Exhibit 1

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Exhibit 1:

Below are the analysis of the questionarie floated to understand the consumer behavior of Huawei
products, how many electronic gadget consumer are aware of the brand and their impact on Huawei.

Question 1

Question 2:
Question 3

Question 4:

Question 5:
Secondary sources

Huawei has not yet change its plan for the grand launch of its Honor 20 series. The development of
Huawei struggles when Google complies with Trump government restrict it from buying parts and
components from US companies without governmental approval. This results into other US
coorporation like Qualcomm, Xilinx and Broadcom to reject supplying Huawei until further notice. This
start a cold war between America and China in the field of technology. This can effect the access of using
Google apps and services including the Google play app store as well as Gmail, Youtube etc. It will effect
the oversea buying and selling of Huawei phone.

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