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Yo g a T h e o r y | by Christine (Citrin¥) Jeuland Ware, Ph.D.


Yoga, Meditation,
and Psychotherapy
Yoga is a “potent tool of mental health promotion.”
(Singh, 1986, p. 67)

The Integration of The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit difficult to describe through language.
root yuj, which means to yoke, bind, unite, Emotions and sensations are often embodied
Therapy and Yoga* join, or harness. Yoga can be seen as a in physical experiences. Clients may be
Yoga practitioners, mental health professionals, philosophy and practice of connection, as an blocked or struggling with powerful physical
and researchers have become increasingly individual develops his/her sense of reactions and memories, such as those evoked
aware of the health benefits of yoga practice, relatedness to other people, other beings, the by trauma, eating disorders, anxiety, or medical
including stress-reduction, physical benefits, environment, and the universe. An individual concerns. Physical work may assist therapeutic
and mental health benefits. Although yoga is also develops his/her sense of connection to goals such as helping clients feel more
not a substitute for professional psychological him/herself through yoga, becoming more and comfortable in and accepting of their bodies,
and psychiatric care, many mental health pro- more aware of the links between mind, body, as well as helping clients who have problematic
fessionals will agree that yoga practices can breath, feelings, memories, experiences, reactions to their bodies and bodily functions.
greatly benefit their clients in a number of health, and states of consciousness. The Relaxation, deep breathing, and the release of
important ways (through exercise, relaxation, techniques of yoga aim to uncover and physical tension may help clients, not only feel
deep breathing, and the support of spiritual highlight these connections. better and be more self-aware, but alter their
practices, beliefs, and communities). Yoga is a Yoga begins with the body and the breath, but perspectives and patterns.
holistic practice that integrates and also develops the mind, awareness and The definition of ideal psychological health
develops the mind, body, breath, and concentration, and levels of consciousness. proposed by yoga psychology is
spirit. For some clients, yoga prac- Yoga practices are one way to integrate work enlightenment, awakening, or realization.
tice may be an important or with the body, the breath, emotions, thoughts, Health is seen as more than being free of
essential adjunctive treatment, interpersonal relationships, self-acceptance, symptoms, or adjusting and compromising to
complementing standard healthy lifestyle choices, and self-awareness life’s constraints and difficulties. Yoga
psychotherapeutic and (emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, and promotes physical and mental health, rather
psychiatric modalities. For spiritually/ existentially). In addition to bodily than being curative medicine or seeking
other clients, the integration changes, yoga practices involve behavioral, physical wellbeing alone (Singh, 1986). Yoga
of yoga practices and psycho- cognitive, and affective changes. Yoga may practice promotes physical and mental health,
therapy may enhance the help increase one’s self-awareness and insight, through “the maximization of joy and the
benefits of talk- altering one’s relationship to others, the complete unfolding of the human potential”
therapy or medica- environment, and the universe. Yoga may help (Ramaswami, 1989, p. 53). >>
tion. Some clients cultivate and strengthen healthy attitudes and
may benefit more behavior such as mindfulness, compassion,
when traditional focus, generosity, equanimity, joy, and ethical REFERENCES
therapy and 1. Morse, D.R., Cohen, L., Furst, M.L., &
behavior. Yoga may help one learn to be
Martin, J.S. (1984). A physiological
bodyoriented, present and cope with anxiety, tension, anger, evaluation of the yoga concept of respiratory
nonverbal, negative memories, and conflicts. In a world control of autonomic nervous system
intrapsychic where stress is so prevalent, yoga practices activity. International Journal of Psychosomatics,
therapies are 31, 3-19.
can help reduce physical and mental tension.
combined. 2. Rama, Swami, Ballentine, R., & Ajaya,
Although we are surrounded by messages to
Swami. (1976). Yoga and Psychotherapy: The
avoid pain and to seek pleasure and Evolution of Consciousness. Honesdale, PA:
gratification, yoga may help teach clients to Himalayan International Institute of Yoga
be present with what is. Yoga practices can Science and Philosophy.
help one access one’s natural healing capacity. 3. Ramaswami, S. (1989). Yoga and healing. In
Sheikh, A.A. & Sheikh, K.S. (Eds.), Healing
Yoga can be a powerful tool when combined East and West: Ancient Wisdom and Modern
with psychotherapy. It can be a way to work Psychology (pp.33-63). New York: John Wiley
with clients who have more difficulty & Sons.
4. Singh, R.H. (1986). Evaluation of some
expressing themselves and healing through
Indian traditional methods of promotion of
traditional (talk) therapy. We are beings with mental health. Activitas nervosa superior, 28,
bodies and experiences that are sometimes 67-69.

12 YOGA LIVING January/February 2007

Yoga practices encourage health by promoting In addition to promoting physical health, the introspection and self-awareness, coping with
physical and mental suppleness, strength, physical yoga practices release tension and difficult experiences and mental states (e.g.,
endurance, balance, and relaxation. Working calm the body. The breathing and anxiety), and developing self-acceptance and
with the body can affect the mind. One of the concentration practices calm both the body connection with others. There are also
goals of physical postures is to gain and mind, increasing focus and naturally elements of yoga practice that are beyond the
perspective on the body by gaining distance promoting meditation. The mental and realm of traditional psychotherapy, such as
from it, fostering neutral observation and physical benefits of meditation practices, discussion of higher consciousness and the
promoting higher levels of growth (Rama, such as mindfulness meditation, have been integration of work with the physical body,
Ballentine, & Ajaya, 1976). As the body very well documented. Many mental health breath, and mental experience. Likewise,
releases tension and postures become practitioners already incorporate meditation traditional psychotherapy and medication
effortless, the mind becomes calmer. Mental into treatment. Yoga practices involving the utilize different methods and well-
concentration and focused attention result physical body, the breath, and concentration documented ways to support clients and
and one naturally becomes more prepare practitioners for meditation. promote mental health. Although it is
introspective, allowing access to intuition and Meditation ultimately leads to the experience important to remember that they may be
one’s inherent wisdom. of higher states of consciousness. This appropriate in different combinations with
transpersonal consciousness – in which different clients, yoga, psychotherapy, and
Because the breath is both a voluntary and
awareness is manifested as intuition and psychiatric medication can be seen as
involuntary function (regulated by mind and
wisdom – must be directly experienced complementary approaches that will certainly
body), it can be considered an intermediary
(Rama et al., 1976). The “witness enhance and inform one another. ▲
between mind and body (Morse, Cohen,
consciousness” results in great bliss, joy, and
Furst, & Martin, 1984). The rhythm of the Note: The term, Yoga, is used broadly to
peace. Ultimately, the practices involve the
breath is often one of the most obvious denote all yogic practices, such as physical
experience of universal awareness, in which
physical indications of a person’s emotional flow and postures (asanas), breathing
the distinction between subject and object practices (pranayama), cleansing practices
and mental state. Although mental and
(knower and known) dissolves. (kriyas), concentration practices (dharana),
emotional states often feel difficult to control,
the irregularities of the breath can be easily As we have seen, many psychotherapeutic meditation (dhyana), devotional practices
observed and controlled. Yogic breathing goals are identical to those of yoga practice: (bhakti), and more.
exercises (pranayama) teach awareness of the promoting health, regaining a sense of peace Copyright © 2006. Christine (Citrin¥) Jeuland Ware,
breath, healthy breathing, and concentration. and joy, balancing physical, mental, and Ph.D., RYT, is a certified Kali Ray TriYoga® instructor,
The breathing practices also teach one to be energetic imbalances, creating cognitive, and licensed clinical psychologist at RYAH Yoga and
aware of and to control energy shifts. behavioral, and affective change, promoting Health in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

Yoga is based in a number of “principles”

that may be useful psychotherapeutically
• There is wisdom in • Yoga practices can help you • Yoga practices bring calm, • In terms of hatha yoga: you
experiencing, in being. There become more aware of your body, peace, and happiness to the will feel better if you physically
is wisdom in your experience. breath, mind, spirit, and your link moment. strengthen, stretch, cleanse,
• You are just right as you to the universal. • Yoga helps you accept and stabilize your body
are. You have likely forgotten • You are different from your difficulties, accept pleasure (muscles, joints, spine, skeletal
this; all you have to do is thoughts. Your mind is usually filled and pain. Yoga helps you system, internal organs, glands,
remember or realize it. with continually changing thoughts, experience relaxation in and nerves). You will feel better
images, internal commentary, and action – living life as free of if you learn to tune in to your
• Your body-mind is right the energy level and internal energy
fantasies. It is possible to observe tension as possible.
way it is; you are full of light. flow (prana). Yoga practices will
your thoughts if you cultivate the • Yoga encourages
• Yoga (union) is your natural ability to separate yourself from moderation (e.g., eating until help you revitalize, control, and
state. We are all interrelated. them. Although you are likely to you are satisfied; neither enhance your energy.
If everything is connected, initially experience your identity as a eating too much nor too Meditation and concentration
you can watch the body-mind- stream of thoughts, emotions, and little; eating in a way that is practices will increase your
breath to understand the urges, you will eventually witness healthy for your body and positive thinking, mental clarity,
self, the universe, and your the stream of consciousness. This questioning assumptions and focus. A conditioned,
relationship to the universe. is the experience of the observer, that we have about this) healthy body that holds as little
• Change is inevitable. the witness, or the witness- tension as possible will help
• Yoga teaches you to be
Everything can and will consciousness. Eventually, both the you be mindful, rest and watch
“where you are,” physically,
change, including your body, witness and that which is the mind/breath, and sit in
mentally, spiritually. Rather
your thinking patterns, your witnessed will dissolve into the meditation more easily. The
than pushing, “flow.” Witness
lifestyle, and your breath. Yoga experience of pure consciousness. body moves to help calm the
your experience – thoughts,
helps prepare for change mind. The movement is also a
• Yoga practices bring you into the feelings, sensations. Do that
when and as it occurs. Yoga point of focus for the mind,
present. Breath and movement for which you are ready.
teaches you to be mindful of creating “meditation in motion.”
are your connection to the present Postures are not the goal –
the transitions in life. moment. but mindfulness and flow.

YOGA LIVING January/February 2007 13

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