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LNG 173 Research paper guidelines (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

The research paper is due on Monday, April 20.

If you want to submit a draft to me before the due date, I will look at it and provide

Your paper should include the following:


- Introduction and central question or problem to be investigated. Explain the

problem in detail and causes/effects of the problem.

- Thesis statement, which demonstrates the position taken to answer the

question/problem under discussion. (your thesis answers your research

- Evaluate current solutions.

- Conclusion, that wraps everything up for the reader. (summarize main points,
suggested solutions, recommendations, etc.)

Format and Citations

The research paper follows APA formatting guidelines:

- Papers should also be well-organized and well-written

- It must be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and Times New Roman
font, size 11 or 12.

- The paper should be in APA format with proper heading.

- Include in-text citations

- You need an original title for your paper.

- You are required to have at least four reference sources.
Final Research Paper

Title page (follow APA


Proposal: (online submission)

Word Count: 1500-2000

Attention grabber
background information
thesis statement
(Clearly states the problem and
The topic is focused enough for the
scope of this assignment.
Body Paragraphs:
Problem Description
Current Solutions
In-depth discussion & elaboration in
all sections of the paper.
Conclusion: (review footnote) 1
Thesis restated
No new info
In text citation: after summarizing,
paraphrasing, quotations
Cites all data obtained from other
APA citation style is used
Reference List APA style, entries
written correctly, alphabetized,
match sources in paper
Structure and
format/coherence/grammar and

You may wish to conclude with one of these: brief summary, a hope for
the future, a prediction if your advice is followed or not followed, a brief
quotation, a call to action, and a tie back to the beginning ( either the
grabber or the title).

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