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ℜ=400Channel height =H=1 mmChannel Width=W =0.2 mm

Areaof cross section= A=0.000000 2 m 2 Perimeter=P=0.002 2 m¿=38 ° CTin=28.5 ° C
Density @ 33.25° C=ρ=1.153 3 [ 33.25 is average temperature ]
Specific heat @33.25 ° C=C p=1006.63
Kg 4A
Dynamic viscosity @33.25 ° C=μ=1.883 ×10−5 D h= =0.000 3636 m
ms P
ℜμ m
velocity=u= =17.97 Mass flow rate=ṁ=ρ A u=4.14 × 10−6 Kg
ρ Dh s s
Q= ṁC p ΔT =0.0396 W

Heater output=qh=1800 Surface area=S=W × L=0.3 ×28=0. 00 56 m 2
Total heat ¿ Heater=Q h =qh × S=10.08W Convective HT coeff =h=70 2
m K
Surface area for one channel=S=0.0056 m Lets assume sink temperatre=T s , ave=40 ° C

T LMTD=5.43 ° CQave =2.13 W Qave is actually total heat transferred due to convection in only one
Q a +Q heater
channel, contrary to the claim by author that Q ave = , I want to ask why? Why he did not
considered heat transferred from heater to the surface of the sink which is in contact with the air…
x 1
the actual relation for Q a=(T o−T ¿ )/( + ) where x = thickness of sink and S = Surface area
kS hS

in current scenario total rate of heat transfer for air is 0.0396W, while total heat transfer through
convection is 2.13W, where did that extra heat go??

In this analysis the temperature of surface of sink is assumed… because in whole paper surface
temperature of sink, with channel geometry 1mm x 0.2 mm is not given.

And heat

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