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Instructions for Individual Project

On July 1, 2019, the Shanghai Household Waste Management Regulation has taken effect.
This regulation requires people to sort trash into four categories - dry garbage, wet garbage,
recyclables, and hazardous waste. Individuals who fail to do so may be fined up to 200 RMB,
while companies and institutions face fines of up to 50,000 RMB.

In this project, you are asked to evaluate this program – from program design to
implementation – from a behavioral science perspective. When areas of improvements are
identified, please suggest recommendations on how the government can improve this
program. Both your evaluation and recommendations should be built on your learnings from
the semester.

Some advice for this project:

 To inform your analysis of this program, you may also wish to research similar programs
in other countries/places as well.
 Your evaluation is the most critical aspect of this presentation. Thus, please make sure
that you will have sufficient time to share your original ideas on the program. We prefer
your evaluation and recommendations over your introduction of the program (though
some descriptive elements are needed).
 While your own experience will contribute to your evaluation, you are encouraged to use
more objective data or evidence in support of your assessment. For example, you can cite
news report, social media contents, your observations, interviews, government reports, or
other materials that shed light on the performance of this regulation. Diversity of analysis
and evidence is highly desirable.
 It is often easier to be very critical or very positive. As a result, the evaluation is often
one-sided. Please attempt to counter this tendency, by providing your critical analysis of
both the pros and cons of the program. For cons, please also explain how you would have
done differently.

Key deliverables for this final project include:

 A (video) presentation of your analysis. Each student will be given 20 minutes to present
his/her work. The presentation will contribute 20% to your grade. The presentation is
scheduled on May 13.
 The presentation slides.
 A 7-page double-spaced report (excluding references and appendix) summarizing the
findings of your analysis. The report will contribute another 20% to your grade. Please
include a “references” section to identify all sources for your presentation and your
analysis. Deadline to submit the final report: May 20, 11:55 PM (Shanghai Time).

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