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Student Activities
Students spend much of their time in school, learning, and communicating with others. It
is safe to say that school is the first social network in which they participate. It means that
making school a healthy and friendly environment is an essential contribution to students’ future.
As a sponsor of the Student Council, I must talk about our student activities and programs, and
its positive impact on children.
During this school year, our students took part in many activities. First of all, as they
spend much time in school, children must learn to take care of the classroom and the surrounding
environment. As a result, the Student Council decided to implement such activity as the
beautification of the school. Students learned plants, managed to differentiate them, and had
duties of watering the plants in the school. This activity not only brought joy to the students as
they spent time outside but also taught them to love and respect nature.
History plays a crucial role in society, which means that children should learn it.
However, it is not always easy to involve students in history lessons. The Student Council
decided to provide classes on The Tuskegee Airmen and the Buffalo soldiers, the first African-
American airmen during World War II, and the first Black Cavalry as these soldiers showed both
physical and moral courage (Gropman p.50). In February, based on the learned information,
students created a presentation about these soldiers and presented it to our military community
and the school. I am positive that such a strategy encouraged them to learn history, understand it
better, and helped to get involved in the process.
Health is another essential aspect of human life, and parents and teachers should pay
more attention to showing children how to follow basic hygiene rules. Before the spread of the
Coronavirus, the Student Council decided to create a program that would show children why it is
crucial to wash hands properly. Thus, during this program, students were involved in two
processes. Firstly, they had to create and design a poster on why it is crucial to wash hands. Also,
they made a video showing the appropriate way of washing their hands. It helped students to
learn the subject and understand why they must follow these rules to stay healthy. Another task
was to reserve a parking lot for a principal, and the students purchased a sign for it.
It is worth mentioning that participation in different activities has a positive impact on
students, and it helps them gain valuable experience. According to Nina Holstermann et al.,
activities increase students’ interest in the study and positively affect their desire to learn and
participate in classes. Also, student activities help children meet new people, find friends, and
evaluate their social and communication skills, which would be useful in their future lives.
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In conclusion, during this school year, our Student Council evaluated many programs for
children. They had an opportunity to learn more about plants and participate in the beautification
of the school, take history lessons and create a presentation about The Tuskegee Airmen and the
Buffalo soldiers, purchase a sign for a principal’s reserved parking, and create a poster and a
video on the importance of washing hands. Besides useful skills that would be helpful in their
further education, students had a significant opportunity to develop their communication skills,
which is a positive experience for being a part of the Student Council.
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Works Cited
Gropman, Alan. “In Recognition of Their Unique Record: Tuskegee Airmen Awarded the
Congressional Gold Medal.” Air Power History, vol. 54, no. 2, 2007, pp. 46–51.,
Holstermann, Nina, et al. “Hands-on Activities and Their Influence on Students’ Interest.”
Research in Science Education, vol. 40, no. 5, Nov. 2010, pp. 743–757.,

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