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Student: Nguyễn Thị Ánh Student’s code: 16042898

PART 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Let’s talk the weather

- What’s the weather like in your country?

- Which seasons do you like best?
- Do you like rainy days?
- Do you think the weather can affect people’s mood?

PART 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You are a teacher in the summer course. At the weekend, you are going to
take your secondary students to a private cinema. Three options of movies are suggested:
- cartoon
- action movie
- detective movie
PART 3: Topic Development (5’)

Negative effects of fastfood

Loss of appetite Irregular eating


Lack of family (Your own idea)

- Why do people eat fastfood?

- What health problem associate with fastfood?
- Do you think people should be aware of the risk of fastfood?

PART 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Let’s talk about the weather

- What’s the weather like in your country?

Well, it depends on which part of the country you’re referring to as climates really do
vary from region to region in Vietnam. Now I’m currently living in the North and I feel
the weather here is a bit comfortable with four clear-cut seasons : spring, summer,
autaum and winter.

- Which seasons do you like best?

It’s probably autaum when the temperature in the city is usually moderate, and it can get
quite chilly at night. I also feel comfortable to spend quality time with my family and
enjoy the weather as it is not neither blisting hot like in the summer nor super freezing
like during some winter days .

- Do you like rainy days?

To be honest, it depends. When I have to go out in those days, I prefer it wouldn’t rain
because rain stinks. It is very dirty and we may get trouble with the raincoat when
travelling. However, if I just stay at home, I would love some drizzle outside. And Then I
will enjoy some acoustic music with a cup of tea. It’s very romantic right.

- Do you think the weather can affect people’s mood?

Absolutely yes. Personally ,the weather is more or less affects our emotion. If the weather
is nice I mean….. warm and sunny, people are likelly to be in good spirits and more
energetic. Wheareas in some groomy days, it can get them down. Some people even have
to suffer the disorder during winter months which called seasonal affective disorder. I
have read somewhere , it is due to the lack of natural sunlight exposure in the
winter.Anyway, I think it is not weather, everyone should be responsible for thier feeling.

PART 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You are a teacher in the summer course. At the weekend, you are going to take
your secondary students to a private cinema. Three options of movies are suggested:

- cartoon

- action movie

- detective movie

I think a detective movie will be the best choice owing to 2 reasons. Firstly, it is the most
suitable for psychologycal characteristics of secondary students. They are likely to be
curious who want to explore and investigate everything. Therefore, they will be attracted
by the detective movie.Secondly, it can be a good way for secondary students to develop
their ability to think logically. When watching, students can try to predict the details in
the movie and after they can also share ideas or comments on what they have
seen.Whereas, a cartoon is no longer suitable for secondary students. On the other hand,
an action movie has too many violent scenes which may affect their behaviors

PART 3: Topic Development (5’)

Negative effects of fastfood

Loss of appetite Irregular eating


Lack of family (Your own idea)

gathering FASTFOOD

- Why do people eat fastfood?

- What health problem associate with fastfood?


- Do you think people should be aware of the risk of fastfood?

In the morden world, fastfood is becoming a part in the daily life due to its convienience.
That being say, we can’t deny the fact that it has negative impact on our lifestyle and diet.

First and foremost, the habit of having fastfood seems to break the tradition of family
meals that lead to the lack of family gathering. Having meals with family has been
popular in which family’s members can share their happiness and sadness to each others.
This is also a good chance for parents to educate their children about how to bahave
politely with others and find solution for problem.However, today people tends to be
busier and they seems to enjoy meals in fastfood stores instead of eating with family.As a
result, association among family’s members is no longer solid as before.

Secondly, fast food can decrease the appetite for a balanced diet. Although consuming
fast food can satisfy our hunger, it does not provide a sufficient amount of nutrients that
is required for a good diet. Moreover, people also often drink soda when they eat fast
food which adds “empty” calories to the meal.As a result, after having fastfood,
consumers is likely to be full and tend to reduce their interest in main dishes.

Last but not least, eating fastfood can make us have an irregularly eating time. If we get
fastfood before a main meal, we will feel a bit full. Therefore, we tend to change our
eating schedule that causes some disorder of the digesting organs.Eating time also affects
our weight . A study shown that adults consuming calories during regular meals—at
similar times from one day to the next—were less obese than people who have irregular
meals, despite consuming more calories overal.

In conclusion, fastfood harms to our health and we should reduce the intake of fastfood to
our body.

1.Why do people eat fastfood?

Nowadays, people eat fast food because of some reasons. Firstly, it’s very convenient as
they can save time to prepare dinner after a hard working day. Secondly, fast food is
usually much cheaper than homemade meals and have a meal in restaurants. Moreover,
fastfood is decorated very colorfully and its flavour is very attractive and delicious.

2. What health problem associate with fastfood?

Fastfood is typically contains large amounts of sugar. It leads to increasing risk for
health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Furthermore, fast

food is often stored for a long time with a lot of presevation so that it can have a bad
effect on people’s health.

3.Do yoy think people should be aware of the risk of fastfood?

I think people should be aware of the disadvantages of eating from fast food. We should
be careful before considering fast food as a best choice for their menu. Fast food is
convenient in modern society but it also contains a lot of negative sides that damage
people’s health if we use it regularly.

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