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## Creating the MW Library ##

#exec rm -rf db/dtmf_mw

#exec mkdir -p rpts/sanity_checks

set DESIGN or1200_top

## Creating Library

create_mw_lib -technology /tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/tech/milkyway/


-bus_naming_style {[%d]} \

-mw_reference_library { \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/lib/stdcell_rvt/milkyway/saed32nm_rvt_1p9m \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/lib/stdcell_lvt/milkyway/saed32nm_lvt_1p9m \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/lib/stdcell_hvt/milkyway/saed32nm_hvt_1p9m \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/lib/sram_lp/milkyway/saed32sram_lp \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/lib/pll/milkyway/SAED32_PLL_FR/ \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/lib/sram/milkyway/SRAM32NM} -open mwdb/$

## Attaching the TLU+ Files ##

set_tlu_plus_files -max_tluplus
/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/tech/star_rcxt/saed32nm_1p9m_Cmax.tluplus \

/tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/tech/star_rcxt/saed32nm_1p9m_Cmin.tluplus \

-tech2itf_map /tools/libraries/28nm/SAED32_EDK/tech/star_rcxt/

## Importing the Verilog Netlist ##

import_designs -format verilog -cel $DESIGN -top $DESIGN

## Setting the Current Design ##

set current_design $DESIGN

## Linking the Physical Libraries ##


## Linking the Timing Libraries ##


## Reading the SDC ##

read_sdc /home/guepd2211ce18/srkrao/min_soc_24/inputs/minsoc.sdc

#create path groups in your design

source scripts/create_path_groups.tcl

## PG - Global Net Connection ## need to read once floorplan is done

#source scripts/derive_pg_connection.tcl

## Saving the Design ##

save_mw_cel -as ${DESIGN}_import_design



# Making logical connection

derive_pg_connection -power_net {VDD} -ground_net {VSS} -power_pin {VDD} -ground_pin {VSS}


derive_pg_connection -power_net {VDD} -ground_net {VSS} -tie

# Creating power straps

create_power_straps -direction horizontal -start_at 5 -num_placement_strap 120 -increment_x_or_y 8

-nets {VDD VSS} -layer M7 -width 0.5

create_power_straps -direction vertical -start_at 5 -num_placement_strap 120 -increment_x_or_y 8

-nets {VDD VSS} -layer M8 -width 0.5

# Creating Standard cells PG pins

preroute_standard_cells -route_pins_on_layer M1 -fill_empty_rows -do_not_route_over_macros

-route_type {P/G Std. Cell Pin Conn}

# Verify PG Nets

verify_pg_nets -std_cell_pin_connection ignore -macro_pin_connection ignore -pad_pin_connection

ignore -nets {VDD VSS} -error_cell pg_net

# Save the mw cel

save_mw_cel -as ${design}_power_routed



set_fp_pin_constraints -no_stacking all -pin_spacing 1 -pin_preroute_spacing 3 -hard_constraints

{spacing location layer} -allowed_layers [get_layers { M3 M4}] -corner_keepout_percent_side 15.0
-keep_buses_together on -bus_ordering lsb_to_msb -use_physical_constraints on -block_level

place_fp_pins -block_level


proc cut_rows_near_macro { value } {

set my_macros [all_macro_cells]

foreach_in_collection a $my_macros {
set macro_llx [lindex [get_attribute [get_cells $a] bbox_ll] 0]

set macro_lly [lindex [get_attribute [get_cells $a] bbox_ll] 1]

set macro_urx [lindex [get_attribute [get_cells $a] bbox_ur] 0]

set macro_ury [lindex [get_attribute [get_cells $a] bbox_ur] 1]

set macro_llx_new [expr $macro_llx - $value]

set macro_urx_new [expr $macro_urx + $value]

puts "cut_row -within \"$macro_llx_new $macro_lly $macro_urx_new $macro_ury\""

cut_row -within [list $macro_llx_new $macro_lly $macro_urx_new $macro_ury]

cut_rows_near_macro 0.5


derive_pg_connection -power_net VDD -power_pin VDD -ground_net VSS -ground_pin VSS

derive_pg_connection -power_net VDD -ground_net VSS -tie

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