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Arghir Teodora

What is Coronavirus disease and what we should know about it? Well, COVID-19
appeared in Wuhan, a city in China, in December 2019 and since then it spread all over
the world.
It is known that this disease has an important impact on the educational system, the
economy, social behaviours and even more. Due to many cases of coronavirus in
Romania, the government decided to close the schools and high schools for almost two
months now. The students are now taking online classes and keep learning and
practicing for the exams. Measures have been taken regarding the school curriculum
and the minister decided to exclude the subjects in the second semester for the final

Regarding the economy, Coronavirus implies a lot of problems. All the big and important
factories and stores had been closed and now the people who worked there have no
longer a job. Investors fear the spread of the coronavirus will destroy economic growth
and that government action may not be enough to stop the decline. Even the transport
industry is suffering from the pandemic which has a significant impact on the aviation
industry due to the travel restriction as well as a reduction in demand among travelers.
What is more, significant reductions in passenger numbers have resulted in planes
flying empty between airports and the cancellation of flights.

In conclusion, I think the Coronavirus is a dangerous pandemic spread all over the
world which makes and will make our living a lot harder. To prevent the spreading of the
virus we should frequently wash our hands, cough into the bend of our elbow, wear
gloves and a face mask and the most important thing, stay home. In my opinion, the
Coronavirus pandemic is changing our lives not only at the moment, but will also affect
our behaviour in the near future. I hope at least we can learn something from this
pandemic and be more aware concerning our heath. Also we should be more grateful
for the little things we are missing now, such going outside and hanging out with some

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