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Q.1Explain the nature and scope of organizational

“Organizational behaviour is a subset of management activities
concerned with understanding, predicting and influencing
individual behaviour in organizational setting.”—Callahan,
Fleenor and Kudson.
1. It has assumed the status of a distinct field of study. It is a part of
general management. It represents behavioral approach to
2. It contains a body of theory, research, application associated
when a growing concern for in work place. Its study helps in
understanding human behaviour.
3. The study of theories and research experiences of organization facilitates
manager for creative thinking to solve human problems in organizations.
4. This discipline is heavily influenced by several other behavioral
sciences and social sciences like psychology, Sociology and
5. I t   p r o v i d e s   r a t i o n a l   t h i n k i n g   a b o u t   p e o p l e .   I t   c o n c e n t r a t e
s on three level of behaviour. They are individual behavio
r ,   g r o u p   b e h a v i o u r   a n d   o r g a n i z a t i o n a l  behavior.
6. O . B .   h a s   p s y c h o l o g i c a l   f o u n d a t i o n s .   T h e   c o n c e p t   l i k e   l e a r
ning, perception,
attitude, motivation etc is borrowed from psych
o l o g y ,   s o c i o l o g y   a n d anthropology
7. Organization behaviour is both art and science. It is considered
as art because it contains knowledge about behaviour of
individuals. It is considered as science  because it involves
application of science.
8. Organization behaviour is dynamic rather than static. Its
essence is reflected in change in behaviour of individuals in
9. It attempts to reduce the wasteful activities through economic and
psychological means and thus increasing the effectiveness of the people
and the organization.

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