SOP For Payment of GSWFA Credits To The Beneficiaries at SOs AND BOs

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Draft SOP for payment of GSWFA credits to the beneficiaries at SOs AND BOs during the period of total

lockdown – Gujarat Circle

Assessment of WFA payments pending

1. Division will assess the pending payments at SOs and BOs to examine the actual demand of cash required
by each SO and BO.
2. SOs to be opened may be identified based on the pending payments to be made in each SO and its BO
and geographical location for easy management of cash. Since 1 st and 2nd April 2020 are no working day in
Finacle, it is necessary to start the work from 3 rd April only with proper planning and publicity.
3. Payment may be made at the doorstep as far as possible and all precautionary measures on the
lines of guidelines issued by DOPT and MOHFW regarding social distancing and personal protection may
also be ensured at the post offices during these transactions.

Cash management

SOs attached with Banks

4. SOs connected with Bank can draw required money from bank if necessary.
SOs attached with HO
5. HO will supply cash to SO and then SO will supply it to its BOs and account it as remittance to SOs.
6. Divisional Heads will arrange the remittance from HO to SO and SO to BOs preferably through inspection
vehicle or any other mode available depending upon the situation.
SOs attached with Cash Offices
7. For SOs which are not linked with HO for cash supply, by generating Remittance Advices for these SOs and
it may show remittance by voucher posting in System.
8. Remittances and transit items must be adjusted before 5 th May 2020.

Procedure to be followed

Part A – Where the BOs and SOs can be made functional

9. If SO can be opened, then

a. SO will receive cash remittance from HO (total remittance being sent to all BOs in accounts with
it) in SAP
b. Then, it will prepare BO slips showing the amount of remittance to each BO.
c. BO in turn will receive the cash in RICT device or manually in case of any issue, then effect the
payments as a normal transaction on the usual day and account it.
d. BO will submit the daily account along with vouchers to the SO through BO bag and Account
Office/SO will incorporate the same.

Part B – Where the BOs can be made functional but SO cannot work due to any compelling reasons

10. In case if it is not possible to open the SO, Divisional Head may authorize any one of the available PA in
HO/DO as SPM of the said SO and the said PA will function as SPM of the said SO in SAP from HO/DO
itself for the particular day.
a. The transactions done by the BPM have to be cross-verified by that PA in HO using the Finacle
reports and ensures that the remittance made to the BO and the transactions done by BO on the
particular day have been accounted in SAP.
b. The closing balance of the SO remains the same as there will not be any transaction in SO except
that of HO receipts and BO remittance, which need to be cross checked by HO and DO.

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