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Strategic Analysis, Spring 2020 J.


Q&A for Group Projects

1. Q: Which group should hand in the case analysis?

A: All four groups should hand in the analyses for both Ducati and IMG.

2. Q: When are the analyses due?

A: Please refer to Page 5 in the syllabus.

3. Q: Which group should prepare for the presentation, e.g., slides?

A: If your group was selected to present Ducati, you should prepare for the presentation of
Ducati, in addition to the case analysis. The same for groups who were selected to present

4. Q: How long is the presentation?

A: The presentation itself should be limited to 30 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A.

5. Q: Who should participate in the presentation?

A: All members in the group should play a role in the presentation.

6. Q: Should slides be used in the presentation?

A: Slides are highly recommended.

7. Q: What should be the content of the case analysis?

A: For both cases, you will be provided with guided questions. Your case analyses should be
based on your answers to these questions. However, it should NOT be written as an
assignment, mechanically answering each question. Instead, the analysis should be written as
an essay, in which there is a nice flow and the paragraphs are well connected. The same
requirement applies to the presentation.

8. Q: What should be the content of the presentation?

A: Similarly, the presentation should not be conducted by answering questions one by one.
Instead, the group should imagine itself as a top management team, making a presentation to

Strategic Analysis, Spring 2020 J. Chen

your stakeholders. Based on your case analysis, your presentation should start with an
overview of the industry and the firm, gradually zoom in to the key strategic challenges faced
by the firm, present your analysis, and finally make your conclusion and suggestions.

9. Q: How will your presentation be evaluated?

A: The group presentation will be evaluated based on the following main factors:

 Does the presentation flow well?

 Does the presentation clearly convey the group’s analysis of the issue(s) faced by the firm?

 Does the presentation stimulate conversations and interactions with the audience?

 Does the group adequately address the questions from the audience?

 Is there a good coordination among group members?

 Are the slides informative and clear?

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