, 3 (D) 2, 1, 3, 4
185. ___________ was the first person to establish an independent Indian army outside India.
(A) M. N. Roy (B) Lala Har Dayal
(C) Rash Bihari Bose (D) Subhash Chandra Bose
186. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
(A) “Dish-on-stand” is a characteristic vessel of Harappan Civilisation.
(B) The staple diet of the Harappan Civilisation was wheat.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
187. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
(A) Indra is the greatest god in the Rigvedic times.
(B) All mandalas of the Rigveda begin with the hymns to Agni.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
188. Which of the following statements are correct?
1) Ayas refers to metal in the Vedic period.
2) Shyama Ayas or Krishna Ayas refers to iron in the post-Rigvedic period.
3) Therefore, Rigveda is a pre-Iron Age text.
(A) Only 1 and 2 (B) Only 2 and 3
(C) Only 1 and 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3
189. The Mandsaur Inscription and Indore copper plate of Skandagupta suggest that _______ .
(A) They were powerful guilds of various craftsmen
(B) They were economically quite well-off
(C) They migrated from place to place
(D) All of the above

PSP – MASTER] 37 [P.T.O.

190. fþhËk (õÞkËhk)Lkwt «ÏÞkík ÞwØ .......... ðå[u ÷zkÞwt níkwt.
(A) {kunB{Ë økÍLkðe yLku ¼e{Ëuð Mkku÷tfe (B) {kunB{Ë økÍLkðe yLku ykLktËÃkk¤
(C) {kunB{Ë ½kuhe yLku Ãk]Úðehks [kinký (D) {kunB{Ë ½kuhe yLku Mkku÷tfeyku

191. ¼kð®MknS-II Mkt˼uo Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?

1. íkuykuyu “Mktøkeík{k¤k”Lkk [kh ¼køk ÷ÏÞkt / MktÃkkrËík fÞkO.
2. íkuykuyu yuf MktMÚkkLke MÚkkÃkLkk fhe su Auðxu “çkUf ykuV Mkkihk»xÙ” çkLke.
3. íkuykuyu økúef {nkfkÔÞ “Er÷Þkz”Lkwt økwshkíke{kt ¼k»kktíkh fÞwO.
4. íkuykuyu þk{¤ËkMk ykxTMko fku÷us, ¼kðLkøkhLke MÚkkÃkLkk fhe.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

192. ®MkÄw¾eýLke MktMf]rík çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. {kunuLòu-zhku yu ®MkÄw¾eý MktMf]ríkLkwt MkkiÚke {kuxwt MÚk¤ Au.
2. ÃkkýeLkku Mktøkún yLku Mkt[k÷Lk ÃkæÄrík yu Äku¤kðehkLkwt MkkiÚke ykf»kof yLku yLkLÞ ÷ûký Au.
3. ÷kuÚk÷Lkwt MkkiÚke yLkLÞ ÷ûký økkuËeðkzku (zkufÞkzo) Au.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

193. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. ÃkkuxwoøkeÍ ¼khík MkkÚku ËrhÞkE ðuÃkkh MktÃkfkuo MÚkkÃkLkkh «Úk{ ÞwhkuÃkeÞ Mk¥kk níkkt.
2. ðkMfku-Ë-økk{k 1948{kt fk÷efx çktËhu ykÔÞku. CancelledQuestion
3. ÃkkuxwoøkeÍu çkeòÃkwh ÃkkMkuÚke økkuðk 1510{kt fçsu fÞwO.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1 yLku 2
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

194. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. þk÷e¼ÿyu økwshkíke{kt «Úk{ yLkku¾wt MkkrníÞ, “¼khíkuïh çkknwçk÷e”Lke h[Lkk fhe.
2. økwshkík{kt Lkh®Mkn {nuíkkyu ði»ýð ¼Âõík [¤ð¤Lkwt «ríkrLkrÄíð fÞwO.
3.  MkkrnÂíÞf MðYÃkku yLku MkkrnÂíÞf rð»kÞðMíkwykuLke rðþk¤ rðrðÄíkkLku fkhýu «u{kLktË ¼èLku økwshkíkLkk Mkðofkr÷Lk {nkLk
frð økýe þfkÞ.
(A) Võík 2 (B) Võík 1 yLku 2 (C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

195. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. EMx EÂLzÞk ftÃkLkeLkk yrÄfkheyku îkhk ËMíkfkuLkku ËwYÃkÞkuøk Ëw~{LkkðxLkwt {wÏÞ fkhý níkwt su Auðxu Ã÷kMkeLkk ÞwØ{kt ÃkrhýBÞwt.
2. Ã÷kMkeLkk ÞwØ{kt EMx ELzeÞk ftÃkLkeLkk [rzÞkíkk ÷~fhe ˤku rMkhks-W-Ëki÷kLke nkhLkwt fkhý çkLÞkt.
3. Ã÷kMkeLkk ÞwØu EMx ELzeÞk ftÃkLkeLku W¥kh yLku Ãkqðo ¼khík{kt Mkw»kwÃík Mk¥kk çkLkkðe.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 2
(C) Võík 1 yLku 2 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

196. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk {w½÷ hksfw{kh økwshkíkLkk økðLkoh (MkwçkuËkh) níkkt ?
1. {whkË 2. þknsnkt
3. ykihtøkÍuçk 4. Ëkhk rMkfkun
(A) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4
(C) Võík 2 yLku 4 (D) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4

PSP – MASTER] 38 [Contd.

190. The famous battle of Kasahrada (Kayadara) was fought between _______ .
(A) Mahmood Gaznavi and Bhimadeva Solanki
(B) Mahmood Gaznavi and Anandapala
(C) Muhammad Ghori and Pritviraj Chauhan
(D) Muhammad Ghori and Solankis

191. Which of the following statements regarding Bhavsinhji II are correct?

1) He wrote/edited four parts of Sangeetmala.
2) He founded an institution which ultimately became “Bank of Saurashtra”.
3) He translated the Greek epic Iliad into Gujarati.
4) He established Shamaldas Arts College, Bhavnagar.
(A) Only 1 and 4 (B) Only 1, 2 and 4
(C) Only 1, 2 and 3 (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

192. Which of the following statement/s regarding the Indus Valley Civilization is/are correct?
1) Mohenjo-daro is the largest site of Indus Valley Civilization.
2) Most impressive and unique feature of Dholavira is its water harvesting and management system.
3) Most distinctive feature of Lothal is the dockyard.
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3

193. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?

1) Portuguese were the first European power to establish maritime trade contacts with India.
2) Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut in 1498 AD.
3) Portuguese captured Goa from Bijapur in 1510 AD. CancelledQuestion
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 1 and 2
(C) Only 2 and 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3

194. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?

1) Shalibhadra composed “Bharateshwar Bahubali”, the first literary work distinctly in Gujarati.
2) Narsimha Mehta represented the Vaishnava Bhakti movement in Gujarat.
3) Premananda
 Bhatta may be considered as the greatest poet of Gujarat of all times on account of the
enormous variety of literacy themes and forms in his works.
(A) Only 2 (B) Only 1 and 2
(C) Only 2 and 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3

195. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?

1) Misuse
  of Dastaks by the officials of East India Company was a major cause of hostilities which
culminated in the Battle of Plassey.
2) East
  India Company’s superior military forces caused the defeat of Siraj-ud-Daulah in the Battle
of Plassey.
3) Battle
 of Plassey made East India the dominant power of North and East India.
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 2
(C) Only 1 and 2 (D) 1, 2 and 3

196. Which of the following Mughal princes had served as Governor (Subedar) of Gujarat?
1) Murad 2) Shahjehan
3) Aurangzeb 4) Dara Shikoh
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) Only 1, 2 and 4
(C) Only 2 and 4 (D) Only 2, 3 and 4

PSP – MASTER] 39 [P.T.O.

197. Lke[u Ãkife fÞk çknw{íke {wM÷e{ ðMíke Ähkðíkkt ¼khíkeÞ hkßÞkuyu ¼khík{kt òuzkððk {kxu MkhËkh Ãkxu÷Lku ÃkkuíkkLke EåAk ÔÞõík fhe
Ãkhtíkw MkhËkhu íkuykuLku ÃkkrfMíkkLk{kt òuzkððk Mk÷kn ykÃke fkhý fu MkhËkh Ãkkuíku yuf rMkæÄktíkðkËe hksfkhýe yLku {wíMkwÆe níkkt ?
(A) f÷kík yLku çknkð÷Ãkwh (B) ®MkÄ yLku sB{w
(C) rçk÷kMkÃkwh yLku f÷kík (D) çknkð÷Ãkwh yLku ¼kuÃkk÷

198. Lke[u ÃkifeLkk EMx ELzeÞk ftÃkLkeLkk fÞk økðLkoh-sLkh÷u ¼khíkeÞ {q¤Lkk hkßÞkuLke çkkçkíkku{kt íkxMÚkíkk yLku rçkLk nMíkûkuÃkLke Lkerík
þY fhe ?
(A) ðkìhLk nu®MxøMk (B) ÷kìzo fkìLkoðkr÷Mk (C) Mkh òìLk þkuh (D) ÷kìzo ðu÷uM÷e

199. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?

1. ðkìhLk nu®MxøMk çktøkk¤Lkk «Úk{ økðLkoh-sLkh÷ níkkt.
2. ÷kìzo rðr÷{Þ çkuÂLxf ¼khíkLkk «Úk{ økðLkoh-sLkh÷ níkkt.
3. ÷kìzo fu®Lkøk ¼khíkLkk «Úk{ ðkEMkhkìÞ níkkt.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1 yLku 2 (C) Võík 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

200. hk{kuþe rðÿkun çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) íku ðkMkwËuð çk¤ðtík VkzfuLkk Lkuík]íð nuX¤Lkku ykrËðkMke rðÿkun níkku.
(B) íku rçkúxeþ rðYØ Ëw»fk¤ Mkk{uLkk Ãkøk÷kt ÷uðkLke rLk»V¤íkkLke Mkk{u níkku.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

201. çktøkk¤Lkk ¼køk÷k Mkk{uLke «ríkr¢Þk íkhefu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE [¤ð¤ þY fhðk{kt ykðe níke ?
(A) MðËuþe [¤ð¤ (B) çktøkk¤ çk[kðku [¤ð¤
(C) yMknfkhLke [¤ð¤ (D) {wõík ¼khíkLke [¤ð¤

202. {iºkfLkku ðtþkð¤e EríknkMk ÷øk¼øk yuf÷kt íkuykuLkk .......... {ktÚke s {¤e hnu Au.
(A) rMk¬kyku (B) íkk{úÃkºkku
(C) ÃkwhkíkíðeÞ yðþu»kku (D) [eLke Þkºkk¤wykuLkk Þkºkkð]¥kktíkku

203. ÃkkuíkkLkk rð[khkuLkk Vu÷kðk {kxu ~Þk{S f]»ý ð{ko îkhk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt Mkk{rÞfÃkºk þY fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt níkwt ?
(A) Äe ELzeÞLk EfkuLkku{eMx (B) Äe ELzeÞLk MkkuMÞku÷kuSMx
(C) Äe ELzeÞLk MÃkuõxuxh (D) Äe ELzeÞLk ykurÃkLkeÞLk

204. 1860{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk þnuh{kt ykðfðuhk Mkk{u Mkk{qrnf «ríkfkh ÚkÞku níkku ?
(A) ÃkwLkk (B) Mkwhík (C) {wtçkE (D) ÃkkUze[uhe
205. fåA çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) ¼khíkLkwt çktÄkhý y{÷{kt ykÔÞwt íÞkhu fåA “C” ðøkoLkwt hkßÞ çkLÞwt.
(B) ßÞkhu {wtçkE hkßÞ yÂMíkíð{kt ykÔÞwt íÞkhu íku rsÕ÷ku çkLÞwt.
(C) (A) yLku (B) çktLku
(D) (A) yLku (B) Ãkife fkuE Lknª

206. ........... yLkwMkkh «kLíkeÞ MkhfkhLku fux÷kf fkÞkuo íkçkËe÷ fhðk{kt ykðLkkh níkk ßÞkhu çkkfeLkk rð»kÞku y{÷Ëkhe rLkÞtºký {kxu
ykhrûkík hk¾ðk{kt ykðLkkh níkkt.
(A) rî{w¾e hkßÞ ÃkæÄrík (B) y÷øk {íkËkh {tz¤ku
(C) fku{e [wfkËku (fBÞwLk÷ yìðkuzo) (D) rî-øk]ne rðÄkLk {tz¤
207. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ÃkwMíkf [tÿøkwÃík-I Lkk hksøkkËe ÃkhLkk W¥khkrÄfkh rðþu ðkík fhu Au ?
(A) Ëuðe [tÿøkwÃík{ (B) fki{wrË {nkuíMkð
(C) {]åAfrxfk (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 40 [Contd.

197. Which of the following Indian states with majority Muslim population expressed their desire to Sardar
Patel to join India, but the Sardar advised them to join Pakistan since he was a principled politician and
(A) Kalat and Bahwalpur (B) Sindh and Jammu
(C) Bilaspur and Kalat (D) Bahawalpur and Bhopal

198. Who among the following Governor-General of the English East India introduced the policy of neutrality
and non-intervention in the affairs of the Indian native states?
(A) Warren Hastings (B) Lord Cornwallis
(C) Sir John Shore (D) Lord Wellesley

199. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?

1. Warren Hastings was the first Governor-General of Bengal.
2. Lord William Bentinck was the first Governor-General of India.
3. Lord Canning was the first Viceroy of India.
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 1 and 2
(C) Only 3 (D) 1, 2 and 3

200. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Ramosi Uprising?
(A) It was a tribal revolt led by Vasudev Balwant Phadke.
(B) It was against the British failure to take up anti-famine measures.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

201. Which of the following movements was started as a reaction to the partition of Bengal?
(A) Swadeshi Movement (B) Save Bengal Movement
(C) Non Cooperation movement (D) Free India Movement

202. The genealogical history of the Maitraka is known almost solely from their _______ .
(A) Coins (B) Copper plates
(C) Archaeological remains (D) From the travels of Chinese pilgrims

203. Which of the following periodicals was started by Shyamji Krishna Verma for spreading his ideas?
(A) The Indian Economist (B) The Indian Sociologist
(C) The Indian Spectator (D) The Indian Opinion

204. The mass resistance to income tax took place in which of the following cities in 1860?
(A) Pune (B) Surat
(C) Mumbai (D) Pondicherry

205. Which of the following statement/s regarding Kutch is/are correct?

(A) Kutch became a C class state when the Constitution of India came into force.
(B) It became a district when Bombay State came into existence.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

206. According to _____, certain functions of the provincial government were to be transferred, while other
subjects were to be kept as reserved for bureaucratic control.
(A) Diarchy (B) Separate electorates
(C) Communal Award (D) Bicameral legislature

207. Which of the following works tells us about the succession of Chandragupta I to the throne?
(A) Devichandraguptam (B) Kaumudi Mahotsava
(C) Mrichchhakatika (D) None of the above

PSP – MASTER] 41 [P.T.O.

208. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuýu Mkki «Úk{ðkh MkwÿLku ¾uzqíkðøko íkhefu ðýoÔÞku Au ?
(A) {Lkw (B) VkrnÞkLk (C) ÌkwLk-yuLk-íMkktøk (D) LkkhË
209. fkuLkk Ãkuïkhks nuX¤ {hkXkykuyu çktøkk¤ Ãkh [ZkE fhe níke ?
(A) çkk÷kS rðïLkkÚk (B) çkkShkð I
(C) çkk÷kS çkkShkð (D) h½wS ¼kUMk÷u
210. ¼khíkeÞ fÕÞký {kxu ònuh {tíkÔÞ Q¼wt fhðk {kxu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuýu ÷tzLk{kt EMx ELzeÞk yuMkkurþÞuMkLkLkwt ykÞkusLk fÞwO ?
(A) ykLktË{kunLk çkkuÍ (B) ¼e¾kS fk{k (C) ËkËk¼kE LkðhkuÍe (D) MkwhuLÿLkkÚk çkuLkSo
211. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuýu MkLkMkLkkxeðk¤e çkkhkn Äkz/zfuíkeLkwt ykÞkusLk fÞwO níkwt ?
(A) çkheLÿ ½ku»k (B) «Vw÷ [kfe
(C) Ãkwr÷Lk rçknkhe ËkMk (D) ¾wËehk{ çkkuÍ

212. yhksfíkk yLku ¢kÂLíkfkhe økwLkk yrÄrLkÞ{-1919 .......... íkhefu «[r÷ík ÚkÞku níkku.
(A) hkì÷ux yuõx (B) ÃkeèMkT ELzeÞk yuõx
(C) EÂLzÞLk ykBMko yuõx (D) E÷çkxo rçk÷

213. 1946 {kt çkLkkððk{kt ykðu÷e ð[økk¤kLke fuçkeLkuxLkk ðzk fkuý níkk ?
(A) hksuLÿ «MkkË (B) sðknh÷k÷ Lknuhw
(C) MkhËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷ (D) hksøkkuÃkk÷k[khe
214. ¼khíkeÞ Mðíktºkíkk [¤ð¤ ËhBÞkLk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuýu “£e ELzeÞLk ÷eSÞLk” MkiLÞ Q¼wt fÞwO níkwt ?
(A) ÷k÷k nhÞk÷ (B) hkMkrçknkhe çkkuÍ
(C) Mkw¼k»k[tÿ çkkuÍ (D) ðe. ze. Mkkðhfh

215. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze/òuzeyku Mkk[e heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?

{rn÷k {tz¤ku nuíkw
1. yku÷ çkUøkk÷ rð{uLMk ÞwrLkÞLk : MºkeykuLkk økuhfkÞËuMkh ðuÃkkh Mkk{uLkk fkÞËku ½zðk {kxu fkÞo fÞwO.
2. ¼khík Mºke {nk{tz¤ : Mºke fu¤ðýeLku W¥kusLk ykÃÞwt
3. çktøkeÞ Lkkhe Mk{ks : MºkeykuLkk {íkkrÄfkh {kxu «[kh fÞkuo.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 1

216. yYýk yþhV y÷e Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuLke MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷k níkkt ?
(A) çkkhzku÷e MkíÞkøkún (B) ¼khík Akuzku [¤ð¤
(C) MkrðLkÞ fkLkqLk¼tøkLke [¤ð¤ (D) r¾÷kVík [¤ð¤
217. ÷¾LkW fhkh (1916) çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[k LkÚke ?
(A) ¼khíkeÞ hk»xÙeÞ fkUøkúuMkLkk {ðk¤ðkËeyku yLku snk÷ðkËeykuLkk sqÚkkuyu íkuykuLke ðå[uLkk {ík¼uËku ¼q÷e økÞkt
(B)  «ríkrLkrÄíððk¤e Mkhfkh yLku ¼khíkLkk ykrÄÃkíÞLkk nuíkw MkkÚku fkUøkúuMk yLku {wÂM÷{ ÷eøku çktÄkhýeÞ MkwÄkhkyku {kxuLke MktÞwõík ÞkusLkk
hsq fhe.
(C) fkUøkúuMku y÷øk {íkËkh{tz¤Lkku rMkæÄktík MðefkÞkuo.
(D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

218. økwshkík{kt ¼khík Akuzku [¤ð¤ çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk Mkk[wt LkÚke ?
(A) [¤ð¤Lke þYykík y{ËkðkË yLku ðzkuËhk þnuhku{kt ÚkE.
(B) y{ËkðkË{kt Mk{ktíkh “ykÍkË Mkhfkh”Lke h[Lkk ÚkE.
(C) hkßÞkuLkk rðrðÄ ¼køkku{kt fkuE {nuMkq÷e yr¼ÞkLk þY Lk ÚkÞkt.
(D) ¼Y[, Mkwhík yLku LkðMkkhe{kt LkkíkòíkLkkt ðkzkykuÚke Ãkh ÚkE økúk{eý yufíkk MkÄkE yLku ytøkúus hks Úkkuzkf Mk{Þ {kxu
økkÞçk ÚkE økÞwt.

PSP – MASTER] 42 [Contd.

208. Who among the following was the first to describe Sudras as a class of agriculturists?
(A) Manu (B) Fa-Hien
(C) Hiuen Tsang (D) Narad

209. Under which Peshwa’s rule Marathas attacked Bengal?

(A) Balaji Vishwanath (B) Baji Rao I
(C) Balaji Baji Rao (D) Raghoji Bhonsle

210. Who among the following organized the East India Association in London to mobilize public opinion for
Indian welfare?
(A) Anandmohan Bose (B) Bhikaji Cama
(C) Dadabhai Naoroji (D) Surendranath Banerjee

211. Who among the following organized the sensational Barrah Dacoity ?
(A) Barindra Ghosh (B) Praful Chaki
(C) Pulin Behari Das (D) Khudiram Bose

212. The Anarchical and Revolutionary Crime Act 1919 was popularly known as the _______.
(A) Rowlatt Act (B) Pitt's India Act
(C) Indian Arms Act (D) Ilbert Bill

213. Who headed the interim cabinet formed in 1946?

(A) Rajendra Prasad (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (D) Rajagopalachari

214. During the Indian Freedom Struggle who of the following raised an army called “Free Indian Legion”?
(A) Lala Hardayal (B) Rash Behari Bose
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose (D) VD Savarkar

215. Which of the following pair/s is/are correctly matched?

Women Organisations Objective
1) All Bengal Women’s Union : worked for legislation against illicit trafficking of Women
2) Bharat Stree Mahamandal : promoted women’s education
3) Bangiya Nari Samaj : campaigned for women’s voting rights
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1 only

216. Aruna Asaf Ali was associated with which one of the following?
(A) Bardoli Satyagarha (B) Quit India Movement
(C) Civil Disobedience Movement (D) Khilafat Movement

217. Which of the following regarding Lucknow Pact (1916) is NOT true?
(A) Moderates and extremist factions of Indian National Congress buried their differences.
(B)  Congress and Muslim League offered a joint scheme for constitutional reforms with the objective of
representative government and dominion status for India.
(C) Congress accepted the principle of separate electorate.
(D) None of the above

218. Which of the following statements regarding Quit India Movement in Gujarat is NOT true?
(A) The movement started in cities of Ahmedabad and Baroda.
(B) In Ahmedabad a parallel ‘Azad Government’ was formed.
(C) No revenue campaigns started in various parts of the state.
(D)  In Bharuch, Surat and Navsari, there was rural unity across caste and class lines and British rule, as
a result disappeared for a while.

PSP – MASTER] 43 [P.T.O.

219. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuzeyku Mkk[e heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?
1. [ktÃkkhý MkíÞkøkún - hksuLÿ «MkkË
2. ¾uzk MkíÞkøkún - ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷
3. y{ËkðkË r{÷ fk{Ëkhku yuMkkuþeÞuþLk - {kuhkhS ËuMkkE
4. ÃkqLkk fhkh - çke. ykh. yktçkuzfh
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3
(C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 1, 2 yLku 4
220. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku r¢fuxh {u÷çkkuLko r¢fux õ÷çk (MCC)Lkk «Úk{ rçkLk-rçkúxeþ «{w¾ íkhefu íkksuíkh{kt rLkÞwõík ÚkÞku ?
(A) Mkr[Lk íkUzw÷fh (B) fw{kh Mktøkkfkhk
(C) rçkúÞkLk ÷khk (D) þuLk ðkLko

221. íkksuíkh{kt ¼khíkeÞ Lkkifkˤu Ërûký [eLke Mk{wÿ{kt .......... Ëuþku MkkÚku sqÚk snks fðkÞík nkÚk Ähe ?
(A) rVr÷rÃkLMk, òÃkkLk y™u Þw.yuMk.yu. (B) òÃkkLk, rðÞuíkLkk{ yLku Þw.yuMk.yu.
(C) òÃkkLk, [eLk y™u Þw.yuMk.yu. (D) [eLk, rðÞuíkLkk{ yLku Þw.yuMk.yu.

222. íkksuíkh{kt ¼khíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ËuþLku çku MI-24 nu÷efkuÃxhku Ãkqhk Ãkkzâkt ?
(A) LkuÃkk¤ (B) yV½krLkMíkkLk (C) ©e÷tfk (D) EhkLk
223. zkuLkkÕz xÙBÃk îkhk íkksuíkh{kt Lkðe þY fhðk{kt ykðu÷e “{uhex çkuÍTz Er{økúuþLk MkeMx{” çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku Mkk[kt Au ?
1. Lkðk ykÞkusLk «{kýu økúeLk fkzoLkk 57% rnMMkku fkiþÕÞ Ähkðíkk ÷kufkuLku ykÃkðk{kt ykðþu.
2. nk÷{kt ÞkuøÞíkk ykÄkheík økúeLk fkzoLke Vk¤ðýe 12% Au.
3. «ðuþ Ãkqðuo Er{økúLxTMku ytøkúuS þe¾ðwt yLku Lkkøkrhf Ãkheûkk Qr¥kýo fhðe sYhe Au.
(A) Võík 1 yLku 2 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 1 yLku 3

224. fuLÿ Mkhfkhu A hkßÞkuLku “Ëw»fk¤ Mk÷knfkhe” (zÙkux yuzðkÞÍhe) òhe fhe Au. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk hkßÞku yk ÞkËe{kt LkÚke ?
(A) {nkhk»xÙ yLku økwshkík (B) yktÄú«Ëuþ yLku íku÷tøkkýk
(C) íkkr{÷Lkkzw yLku fýkoxf (D) hksMÚkkLk y™u {æÞ«Ëuþ
225. íkksuíkh{kt hk»xÙÃkrík hk{LkkÚk fku®ðËu NIRF yLku ARIIA ¢{ku (huLfªøÍ) òhe fÞkO. yk ¢{ku .......... Lku ÷økíkkt Au.
(A) çkuLfku (B) þiûkrýf MktMÚkkyku
(C) BÞwåÞwy÷ Vtz (D) LkkýkfeÞ MktMÚkkyku

226. ðÕzo EfkuLkkur{f ykWx÷qf (WEO)Lkk ynuðk÷ «{kýu ¼khíkLkku ð]ÂæÄ Ëh 2019{kt 7.3% Úke ðÄeLku 2020{kt ..........% Úkþu.
(A) 7.5% (B) 7.9% (C) 8.0% (D) 8.5%

227. rî-ÃkûkeÞ MktçktÄkuLku «kuíMkknLk ykÃkðk {kxu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fkuLku hrþÞkLkku “ykìzoh ykìV MkuELx yuLz› Ä yuÃkkuMx÷” yuLkkÞík fhðk{kt
ykÔÞku ?
(A) Mkw»{k Mðhks (B) ðUfiÞk LkkÞzw (C) LkhuLÿ {kuËe (D) yuMk. sÞþtfh

228. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk xufLkku÷kuS çknwhk»xÙeÞ fkuÃkkuohuþLku ¼khík{kt nuLz÷w{ Íq{¾ktykuLkku SýkuoØkh fhðk xkxk xÙMx MkkÚku nkÚk r{÷kÔÞkt ?
(A) økwøk÷ (B) {kE¢kuMkku^x
(C) ykE.çke.yu{. (D) WÃkhLkk ík{k{

229. çku Ëuþku ðå[uLkk hksîkhe MktçktÄkuLke 70{e sÞtíkeyu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Ëuþu hk{kÞýLkk rð»kÞðMíkwðk¤e xÃkk÷ xefex òhe fhe ?
(A) ©e÷tfk (B) {÷urþÞk
(C) ELzkuLkurþÞk (D) ÚkkE÷ìLz

230. íkksuíkh{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE çku çkuLfku{kt heÍðo çkuLf ykìV ELzeÞkyu íkuykuLkku MktÃkqý rnMMkku ÷E fuLÿ MkhfkhLku MkkUÃke ËeÄku ?
(A) LkuþLk÷ nkWMkªøk çkuLf yLku Lkkçkkzo (NABARD) (B) Lkkçkkzo (NABARD) yLku çktÄLk çkUf
(C) LkuþLk÷ nkWMkªøk çkuLf yLku ykE.ze.çke.ykE. (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 44 [Contd.

219. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
1) Champaran Satyagraha - Rajendra Prasad
2) Kheda Satyagraha - Vallabhbhai Patel
3) Ahmedabad Mill Workers Association -Morarji Desai
4) Poona Pact- B. R. Ambedkar
(A) Only 1 and 2 (B) Only 1, 2 and 3 (C) Only 2 and 3 (D) Only 1, 2 and 4
220. Which of the following cricketer was appointed as first non-British president of Marylebone Cricket Club
(MCC) recently?
(A) Sachin Tendulkar (B) Kumara Sangakkara
(C) Brian Lara (D) Shane Warne
221. Recently Indian Navy undertook group sail exercise in South China Sea along with ____________ countries.
(A) Philippines, Japan and USA (B) Japan, Vietnam, and USA
(C) Japan, China and USA (D) China, Vietnam, and USA
222. To which of the following countries did India deliver two Mi-24 helicopters recently?
(A) Nepal (B) Afghanistan (C) Sri Lanka (D) Iran
223. Which of the following statements are correct regarding the newly introduced “Merit Based Immigration
System” by Donald Trump?
1. Under the new plan 57% of the proportion of green cards will be given to people with skills.
2. Presently the merit base green cards issuance is 12%
3. Immigrants are required to learn English and pass a civic exam prior to admission.
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 1 and 3 only
224. Central Government has issued a “Drought Advisory” to six States. Which of the following is NOT in this list?
(A) Maharashtra and Gujarat (B) Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
(C) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka (D) Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
President Ramnath Kovind released NIRF and ARIIA rankings 2019 recently. These ranks related
to _______.
(A) Banks (B) Academic Institutions
(C) Mutual Funds (D) Financial Institutions
226. According to World Economic Outlook (WEO) report, India’s growth rate is to increase from 7.3% in 2019
to _______ in 2020.
(A) 7.5% (B) 7.9% (C) 8.0% (D) 8.5%
227. Who among the following was awarded with Russia’s “Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle” for promoting
bilateral relations?
(A) Sushma Swaraj (B) Venkaiah Naidu
(C) Narendra Modi (D) S Jaishanker
228. Which of the following techology MNC joined hands with Tata Trust to rejuvenate handloom clusters
in India?
(A) Google (B) Microsoft (C) IBM (D) All of the above
229. Which of the following countries released a stamp with the theme of Ramayana at the 70th anniversary of
diplomatic ties between the two countries?
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Malaysia (C) Indonesia (D) Thailand
230. In which of the following two banks Reserve Bank of India divested the entire stake of these banks to the
Central Government recently?
(A) National Housing Bank and NABARD (B) NABARD and Bandhan Bank
(C) National Housing Bank and IDBI (D) None of the above

PSP – MASTER] 45 [P.T.O.

231. Mkthûký {tºkk÷Þ, ¼khík Mkhfkh Lkðe rºk-Mkuðk yusLMkeyku Q¼e fhe hne Au íku .......... Au.
(A) zeVuLMk MkkÞçkh yusLMke, zeVuLMk MÃkuMk yusLMke yLku MÃku~Þ÷ VkuMkeoMk yusLMke
(B) zeVuLMk MÃkuMk yusLMke, zeVuLMk SykuøkúkVe yusLMke yLku zeVuLMk Vwz yusLMke
(C) zeVuLMk MkkÞçkh yusLMke, zeVuLMk Vwz yusLMke yLku MÃku~Þ÷ VkuMkeoMk yusLMke
(D) zeVuLMk Lku[h yusLMke, zeVuLMk Vwz yusLMke yLku MÃku~Þ÷ fBÞwLkexe yusLMke

232. ELzeÞLk fkWÂLMk÷ ykìV {uzef÷ heMk[o (ICMR) .......... hkuøkLke LkkçkwËe {kxu MERA ELzeÞk fkÞo¢{ þY fÞkuo.
(A) ykuhe (B) {kLkrMkf íkLkkð
(C) {u÷urhÞk (D) {kÞkurÃkÞk
233. íkksuíkh{kt ¼khíkeÞ Lkkifkˤu ºkeswt økkEzuz r{MkkE÷ zeMxÙkuÞh INS EBVk÷ ÷kuL[ fÞwO, yøkkWLkk çku fÞkt níkkt ?
(A) INS ðzkuËhk yLku INS yøkhík÷k (B) INS Úkkýu yLku INS ÍktMke
(C) INS hkuníkf yLku INS òuÄÃkwh (D) INS rðþk¾kÃkèLk{T yLku INS {k{oøkkuðk

234. Ëuþ{kt íkksuíkh{kt Mkk{kLÞ [qtxýeykuLku fkhýu {wÕfe Mkuðk rËðMk {Lkkððk{kt ykÔÞku Lk níkku, ¼khík{kt {wÕfe Mkuðk rËðMk çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife
fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. {wÕfe Mkuðk rËðMk Ëh ð»kuo 21{e yur«÷Lkk rËðMku {Lkkððk{kt ykðu Au.
2. yk rËðMk {wÕfeMkuðk rËðMk yux÷k {kxu {Lkkððk{kt ykðu Au fkhýu fu yk rËðMku MkhËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷u Mðíktºk ¼khíkLke
{wÕfe MkuðfkuLke «Úk{ çku[Lku MktçkkuÄe níke.
3.  {wÕfe Mkuðk rËðMkLkk hkus {wÕfe MkuðfkuLku “ònuh ðneðx{kt ©u»Xíkk {kxuLkku hk»xÙÃkrík yìðkuzo” («uMkezuLx yìðkuzo Vkuh
yuõMk÷LMk ELk Ãkç÷ef yuz{eLkeMxÙuþLk) ykÃkðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1 yLku 2 (C) 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) Võík 1 yLku 3

235. MktÞwõík hk»xÙku îkhk MktÞwõík hk»xÙkuLkk yr¼ÞkLk (r{þLk) MkkÚku ..........{kt Mkuðkyku çkòðíkkt 150 ¼khíkeÞ “ÃkeMk feÃkMko”Lku íkuykuLke
Mkuðk çkË÷ “{uzÕMk ykuV ykìLkh”Úke Lkðksðk{kt ykÔÞkt níkkt.
(A) Þ{Lk (B) Ërûký MkwËkLk (C) rsçkqíke (D) M÷kuðkrfÞk

236. íkksuíkh{kt «ûkuÃký fhðk{kt ykðu÷k WÃkøkúnku çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞw rðÄkLk ¾kuxwt Au ?
(A) hkðý-I ©e÷tfkLkku «Úk{ WÃkøkún Au.
(B) LkuÃkk÷e Mkux-1 LkuÃkk¤Lkku «Úk{ WÃkøkún Au.
(C) WÃkhkuõík çktLku WÃkøkúnku ISROLkk ©e nrhfkuxkÚke «ûkuÃký fhðk{kt ykÔÞkt níkkt.
(D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

237. ¼khíkLkk rðËuþe çkkçkíkkuLkk {tºkk÷Þu {tºkk÷Þ{kt ELzku-ÃkurMkrVf rð¼køk Q¼ku fÞkuo Au íku çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk /
rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. ELzku-ÃkurMkrVf rð¼køkLkku ykþÞ ðzk«ÄkLk LkhuLÿ {kuËe îkhk 2018 {kt MÃkü fhðk{kt ykðu÷e ELzku-ÃkurMkrVf LkeríkLku
MkwMktøkík ykfkh ykÃkðkLkku Au.
2. ELzku-ÃkurMkrVf Ãkkt¾ ELzeÞLk ykurþÞLk he{ yuMkkurþÞuMkLk (IORA), ASEAN heSyLk yLku õðkz (QUAD)Lku Mktfr÷ík fhu Au.
3. Þw.yuMk.yu. yu íkksuíkh{kt íkuLkk ÃkurMkrVf f{kLzLkwt Lkk{ çkË÷eLku ELzku-ÃkurMkrVf f{kLz hkÏÞwt Au.
(A) Võík 1 (B) Võík 1 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2 yLku 3 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

238. ¼khíkLke «Úk{ MðËuþe heíku zeÍkELk fhu÷e yLku rðfMkkððk{kt ykðu÷e ÷ktçke ËqheLke Mkçk-MkkuLkef ¢wÍ r{MkkE÷, “rLk¼oÞ”Lkwt
íkksuíkh{kt MkV¤ Ãkheûký fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt níkwt. yk çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. rLk¼oÞ r{MkkE÷ 1000 rf.{e.Lke ykuÃkhuþLk÷ huLs Ähkðu Au yLku Ãkh{kýw þMºkMkk{økúe (ðkuhnuz) Mkrník 300 rf.økúk. MkwÄe
þMºkMkk{økúe (ðkuhnuz) ÷E sE þfu Au.
2. r{MkkE÷ çku íkçk¬kðk¤e r{MkkE÷ Ähkðu Au su yuzðkLkMz MkeMxBMk ÷uçkkuhuxhe (ASL) îkhk rðfMkkððk{kt ykðu÷ Mkku÷ez
{kuxh çkwMxhÚke Mkt[kr÷ík Au.
3. íku xçkkuoVuLk yÚkðk xçkkuosux yuÂLsLk MkkÚku MkVh fhe þfu Au yLku yíÞtík yãíkLk ELkMkeoÞ÷ LkuðeøkuþLk ÃkæÄrík îkhk {køkoËŠþík Au.
(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) Võík 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2 (D) Võík 1

PSP – MASTER] 46 [Contd.

231. Ministry of Defence, Government of India is setting up three new tri-service agencies, they are _________.
(A) Defence Cyber Agency, Defence Space Agency and Special Forces Agency
(B) Defence Space Agency, Defence Geography Agency and Defence Food Agency
(C) Defence Cyber Agency, Defence Food Agency and Special Forces Agency
(D) Defence Nature Agency, Defence Food Agency and Special Community Agency
232. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) launched MERA India programme to eliminate ___________
(A) Measles (B) Mental pressure
(C) Malaria (D) Myopia
233. Indian Navy has launched its third guided missile destroyer INS Imphal recently. Which of the following
two are earlier ones?
(A) INS Vadodara and INS Agartala (B) INS Thane and INS Jhansi
(C) INS Rohtak and INS Jodhpur (D) INS Visakhapatnam and INS Marmugao
234. Recently the Civil Services Day was not observed due to general elections in the country. Which of the
following statements is/ are correct regarding to Civil Service Day in India?
1. The Civil Services Day is observed on 21st April of every year.
2.  Civil Services Day is observed on this day as it was on this day Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, addressed
the first batch of civil servants in Independent India.
3.  On the Civil Services Day, ‘President Award for Excellence in Public Administration’ is given to civil
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 2 only
(C) 1, 2, and 3 (D) 1 and 3 only
235. 150 Indian peacekeepers serving with the UN Mission in _______ were honoured with “Medals of Honour”
by the United Nations for their service.
(A) Yemen (B) South Sudan
(C) Djibouti (D) Slovakia
236. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding recently launched satellites?
(A) Raavana-1 is Sri Lanka’s first satellite
(B) Nepalisat-1 is Nepal’s first satellite
(C) The above two satellites were launched from Sriharikota of ISRO
(D) None of the above
237. The Ministry of External Affairs of India has set up an Indo-Pacific division in the ministry. In this regard
which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
1.  The Indo-Pacific division is intended to give a coherent architecture to the Indo-Pacific policy
articulated by PM Narendra Modi in 2018.
2. The Indo-Pacific Wing integrates the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), ASEAN region and the
3. USA has recently renamed its Pacific Command to the Indo-Pacific Command.
(A) 1 only (B) 1 and 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
India’s first indigenously designed and developed long-range sub-sonic cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’ was
successfully test fired recently. In this regard which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
1.  Nirbhay Missile has an operational range of 1000 km and can carry warheads of up to 300 kg
including nuclear warheads.
2. The missile has a two-stage missile powered by solid rocket motor booster developed by Advanced
Systems Laboratory (ASL).
3.  It can travel with a turbofan or turbojet engine and is guided by a highly advanced inertial navigation
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2 and 3 only (C) 2 only (D) 1 only

PSP – MASTER] 47 [P.T.O.

239. hk»xÙÃkrík hk{LkkÚk fku®ðË îkhk íkksuíkh{kt ðeh Ãkrhðkh (Veer Parivar) yuÃk þY fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt. yk yuÃk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk MkþMºk
ˤku MkkÚku MktçktÄ Ähkðu Au ?
(A) BSF (B) CRPF (C) RAF (D) WÃkhLkk Ãkife fkuE Lknª
240. Lkkøkk÷uLzu fkurn{kLkk ÞwØLke 75{e sÞtrík {Lkkðe. fkurn{kLkwt yk ÞwØ .......... yLku .......... ðå[u ÚkÞwt níkwt.
(A) Þw.fu. yLku s{oLke (B) òÃkkLk yLku s{oLke (C) Þw.fu. yLku òÃkkLk (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª
241. rðï{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Ëuþu 5G Lkuxðfo «Úk{ þY fÞwO ?
(A) Ërûký fkurhÞk (B) òÃkkLk (C) ®MkøkkÃkwh (D) fuLkuzk
242. íkksuíkh{kt ¼khíkLku .......... Ëuþ{kt r÷rÚkÞ{ yLkk{íkkuLkk «ðuþn¬Lke ÃkhðkLkøke {¤e Au.
(A) LkuÃkk¤ (B) çkkur÷rðÞk (C) {k÷rËÔMk (D) ½kLkk
243. íkksuíkh{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk «kËurþf n¤Ëh (xh{hef)Lku SykuøkúkVef÷ ELzefuþLk (GI) «kÃík ÚkÞwt Au ?
(A) y{hkðíke (B) ðzkuËhk (C) ftÄ{k÷ (D) LkktËuz

244. hkßÞkuLku fuLÿ Mkhfkhu 3000 fhíkkt ðÄw SAEC fexTMkLkwt rðíkhý fÞwO Au, yk fex .......... Lku ÷økíke Au.
(A) ykÃkr¥k ÔÞðMÚkkÃkLk huzeÞku (B) òíkeÞ nw{÷kLke íkÃkkMk
(C) MkeõÞwhexe ykxeoVeþeÞ÷ ELxu÷esLMk (D) Ëu¾hu¾ Mkwøk{íkk

245. MkÇÞ Ëuþku{kt [kLkk ðuÃkkh, MkktMf]ríkf ykËkLk-«ËkLk yLku xufLkku÷kuSLkk ykËkLk-«ËkLkLkk «kuíMkknLk {kxu yurþÞLk xe yu÷kÞLMkLke
h[Lkk fhðk{kt ykðe. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Ëuþku íkuLkk MkÇÞ Au ?
1. ¼khík 2. òÃkkLk yLku ELzkuLkurþÞk
3. ©e÷tfk yLku [eLk 4. çkktø÷kËuþ yLku LkuÃkk¤
(A) Võík 1 yLku 4 (B) Võík 1, 2 yLku 3 (C) Võík 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) Võík 1 yLku 3

246. .......... WÃkh {wÏÞ æÞkLk furLÿík fhðk MkkÚkuLkku íkksuíkh{kt 2019Lkku {kLkð rðfkMk ynuðk÷ «fkrþík ÚkÞku níkku.
(A) yMk{kLkíkk (B) çkk¤rðfkMk (C) Mºke MkþÂõíkfhý (D) hkusøkkhe
247. rnLËw Þkºkk¤wykuLku ¼khíkÚke þkhËkÃkeXLke {w÷kfkík {kxuLke ÃkhðkLkøke ykÃke þfu íkuðk fkurhzkuh MÚkkÃkðk {kxuLke Ëh¾kMík ÃkkrfMíkkLk
Mkhfkhu {tsqh fhe Au. yk çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
1. þkhËkÃkeX ÃkkrfMíkkLkLkk fçkò nuX¤Lkk fkÂ~{h rðMíkkh{kt ykðu÷wt Au.
2. þkhËkÃkeXLku 18 {nkþÂõíkÃkeXku yÚkðk “{nkLk þÂõíkÃkeXku” ÃkifeLkk yuf íkhefu Ãkqsðk{kt ykðu Au.
3. Ëuðe þkhËk fkÂ~{he ÃktzeíkkuLkk fw¤Ëuðe Au.
4. íku su÷{ LkËeLkk rfLkkhu ykðu÷wt Au.
(A) Võík 4 (B) Võík 2 yLku 4 (C) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) Võík 2 yLku 3

248. f÷kËLk {Õxe-{kuz÷ xÙkLÍex «kusuõx ¾kíkuLkk ¼khíkeÞ fk{Ëkhku Ãkh ºkkxfðkLkwt ykÞkusLk fhe hnu÷e çk¤ðk¾kuh AkðýeykuLkku
¾kík{ku çkku÷kððk {kxu ¼khík îkhk ykuÃkhuþLk MkLkhkEÍ .......... MkkÚku nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykÔÞwt.
(A) BÞkLk{kLkh (B) yV½krLkMíkkLk (C) LkuÃkk¤ (D) ¼qíkkLk

249. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk ËuþLke MkuLkkyu íkksuíkh{kt ¾kMk økwh¾k ÃkkÞˤ çkxkr÷ÞLkLke ònuhkík fhe ?
(A) fuLkuzk (B) Þw.yuMk.yu.
(C) Þw.fu. (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife fkuE Lknª

250. íkksuíkh{kt ¼khík yLku .......... ðå[uLke {ÞLkk{íke {iºke ÷~fhe fðkÞík Ãkqýo ÚkE.
(A) LkuÃkk¤ (B) ¼qíkkLk (C) çkktø÷kËuþ (D) ©e÷tfk
251. íkksuíkh{kt ¼økðkLk÷k÷ MknkLke íku{Lke .......... {kt yæÞûk íkhefuLke rLk{ýqfLkk fkhýu Mk{k[kh{kt níkkt.
(A) ÃkAkíkðøkkuo {kxuLkw hk»xÙeÞ ykÞkuøk (B) LkuþLk÷ økúeLk xÙeçÞwLk÷
(C) hk»xÙeÞ fk{ÄuLkw ð]ÂæÄ MktMÚkkLk (D) «uMk fkWÂLMk÷ ykuV EÂLzÞk

PSP – MASTER] 48 [Contd.

239. The recently launched app, Veer Parivar by President Ramnath Kovind is related to which of the following
armed forces?
(A) BSF (B) CRPF (C) RAF (D) None of the above
240. Nagaland has observed 75th anniversary of Battle of Kohima. This battle of Kohima took place between
_______ and _______.
(A) UK and Germany (B) Japan and Germany
(C) UK and Japan (D) None of the above
241. Which of the following countries is the first one to implement 5G network in the world?
(A) South Korea (B) Japan (C) Singapore (D) Canada
242. Recently India has received the permission to access the Lithium reserves in ___________ .
(A) Nepal (B) Bolivia (C) Maldives (D) Ghana
243. Which of the following regional Haldi (turmeric) received Geographical Indication (GI) recently?
(A) Amaravati (B) Vadodara (C) Kandhamal (D) Nanded
244. The Central Government of India has distributed more than 3000 SAEC kits to the states, these kits are
related to ___________.
(A) Disaster Management Radio (B) Sexual Assault Investigation
(C) Security Artificial Intelligence (D) Surveillance Accessibility
245. Asian Tea Alliance was formed to promote tea trade, cultural exchange and technology exchange among the
member-countries. Which of the following countries are members in it?
1. India 2. Japan and Indonesia
3. Sri Lanka and China 4. Bangladesh and Nepal
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1 and 3 only
246. The 2019 Human development report was published recently with main focus on _______.
(A) Inequality (B) Child Development
(C) Women Empowerment (D) Employment
247. Pakistan government has approved a proposal to establish a corridor which would allow Hindu pilgrims
from India to visit Sharada Peeth. In this regard which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
1. The Sharada Peeth is located in the region of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
2. Sharada Peeth is also revered as one of 18 Maha Shakti Peethas, or “Grand Shakti Peethas”.
3. Goddess Sharada is the Kuldevi of Kashmiri pandits.
4. It is located on the banks of river Jhelum.
(A) 4 only (B) 2 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (D) 2 and 3 only
248. India carried out Operation Sunrise to wipe out the insurgent camps planning to hit the Indian workers at
the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit project along with _______ .
(A) Myanmar (B) Afghanistan
(C) Nepal (D) Bhutan
249. Which of the following countries’ army has announced a specialised infantry Gurkha Battalion recently?
(A) Canada (B) USA (C) UK (D) None of the above
250. The recently concluded Mainamati Maitree military exercise was between India and ____________.
(A) Nepal (B) Bhutan
(C) Bangladesh (D) Sri Lanka
251. Bhagwan Lal Sahni was in news recently for his appointment as Chairman of _________.
(A) National Commission for Backward Classes (B) National Green Tribunal
(C) Rashtriya Kamdhenu Vriddhi Samstan (D) Press Council of India

PSP – MASTER] 49 [P.T.O.

252. «Úk{ hkVu÷ ÷zkfw rð{kLk ¼khíkeÞ ðkÞwˤLkk .......... MfðkzÙLk{kt Mkk{u÷ fhðk{kt ykðþu.
(A) økkuÕzLk yuhkuÍ 17 (B) MkwÃkh M«ªøÍ 18
(C) òuÄÃkwh òÞLxÍ 16 (D) zkÞ{tz zuðeÕÍ 20

253. AuÕ÷k LkkýkfeÞ ð»ko 2018-19{kt MkeÄk rðËuþe hkufý (FDI){kt «Úk{ ¢{Lkk Mºkkuík íkhefu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Ëuþu {kurhrþÞMkLkwt MÚkkLk
÷eÄwt Au ?
(A) Þw.yu.E. (B) Þw.yuMk.yu. (C) ®MkøkkÃkwh (D) [eLk
254. íkksuíkh{kt Ëuðe ynÕÞkçkkE nku¤fh nðkE{ÚkfLku yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ nðkE{Úkf íkhefuLkku Ëhßòu «kÃík ÚkÞku Au. yk nðkE {Úkf
.......... ¾kíku ykðu÷wt Au.
(A) LkktËuz (B) ELËkuh
(C) WÄ{Ãkwh (D) hkÞÃkwh

255. ykurhMMkkLkk LktËLk fkLkLk «kýeMktøkúnk÷Þ{kt íkksuíkh{kt rçkLLkeLkwt {]íÞw ÚkÞwt su ¼khík{kt yuf{kºk .......... níkwt / níkku.
(A) çku ®þøkzkðk¤ku økUzku (B) þkn{]øk
(C) rnÃÃkkuÃkkuxu{Mk (D) ykuhtøkwxLk

256. yk ð»kuo 1÷e sqLkLkk hkus {Lkkððk{kt ykðu÷kt ðirïf ËqÄ rËðMkLkku (ø÷kuçk÷ r{Õf zu) rð»kÞ .......... Au.
(A) zÙeLf r{Õf : xwzu yuLz yuðhe zu (B) zÙeLf r{Õf : yuðhe zu yuðhe ðuh
(C) zÙeLf r{Õf : yuðhe zu nuÕÚk (D) zÙeLf r{Õf : «kuxuõx Þkuh MkuÕV

257. LkuþLk÷ MkuBÃk÷ Mkðuo ykuøkuoLkkEÍuþLk (NSSO) yLkwMkkh ¼khík Ëh 10,000 ÷kufkuyu .......... MktÏÞk{kt MðkMÚÞ fkÞofhku Ähkðu Au.
(A) 30.6 (B) 20.6 (C) 101 (D) 27

258. Lke[uLkk Ãkife økwshkíkLkwt fÞwt ðes{Úkf íkksuíkh{kt ºký ð»ko çkkË ÃkwLk: MktÃkqýoÃkýu fkÞohík ÚkÞwt Au ?
(A) fkfhkÃkkh yýwþÂõík ðes{Úkf - ÞwrLkx-1 (B) Äwðkhý ðes{Úkf
(C) WfkE Úk{o÷ ðes{Úkf (D) fzkýk ðes{Úkf

259. Lke[uLkk Ãkife ¼khíkLkwt fÞwt hkßÞ nðkLkwt «Ëq»ký ykuAwt fhðk {kxu rðï{kt Mkki «Úk{ ð¾ík WíMksoLk ðuÃkkh ÞkusLkk - Rr{þLk xÙuzªøk
Mfe{ - ETSLkwt y{÷efhý fhþu ?
(A) {nkhk»xÙ (B) rËÕne
(C) økwshkík (D) rçknkh

260. IOCL, BPCL yLku HPCL Lkk MktÞwõík MkknMkLke h[Lkk rðï{kt MkkiÚke ÷ktçke r÷õðeVkEz ÃkuxÙku÷eÞ{ økuMk (LPG) Lke ÃkkEÃk÷kELkLke
MÚkkÃkLkk .......... Úke .......... fhðk {kxu ÚkE Au.
(A) ftz÷k Úke økkuh¾Ãkwh (B) rËøçkkuE Úke rËÕne
(C) fu.S. çkuMkeLk Úke rËÕne (D) fLÞkfw{khe Úke {wtçkE
261. …kt[ Akufhkyku{kt, {™kus ð‚tŒ fhŒk ô[ku Au, …ý Œu hksuþ sux÷ku ô[ku ™Úke. sÞtŒ «fkþ fhŒk ô[ku Au …ý {™kus fhŒk
™e[ku Au. Œku ™e[u …ife fÞku rðfÕ… ‚k[ku ™Úke ?
(A) hksuþ ‚kiÚke ô[ku Au.
(B) {™kus «fkþ fhŒk ô[ku Au.
(C) sÞtŒ ð‚tŒ fhŒk ™e[ku Au.
(D) ð‚tŒ yÚkðk «fkþ ƒÄk{kt ‚kiÚke ™e[k Au.

262. ™e[u yk…u÷ rðfÕ…ku …ife fÞku rðfÕ… ‚k[ku ™Úke ?

(A) ƒu fu ŒuÚke ðÄkhu ‚tÏÞkyku™ku ÷.‚k.y. Œu …ife™e fkuE…ý ‚tÏÞkÚke ykuAku ™ nkuE þfu
(B) òu fkuE ‚tÏÞk ƒeS fkuE ‚tÏÞk™ku yðÞð nkuÞ, Œku Œu …ifeyu {kuxe ‚tÏÞk s Œuyku™ku ÷.‚k.y. nkuÞ Au.
(C) ƒu yrð¼kßÞ ‚tÏÞkyku™ku ÷.‚k.y. nt{uþk Œu{™ku „wýkfkh s nkuÞ Au.
(D) ƒu fu ŒuÚke ðÄkhu ‚tÏÞkyku™ku „w.‚k.y. Œu …ife™e fkuE…ý ‚tÏÞkÚke ykuAku ™ nkuE þfu

PSP – MASTER] 50 [Contd.

252. The first Rafale combat aircraft would be inducted in the _______ squadron of Indian Air Force.
(A) Golden Arrows 17 (B) Super Springs 18
(C) Jodhpur Giants 16 (D) Diamond Devils 20

253. Which of the following countries replaced the Mauritius to become the top source of Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) flow in the last fiscal year 2018-19?
(C) Singapore (D) China

Devi Ahilya Bhai Holkar Airport of India has received the status of International Airport recently.
This airport is located at ____________.
(A) Nanded (B) Indore
(C) Uddhampur (D) Raipur

255. Binny died at Odisha Nandan Kanan Zoo recently. It was the only _______ in India.
(A) Two horn Rhino (B) Ostrich
(C) Hippopotamus (D) Orangutan

256. The theme of Global Milk Day celebrated on 1st June this year is _______.
(A) Drink Milk: Today and Everyday (B) Drink Milk: Everyday Everywhere
(C) Drink Milk: Everyday Health (D) Drink Milk: Protect Yourself

257. According to National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) India has ______ number of health workers
per 10,000 people.
(A) 30.6 (B) 20.6
(C) 101 (D) 27

258. Which of the following power stations of Gujarat once again got fully operational after three years recently ?
(A) Kakrapar Atomic Power Station - Unit-1 (B) Dhuvaran Power Station
(C) Ukai Thermal Power Station (D) Kadana Power Station

259. Which of the following states of India would implement the world’s first Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) to
control air-pollution ?
(A) Maharashtra (B) Delhi
(C) Gujarat (D) Bihar

260. IOCL, BPCL and HPCL have formed a joint venture to establish world’s longest Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) pipeline from _______ to _______ .
(A) Kandla to Gorakpur (B) Digboi to Delhi
(C) K. G. Basin to Delhi (D) Kanyakumari to Mumbai

261. Among five boys, Manoj is taller than Vasant, but not as tall as Rajesh. Jayant is taller than Prakash but
shorter than Manoj. Then which of the following option is not true?
(A) Rajesh is the tallest
(B) Manoj is taller than Prakash
(C) Jayant is shorter than Vasant
(D) Either Vasant or Prakash is shortest among all

262. Which of the following option is NOT true?

(A) The L.C.M. of two or more numbers cannot be less than any one of them.
(B) If a number is the factor of another number, their L.C.M. is the greater number itself.
(C) The L.C.M. of two prime numbers is always their product
(D) The H.C.F. of two or more numbers cannot be less than any one of them.

PSP – MASTER] 51 [P.T.O.

263. (7+2√10) (7–2√10) ™wt ð„o{q¤ :
(A) 3√3 (B) 9
(C) 2√3 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª
264. 9 ÔÞrõŒyku{ktÚke 8
ÔÞrõŒyku Œu{™k ¼kus™ {kxu {kÚkkËeX Yk. 30 ¾[o fhu Au. ™ð{e ÔÞrõŒ Yk. 18 ðÄkhu ¾[o fhu Au. yk ™ð
ÔÞrõŒyku™ku ‚huhkþ ¾[o fux÷ku Úkþu ?
(A) Yk. 28.66 (B) Yk. 31.22
(C) Yk. 32 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

265. P ™k ÷ø™ 8 ð»ko …nu÷k ÚkÞk nŒk. Œu™e nk÷™e ô{h Œu™e ÷ø™ ‚{Þ™e ô{h fhŒkt 120% sux÷e Au. Œu™k ÷ø™ ‚{Þu Œu™e ƒnu™
Œu™k fhŒk ô{h{kt 10 ð»ko ™k™e nŒe. Œku Œu™e ƒnu™™e nk÷™e ô{h fux÷e nþu ?
(A) 38 ð»ko (B) 42 ð»ko
(C) 48 ð»ko (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

266. yuf ÷e… ð»ko{kt 1 ÷e òLÞwykhe™k hkus ‚ku{ðkh nkuÞ Œku 1÷e {u ™k hkus fÞku ðkh nþu ?
(A) ‚ku{ðkh (B) {t„¤ðkh
(C) ƒwÄðkh (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

267. yuf [qtxýe{kt fw÷ LkkUÄkÞu÷ {ŒËkhku …ife 75% {ŒËkhku {ŒËk™ fhu Au, su …ife 2% {Œ hË ònuh fhðk{kt ykðu Au. yuf W{uËðkh
9261 {Œ {u¤ðu Au, su fw÷ {kLÞ {Œku™k 75% sux÷k Au. Œku Œu [qtxýe{kt fw÷ fux÷k {ŒËkhku ™kutÄkÞk nþu ?
(A) 16200 (B) 16800
(C) 18600 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª
268. yuf fkh 70 rf{e/f÷kf™e Íz…u „rŒ þY fhu Au. òu Œu™e Íz… Ëh 2 f÷kf ƒkË 10 rf.{e./f÷kf sux÷e ðÄŒe nkuÞ, Œku 345
rf.{e.™wt ytŒh fk…Œk Œu™u fux÷ku ‚{Þ ÷k„þu ?
(A) 2 f÷kf 30 r{r™x (B) 3 f÷kf 30 r{r™x
(C) 4 f÷kf 30 r{r™x (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

yuf hf{ 6 ð»ko {kxu ‚kËk ÔÞks™k [ku¬‚ Ëhu {qfðkÚke Œu{kt 60% sux÷ku ðÄkhku ÚkkÞ Au. yk s ÔÞks™k Ëhu Yk. 15,000 ™wt 3 ð»ko™wt
[¢ð]ræÄ ÔÞks fux÷wt Úkþu ?
(A) Yk. 4,975 (B) Yk. 4,955
(C) Yk. 4,765 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

fux÷k Yr…Þk™k ðkr»kof nÃíkkÚke 2 ð»ko{kt [qfððk …kºk Yk. 1025 ™wt Ëuðwt 5% [¢ð]ræÄ ÔÞks™k Ëhu [qfðe þfkþu ?
(A) Yk. 550.25 (B) Yk. 512.50
(C) Yk. 551.25 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª
271. P yu Q fhŒkt Íz…Úke [k÷u Au. Ëhuf sý 24 rf.{e. sux÷wt [k÷u Au. Œu{™e Íz…™ku ‚hðk¤ku 7 rf.{e./f÷kf y™u Œu{™u ÷k„Œk
‚{Þ™ku ‚hðk¤ku 14 f÷kf Au. Œku P ™e Íz… -
(A) 3 rf.{e./f÷kf (B) 4 rf.{e./f÷kf
(C) 4.2 rf.{e./f÷kf (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

272. yuf 11 ‚ÇÞku™e r¢fux xe{™ku fuÃx™ 26 ð»ko™ku Au y™u rðfux fe…h Œu™kÚke 3 ð»ko {kuxku Au. òu Œu ƒtLku™e ô{h ƒkË fhðk{kt ykðu Œku
ƒkfe™k ‚ÇÞku™e ‚huhkþ ô{h yk¾e xe{™e ‚huhkþ ô{h fhŒk 1 ð»ko ykuAe ÚkkÞ Au. Œku yk¾e xe{™e ‚huhkþ ô{h fux÷e Úkþu ?
(A) 23 ð»ko (B) 24 ð»ko
(C) 25 ð»ko (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

273. yuf rËð‚{kt ½rzÞk¤™k f÷kf y™u r{r™x™k fktxk fux÷e ðkh yufkfkh ÚkkÞ Au ?
(A) 22 (B) 23
(C) 24 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 52 [Contd.

263. Square root of (7+2√10) (7–2√10) is :
(A) 3√3 (B) 9
(C) 2√3 (D) None of the above

264. Out of 9 persons, 8 persons spent Rs. 30 each for their meals. The 9th person spends Rs. 18 more. What will
be the average expenditure of these nine persons?
(A) Rs. 28.66 (B) Rs. 31.22
(C) Rs. 32 (D) None of the above

265. P got married 8 years ago. His present age is 120% that of his age at the time of his marriage. His sister was
10 years younger to him at the time of his marriage. What is the present age of his sister?
(A) 38 years (B) 42 years
(C) 48 years (D) None of the above

266. In a leap year if 1st of January falls on Monday, what day of the week will be on 1st May?
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday
(C) Wednesday (D) None of the above

267. In an election 75% of total enrolled voters cast their votes, out of which 2% of the votes declared invalid.
A candidate got 9261 votes which were 75% of the total valid votes. What is the total number of voters
enrolled in that election?
(A) 16200 (B) 16800
(C) 18600 (D) None of the above

268. A car starts with a speed of 70 kms/hour. If its speed increases by 10 kms/hour after every 2 hours, how
many hours will it take to cover 345 kms?
(A) 2 hours 30 minutes (B) 3 hours 30 minutes
(C) 4 hours 30 minutes (D) None of the above

269. There is a 60% increase in an amount in 6 years at certain rate of interest of simple interest. What will be
the compound interest of Rs. 15000 after 3 years at same rate of interest?
(A) Rs. 4975 (B) Rs. 4950
(C) Rs. 4765 (D) None of the above

270. What annual payment will discharge a debt of Rs. 1025 due in 2 years at the rate of 5% Compound Interest?
(A) Rs. 550.25 (B) Rs. 512.50
(C) Rs. 551.25 (D) None of the above

271. P walks faster than Q. Each of them walk 24 kms. The sum of their speeds is 7 km/hr and sum of time taken
by them is 14 hours. Then P’s speed is
(A) 3 km/hr (B) 4 km/hr
(C) 4.2 km/hr (D) None of the above

272. The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years older than
him. If the ages of these two are excluded, the average age of the remaining players is one year less than the
average age of the whole team. What is the average age of whole team?
(A) 23 years (B) 24 years
(C) 25 years (D) None of the above

273. How many times hour and minute hands of a clock coincide in a day?
(A) 22 (B) 23
(C) 24 (D) None of the above

PSP – MASTER] 53 [P.T.O.

274.  uf ½rzÞk¤ 3 r{r™x{kt 5 ‚ufLz yk„¤ òÞ Au y™u Œu™u ‚ðkhu 8 ðk„u ‚k[k ‚{Þu {u¤ððk{kt ykðu Au. Œku Œu rËð‚u hkºku 10 ðk„u
Œu fÞku ‚{Þ ƒŒkðŒwt nþu ?
(A) 10 : 21 : 20 (B) 10 : 23 : 20
(C) 10 : 23 : 40 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

275. 10 Vuƒúwykhe, 1979 ™k hkus fÞku ðkh nŒku ?

(A) þw¢ðkh (B) hrððkh
(C) {t„¤ðkh (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

276. 1 Úke 70 ‚wÄe™e ‚tÏÞkyku …ife su{™k ð„o™ku AuÕ÷ku ytf 1 nkuÞ yuðe ‚tÏÞkyku fux÷k xfk Au ?
(A) 15% (B) 20%
(C) 27% (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

277. ‚¤t„ 2 ð¤Œh {u¤ÔÞk …Ae Yk. 150™ku yuf þxo Y 105{kt {¤u Au. òu ƒeswt ð¤Œh 12.5% nkuÞ Œku …nu÷wt ð¤Œh fux÷wt nþu ?
(A) 17.5% (B) 18%
(C) 20% (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

278. M Yk. 6.40 «rŒ r÷xh™k ¼kðu ËqÄ ¾heËu Au. íÞkhƒkË Œu Œu{kt …kýe W{uhe yk r{©ý Yk. 8 «rŒ r÷xh™k ¼kðu ðu[e yk heŒu
37.5% ™Vku {u¤ðu Au. Œku yk r{©ý{kt …kýe y™u ËqÄ™wt «{ký fux÷wt nþu ?
(A) 1:10 (B) 1:15
(C) 1:20 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª
279. yuf y«k{krýf ðu…khe ¾kuxk ðs™™ku W…Þku„ fhe «rŒ rf÷ku 6 47 % ™Vku {u¤ðu Au. Œku Œu fÞwt ðs™ W…Þku„ fhŒku nþu ?
(A) 940 „úk{ (B) 947 „úk{
(C) 953 „úk{ (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

280. yuf ‚{ƒksw rºkfkuý™e …rhr{Œe 6 ‚u{e nkuÞ, Œku Œu rºkfkuý™wt ûkuºkV¤ fux÷wt Úkþu ?
(A) √6 [ku.‚u{e (B) 3 [ku.‚u{e
(C) 12 [ku.‚u{e (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

281. A y™u B Yk. 900 {kxu yuf fk{ nkÚk …h ÷u Au. A yu fk{ 20 rËð‚{kt y™u B 40 rËð‚{kt …qhwt fhe þfu Au. Œuyku C ™e {ËËÚke
Œu fk{ 8 rËð‚{kt …qhwt fhu Au. Œku C ™u Œu™k Þku„Ëk™ ƒË÷ fux÷k Yr…Þk [qfðk™k Úkþu ?
(A) Yk. 180 (B) Yk. 272
(C) Yk. 360 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

282. ™e[u™e ©uýe{kt ( ? ) ™e søÞkyu fR ‚tÏÞk ykðþu ?

1 1 ( ) 1
2, – , , ? , ....
2 8 128
1 1
(A) – 32 (B)
(C) – (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 54 [Contd.

274. A watch gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes and was set right at 8 AM. What time will it show at 10 PM on the
same day?
(A) 10 : 21 : 20 (B) 10 : 23 : 20
(C) 10: 23 : 40 (D) None of the above

275. What was the day on 10 February, 1979?

(A) Friday (B) Sunday
(C) Tuesday (D) None of the above

276. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have squares that end in the digit 1?
(A) 15% (B) 20%
(C) 27% (D) None of the above

277. After getting two successive discounts a shirt with price of Rs. 150 is available at Rs. 105. If the second
discount is 12.5% what is the first discount?
(A) 17.5 % (B) 18%
(C) 20% (D) None of the above

278. M purchases milk for Rs. 6.40 per litre. He then adds water and sells the mixture at Rs. 8 per litre, thereby
making 37.5% profit. The proportion of water to milk in such mixture is how much?
(A) 1:10 (B) 1:15
(C) 1:20 (D) None of the above
279. A dishonest seller uses a false weight and gains 6 % profit per kg. What weight he uses?
(A) 940 grams (B) 947 grams
(C) 953 grams (D) None of the above

280. If the perimeter of a equilateral triangle is 6 cm, then the area of the triangle is
(A) √ 6 cm² (B) 3 cm²
(C) 12 cm² (D) None of the above

281. A and B undertake to do a piece of work for Rs. 900. A can do it in 20 days and B can do it in 40 days. With
the help of C, they finish it in 8 days. How much should C be paid for his contribution?
(A) Rs. 180 (B) Rs. 272
(C) Rs. 360 (D) None of the above

282. Which number will come in the place of (?) in following series?
1 1 ( ) 1
2, – , , ? , ....
2 8 128

1 1
(A) – (B)
32 32
(C) – (D) None of the above

PSP – MASTER] 55 [P.T.O.

283. yuf ‚ktrfrŒf ¼k»kk{kt “min jo par se” ™ku yÚko “get me a pen” ; “jo se hon pe” ™ku yÚko “get a big hammer” ; “min
wo sot” ™ku yÚko “pen and pencil”. Œku pen ™ku ‚tfuŒ fÞku nþu ?
(A) jo (B) sot
(C) min (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

(284 Úke 287 {kxu r™Ëuoþ) : Ëhuf «§{kt yuf «§ y™u ƒu rðÄk™ku (I) y™u (II) yk…ðk{kt ykÔÞk Au. Œ{khu yu r™ýoÞ fhðk™ku Au,
fu rðÄk™ku{kt yk…ðk{kt ykðu÷ {krnŒe yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðkk …ÞkoÃík Au fu fu{ ? Œ{khku sðkƒ ™e[u {wsƒ yk…ku.
(A) òu rðÄk™ (I) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(B) òu rðÄk™ (II) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(C) òu rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(D) òu rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku …ý yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
284. P, Q, R, S y™u T …ife fku™u ‚kiÚke ykuAk {kõ‚o {éÞk ?
(I) S ™k {kõ‚o VõŒ R y™u T Úke ykuAk Au.
(II) Q yu P fhŒk ðÄkhu {kõ‚o {u¤ÔÞk Au.
(A) rðÄk™ (I) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(B) rðÄk™ (II) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(C) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(D) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku …ý yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.

285. òu X y™u Y ƒu r¼LLk …qýkOfku nkuÞ y™u Œu{™ku „wýkfkh 30 nkuÞ Œku X™wt {qÕÞ fux÷wt Úkþu ?
(I) X yuf yÞwø{ …qýkOf Au.
(II) X > Y
(A) rðÄk™ (I) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(B) rðÄk™ (II) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(C) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(D) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku …ý yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.

286. ‚{ktŒh ©uýe™wt Aêwt …Ë fÞwt Au ?

(I) ©uýe™k Aêk Úke ƒkh{k …Ëku™ku ‚hðk¤ku 77 ÚkkÞ Au.
(II) ©uýe™k ƒeòÚke Ë‚{k …Ëku™ku ‚hðk¤ku 108 ÚkkÞ Au.
(A) rðÄk™ (I) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(B) rðÄk™ (II) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(C) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(D) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku …ý yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.

287. yXðkrzÞk™k fÞk rËð‚u …heûkk ÞkuòÞu÷e Au?

(I) …heûkk ‚Ãíkkn™k ytŒu (yux÷u þr™ðkh y™u hrððkh) ™Úke Þkusðk{kt ykðe.
(II) ‚ku{ðkh ƒkÌk «ð]r¥kyku y™u ƒwÄðkh ‚ktMf]rŒf «ð]r¥kyku {kxu nkuÞ Au.
(A) rðÄk™ (I) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(B) rðÄk™ (II) yuf÷wt yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au .
(C) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík Au.
(D) rðÄk™ (I) y™u rðÄk™ (II) ƒLLku ‚kÚku …ý yk…u÷k «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.

PSP – MASTER] 56 [Contd.

283. In a certain code language “min jo par se” means “get me a pen” ; “jo se hon pe “ means “get a big hammer” ;
“min wo sot” means “ pen and pencil”. Then what is code for pen?
(A) jo (B) sot
(C) min (D) None of the above

* (Directions for 284 to 287): Each question has a question and two statements (I ) and ( II ). You have
to decide, if the information given in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Indicate your
answer as
(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(C) If statements (I) and (II) both together are sufficient to answer the question.
(D) If statements (I) and (II) both together are not sufficient to answer the question.

284. Who has secured less marks among P, Q, R , S & T ?

(I) S has secured less marks than only R and T.
(II) Q secured more marks than P.
(A) Statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(B) Statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(C) Statements (I) and (II) both together are sufficient to answer the question.
(D) Statements (I) and (II) both together are not sufficient to answer the question.

285. What is the value of X, if X and Y are two distinct integers and their product is 30?
(I) X is an odd integer
(II) X > Y
(A) Statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(B) Statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(C) Statements (I) and (II) both together are sufficient to answer the question.
(D) Statements (I) and (II) both together are not sufficient to answer the question.

286. What is the 6th term of the Arithmetic sequence?

(I) The sum of the 6th to the 12th term of the sequence is 77.
( II ) The sum of the 2nd to the 10th term of the sequence is 108.
(A) Statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(B) Statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(C) Statements (I) and ( II ) both together are sufficient to answer the question.
(D) Statements (I) and ( II ) both together are not sufficient to answer the question.

287. On which day of the week Exam is scheduled?

(I) Exam is not scheduled on weekends (i.e Saturday and Sunday)
(II) Monday is for outdoor activities and Wednesday is for Cultural activity
(A) Statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(B) Statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(C) Statements (I) and (II) both together are sufficient to answer the question.
(D) Statements (I) and (II) both together are not sufficient to answer the question.

PSP – MASTER] 57 [P.T.O.

600 rf{e™e nðkE {w‚kVhe{kt ¾hkƒ nðk{k™™u fkhýu rð{k™™u Äe{w fhðk{kt ykðu Au. yk xÙe… ËhBÞk™ Œu™e ‚huhkþ Íz… 200
rf{e/f÷kf sux÷e ½xkzðk{kt ykðu Au, su™u fkhýu WœÞ™™ku ‚{Þ 30 r{r™x sux÷ku ðÄe òÞ Au. Œku {q¤ nðkE {w‚kVhe™ku ‚{Þ
fux÷ku nþu ?
(A) 1 f÷kf (B) 1.5 f÷kf
(C) 2 f÷kf (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

2 {ký‚ku y™u 3 Akufhkyku yuf fk{ 10 rËð‚{kt ŒÚkk 3 {ký‚ku y™u 2 Akufhkyku Œu s fk{ 8 rËð‚{kt fhu Au. Œku 2 {ký‚ku y™u
1 Akufhku yu fk{ fux÷k rËð‚{kt Ãkqhwt fhþu ?
(A) 12 rËð‚ (B) 13 rËð‚
(C) 14 rËð‚ (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª.

290. òu ƒu ‚tÏÞkyku™ku „wýkfkh y™u „w.‚k.y. y™w¢{u 4107 y™u 37 nkuÞ, Œku {kuxe ‚tÏÞk fE nþu ?
(A) 259 (B) 185
(C) 111 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

291. 750™u ™k™k{kt ™k™e fE ‚tÏÞk ðzu „wýðkÚke Œu …qýo ½™ ƒ™u Au ?

(A) 24 (B) 36
(C) 48 (D) 60

292. (2722 – 1282) ™wt ð„o{q¤ :

(A) 144 (B) 200
(C) 240 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

293. ®f{Œ þkuÄku : (4–1 + 3–1) + 6–2)×18

(A) 1 (B) 1

(C) 1 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª


294. yuf Ëkuhe™ku xqfzku 40 ‚u{e ÷ktƒku Au. Œu™u 3 xqfzkyku{kt fk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. ‚kiÚke ÷ktƒku xqfzku {æÞ{ ÷tƒkE™k xqfzk fhŒk 3 „ýku
Au y™u ‚kiÚke xqtfku xqfzku ‚kiÚke ÷ktƒk xqfzk fhŒk 23 ‚u{e ykuAku Au. Œku ‚kiÚke xqtfk xqfzk™e ÷tƒkE fux÷e nþu ?
(A) 7 ‚u{e (B) 5 ‚u{e
(C) 4 ‚u{e (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

295. yuf 12cm × 15cm × 18 cm ™k ÷tƒ½™ ç÷kuf™u fk…e™u [ku¬‚ ‚tÏÞk™k ‚h¾k ‚{½™ ƒ™kððk{kt ykðu Au, Œku ykðk ‚{½™™e
ykuAk{kt ykuAe ‚tÏÞk ......
(A) 60 (B) 120
(C) 180 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

PSP – MASTER] 58 [Contd.

288. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was
reduced by 200 km/hr and due to that the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. What is the duration of
original flight?
(A) 1 hour (B) 1.5 hours
(C) 2 hours (D) None of the above

289. 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 3 men and 2 boys can do the same work in 8 days.
In how many days can 2 men and 1 boy finish the work?
(A) 12 days (B) 13 days
(C) 14 days (D) None of the above

290. If the product and H.C.F. of two numbers are 4107 and 37 respectively, then what is the greater number ?
(A) 259 (B) 185
(C) 111 (D) None of the above

291. The least number by which 750 should be multiplied, so that it becomes a perfect cube?
(A) 24 (B) 36
(C) 48 (D) 60

292. The square root of (2722 – 1282) is :

(A) 144 (B) 200
(C) 240 (D) None of the above

293. Find the value: (4–1 + 3–1) + 6–2)× 11
(A) 4 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) None of the above

294. A piece of string is 40 cm long. It is cut into 3 pieces. The longest piece is 3 times as long as the middle-sized
piece & the shortest piece is 23 cm shorter than the longest piece. How much is the length of the shortest
(A) 7 cm (B) 5 cm
(C) 4 cm (D) None of the above

295. A rectangular block of 12cm × 15cm × 18 cm is cut into an exact number of equal cubes, then least possible
number of such cubes is_______ .
(A) 60 (B) 120
(C) 180 (D) None of the above

PSP – MASTER] 59 [P.T.O.

296. ™e[u™k rðÄk™ku æÞk™u ÷ku.
ŒÚÞ 1 : N ™u [kh ƒk¤fku Au.
ŒÚÞ 2 : ƒu ƒk¤fku™e ykt¾ku ðkˤe Au y™u ƒu ƒk¤fku™e ykt¾ku fÚÚkE Au.
ŒÚÞ 3 : ƒk¤fku …ife yzÄe Akufheyku Au.
òu ºkýuÞ rðÄk™ku ŒÚÞ nkuÞ Œku ™e[u …ife fÞk rðÄk™ku [ku¬‚…ýu ŒÚÞ Au.
I. ykuAk{kt ykuAe yuf Akufhe™e ykt¾ku ðkˤe Au.
II. ƒk¤fku …ife ƒu Akufhkyku Au.
III. Akufhkyku™e ykt¾ku fÚÚkR Au.
(A) VõŒ II (B) VõŒ I y™u III
(C) VõŒ II y™u III (D) W…h™k …ife yuf…ý rðÄk™ ŒÚÞ ™Úke

297. nkRMfq÷™k „rýŒ «¼k„{kt ™ðk yæÞûk™e r™{ýqf™e ykð~ÞfŒk Au, su «ðhŒk …h ykÄkrhŒ Au. W …k‚u T fhŒk ykuAe
«ðhŒk Au, …ý B fhŒkt ðÄkhu Au. R …k‚u W fhŒkt ðÄkhu «ðhŒk Au, …ý T fhŒk ykuAe Au. T ™u yk ™kufhe òuEŒe ™Úke. Œku
„rýŒ «¼k„™ku ™ðku yæÞûk fkuý Úkþu ?
(A) R (B) W
(C) B (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

298. ™e[u yk…u÷ {krnrŒ™ku ƒnw÷f þkuÄku:

12, 17, 3, 14, 5, 8, 7, 15
(A) 12 (B) 15
(C) 17 (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

299. yuf Vuhe …h 50 „kzeyku y™u 10 xÙf Au. „kzeyku™wt ‚huhkþ ˤ 1200 rf÷ku y™u xÙfku™wt ‚huhkþ ˤ 3000 rf÷ku Au. Œku Œ{k{ 60
ðkn™ku™wt ‚huhkþ ˤ fux÷wt Úkþu ?
(A) 1250 rf÷ku (B) 1500 rf÷ku
(C) 1750 rf÷ku (D) W…h™k …ife fkuE Lknª

300. ƒkfe™e ºký fhŒkt y÷„ …zŒku rðfÕ… þkuÄku.

(A) ÞÞkrŒ (B) «Úk{ …rh‚]rŒ
(C) „eŒktsr÷ (D) {k™ðe™e ¼ðkE

PSP – MASTER] 60 [Contd.

296. Consider the following statements.
Fact 1: N has four children.
Fact 2: Two of the children have blue eyes and two of the children have brown eyes.
Fact 3: Half of the children are girls.
If all the three statements are facts, which of the following statements must also be a fact?
I. At least one girl has blue eyes.
II. Two of the children are boys.
III. The boys have brown eyes.
(A) II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) None of the statements is a fact.

297. The high school math department needs to appoint a new chairperson, which will be based on seniority. W
has less seniority than T, but more than B. R has more seniority than W, but less than T. T doesn’t want the
job. Who will be the new math department chairperson?
(A) R (B) W
(C) B (D) None of the above

298. Find the mode for data given below:

12, 17, 3, 14, 5, 8, 7, 15
(A) 12 (B) 15
(C) 17 (D) None of the above

299. On a ferry, there are 50 cars and 10 trucks. The cars have an average mass of 1200 kg and the trucks have
an average mass of 3000 kg. What is the average mass of all 60 vehicles on the ferry?
(A) 1250 kg (B) 1500 kg
(C) 1750 kg (D) None of the above

300. Choose the option which is different from other three.

(A) Yayati (B) Pratham Pratisruti
(C) Geetanjali (D) Manvini Bhavai

PSP – MASTER] 61 [P.T.O.


PSP – MASTER] 62 [Contd.


PSP – MASTER] 63 [P.T.O.


PSP – MASTER] 64 [Contd.

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