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  Create a website about your favorite car or the car of your dreams (you can also
choose a brand of cars).  You should have 5 tabs...home features accessories  models
contact. You need to use CSS in your website.  You will not create a separate CSS
file...just put the CSS in your HTML code between "style" elements.  Remember you
can use CSS to put in a background...change font types...add colors....etc.  Use your
book as a guide.  This is due April 27 before 4pm. 

3.  Your final assignment is to create a website using  You will create
a Resume website similar to the one you did for the midterm.  Have the same links. 
About Me...Education...Experiences...Hobbies...Contact.  Weebly is a free website
building tool.  Take a look at it soon.  There is a learning curve to using it so don't wait
until the last minute to get started.  Only submit the url link to your site.  Make sure you
can click on it and view your site.  This is due May 4 before 4pm.  

This should keep you busy for the last weeks of the course.  

Dr. T

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