ch4 Ex

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1- The slope distance and zenith angle between points A and B were measured with a total station

instrument as 9585.26 ft and 81o42’20”, respectively. The hi and rod reading r were equal. If the
elevation of A is 1238.42 ft, compute the elevation of B.

2- Assuming that at B the slope distance was measured again as 9585.25 ft and the zenith angle
was read as 98o19’06”. The instrument height and r were equal. Compute the elevation
difference from this end of the line, and the elevation difference using the mean of reciproqual

3- How far a horizontal line will depart from the earth’s surface in 1 km? in 5 km?

4- Compute and tabulate the combined effect of curvature and refraction on level sights 50, 100,
250, 500, 1000, and 1500 m.

5- On a large lake without waves, how far from shore is a sailboat when the top of its 9 m
Mast disappears from the view of a person 1.5 m above the water’s edge?

6- The slope distance and zenith angle observed from point X to point Y were 2013.875 m
and 95o13’04”. The instrument and rod target heights were equal. If the elevation of
point X is 188.988 m above datum, what is the elevation of point Y?

1- Given: AB = 9585.26 ft z = 81o42’20”
hf = 0.0206 [ (9585.26/1000)* sin 81o42’20”]2 = 1.85 ft
V = 9585.26 cos (81o42’20”)= 1382.77 ft
Δelev = 1382.77+1.85 = 1384.62 ft
elevB = 1238.42 + 1384.62 = 2623.04 ft

2- Given: BA = 9585.25 ft z = 98o19’06”

Δelev = 9585.25 cos 98o19’06” + 1.85 = -1384.88 ft

The average angle is: [81o42’20” + 180o + 98o19’06”] / 2 = 81o41’37”

Δelev = 9585.26 cos 81o41’37” = 1384.75 ft

3- 1 km: hm = 0.0675(1)2 = 0.068 m

5 km: hm = 0.0675(5)2 = 1.688 m


Sight (m) Hm (m)

50 0.000169
100 0.000675
250 0.00422
500 0.017
1000 0.068
1500 0.152

5- K = √(1.5 / 0.0675) + √(9 / 0.0675) = 16.26 km

6- ElevY = 188.988 + 2013.875 cos (95o13’04”) + 0.0675(2013.875 * sin (95o13’04”) /1000)2 =

188.988 – 183.145 + 0.271 = 6.114 m

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