Tanauan Institute Inc.: Quality Education, Quality Service

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Tanauan City, Batangas
Quality Education, Quality

Competitors’ Survey Questionnaire

I. Respondents’ Profile
Name (optional) :
Store Name :
Store Address :
Form of Business
󠆰Sole Proprietorship
Year of Operation
󠆰Less than 1 year
󠆰1 – 5 years
󠆰6 – 10 years
󠆰11 – 15 years
󠆰more than 15 years
Directions: please do put check mark on the space provided that corresponds to your
answer for each questions that follow.

II. Related Products

1. Do you sell rice meal? (if no, please proceed to question no. 8)
󠆰Yes 󠆰No

2. What kind of rice meal do you usually sell? (choose only one)
󠆰Fried rice plus dish
󠆰Plain rice plus dish
󠆰Others, please specify

3. How often do sell rice meal?

󠆰Others, please specify
4. How many units of rice meals do you sell?
󠆰200 – 400
󠆰500 – 700
󠆰800 – 900
󠆰1,000 and above

5. At what price of rice meal do sell?

󠆰P50 – P60
󠆰P65 – P75
󠆰P80 – P90
󠆰P95 and above

6. Who are your usual buyers of rice meals

󠆰Employed and professional individuals
󠆰Others, please specify

7. Approximately, how many units of rice meals were you able to sell in the last five
2015 __________
2016 __________
2017 __________
2018 __________
2019 __________

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