UGEB Project-Assignment

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UGEB2303 Final Project

Task 1: Build a program that can detect disk pattern. You can input a number 1 to 7, such the disk
pattern will stop at it.

Task 2: Build a program to draw a dot or line (A) in 1 st ring, draw a contour (B) between ring 2 and ring 3
and move the arm to the photo gesture.

We will count the time taken of the task 1 and the task 2.

A program template is already in the computer (ugeb-online-project-2-student-gx). An Excel program

check_data4draw_circle is given so that you can check if the setting is fine in the robot arm
configuration. The file UGEB-project-FSM contains the given program routines descriptions. Videos
UGEB-project-task-1 and task-2 are reference.

Photo gesture
Commands provided in given program

'a': gripper

'b': wrist rotate

'c': wrist up/down

'd': elbow up/down

'e': shoulder up/down

'f': shoulder rotate

case 'a' to 'f' :selected_axis = inChar;

'g': //draw circle ; i.e. contour

'h': //go to home S_home

'i': //draw dot

'j': //move pen away to paper

'k': //move pen to paper

'l': //read line tracker

'm': //go to gesture S_gesture

'p': //photo gesture S_photo

'r': //draw rectangle

's': //go to on blocking_view S_nb_view

case 'v': //go to gesture vertical view

case 'x':

case 'y':

case 't':

selected_axis = inChar;

case 'z': start timer

case '1' to '7' find disk pattern

case '+' or '-' move selected axis

Project demo run down ----- task 1

1. All groups need to adjust the monitor arrangement (camera view, serial input view), arm moves
to ‘h’ command.
2. Program starts again or robot arm in home position via the serial monitor. The pen is already
plugged in.
3. In Zoom, Dr. Han announce all groups start press the ‘record video’ button of the camera
4. Dr. Han asks you move disk pattern to 111 via serial input ‘7’.
5. Next Dr. Han will give the disk pattern ‘x’ to you. (‘x’ is 1 to 7).
6. All groups enter ‘x’ to the serial monitor.
7. After motor stop and pattern found, you need to stop the camera recording. Using ‘Snipping
Tool’ in your home computer to capture the remote computer’s screen. Then send the captured
image to Dr. Han. (It needs 1 or 2 minutes maximum)
8. Don’t do anything in remote computer, lab in charge will record all computers data. You can give
notice to us by turning the LED to flash.

*************Task 2******************

9. In Zoom, Dr. Han will request all groups to draw a rectangle, i.e. input the command ‘r’ in the
serial monitor. It is a test to make sure the drawing is good.
10. After it, all groups enter ‘h’ in the serial monitor, hence move the arm to the home position.
11. Lab in charge will clean all the drawing board. If the drawing is not accepted, lab in charge will
adjust for you and test again.
12. In Zoom, Dr. Han announce all groups start press the ‘record video’ button of the camera
13. Next Dr. Han will request you enter the ‘z’ to the serial monitor to start the timer and move the
arm to a pre-defined gesture.
14. You need to control the robot arm to draw (A)** a dot or line within the ring 1 and (B)**draw a
contour (closed loop line) between Ring 2 and Ring 3.
15. After you finish the drawings, the robot arm needs go to the gesture as fig. photo-gesture.
16. After the robot arm moved to the photo-gesture, you need to stop the camera recording. Using
‘Snipping Tool’ in your home computer to capture the remote computer’s screen. Then send the
captured image to Dr. Han.
17. We may need 10 to 15 minutes for steps 9 to 15.
18. Don’t do anything in remote computer, lab in charge will record all computers data. You can give
notice to us by turning the LED to flash.
19. End of project demo.

** It is very difficult to control the drawing online, so we will not count the moving in and moving
out of the pen.
Demo commands

1. ‘h’ go home position

2. Video recording start
3. ‘7’ go to disk pattern 111
4. ‘x’ go to disk pattern xxx
5. Video recording stop
6. Pause
7. ‘r’ draw rectangle
8. ‘h’ go home position
9. Pause, clean drawing board
10. Video recording start
11. ‘z’ start timer
12. Move arm what you like and then draw a dot or line in ring 1 and contour between ring 2 and
ring 3.
13. ‘z’, start timer
14. ‘m’ move to point and draw.***
15. ‘k’ move pen to board
16. ‘x’ , ‘y’ , ‘t’ ‘+’ or ‘-‘ to move arm
17. ‘j’ move pen away,
18. ‘k’ move pen to paper HENCE make a dot or line in ring 1
19. ‘g’ draw contour and make photo gesture
20. Video recording stop

*** After step 13, you can build your command by yourself and do what you want. It is no restriction.

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