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The missing helicopter

Army Helicopter with a

crew of twelve
soldiers, including a
pilot and a co-pilot has
disppeared off the
north cost of Scotland.
Many people are
wondering what has
happend to this
helicopter but the
truth is mystery or is it ?
According to reports,
the last contact with the
helicopter was more than
twelve hours before the
accident, the pilot
responded and said that
everything is correct. I
assume that the helicopter
had mechanical problems
over the ocean and asked
for help, but the helicopter
did not have stability,
everything was sudden and
everything was fine when
suddenly it started to fail. The Helicopter kept falling and falling when suddenly It
hit the ocean and it started to drown. And it kept drowning and drowning then
suddenly it hit the bottom of the ocean. The people tryed to swim to the shortest
surface but the cold water from the ocean and the inpact from the fall knock
down half of the crew while the rest died shortly after.
Deep sea explorers spend days searching for the helicopter but no remains
were found. An expedition in 2012 found a helicopter main rotor which matches
the same main rotor from the 487 helicopter.

Made by: Bojan Stefanoski

Total words 201

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