Russian Missile Defense System S-400 Purchase by Turkey

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1. The S-400 surface-to-air
missile system is one of Russia’s
most advanced antiaircraft
weapons. It is an upgraded
version of the S-300 (Soviet
Union’s invention to compete
with the American Patriot
missile introduced during the
Cold War).
2. S-400 has ability to
reaching ranges of up to 400km
away. It can target and attack
multiple aircraft at an average
range of 250 kilometers, or
roughly 155 miles, and at
altitudes of around 82,000 feet.
3. The Patriot by contrast,
can only fire one interceptor
missile at a time with a range of
4. The S-400, has several
components: a truck that carries
and launches up to four missiles,
and separate radars — operating
on different frequencies — that
network together for more


1. On July 12, 2019, Turkey began receiving the first batch of the S-400 deliveries from
2. A second delivery by air will take place soon. A third delivery – of 120 guided missiles –
will be carried out by ship at the end of the summer.
3. Twenty Turkish servicemen received training from Russia in May-June and 80 more
Turkish servicemen will receive training to use the S-400 system,
4. Earlier, Turkey and USA had agreement to jointly produce F-35 stealth fighter. As per
the agreement 900 parts for the F-35 programme are to produced in Turkey and Turkey would
buy about 100 of those fighters.
5. Now, USA has excluded Turkey from the F-35 stealth fighter jet program after it
purchased a Russian missile defense system S-400 and imposed sanctions over the $2.5bn
6. Washington’s primary concern is that Turkey’s purchase jeopardizes the security of
NATO’S new F-35 stealth fighter jet. USA argues that US-made F-35 Joint Strike Fighter cannot
coexist with S-400 (Russian Technology) that will be used to learn about its advanced
capabilities. USA fears that S-400 may detect vulnerabilities of F-35.
7. The Pentagon is concerned that Turkey will need Russian technicians to train the Turks
and calibrate the S-400 system, and that in the process, Russia will learn a lot about any F-35s
the Turks may have acquired — information the Americans want kept secret.
8. US defense officials say the Russian military could use an S-400 stationed in Turkey to
collect sensitive data about the fifth generation aircraft (F-35).
9. Turkey says the system is a strategic defense requirement, particularly to secure its
southern borders with Syria and Iraq.
10. In Reply to USA's security concern, Turkey argued that it will protect the security of the
F-35 by ensuring that the new S-400 system is not linked up to Turkey’s wider, NATO-
integrated defence architecture. The US remains unsatisfied by this proposal.

Why Turkey Purchased S-400?

11. During American's its interventions in Iraq and Syria, US had supported Kurdish groups
which is seen by Turkey as terrorist/separatists that threaten Turkey’s integrity and represent its
most urgent security concern. This increased Turkey’s mistrust of the United States, and of its
growing cooperation with Russia.
12. For years, Turkey had proposed to buy an American-made Patriot surface-to-air missile
system to fill a gap in its defenses; but talks with Washington failed to produce a deal.
13. Turkey and Russia have avoided clashes outside Syria, and have come to collaborate
through peace talks led by Russia, Turkey and Iran.

14. The USA action will shot down a number of Turkish manufactures that were producing
parts and components for the F-35, and block Turkey's plan to purchase about 100 of the
advanced fighters.
15. US's this sanctions on Turkey have already weakened as much as 1.6% against the dollar.
Likewise, the main Istanbul share index fell 2.13%.
16. Ankara may also face separate punitive measures under the Countering America’s
Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) that could hurt the Turkish defence sector and the
fragile economy.
17. This not only risks harming the Turkish economy, but could also hamper the future
capabilities of Turkish armed forces and the country’s long-term standing within the NATO
military alliance.
18. If the dispute escalates further, some analysts fear it could cause long-term damage to
Ankara’s relationship with the US, draw Turkey more closer to Moscow and jeopardize Turkey’s
role within NATO.
19. Turkey produces nearly 900 parts for the F-35 programme, and its removal will cost the
programme an additional $9 billion in US taxpayer costs with losses of at least half a billion
20. Turkey is NATO’s second largest army, and the US denial of the F-35 fighter jet to
Turkey will weaken NATO’s southern flank.
21. The loss of the F-35 will futher strengthen Turkeyʿs plan of manufacturing its first
prototype of its indigenous stealth fighter, the TAI TF-X by 2023.

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