7 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Golf Ball Striking

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Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................................. 2
Shortcut #1 - How To Hit The Sweet Spot Consistently.....4
Shortcut #2 - Fat Shots Cure...................................................8
Shortcut #3 - The Key To A Successful Golf Swing..........10
Shortcut #4 - Gun To The Head Golf Shot......................... 14
Shortcut #5 - Increased Consistency By Doing This.........17
Shortcut #6 - How To Play One Shot At A Time................20
Shortcut #7 - Ben Hogan's Secret To Scoring Success...22
Conclusion................................................................................ 24


In this little eBook we’re going to share with you 7 simple

things you can do today that will instantly improve your ball

A number of the tips included here, are coming from the

best ball striker ever, Ben Hogan.

But, before we give you the 7 tips, here’s an interesting

quick story about Ben Hogan.

At the beginning of 2015 Jeff Richmond read this

statement online:

“The Average Tour Player Only Moves His

Head 1 Inch During The Swing”

It was this statement that fascinated Jeff and drove him to

analyze the golf swing of 23 golf pros, including Ben

Here is where it gets interesting, as part of this research

Jeff made an amazing discovery regarding Ben Hogan’s
swing. This discovery has, actually, nothing to do with
head movement.

It’s widely acknowledged that Ben Hogan is one of the

greatest ball strikers the game has ever seen, if not the
greatest. He had the perfect combination of length,
accuracy and consistency.

Jeff had, now, discovered Ben Hogan had a secret that

would work for every golfer. Not just that, this secret is
also the ultimate shortcut to improved ball striking.

If you could try this one secret Ben Hogan move, you’d find
that it’s the easiest way for you to swing the golf club. It
removes the frustration from swinging the golf club by
making the golf swing so simple.

That’s why Jeff called this new golf swing:

“The “Stress-Free” Golf Swing”

To find out more about “The Stress-Free Golf Swing” go


Remember that you’ll get to learn the ultimate shortcut to

an improved ball striking.

Without further ado, here are the 7 shortcuts, we promised,

to help you improve your ball striking now.

Shortcut #1 - How To Hit The Sweet Spot

If you want to hit longer shots, hitting the sweetspot

consistently is critical.

Here's why...

Golf Digest did a study on the effect of missing the

sweetspot when swinging at 100 mph. Here are their

• Center Hit - 258 yards

• 1/2 inch off center - 243 yards
• 3/4 inch off center - 237 yards
• 1 inch off center - 227 yards

So, contacting a golf ball an inch off the center of the

clubface, with a 100 mph swing speed, results in a 31 yard
loss of distance.


Now you may think that today's equipment has larger

sweet spots, but it doesn't. A club manufacturer cannot
increase the size of a golf club's sweet spot.

The sweet spot on a club is tiny... about the size of a dime.

But what a club manufacturer can do is increase the

moment of inertia. Or, in other words, the golf club’s
resistance to twisting when you hit a shot off center.

There’s no need to get too deep into that stuff, as we don't

think it will help you much. But, we’d like you to know that
golfers who suffer from too much of a slice will, generally,

hit the ball more out of the heel of a clubface. And golfers
who suffer from too much of a hook will, generally, hit the
ball out of the toe of a clubface.

The ideal is, of course, to hit the ball in the middle of the
clubface as often as possible... and the more you can do
that the lower your handicap will be.

I have seen numerous tests that show the better the player,
the more consistently they hit the middle of the clubface.

Here is picture of an old Tiger Woods 8 iron to show you

how consistently he hit the ball with that club.

Ok, we both agree that to lower your handicap and to hit

the ball better, you need to hit the ball out of the middle of
the clubface more consistently. How can you do that?

Is hitting ball after ball going to help you do that?

Most probably not UNLESS you have feedback on each

shot to know where you just struck the ball on the clubface.

But we have a better way than that. And it’s a way that
does not require hitting a ball; well, hitting a ball hard

Let us explain.

Here's a well known quote from probably the best ball
striker that ever was:

"Whenever I am working on something I

always do it in slow motion."
Ben Hogan

Now, the thing with Hogan was that he was always working
on improving his swing, right?

And, so, you could conclude that he often did slow motion
training just to improve his swing in general, NOT just
when he was working on something. But nowhere did he
ever say that. However...

There is a home movie, on YouTube, of Hogan, on a

beach in Florida, showing his friends how he was
swinging in slow motion, and he says that's how he
used to practice.

At the end of this tip I will give you a link to a YouTube

video showing Ben Hogan doing this.

Anyway, we have agreed that hitting the ball out of the

center of the clubface more often would help you to hit the
golf ball better, so here's what we propose you do to make
that happen.

Every day, at home get out your 5-iron and a golf ball and
find somewhere you can swing your golf club in slow

Once you have that setup, plan on making 10 slow motion

swings. Take at least 20 seconds for each swing. And
here's the very important bit...

When your golf club approaches impact make sure that
you strike the ball out of the center of the clubface,
because, by doing that, you will be training your body to do
that at full speed.

This is such a simple way to improve your ball striking -

indoors at home!

It’s what Hogan did, and what you can now do to improve
your ball striking. But be warned, this is simple to do but
not easy.

Swinging in slow motion is quite hard on your body. That's

why you should limit this to only 10 QUALITY swings at
one time.

If you want to do this more often, I suggest you have a rest

for a few hours, after one set of 10 swings, and then do
another set.

This is all about quality not quantity.

You are training your mind and body to do what you want it
to do during the swing and, most importantly, at impact.

So there you go, that's something simple you can do to

improve your ball striking at home.

The great Ben Hogan did that and I'm sure it will help you
greatly too... if you do it. :-)

To finish, here is the link to see Ben Hogan practicing his

swing in slow motion.

Shortcut #2 - Fat Shots Cure

How often do you see professionals on T.V. fat a golf shot?

Very rarely, right?

And there are pros on Tour that, you would think, have
something wrong with their golf swing, if you were looking
at a perfect golf swing model.

You've got Jim Furyk compared to Rory McIlroy.

John Daly compared with Luke Donald.

Dustin Johnson compared with Zach Johnson.

We could go on and on but the point is, there is no perfect


So, if you hit at least 1 fat shot every game of golf, it’s not
your swing that's the problem… it’s you.

What do we mean by that?

Well, have you ever practiced not fatting the ball?

You may have thought you have by trying to improve your

golf swing. But we’re not talking about that, because
there's a million and one things you could try to improve
your swing so you don't fat it. And even if you found the
"one" thing that is causing your fat shot, it still won't
guarantee you'll never fat the ball again.

So instead, what we’re talking about is going out and

practicing hitting the ball first and then the ground.

If you do that, we believe any swing "issues" you're having,
that are causing your fat problems, will resolve themselves
enough so you don't fat the ball anymore.

Or, in other words, you'll do whatever is necessary to not

fat the ball with your current swing.

One of the best ways of doing that is to hit 7 irons out of a

bunker. And we’re talking about full shots here.

If you can't find a bunker to do this, then find some dirt to

hit off. You need something where you can draw a line on
the ground or in the sand. Then simply place the ball in
front of the line and hit balls with the goal of never, ever
striking the ground before the ball.

We like doing this exercise in a bunker because it gives

you immediate and obvious feedback. If your club hits the
ground before the ball you'll see it quickly, plus the ball will
go nowhere.

Only balls struck first out of the bunker go a good distance.

So, instead of trying to groove a swing move to perfect

your swing, how about you perfect what happens at impact
so you ALWAYS hit the ball first. And then, like a pro,
you will hardly ever hit a fat shot.

How many shots will you save when you cut out fat

Shortcut #3 - The Key To A Successful
Golf Swing

When you go to hit any golf shot most of the time you
spend on the golf shot is NOT swinging.

Maybe that's why Jack Nicklaus said this…

“I feel that hitting specific shots - playing the ball to a

certain place in a certain way - is 50 percent mental picture,
40 percent setup, and 10 percent swing."

So you want to hit better golf shots, but do you work more
on your setup or your swing?

You may be wondering how you can work on improving

your setup. Well, we’re going to give you a very simple way
you can do this everyday.

We firmly believe, if you spend 5 minutes every day doing

what we’re saying, your ball striking will improve.

As far as the setup is concerned there are 4 main elements,

which are:

1. The Grip
2. Posture
3. Alignment
4. Ball Position

Most golfers have their own grip and posture that suits
them. We don't think they are critical to the success of a
golf shot though.

But alignment and ball position do make a huge difference
in our opinion.

So, we’re going to give you a great way you can practice
these two things over and over again to make them a habit.

To do this you need to find something on the ground that

has straight lines.

A simple example is tiles. If you have tiles in your home

you can use them.

If you don't have anything like that around your house then
here's what you should do. Go to a flooring store and ask
for some off-cuts of some vinyl flooring with a tile look to it.
Something like this:

Once you have something like this, then you simply need
to place the golf ball on one line and setup to it; use the
lines as a reference for your alignment.

You want your body to be pretty much aligned parallel with

the line your ball is on. When you setup like this it’s very
easy to get your alignment good, and for your ball position
to be in a good place.

What is a good place for ball position?

There is no one place that is best, actually.

For some golfers, they find that they get the best results
with the ball just inside the left heel. Jack Nicklaus did this,
and that position favors more of a fade.

Then, there's other golfers who favor the ball positioned

further back in the stance. And doing that promotes more
of a draw.

So if you really want to improve your ball striking we

recommend you spend at least 5 minutes every day

practicing your setup, making sure you get your alignment
right and your ball positioned where you want it.

We also recommend, when you do this practice at home,

that you place an intermediate target just in front of your
ball by about one to two feet. This way it will help you to
transfer this practice to the golf course.

You may be thinking that's all very well, but you can't take
lines out with you to the golf course.

Can't you?

Remember at the beginning of this tip we gave you the

quote from Jack Nicklaus about hitting successful golf

Well, he said this in that quote:

..."playing the ball to a certain place in a certain way - is 50

percent mental picture"

When you setup to a golf ball on the golf course you can
form a mental picture of lines as you're setting up. You
could even see your ball sitting on railway tracks. So you
line up with the ball on one track and your feet on the other.

Your mind is super powerful, so use it to help you hit better

golf shots.

And to finish, here's a quote from Nick Faldo about the

importance of being aligned correctly...

"It goes without saying it is no good having a perfect setup,

perfect grip, and perfect golf swing if the whole thing is
misaligned. It sounds obvious but many golfers simply do
not spend enough time getting themselves on target."

Shortcut #4 - Gun To The Head Golf Shot

Imagine this...

You're on the driving range hitting golf shots when

someone comes up to you with a gun, sticks it to your head
and says...

"Tell me which shape of shot you're going to hit on this next

shot and hit it."

If you don't hit that shape he'll shoot you.

A bit dramatic, we know.

But there's a reason for the drama, which is...

Lower Scores!

Look, do you find it easier to hit a shot that curves left to

right (fade/slice) or right to left (draw/hook)?

When you watch the professionals on T.V., and they show

the pro-tracer, you'll never see a golf ball move through the
air dead straight.

All the top professional golfers have a shot shape they

prefer to hit and find it easier to hit.

You might be thinking, it’s all very well for a pro to be able
to do that, they only move the ball one way or the other by
a few feet.

While it’s true that's most often the case, there have been
pros that have moved the ball significantly in the air one
way or the other.

Two that come to mind are Bruce Lietzke who hit a big
fade, and Bobby Locke, from South Africa, who hit big
draws and even hooked his putts. Incidentally, he was one
of the best putters who ever lived.

Now, Bruce Lietzke is an interesting professional golfer for

the average, once a week golfer to look at, because he
hardly ever practiced. But, when he did play, he knew that
every shot was going to curve from left to right.

Is it possible to hit a straight golf shot?

Yes, but barely possible. Jack Nicklaus said he only hit 3

straight golf shots in his career.

Is it possible to hit every shot with some curve to it?


So, if you want to improve your consistency of ball striking,

you need to figure out what the one shape of shot is, that
you can hit with a gun to your head, and stick to it no
matter what.

For most golfers that will be a shot that curves from


And that's a shot shape that can produce great results with
very little practice... like Bruce Lietzke has proved.

But you will most probably need to work on reducing the


To do that there's two main factors involved, which are

path and clubface alignment at impact.

In a future post, or in an email sent to our newsletter
subscribers, we’re going to discuss at length those two
factors and how you can work on them to control the spin
on the ball.

In the meantime, work out one shape of shot, that is easier

for you to hit, and stick to it and master it; so on any hole
and shot you know you can curve the ball one way.

Shortcut #5 - Increased Consistency By
Doing This

If you have a 4 iron approach shot into the green, and you
have no idea which way the ball is going to curve, then its
just a crap shoot.

But if you have a 4 iron into the green and you're 99%
certain that the ball is going to curve right to left, then you
have a very good chance of hitting a good shot.

That's common sense, right?

What isn't common sense is how to actually hit a shot that

curves one way or the other.

You need to know the principle of curve so you can work

on it to improve your ball striking.

To do this, we find the easiest way is to exaggerate.

So let's say you want to hit a big, huge old hook.

What does the club path and club face need to be doing at
impact to achieve this?

Well, the clubface alignment at impact controls the starting

direction of a golf shot by about 85%. And the swing path
at impact largely dictates the amount of curve on a shot.

So, if you wanted to hit a big hook you'd focus on having

the club path being a lot from in to out. And you'd make
sure, at impact, the clubface is pointing pretty much at the
target or slightly to the left.

The hook comes from the big difference between your path
and clubface alignment.

If you want a hook that starts to the right and then hooks,
you simply need to have the clubface aligned to the right at
impact, and have a big in to out path.

Again, the hook is a result of the big difference between

the path and the clubface alignment.

To get a slice you just have to reverse that.

To slice you need a big out to in path and the clubface

open relative to your path. However, to get a slice you don't
need an open clubface.

You can slice with what you might consider to be a closed

clubface, because, remember, the clubface alignment
largely determines the starting direction of your shot.

Now, do you know the best way of shaping shots?

It’s to exaggerate exactly what we've been talking about.

Go to the driving range and practice hitting big slices and

big hooks.

You may be thinking that this will cause great

inconsistency because you want to hit most of your shots
relatively straight with a slight curve.

But by exaggerating big shapes of shots it will actually help

you to hit less curved shots and more straight shots.


Because by getting outside of your comfort zone and
hitting big shapes you're teaching yourself how to control
the golf club.

And that's what golf is all about... controlling the golf club.

Top professional golfers know at all times where the golf

club is.

You, on the other hand, probably do not.

So, to improve your ball striking you need to learn where

the golf club is throughout your swing. You do that by being
prepared to look a bit silly perhaps, by hitting some big
hooks and slices.

Go do that and reap the benefits out on the golf course by

having the confidence to know which way your shot is
going to curve and where the golf club is during your golf

Shortcut #6 - How To Play One Shot At A

How does a game of soccer start?

With a whistle blast, naturally.

Then how is half time in a game of soccer signalled?

With another whistle blast.

Then the next half is started with a whistle and the finish of
the game is signalled with a whistle blast.

There's many other sports that have clearly defined starts

and stops.

But golf, not so much.

Naturally, you have your turn each hole. But there's no

clearly defined start to that, you just know it’s your turn to
hit so you do.

Now, as you know, you should play golf one shot at a time.
A great way to do that is to do something that clearly
signals the start of a golf shot and then clearly signals the
end of a golf shot.

We’re not going to give you one way to do that, but here
are some examples.

You can actually use the words "start", to mark the start
point of your golf shot, and then say "finish", at the end of
the shot.

So that's a word cue.

You can use a touch cue, like tugging on your right ear
lobe, for example, to signal the start of a golf shot. Then
you can take off your glove to end the shot.

That's a tactile cue.

Something else you can do is to use an audible cue, like

ripping the Velcro on your glove and readjusting your glove
to start the shot, and then ripping the Velcro off your glove
after the shot.

That's an audible cue.

You can mix and match these cues, for example...

You could have a touch cue, like hitching up your pants or

tugging on your ear lobe to start the swing, and then, to
finish your shot, you take off your glove.

The point is, you need something to clearly signal the start
of each shot and something to signal the end of each shot.

When you do that you will then be able to have the best
chance of playing one shot at a time.

Shortcut #7 - Ben Hogan's Secret To
Scoring Success

We were watching, recently, an interview with Ben Hogan,

and he shared a secret to his success that a lot of golfers
would have missed.

You see, Hogan was talking about how he loved work and
how he would play 36 holes a day in tournaments.

He went on to explain that he would play 18 holes on the

practice range before his 18 holes of tournament play.

He would play each shot on the practice range as though

he was on the golf course. He said he arrived early to do

Then he would spend about 30 minutes on the practice

putting green before his tee time.

So if one of the best golfers who ever lived did that,

shouldn't you too?

But we’re not talking about immediately before your golf

games. Because if you did, and you really played 18 holes
on the practice range before your game, you'd have to be
at the golf course about 2 hours before your tee time.

However, every day, at home you can do something


You don't need to hit balls to do this either.

What you should do is imagine playing holes at your local

course, and go through your full routine for every shot.

Don't muck around when doing this. Don't just go through
the motions, because you'll be wasting your time if you do.


Instead, be like Ben Hogan and treat every imaginary shot

with total respect. And you can include putting when you
do this. Put down a ball and imagine yourself putting your
ball into the hole. Remember, go through your full routine
when you do this. Treat this practice like you're playing
a real game.

If you make this a habit you'll score a lot lower when you go
to play. This is great practice for golfers that can only play
once a week at the most.


When you put any of these 7 tips into play your ball striking
will instantly improve.

And, as we said at the beginning, a number of those tips

are courtesy of Ben Hogan and the grip tips he shared.

But we believe he went to the grave with his true swing

secret. And, this secret was accidentally discovered on the
5th of March, 2015.

That one golf swing secret makes the golf swing so much
easier to repeat and time. So we highly recommend you go
here and check it out and get that swing move to instantly
improve your ball striking.

The flow : dev&mark Team, “Golf_InThe_flow”


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