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Alan Gracia


There are some instances where euthanasia should be allowed. Euthanasia

was first intoduce in the medical contect by Francis Bacon in the 17th century. A
person that has dealt with multiple pains would want a peaceful death. Using
euthanasia would instantly put them to a very deep peaceful slumber. One of the
many reason why euthanasia should be continued in our society.

Euthanasia should continue being one of the many choices for patients.
There are two types of euthanasia, passive and active. Passive is when a doctor
increases medication and eventually it could be toxic for the patient. Some people
say this form isn’t euthanasia because there isn’t the intention of taking someone’s
life. Then Active is when someone uses substance to end a patient’s life.

Advocates argue that the patient should be able to make their own choice. If
the patient is suffering and the family says no to euthanasia, than the patient is
going to suffer even more. Only the patient really knows how they feel, and how
the physical and emotional pain of illness and prolonged death impacts their
quality of life.That is why they should have the freedom to pick if they want to use

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