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As globalization affects many factors globally, it also affects education to great

extents.  International education is on the high as the demands of a globalized world bring the

need for students to understand broader issues around the world. According to an article, Impact

of Globalization in Education, the globalization enhances the student’s ability to acquire and

utilize knowledge. Globalization enhances the ability of learners to access, assess, adopt, and

apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise appropriate judgment and to collaborate

with others to make sense of new situations. In this observation, it is seen that globalization has

an effect to the behavior and actions of students and this is the new trend that this generation has

acquire. In Mapua University Makati, the behavior of the students is visible that globalization

has to do with the actions that results the students to be globally competitive as the university



 The relationship between the effects of globalization in accordance with the study habits

and study patterns of the college students in Mapua University Makati is not in fully content with

the influence of globalization. For the study patterns of the students, the response of the

respondents is that, they have enough hours allotted for their studies and enough for their

entertainment, which most of it were influenced by their surroundings. Yet most the respondents

considered it as not fully effective. For the study patterns of the students, the response of the

respondents is that, most of the study habits of the said college students were very similar to each

other, and yet this is because of the influence of their surroundings such as in school, in their
community and others. With that being said, the respondents still were not fully satisfied with the

effectiveness of their study habits. Overall the observation of the researchers for the effects of the

globalization to the academic behavior of the college students in Mapua University Makati has

not been fully immersed with the concept of globalization. Many of the respondents are not

completely satisfied with the behavior they experience in their academic performance because it

has a lot of influences with their surroundings or the environmental factor.


The main purpose of our research is to be aware of the effect of Globalization on the

academic behavior of Mapua Makati students. Based on the results of this study, the majority of

the respondents have said that what most influenced their study pattern is social influence such

the trends, norms, etc. as a primary influence. They often study at home using their devices with

the internet for academic purposes to be more efficient. Environment influence such as school

and community is what helped them influenced their study habit. Overall, it was shown that

globalization is essential these days to the academic performance of the majority of the college

students of Mapua University Makati. 


The findings agreed with the previous studies because according to the Oxford Research

Encyclopedias, the processes of globalization have impacted education around the world in many

important ways. In that, it shows that the impacts of globalization processes upon education are

often considered wide-ranging. It enhances the student’s ability to acquire and utilize the

knowledge and enhances the ability of learners to access, assess, adapt, and apply knowledge.
Mapua University prioritizes global access to school from the primary to the university levels,

instigating learning experiences that prepare students for multinational leadership roles.

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