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Logan Broshears

COMM. 2110-004

Proposal Assignment


Personal Change Proposal


The amount of things I can improve on in my life as far as Interpersonal Communication goes,

there is one aspect in particular that always stands out to me. This one thing I want to make a

goal to work on is my response time to every message I get. I want this to improve my “face

work” aspect because of how much can be portrayed and understood through a promptly

received message that improves both sides of a relationship.


Currently my communication habits for my messaging on all platforms is at an all time low as

far as reasonable response times go. I get this mindset of needing to wait a certain amount of

time so I do not seem desperate towards another and freak them out. It also stems from my

constant desire to not bug someone one with messages as if I know their life and what they are

doing better than they do. Because of taking too long to respond, I fear I have ruined vital

conversations or made someone feel less valued in my eyes. Overall it is a nasty habit that I want

to shatter with quick response times and well thought out messages.

There are a few things that I want to try that should remedy my weakness that come from our


1. I will stop Ignoring Information (Barriers to Accurate Interpersonal Perception) and

focus on the fact that it is just a message that someone needs a response too. (Beebe,

2008, p. 77)

2. I will study and apply Being Other Oriented and focus on the needs of my peers first.

(Beebe, 2008, p. 66)

3. I will eliminate the Noise around me so I can focus more on what was sent and how to

respond instead of getting distracted.


I will begin the implementation of this February 3rd, 2020 because this applies to my immediate

messaging and can start immediately. It will be an ongoing process that will go on through the

rest of the semester and my life. I will ask a close friend of mine to hold me accountable

everyday for this semester in order to make sure I am keeping up with my commitment.

Work Cited

Beebe, Beebe, & Redmond. (2017). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others. Boston:

Pearson Education / Allyn & Bacon.

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