Basic Do's and Dont's: You Should Know About

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Basic Do’s and Dont’s

you should know about
While Parking
1. Park your car as close as possible to your destination.
2. Look around and be alert.
3. Do not use earphones or talk on the phone while
approaching/leaving your car.
4. Have your car keys ready and avoid searching for it in the dark.
5. Always look underneath your car before coming close.
6. Lock your car doors once you are inside.

While hiring a Cab

1. Always use verified drivers only.
2. Do not allow driver to take any unknown passenger.
3. Avoid sitting next to the driver.
4. Do not discuss personal issues with the driver.
5. Avoid using ATM while driven around.
6. Emergency numbers should be kept handy.
7. Make sure that the child lock is not operational.

In Elevators
1 Watch your step when entering or existing an elevation
2. Stand near the buttons always.
3. Always trust your instinct ,incase you don't feel good about some
specific presence in the elevator …avoid it!
4. Do not turn your back to the person if not alone…stand sideways
with the person in full view.
5. Walk out of the elevator in case you are not comfortable with the
company joining you.

While using an ATM

1. Be aware of what is happening at the rear. We are vulnerable to
snatching, the moment we turn, be extra cautious.
2. Take out money from an ATM which is well lit and has a guard.
3. Avoid isolated ATMs.
4. Do not write down your pin number, you should memorize it.
5. Do not disclose your pin to anyone.
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Do’s and Dont’s

Standing in the Queue/ Crowded Places
1. At the very first instance of discomfort, speak up.
2. Be polite…though firm!
3. Be vocal enough for others to hear you clearly.
4. In case of any intentional physical touch –sexual in
nature, SLAP!!

While Going Out to Celebrate

1. Never leave your drink unattended. Never!
2. Do not accept a drink from someone you would not
trust with your life.
3. Call someone for help.
4. Remember the purpose of these drugs is to
incapacitate you.
5. Alcohol increases the effect.
6. Drugs information (Types of drugs:)
GHB-”liquid g”.

Children Safety
1. Teach your children their full name ,address , home
telephone no.
2. Advice your children not to disclose a caller that the
parents aren't home.
3. Caution children never to accept a ride or something to
eat from an unknown person.
4. Ask your child not to answer the door under any


“Hi buddy, call me whenever you need me!”
If you find yourself in any threatening situation, the last thing you want is your S.O.S. call to go unanswered.Therefore, it
is important for you to choose someone and make him/her your safety buddy.

A safety buddy should be somebody who would take your call irrespective of his/her situation or location. He/she
should know that your call could be an S.O.S. and therefore it is very important to always answer it. You may have a
safety word or a code that tells your buddy that you are in trouble. A safety buddy is like Mr. India, who is not there
physically but is there to take your call 24x7. He/she would know about your daily plan, movements and about the
routes you take from the time you step out of the house till the time you come back home safety.
A safety buddy should ideally be a close should be saved on the speed dial of your mobile phone and vice versa.
© 2017 Copyright Seam Risk Solutions, All Rights Reserved.

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