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1. Boris Johnson, the 55-year-old Conservative member of Parliament, former foreign minister, and
former mayor of London replaced outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May,
who was forced to step aside after failing to deliver a Brexit deal.
2. Johnson had dual citizenship in the United Kingdom and the
United States. He has Turkish ancestry, was born in New York to English
parents and spent a formative part of his childhood in Brussels, the son
of an EU civil servant.
3. He is an ardent backer of Brexit and vocal opponent of Theresa
May’s deal.
4. He has appointed Pakistan ancestry as Finance Secretary and
appointed Indian ancestry (Priti Patel) as Home Secretary. One quarter
of those appointed in his cabinet are women and the Cabinet set a new
record for ethnic minority representation, with four secretaries of state
and two additional ministers coming from minority backgrounds.
5. He currently lives with a girl friend (Carrie Symonds, 31 Years
old). He ex-wife is of Indian ancestry.
6. Johnson is a controversial figure within British politics and
journalism. He is criticized for being racist, using homophobic language,
as well as alleged elitism, dishonesty, and laziness.
7. Supporters have praised him as an entertaining, humorous, and
popular figure, with an appeal stretching beyond traditional conservative
8. He has promised to finalize the Brexit by 31 October.
9. Now-Deal now seems more likely.


1. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has appointed Indian origin Priti Patel
as the country Home Secretary.
2. Ms Patel, an ardent Brexiteer was among the most vocal critics of Theresa
May's Brexit strategy.
3. The 47-year-old leader was first elected as a Conservative MP in 2010 and
gained prominence in the then David Cameron led Tory government as his Indian
Diaspora Champion.

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