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1267. specified places.

Said contract also provided: “(a)

That the term or period of this contract shall be
EXAMPLE: as long as the party of the first part [N] has need
for the electric posts of the party of the second
X agreed to construct a road near a mountain. A very strong part [C] it being understood that this contract
typhoon caused an avalanche making the construction of the
shall terminate when for any reason whatsoever,
road dangerous to human lives. (Note: The obligation is not
impossible of performance. In this case, X may be released, in the party of the second part is forced
whole or in part, from his obligation to continue with the to stop, abandoned [sic] its operation as a public
construction. service and it becomes necessary to remove the
electric light post (sic);’’ After the contract had
Facts: E (LTBC) leased from R the latter’s been enforced for over ten (10) years, C filed on
certificates of convenience covering certain January 2, 1989 with the Regional Trial Court of
transportation lines. The lease contract was Naga City against N for reformation of the
approved by the (defunct) Public Service contract with damages, on the ground that it is
Commission. Subsequently, E filed with the too one-sided in favor of petitioners; that it is not
Commission petition for authority to suspend the in conformity with the guidelines of the National
operation on the lines on the ground of alleged Electrification Administration (NEA) which direct
high prices of spare parts and gasoline, and the that the reasonable compensation for the use of
reduction of its dollar allocations. During the the posts is P10.00 per post, per month; that
pendency of the petition, R filed a complaint in after eleven (11) years of petitioners’ use of the
the lower court for recovery of rentals in arrears. posts, the telephone cables strung by them
Meanwhile, the Commission granted E’s petition. thereon have become much heavier with the
increase in the volume of their subscribers,
Issue: Are the causes alleged by E for the worsened by the fact that their linemen bore
suspension of the operation on the lines leased holes through the posts at which points those
sufficient ground to release E from liability or at posts were broken during typhoons; that a post
least to a reduction of the rentals payable by it? now costs as much as P2,630.00; so that justice
and equity demand that the contract be reformed
Held:No. Performance is not excused by to abolish the inequities thereon. In N’s answer, it
subsequent inability to perform and by averred, among others, its utilization of C’s post
unforeseen difficulties, by unusual or unexpected could not have caused their deterioration
expenses, by failure of a party to avail himself of because they have already been in use for eleven
the benefits to be had under the contract, by (11) years; and that the value of their expenses
weather conditions, by financial stringency, or by for the ten (10) telephone lines long enjoyed by C
stagnation of business. Neither is performance free of charge are far in excess of the amounts
excused by the fact that the contract turns out to claimed by the latter for the use of the posts, so
be hard and improvident, unprofitable or that if there was any inequity, it was suffered by
impracticable, ill-advised, or even foolish, or less N. On the basis of the countervailing evidence of
profitable, or unexpectedly burdensome. the parties, the trial court found, as regards C’s
Furthermore, it appeared that the alleged causes first cause of action, that while the contract
already existed at the time the contract of lease appeared to be fair to both parties when it was
was executed. They could not, therefore, be entered into by them during the first year of C’s
ascribed to fortuitous events or circumstances operation and when its Board of Directors did not
beyond their control, but to E’s own voluntary yet have any experience in that business, it had
desistance. Finally, “since by the lease, the lessee become disadvantageous and unfair to C because
was to have the advantage of casual profits of the of subsequent events and conditions, particularly
leased premises, he should run the hazard of the increase in the volume of the subscribers of N
casual losses during the term and not lay the for more than ten (10) connections to C free of
whole burden upon the lessor.” charge. The trial court concluded that while in an
action for reformation of contract, it cannot make
Facts: Petitioner N is a telephone company another contract for the parties, it can, however,
rendering local as well as long distance telephone for reasons of justice and equity, order that the
services in Naga City while private respondent C contract be reformed to abolish the inequities
is a private corporation established for the therein. Thus, said court ruled that the contract
purpose of operating an electric power service in should be reformed by ordering N to pay C
the same city. On November 1, 1977, the parties compensation for the use of its posts in Naga
entered into a contract for the use by N in the City, while C should also be ordered to pay the
operation of its telephone service the electric monthly bills for the use of the telephones also in
light posts of C in Naga City. In consideration Naga City. And taking into consideration the
therefor, N agreed to install, free of charge, ten guidelines of the NEA on the rental of posts by
(10) telephone connections for the use by C in telephone companies and the increase in the
costs of such posts, the trial court opined that a precept therein.’’(2) Term “service’’ refers to
monthly rental of P10.00 for each post of C used performance. — “Article 1267 speaks of ‘service’
by N is reasonable, which rental it should pay which has become so difficult. Taking into
from the fi ling of the complaint in this case on
consideration the rationale behind this provision,
January 2, 1989. And in like manner, C should pay
N from the same date its monthly bills for the use the term ‘service’ should be understood as
and transfers of its telephones referring to the ‘performance’ of the obligation. In
in Naga City at the same rate that the public are the present case, the obligation of private
paying. respondent consists in allowing petitioners to use
Disagreeing with the foregoing judgment, N its posts in Naga City, which is the service
appealed to respondent Court of Appeals. In the contemplated in said article. Furthermore, a bare
decision dated May 28, 1992, respondent court
reading of this article reveals that it is not are
affirmed the decision of the trial court, but based
on different grounds to wit: (1) that Article 1267 requirement thereunder that the contract be for
of the New Civil Code is applicable and (2) that future service with future unusual change.
condition void. N asserts that Article 1267 of the According to Senator Arturo M. Tolentino
New Civil Code is not applicable primarily (Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Civil
because the contract does not involve the Code of the Philippines, 1991 Ed., p. 347.), Article
rendition of service personal prestation and it is 1267 states in our law the doctrine of unforeseen
not for future service with future unusual change.
events. This is said to be based on the discredited
Instead, the ruling in the case of Occeña vs.
Jabson (73 SCRA 637[1976].) which interpreted theory of rebus sic stantibus in public
the article, should be followed in resolving this international law; under this theory, the parties
case. stipulate in the light of certain prevailing
Issues: (1) Does Article 1267 apply to obligations conditions, and once these conditions cease to
to do?(2) Is Article 1267 applicable to the case at exist the contract also ceases to exist.
bar? Considering practical needs and the demands of
equity and good faith, the disappearance of the
Held: (1) Former rule on liability for non- basis of a contract gives rise to a right to relief in
performance modified. — The case of Reyes vs. favor of the party prejudiced.’’(3) Contract in
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. (84 Phil. 654 [1949].), question has manifestly become too
enunciated the doctrine that where a person by disadvantageous in favor of C manifestly beyond
his contract charges himself with an obligation the contemplation of the parties. — “In applying
possible to be performed, he must perform it, Article 1267, respondent court rationalized: That
unless its performance is rendered impossible by the aforesaid contract has become inequitous or
the act of God, by the law, whereby the other unfavourable or disadvantageous to the plaintiff
party, it being the rule that in case the party with the expansion of the business of appellant
desires to be excused from performance in the and the increase in the volume of its subscribers
event of contingencies arising there to, it is his in Naga City and environs through the years,
duty to provide the basis therefor in his contract. necessitating the stringing of more and bigger
With the enactment of the New Civil Code, a new telephone cable wires by appellant to plaintiff’s
provision was included therein, namely, Article electric posts without a corresponding increase in
1267 which provides: x x x Art. 1267361 ‘In the the ten (10) telephone connections given by
report of the Code Commission, the rationale appellant to plaintiff free of charge in the
behind this innovation was explained, thus:‘ The agreement Exh. ‘A’ as consideration for its use of
general rule is that impossibility of performance the latter’s electric posts in Naga City, appear,
releases the obligor. However, it is submitted that however, undisputed from the totality of the
when the service has become so difficult as to be evidence on record and the lower court so found.
manifestly beyond the contemplation of the And it was for this reason that in the later
parties, the court should be authorized to release (sic)part of 1982 or 1983 (or five or six years after
the obligor in whole or in part. The intention of the subject agreement was entered into by the
the parties should govern and if it appears that parties), plaintiff’s Board of Directors already
the service turns out to be so difficult as to have asked Atty. Luis General who had become their
been beyond their contemplation, it would be legal counsel in 1982, to study said agreement
doing violence to that intention to hold the which they believed had become
obligor still responsible.’ In other words, fair and disadvantageous to their company and to make
square consideration underscores the legal the proper recommendation, which study Atty.
General did, and thereafter, he already has manifestly gone far beyond the
recommended to the Board the filing of a court contemplation of plaintiff, so much so that it
action to reform said contract, but no action was should now be released therefrom under Art.1267
taken on Atty. General’s recommendation of the New Civil Code to avoid appellant’s unjust
because the former general managers of plaintiff enrichment at its(plaintiff’s) expense. As stated
wanted to adopt a soft approach in discussing the by Tolentino in his commentaries on the Civil
matter with appellant, until, during the term of Code citing foreign civilist Ruggiero, equity
General Manager Henry Pascual, the latter, after demands a certain economic equilibrium between
failing to settle the problem with Atty. Luciano the prestation and the counter-prestation, and
Maggay who had become the president and does not permit the unlimited impoverishment of
general manager of appellant, already agreed for one party for the benefit of the other by the
Atty. General’s fi ling of the present action. The excessive rigidity of the principle of the
fact that said contract has become inequitous or obligatory force of contract.
disadvantageous to plaintiff as the years went by
did not, however, give plaintiff a cause of action Facts: D (developer) fi led a complaint against L
for reformation of said contract, for the reasons (landowner) for modification of a subdivision
already pointed out earlier. But this does not contract between D and L providing a sharing
mean that plaintiff is completely without a ratio of 60% for the developer and 40% for the
remedy, for we believe that the allegations of its landowner. D cites the worldwide increase in
complaint herein and the evidence it has prices.
presented sufficiently make out a cause of action
Issue: Does the complaint allege a sufficient
under Art. 1267 of the New Civil Code for its
cause of action for modification of the contract in
release from the agreement in question. In truth,
as also correctly found by the lower court, despite
the increase in the volume of appellant’s Held: No. It has no basis in law and must,
subscribers and the corresponding increase in the therefore, be dismissed for failure to state a
telephone cables and wires strung by it to cause of action. Article 1267 does not authorize
plaintiff’s electric posts in Naga City for the more the courts to modify or revise the subdivision
than 10 years that the agreement Exh. ‘A’of the contract between the parties or fix a sharing ratio
parties has been in effect, there has been no different from that contractually stipulated with
corresponding increase in the ten (10) telephone the force of law between the parties, so as to
units connected by appellant free of charge to substitute its own terms for those covenanted by
plaintiff’s offices and other places chosen by the parties themselves. If D’s complaint were to
plaintiff’s general manager which was the only be released from having to comply with the
consideration provided for in said agreement for subdivision contract, assuming it could show at
appellant’s electric posts outside Naga City the trial that the service undertaken contractually
although this was not provided for in the by it had “become so diffi cult as to be manifestly
agreement Exh. ‘A’ as it extended and expanded beyond the contemplation of the parties,” then
its telephone services to towns outside said city. the complaint would be justifiable under Article
Hence, while very few of plaintiff’s electric posts 1207. Without said article, D would remain bound
were being used by appellant in 1977 and they by its contract under the theretofore prevailing
were all in the City of Naga, the number of doctrine that performance therewith is not
plaintiff’s electric posts that appellant was using excused “by the fact that the contract turns out
in 1989 had jumped to 1,403,192 which are to be hard and improvident, unjustifiable, or
outside Naga City. (Exh. ‘B.’)Add to this, the unexpectedly burdensome” (Reyes vs.Caltex
destruction of some of plaintiff’s poles during [Phils.], Inc., supra.), since in case a party desires
typhoons like the strong typhoon Sisang in 1987 to be “excused from performance in the event of
because of the heavy telephone cables attached such contingencies arising, it is his duty to
thereto, and the escalation of the costs of electric provide therefor in the contract.”But D’s
poles from 1977 to 1989, and the conclusion is complaint seeks not release from the contract but
indeed ineluctable that the agreement Exh. ‘A’ for its modification. Under the particular
has already become too one-sided in favor of allegation of D’s complaint and the circumstances
appellant to the great disadvantage of plaintiff, in
short, the continued enforcement of said contract
therein averred, the courts cannot even in equity D owes C P1,000.00 for which D executed a
grant the relief sought. negotiable promissorynote1 in favor of C. C
indorsed the note to X who, in turn, indorsed it to
1268. Y .Now, Y bought goods from the store of D.
Instead of paying cash, Y just indorsed the
promissory note to D. Here, D owes himself.
1270. Consequently, his obligation is extinguished by
merger.(2) W (wife) has a claim against H
Facts: D executed a promissory note for P500.00 (husband) for the support of their children C, etc.
in favor of C. Later, C died. D contends that he Subsequently, W died. H also died later. Since C,
did not borrow from C but that the latter acted as etc. as heirs of W (creditor) are also heirs of H
intermediary to obtain the loan for D from F, C’s (debtor), the obligation sued upon is
friend, and that afte rhe was notified of the death extinguished.(3) C, mortgage-creditor, is the
of C, he paid F P200.00 as part payment of the purchaser of the mortgaged property belonging
P500.00 loan, offering at the same time to pay to D, mortgage-debtor, which was sold at public
the balance in a few days but F made him auction after extra-judicial foreclosure. Under
understand that he was condoning the debt. ordinary circumstances, if a person has a
mortgage credit over a property which was sold
Issue: Upon the facts, is the alleged remission in an auction sale, the only right left to him is to
sufficiently established? collect his mortgage credit from the purchaser
,who becomes a debtor to the mortgage-creditor
Held: No. D was the sole witness who testified
In the example, there is a merger between the
about it. F, the creditor, was not presented to
creditor and debtor in the person of C.(4) X and Y
confirm it. The promissory note evidencing the
are the heirs of Z. In his will, Z gave to X a parcel
debt was never returned by F to C or his legal
of land in usufruct for ten years. The naked
representative. The partial payment of P200.00
ownership to the same parcel was given to Y.
made by D belies the alleged condonation.
Later, Y sold his interest in the land to X. In this
Moreover, if the said remission were true, it would
case, the usufruct is naturally extinguished and X
benefit only the estate of C and not D. The act of
will now have full ownership over the land.(5) D
generosity of F must have been towards his friend
borrowed money from C. As security, D
C whose death bereaved him, or the family of the
mortgaged his land. Subsequently, D sold the
latter. D had no relation of friendship with F.
land to C. In this case, the mortgage is
1271. extinguished, but the obligation subsists. The
extinguishment of the accessory obligation does
1272. not carry with it that of the principal obligation.

D owes C P1,000.00 evidenced by a promissory Facts: A, etc., and B, etc., entered into a contract
note. The note, signed by D, is given to C. If the of partnership for the construction of a railroad
promissory note is voluntarily delivered to D, the line between their haciendas. It was agreed that
presumption is that the debt must have been the parties should pay the cost in equal parts. A,
paid by D .If it is known that D has not yet paid C, etc., were entrusted with the administration of
it must be presumed that the obligation has been the partnership. While the construction was going
remitted by C. (Art. 1271.) Suppose it is not on, B, etc., sold their hacienda to C, etc., who
known how D came into possession of the obligated themselves “to respect the aforesaid
promissory note. The presumption is that it was contract and all obligations arising therefrom.
voluntarily delivered byC, unless C proves the ”Afterwards, C, etc., bought from A, etc., the 1/2
contrary. of the railroad line pertaining to the latter. B, etc.,
failed to pay 1/2 of the amount expended by A,
1273. etc., upon the construction of the railroad line. A,
=etc., brought action for the recovery of said
amount. B, etc., alleged as a defense that their
1275. obligation was extinguished by the merger of the
rights of debtor and creditor in C, etc., who
assumed the liability of B, etc., and subsequently to pay the principal obligation subsists. G now, as
acquired the credit of A, etc. the new creditor, can demand payment from D.

Issue: Is there a merger of the rights of debtor 1277.

and creditor in C?
A, B, and C are jointly liable to D in the amount of
Held: None. The rights and titles which A, etc., P9,000.00 evidenced by a negotiable promissory
sold to C, etc., refer only to 1/2 of the railroad line note. D endorsed the note to E, who, in turn
in question. Hence, the credit which they had endorsed it to A .In this case, A’s share in the
against B, etc., for the amount of 1/2 of the cost obligation is extinguished because of confusion in
of construction of the said line was not included his person. However, the indebtedness of B and C
in the sale. in the amount of P3,000.00 each remains
because as to them there is no confusion.
Facts: C held a mortgage credit, in which the Consequently, B and C would be liable to A, the
property mortgaged was the Steamship Yusingco. new creditor,P3,000.00 each.
This vessel was sold in execution to satisfy a
judgment in favor of X. In the execution sale, C 1278.
bid for and purchased the vessel. From the
proceeds of the sale, the judgment in favor of X A owes B the amount of P1,000.00.B owes A the
was paid. C now seeks to recover what had been amount of P700.00.Both debts are due and
paid to X, on the ground that its mortgage credit payable today. Here compensation takes place
had preference over the judgment in favor of X. partially, that is, to the concurrent amount of
P700.00. So, A shall be liable to B for only
Issue: What is the effect of the purchase by C of P300.00. If the two debts are of the same
the vessel at public auction? amount, there is total compensation. (Art.
1281.)The two debts are extinguished without
Held: After the vessel had been sold in execution,
actual transfer of money between the parties.
the only right left to C was to collect his mortgage
credit from the purchaser thereof at public
auction, in as much as a mortgage directly and
immediately subjects the property on which it is
imposed whoever its possessor may be, to the
fulfillment of the obligation for the security of
which it was created. It so happens, however,
that C cannot take such step in this case,
because he was the purchaser of the vessel at
public auction, and it was so with full knowledge
that he had a mortgage credit on said vessel.
Obligations are extinguished by the merger of the
rights of credit or and debtor. Therefore, C’s claim
may not prosper.


D is indebted to C with G as a guarantor. The

merger of the characters of debtor and creditor in
D shall free G from liability as guarantor.
Similarly, merger which takes place in the person
of C benefits G because the extinction of the
principal obligation carries with it that of the
accessory obligation of guaranty.

Suppose, in the example above, C assigns his

credit to X, who, in turn, assigns the credit to G,
the guarantor .In this case, the contract of
guaranty is extinguished. However, D’s obligation

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