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Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

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Recent developments on encapsulation of lactic acid bacteria as potential T

starter culture in fermented foods – A review
Digambar Kavitakea,1, Sujatha Kandasamya,1, Palanisamy Bruntha Devib,

Prathapkumar Halady Shettya,
Department of Food Science and Technology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 605 014, India
Department of Microbial Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046, India


Keywords: Fermented foods are the first processed staple human diet that have been produced and consumed since de-
Encapsulation velopment of human civilizations. Majority of the fermented foods are made through controlled microbial
Lactic acid bacteria growth and enzymatic conversions of major and minor food components that gain high values because of its
Starter culture enhanced organoleptic properties. Ease of fermentation, risk in fermentation failure and several functional
Fermented foods
properties of lactic acid bacteria makes them as suitable starter culture in production of fermented foods. The
viability and stability of starter cultures in the fermented foods and gastro intestinal environment are key
challenges at industrial scale. Use of encapsulated starter cultures has been considered more in the recent years,
due to its improvement in survival and viability under adverse environmental conditions. This paper mainly
focuses on reviewing lactic acid bacteria as functional starter cultures in fermented foods including different
techniques and coating materials used for microencapsulation, factors affecting the microencapsulation,
methods for evaluating the efficiency of starter cultures and future perspectives to be overcome in this area.

1. Introduction relevant to health promotion and disease preclusion (Borresen,

Henderson, Kumar, Weir, & Ryan, 2012; Marco et al., 2017).
Traditional fermented foods form an integral part of cultural heri- Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are predominant microflora present in
tage and diet widely consumed since ancient civilization. Since ages, most of the traditional fermented foods and their role in fermentation is
this innovative practice of fermentation has extended and enriched to known since ages (Anandharaj & Sivasankari, 2013). Currently, for-
preserve and increase the safety of existing food resources, mainly to mulation of new functional starter culture of LAB that is industrially
overcome the hidden hunger (Ray, Ghosh, Singh, & Mondal, 2016). important in food safety that deal with one or more organoleptic,
Traditionally, many of the fermented foods are produced under spon- technological, nutritional or health benefits are being developed (Sathe
taneous fermentation using backslopping method which involves direct & Mandal, 2016). Maintenance and viability of starter culture in fer-
addition of most dominant native microflora as selected starter culture. mented foods is still an immense challenge in the industrial process. At
This technique leads to reduction in fermentation time, prevention of the dawn of this situation, encapsulation of starter culture provides
fermentation failure and standardization of final product. The fer- protection to the cells and thus increases the viability of the delivered
mented food quality depends upon the population and microbial di- amount. For successful encapsulation of viable cells, it is important to
versity in the raw material (Tamang, Watanabe, & Holzapfel, 2016). preserve the bacterial viability under different handling processes along
Over the past two decades, the scientific interventions on fermented with the type of encapsulation material compatible with food material
foods revealed the health-beneficial concept by the native microflora or (Haffner, Diab, & Pasc, 2016). Fermentation using encapsulated starter
starter culture roles in stimulating the probiotic functions, bio-avail- culture, offers numerous advantages compared to traditional cultiva-
ability of macro and micronutrients, production of antioxidant, anti- tions, e.g., rapid fermentation, higher cell density, enhanced tolerance
nutritive and anti-microbial compounds and other functional compo- of the cells towards high temperatures and toxic media, and selective
nents during fermentation. This health promoting factors produce client removal of toxic hydrophobic substances. However, production of ro-
awareness for ingesting such ancient foods on functional basis in bust capsules capable of withstanding several months or years, of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.H. Shetty).
Two authors contributed equally.
Received 27 June 2017; Received in revised form 7 November 2017; Accepted 7 November 2017
Available online 24 November 2017
2212-4292/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

continuous use without deterioration of cell activity or capsule char- (Reale et al., 2004), fibrinolytic activity by Vagococcus carniphilus, V.
acteristics, capsule size, large-scale production of capsules and eco- lutrae, Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium, E. gallinarum and Pediococcus
nomic feasibility still remain challenges for industrial application of acidilactici (Singh, Devi, Ahmed, & Jeyaram, 2014), peptide production
encapsulated cells (de Prisco & Mauriello, 2016). by Lactococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp. (Brown et al., 2016), poly-lactic
Although in recent years valuable and promising research on en- acid by Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Ghaffar
capsulation of LAB as starter culture has been published and commer- et al., 2014) and probiotic effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L.
cialization of products are being made, the information exchange be- johnsonii, L. fermentum, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, L. reuteri, L. sali-
tween industry and academia should noticeably intensify. This paper varius, L. paracasei, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus ther-
aims to give an overview of the vast encapsulation of LAB as starter mophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, B. longum and B. breve etc. (Quinto et al.,
culture in fermented foods on what has been done in the academia and 2014). These properties play a major role in the selection of starter
industry scenarios in the past few years, in terms of technologies em- culture for the production of functional food.
ployed and research insights. Here, we discuss the materials and tech-
niques used for encapsulation of LAB and its applications in terms of 4. Encapsulation of LAB
biological production processes, as well as the effect of encapsulation
on cells and their viability. Encapsulation process involves the entrapment of active substance
into another substance wall material that produces particles in various
2. Fermented foods scale. The encapsulated material is usually called as core, fill, active,
internal or pay load phase, whereas the material used for encapsulation
Fermented foods enrich the human diet as they offer and reserve is called as coating membrane, shell, capsule, carrier material, external
huge amounts of nutrition in a comprehensive mixture of flavor, aroma phase, or matrix (Burgain, Gaiani, Linder, & Scher, 2011; Fang &
and texture. Traditional fermentation improves the overall content or Bhandari, 2010). Encapsulation is intensively used in food sectors
availability of amino acid, vitamins, mineral profiles and therapeutic (Fig. 1) as an effective barrier for liquid and solid ingredients against
potentialities that have profound effects directly on the consumer's several environmental (oxygen, light, free radicals etc.) parameters
health (Steinkraus, 2002). Most of the global fermented foods are (Desai & Park, 2005). Encapsulation involves wide area with en-
known to be fermented by both functional and non-functional micro- capsulating material, wall material, process, functionality and proper-
organisms that exist as native microflora in raw plant materials, con- ties of encapsulated systems (John, Tyagi, Brar, Surampalli, & Prévost,
tainers, utensils and environment (Franz et al., 2014). These microbes 2011). Based on size of the beads produced, encapsulation can be
alter the biochemical constituents of raw materials, thereby improving broadly classified into two types, i.e. macroencapsulation (millimeters
the flavor, digestibility and aroma while imparting nutritional and to centimeters) and microencapsulation (1–1000 µm) (Heidebach,
pharmacological values in some fermented foods that are traditionally Först, & Kulozik, 2012). In case of macroencapsulation, bacterial cells
and socially acceptable by the consumers. Most of these traditional will normally grow on the beads surface due to depletion in nutrient
process of preparation remains majorly secretive being passed on from diffusion efficiency in depth of more than 300–500 µm as well as toxic
generation to generation and tend to be specific for tribes and castes in metabolites accumulation in center of the beads. Moreover, micro-
different provinces while many of them are made under home scale by capsules are reported for higher mechanically robust than macro-
using back slopping (Tamang, Thapa, Tamang, Rai, & Chettri, 2015). spheres (Park & Chang, 2000). There are several factors (Fig. 2) that
Each ethnic group region has its own unique food diversity and affect the microencapsulation effectiveness which can be further over-
beliefs including fermented foods that symbolize their heritage, tradi- come by selecting proper encapsulation method, coating material and
tion, agroeconomic and socio-cultural traits of the society. Although, process conditions.
some fermented foods are popular as delicious daily dish and promoted Different LAB were encapsulated in different polymers for different
globally for their functional, nutraceutical and therapeutic properties. purposes such as encapsulated Lactobacillus rhamnosus VTT E-97800
Numerous reviews were published on the biological, chemical and successfully increased the shelf life to at least 18 months during deep
nutritional components of fermented foods from countries such as Asia freezing using liquid nitrogen (Mortazavian, Razavi, Ehsani, &
(Rhee, Lee, & Lee, 2011; Steinkraus, 2002; Tamang et al., 2015, 2016), Sohrabvandi, 2007). Yogurt produced using encapsulated starter cul-
Africa (Benkerroum, 2013; Chelule, Mokoena, & Gqaleni, 2010) and ture (S. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii) influenced its sensory and
America (Nout, 2003; Oguntoyinbo, Tourlomousis, Gasson, & Narbad, flavor qualities as well as higher bacterial viability from initial to final
2011). stages of the fermentation process (Krasaekoopt, Bhandari, & Deeth,
2004). Several studies on encapsulation of LAB such as Lactobacillus
3. LAB as functional starter culture acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis (Darukaradhya, Phillips, &
Kailasapathy, 2013), Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus paracasei
LAB are a broad group of bacteria belonging to the genera (Table 1) (Léonard et al., 2015), Lactobacillus curvatus MBSa2 (Barbosa, Todorov,
Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, Jurkiewicz, & Franco, 2015) and Lactobacillus plantarum (Corbo et al.,
Propionibacterium, Pediococcus, Streptococcus, Tetragenococcus, Vago- 2016) were described using different coating materials with respect to
coccus and Weissella (Holzapfel & Wood, 2014; Tamang et al., 2015). their functionality, viability and application.
In traditional fermented foods, fermentation is mainly accomplished
by the native LAB from the available resources that proceed the fer- 5. Methods of encapsulation
mentation process in absence of an added industrial starter culture.
Selective addition of starter culture to raw materials controls the overall Encapsulation of active substances into carrier materials can be
fermentation process that mainly reduces the risk of fermentation attained by several methods such as spray drying, spray chilling or
failure and fermentation period while improving the end product value. spray cooling, extrusion coating, fluidized-bed coating, liposomal en-
Several functional properties of LAB have been reported widely in- trapment, lyophilization, coacervation, centrifugal suspension separa-
cluding antioxidant activity by Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria (Mishra tion, cocrystallization, inclusion complexation and thermal gelation
et al., 2015), antimicrobial compounds from Aerococcus, Carno- (Table 2) (Gibbs, Kermasha, Ali, & Mulligan, 1999; Poshadri & Kuna,
bacterium, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pedio- 2010; Raymond, Neufeld, & Poncelet, 2004). Several factors such as
coccus, Streptococcus, Tetragenococcus, Vagococcus and Weissella physical and chemical characteristics of core and carrier/coating ma-
(Rattanachaikunsopon & Phumkhachorn, 2010), degradation of anti- terials and their proposed application in food matrix influence the
nutritive compounds by Lactobacillus plantarum, L. brevis, L. curvatus choice of suitable encapsulation process. Among all the techniques,

D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

Table 1
LAB as starter culture in fermented foods.

Food products Country Raw material Starter culture Reference

Kivunde Tanzania Cassava Lb. plantarum Kimaryo, Massawe, Olasupo & Holzapfel, 2000
Sausages Italy Meat Pediococcus acidilactici, Leroy et al., 2006; Coppola, Mauriello, Aponte,
P.pentosaceus Moschetti & Villani, 2000
Lb. pentosus, Lb. plantarum
Thailand pork Pediococcus pentosaceus Kingcha et al., 2012
Kefir Iran Kefir grains Lb. kefir, Lb. casei, Assadi et al., 2000
Lb. brevis, Lb. plantarum,
S. lactis, Leu.mesenteroides
Spain Cow's milk Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, Lc. lactis subsp. lactis Fontán, Martínez, Franco & Carballo, 2006
biovar diacetylactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, Lactobacillus
plantarum,Lb. casei
Kimchi Korea Cabbage Weissella cibaria, W. confusa, W. koreensis Lee et al., 2005
Sauerkraut China Cabbage Leu.mesenteroides, Lb. plantarum, Lb. casei, Xiong, Li, Guan, Peng & Xie, 2014
Lactococcus lactis
Fermented milk Europe Milk L. acidophilus, L.rhamnosus, Sodini, Lucas, Oliveira, Remeuf & Corrieu,
Streptococcus thermophilus, 2002
L.bulgarius, L. casei,
Lb. plantarum,
Switzerland Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Baer and Ryba, 1992
P. jensenii
Plaa-som Thailand Fish Lb. plantarum, Lb.reuteri, Saithong, Panthavee, Boonyaratanakornkit &
Sikkhamondhol, 2010
Sourdough Greece Wheat L. brevis, L. paralimentarius, P. pentosaceus, W. cibaria. Paramithiotis, Chouliaras, Tsakalidou &
Kalantzopoulos, 2005
South Korea Leu. citreum, Weissella koreensis Choi, Jung, Kim, Park, Kim & Han, 2003
Sauerkraut USA cabbage Leuc. mesenteroides Johanningsmeier, McFeeters, Fleming &
Thompson, 2007
Fermented olives Spain Green olives Enterococcus casseliflavus Lactobacillus pentosus De Castro, Montaño, Casado, Sánchez &
Rejano, 2002
Lactobacillus pentosus Blana, Grounta, Tassou, Nychas & Panagou,
Lb. plantarum 2014
Cheddar cheese Ireland Milk Streptococcus thermophilus Hou, Hannon, McSweeney, Beresford & Guinee,
Australia Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lb. casei, Lb. paracasei Bifidobacterium spp. Ong et al., 2006
Yogurt Bulgaria Sheep Milk Streptococcus thermophilus, Michaylova, Minkova, Kimura, Sasaki & Isawa,
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 2007
Sauce Thailand soybean Tetragenococcus Singracha, Niamsiri, Visessanguan, Lertsiri &
Assavanig, 2017
Fish Halophilus Udomsil, Rodtong, Choi, Hua &
Yongsawatdigul, 2011
Togwa Tanzania Maize & Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus cellobiosus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Mugula et al., 2003
sorghum Lactobacillus plantarum Pediococcus pentosaceus

Fig. 1. Application of microencapsulation of LAB.

Fig. 2. Factors affecting microencapsulation effectiveness.

D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

Table 2
Various techniques for microencapsulation.

Microencapsulation technique Phases in Encapsulation Technique

Extrusion Dispersion of active material in a molten carrier solution and forcing of the mixture into a dehydrating liquid
Centrifugal extrusions Co-extrusion of active and carrier solution through nozzles
Emulsion Polymers are used for coating oil-in-water emulsion droplets along with core material and homogenized well before chemically hardened to
form a shell
Spray-drying Atomize the infeed dispersion of the active and core mix and further dehydration of the atomized particles
Fluidized-bed coating Fluidization of active particles and covering them using coating material
Liposomal entrapment Micro fluidization, Ultra sonication & Reverse-phase evaporation of mixed active and carrier solution
Lyophilization Freeze-drying of a mixed active and carrier solution
Coacervation Polymers are used for coating oil-in-water emulsion droplets by coacervation that chemically hardened to form a shell
Centrifugal suspension separation Passing an active-coat mixture over a rotating disc to achieve tiny encapsulated particles
Cocrystallization Mixing of core in supersaturated sucrose solution
Inclusion complexation Grinding or spray-drying or mixing complexes
Thermal gelation Warm carrier solution (45 °C) is introduced into a temperature controlled dropping device, which drop the carrier solution in cold (10 °C) KCl
solution under gentle magnetic stirrer agitation.

extrusion, emulsion and spray drying are effectively used for en- Bifidobacterium BB-12 produced by emulsification/internal gelation
capsulation of LAB. using sodium alginate as coating material provided effective protection
under simulated GI condition and 120 days of frozen storage (Holkem
et al., 2017).
5.1. Extrusion method

Extrusion is one of the ancient and usual method to produce hy-

5.3. Spray drying
drocolloid capsules using a simple and low cost procedure that makes
minimal injuries to probiotic cells while maintaining comparatively
Spray drying is an ancient and widest encapsulation technique that
higher viability (Mortazavian et al., 2007). In this system (Fig. 3a), the
used for particle size less than 40 µm. The most used encapsulating
hydrocolloid solution is mixed with microorganisms and mixture is
agents for spray drying are polysaccharides (maltodextrins, starches,
delivered through an extruder (syringe) in a droplet form into hard-
arabic gum and corn syrups), lipids (monoglycerides, diglycerides and
ening solution (calcium chloride) that consists of multivalent cations.
stearic acid) and proteins (casein, gelatin, soy, wheat and milk serum).
After dripping, the cells are immediately entrapped by the polymers
Spray drying process involves atomization of homogenized carrier
leading to three-dimensional lattices that cross links with calcium ions
material (1:4) into a drying gas, resulting in capsules as dry powder,
(Krasaekoopt et al., 2004). Mostly, alginate and calcium chloride con-
that mainly are controlled by product feed, gas flow and temperature
centration ranges from 0.5% to 4% and 0.05–1.5 M, respectively and
(Fig. 3c). Spray drying is highly suitable for industrial applications due
the beads size ranges from 2 to 3 mm in diameter which mostly depends
to its rapidity, reasonable low cost and high reproducibility. Use of high
upon the distance between syringe and hardening solution, polymer
temperature is the main disadvantage in spray drying that is not com-
type, viscosity, concentration and mainly diameter of the extruder or-
patible for bacterial viability (Ray et al., 2016).
ifice (Solanki et al., 2013). Probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus en-
For food applications, probiotic cultures are commonly use as spray
capsulated by ionic gelation with electrostatic extrusion showed im-
or freeze-dried powders (Holzapfel & Wood, 2014). Effective spray
proved survival rate under refrigerated storage and simulated gastric
drying has been described in L. paracasei (Desmond, Ross, O'callaghan,
conditions (Kim et al., 2016).
Fitzgerald, & Stanton, 2002), Bifidobacterium ruminantium (O’Riordan,
Andrews, Buckle, & Conway, 2001) and L. rhamnosus (Corcoran, Ross,
5.2. Emulsion method Fitzgerald, & Stanton, 2004). However, extreme temperature and os-
motic conditions during the process damages cell membranes and as-
Emulsion is an extensively used chemical practice for encapsulating sociated proteins considerably reduce the probiotic activity within few
live cells using hydrocolloids (alginate, carrageenan and pectin) as cell weeks of storage duration.
wall materials, which are usually recovered by membrane filtration Behboudi-Jobbehdar, Soukoulis, Yonekura, and Fisk (2013) com-
technique (Fig. 3b). The diameter of microbeads is highly regulated by pared the viability of spray dried L. acidophilus using sodium alginate,
the concentration and viscosity of the hydrocolloid solution and its chitosan and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and found that
agitation rate (de Vos, Faas, Spasojevic, & Sikkema, 2010; Kailasapathy, sodium alginate and HPMC did not affect cell viability. Chitosan en-
2006). In contrary to extrusion, easier scale-up, high bacterial survival hanced the storage stability of L. acidophilus and higher viable counts
rate and capsules with smaller diameter (25 µm-2 mm) are added ad- were recorded after 35-days of storage. Spray drying of Bifidobacterium
vantages, while the main disadvantage is large size range and shape and lactis Bb-12 in whey protein enhanced cell viability under bile condi-
higher cost for performance owed to usage of vegetable oil in emulsion tions and stability under storage for 12 weeks (de Castro-Cislaghi, Silva,
formation (Krasaekoopt et al., 2004; Kailasapathy, 2006). Fritzen-Freire, Lorenz, & Sant’Anna, 2012). Addition of thermo-
Albertini et al. (2010) stated that encapsulation of Bifidobacterium protectant such as trehalose prior to spray drying along with starch and
lactis BI07 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA14 by extrusion using algi- soluble fibre improves culture viability during storage (Vivek, 2013).
nates, cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) and xanthan gum revealed Spray chilling method was developed to overcome the difficulty that
excellent stability at 5 °C up to 9 months of storage with improved re- occurs when microbial cells are subjected to high temperature in spray
sistance to gastro acidic conditions. However, milk proteins and sugar drying. Similar equipment used for spray drying is used for this process,
alcohols (sodium caseinate, skim milk, whey protein concentrate, soy where the hot chamber replaced with cold conveying air or cold
protein combined with glycerol, mannitol or maltodextrin) offer higher chamber (Champagne & Fustier, 2007). Spray chilling of B. lactis and L.
protection for B. longum after freeze drying against acid and bile en- acidophilus was found to be appropriately mild without affecting the cell
vironment (Dianawati, Mishra, & Shah, 2013). Microparticles of viability (de Lara Pedroso, Thomazini, Heinemann, & Favaro-Trindade,

D. Kavitake et al.

Table 3
Materials suitable for microencapsulation of the LAB.

Coating material Source Monomer linkage Method of Encapsulation Properties of polymer References

Starch Plant Glucose α (1→4) and α Emulsion Insolvable in cold water, ethanol and most of Sultana et al. (2000); Li, Turner, and
(1→6) the solvents, digestible, GRAS by FDA Dhital (2016)
Alginate Brown seaweeds, Microbial Mannuronic and guluronic β (1→4) Emulsion, extrusion Soluble in water (except ca+-alginate), GRAS Kailasapathy (2006); Zhang, Zhang,
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) acids by FDA Zou, and Mc Clements (2016)
Xanthan Microbial (Xanthomonas campestris) Glucose, mannose, and β (1→4) Direct extrusion (complex Highly viscous, soluble in cold water, non- Argin, Kofinas, and Lo (2014)
glucuronic acid coacervation) gelling compound. Not GRAS but safe up to
15 g/day
Gellan Microbial (Sphingomonas elodea) Glucose -rhamnose and β (1→4) and α Emulsion Thickening, emulsifying and stabilizing Sun and Griffiths (2000);
glucuronic acid (1→3) property,
Not GRAS but agree to use in foods Rathore, Wan, Sia Heng & Chan
Carrageenan K Marine algae, Galactose α (1→3) and β Emulsion, Thermal gelation Soluble in water, thickening, gelling agent, Oulad-Haddar Sifour, Idoui,

(1→4) texture enhancer stabilizing property, GRAS Bouridane, and Arid (2016);
by FDA
Chitosan Crustacean shells, insects and fungi Galactose β (1→4) Coaxial technique Insoluble, biodegradable biocompatible, Klaypradit and Huang (2008);
GRAS by FDA Tylingo, Mania, and Szwacki
Gelatin Animal (cattle, chicken, pigs and Complex mixture of single – Emulsion, extrusion insoluble in cold water but readily hydrates in Annan, Borza, and Hansen (2008);
fish) /multi-stranded polypeptides hot water
Cellulose Plants, Microbial, Glucose β (1→4) Freezing-thawing Insoluble in water, non-digestible in intestine Fijałkowski, Peitler, Rakoczy, and
Żywicka (2016); Li et al. (2016).
Guar gum Plants Galactose and mannose β (1→4), α Spray drying and freeze Soluble, indigestible, GRAS by FDA Kuck and Noreña (2016)
(1→3) drying
Cellulose Acetate Phthalate Partially substituted cellulose acetate (CA) with phthalic anhydride in – Spray drying, freeze drying Soluble in mildly acidic to slightly alkaline Mortazavian et al. (2007); Antunes
(CAP) presence of acetic acid, acetone, or pyridine condition et al. (2013);
Milk Proteins Caseins, whey proteins, milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) proteins – Spray drying widely available, inexpensive, natural and Livney (2010); Ying et al. (2013)
and total milk protein GRAS
Other possible polymers, prebiotics and microbial Resistant starch, levan, galactan, dextran,
exopolysaccharides (EPS) which can be used for encapsulation
Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44
D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of encapsulation

methods: (a) Extrusion (b) Emulsion (c) Spray

2012). to increase encapsulation yields when starch-based material is used for

encapsulation and further ensures that the number of viable bacteria
6. Coating material for LAB encapsulation (Table 3) remain above the minimum dosage as requirement during food pro-
cessing and digestion in the system (Li et al., 2016).
6.1. Starch and starch derivatives
6.2. Alginate
Starch is a storage polysaccharide made of α-D-glucose units linked
by α−1→4 and α−1→6 glycosidic bonds. It consists of two different Alginate is an extensively used biopolymer for encapsulation, which
polysaccharide molecules, one is the linear amylose (20–30%) and is derived from brown algae (Kelp), mainly composing β-D-mannuronic
other is high branched amylopectin (70–80%) (Li et al., 2016). Alginate and α-L-guluronic acids. Alginate bead gelation occurs by cross-linking
starch gel beads are stated to prevent oxygen diffusion over the gel by of Ca2+ gelling ions with the alginate and calcium alginate is ideal at
forming anoxic conditions in the center of the beads thereby preventing concentrations of 0.5–4% for encapsulating probiotics. Alginate is
cell death of L. acidophilus and B. lactis (Talwalkar & Kailasapathy, widely used for its simplicity, biocompatibility, low cost, non-toxicity,
2004). Addition of Hi-Maize starch enhanced the survival of bacteria easier gel matrice formation around bacterial cells and mild processing
compared to encapsulation without starch (Iyer & Kailaspathy, 2005). condition (Krasaekoopt et al., 2004). Difficulty in scaling-up of the
Symbiotic Lactobacilli (Lactobacillus reuteri, L. acidophilus and L. plan- process and porous microparticles are major drawbacks in protecting
tarum) with pure native starches (corn, potato and tapioca) and pure the cells from its environment which might be overwhelmed by com-
pullulan systems reported 70–80% viability with pullulan and pullulan/ bining alginate with other polymers or by coating capsules with other
potato starch films even after storage for 2 months at 4 °C (Kanmani & compounds or using different additives for structural modification of
Lim, 2013). Addition of Hi–maize (1%) and chitosan (0.4%) in alginate the alginate (Gouin, 2004). Alginate gel matrices enclose the bacterial
beads of Lactobacillus acidophilus provided better protection during both cells to produce beads in the range of 1–3 µm diameter and pore sizes of
GI resistance tests and under storage of moist and freeze-dried micro- the surface up to 7 nm. Bacteria encapsulated using alginate improve
particles (de-Araujo et al., 2016). Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus their survival rates in skim milk by one log compared to free cells until
plantarum 299 v in native or partially hydrolyzed maize starches after storage of 24 h (Talwalkar & Kailasapathy, 2004). Encapsulation using
enzymatic modification results in significantly higher total probiotic blend of alginate-glycerol significantly increases the viability of LAB
numbers after exposure to acid (pH = 2.0, 1 h), bile salt (3% w/v, 4 h) even after deep freezing process (Sultana et al., 2000).
and heat treatment (60 °C, 15 min). This seems as an effective method Cui, Goh, Kim, Choi, and Lee (2000) prepared poly-L-lysine cross

D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

linked alginate microparticles for encapsulating bifidobacteria to pro- since it is less efficient in increasing cell viability (Mortazavian et al.,
tect the cells without losing their survivability in gastric fluid, due to 2007). Krasaekoopt et al. (2004) revealed higher probiotics survival (L.
stability of cross linked microparticles. Probiotic cultures such as L. acidophilus, L. casei and B. bifidum) using chitosan-coated alginate beads
casei, L. acidophilus, B. bifidum and B. longum encapsulated using a blend in yogurt and milk during storage conditions. Encapsulation of L. bul-
of prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides or isomaltooligosaccharides), garicus by alginate and chitosan coating effectively delivers viable cells
growth promoter (peptide) and sodium alginate in the ratio of 3:1:1 to the colon as well as upholding their survival under refrigerated
reported the highest counts (Chen, Chen, Liu, Lin, & Chiu, 2005). Edible conditions (Lee, Cha, & Park, 2004). Encapsulated Lactobacillus plan-
coating using sodium alginate or sodium alginate/whey protein con- tarum and Bifidobacterium longum using alginate and pectin coated with
centrate combined with Lactobacillus rhamnosus in probiotic pan bread chitosan and glucomannan showed increased survival in pomegranate
significantly improved its viability until 7 days storage (Soukoulis, and cranberry juices during storage (Nualkaekul, Cook, Khutoryanskiy,
Singh, Macnaughtan, Parmenter, & Fisk, 2016). Microencapsulation of & Charalampopoulos, 2013).
many LAB was studied using alginate in combination with other coating
materials such as L. lactis using composite alginate/pectin (Bekhit, 6.6. Gelatin
Sánchez-González, Messaoud, & Desobry, 2016), L. plantarum and Sta-
phylococcus xylosus using alginate-starch mixture (Bilenler, Karabulut, & Gelatin is a complex blend of single or multi-stranded polypeptides
Candogan, 2017) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in chitosan-coated utilized in probiotic encapsulation. In pure form, the polymer is
alginate bead (Gandomi, Abbaszadeh, Misaghi, Bokaie, & Noori, 2016). translucent, brittle, colorless or slightly yellow, tasteless and odorless.
L. plantarum encapsulated using inulin-sodium alginate-skim milk (ISA) This thermo reversible gel can be used as alone or in cooperation with
by freeze-drying method enhanced the viability as well as probiotic gellan gum like polysaccharides due to amphoteric nature (Krasaekoopt
functionality compared to free cells under both gastric and bile condi- et al., 2004). Both gellan and gelatin carries net negatives charges that
tions (Wang, Yu, Xu, Aguilar, & Wei, 2016). repels each other and form homogenous mixture at a pH higher than 6.
However, at lower pH the net charge of gelatin becomes positive and
6.3. Gellan and Xanthan Gum bind strongly gellan with a negative (Anal & Singh, 2007).
Encapsulation of Bifidobacterium adolescentis 15703T by alginate-
Gellan is a bacterial polysaccharide from Pseudomonas elodea, coated gelatin microspheres enhanced their survival in gastro-intestinal
composed of repetitive units of glucose, glucuronic acid, glucose and tract during exposure to adverse conditions (Annan et al., 2008).
rhamnose. Upon cooling, gellan gum produces thermo-reversible gel Nawong, Oonsivilai, Boonkerd, and Hansen (2016) developed and
and gelation temperature depends upon polymer concentration, ionic characterized novel food-grade gelatin–maltodextrin microspheres
strength and cation type in the solution (Vivek, 2013). cross-linked with transglutaminase (TGase) that protect the en-
Xanthan is another bacterial polysaccharide produced by capsulated LAB under simulated GI conditions.
Xanthomonas campestris, that constitutes repeating units of penta-
saccharide (glucose, mannose and glucuronic acid in the molar ratio of 6.7. Cellulose Acetate Phthalate (CAP)
2:2:1) (Garcia et al., 2000). This polymer is hydrated quickly in cold
water without lump formation by proper dispersion into the solvent. CAP is utilized for encapsulation of probiotic bacteria due to its
The solution of xanthan gum shows a very pronounced pseudoplastic good protection, safety nature and being physically inert characteristics
behavior due to its semi-rigid conformation and higher viscosity that under simulated GI conditions. This polymer is insoluble at acidic pH
lead to form a network by hydrogen bonding and polymer chain en- (< 5) but soluble at pH > 6 because of its ionizable phthalate groups
tanglement (Kang & Petitt, 1993). A major disadvantage is high gel (Mortazavian et al., 2007). Addition of spray dried Bifidobacterium an-
setting temperature (80–90 °C for 60 min) that damages the probiotic imalis encapsulated in CAP along with inulin significantly enhanced
cells due to heat (Sun & Griffiths, 2000). In contrast to alginate, en- probiotic viability during storage at 5 °C for 30 days (Antunes et al.,
capsulation of probiotic cells using mixture of xanthan-gellan gum of- 2013).
fers high resistance towards acid conditions (Sultana et al., 2000). B.
lactis encapsulated using gellan/xanthan improved their storage survi- 6.8. Milk proteins
vability for 21 days at 4 or 22 °C in Mahewu (fermented, non-alcoholic
maize beverage) (McMaster, Kokott, Reid, & Abratt, 2005). Milk proteins are remarkable encapsulation materials because of its
biocompatibility and their gel forming ability similar to gelatin under
6.4. Carrageenan K suitable conditions. Due to its structural and physico-chemical char-
acteristics, they are suitable as natural vehicles in probiotics cell de-
Carrageenan are natural biopolymer with sulphated galactans, livery system (Livney, 2010). Whey proteins has been revealed to
commonly used as a food additive and mainly extracted from marine provide better protection for L. rhamnosus GG in apple juice compared
macroalgae. Microbial cells are mixed with the polymer when tem- to resistant starch alone during storage at 4 °C (Ying et al., 2013). En-
perature ranges between 40 and 50 °C followed by cooling to room capsulation of Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus paracasei, in a
temperature for gelation and finally potassium ions are added for sta- casein gel obtained by action of transglutaminase or rennet increased
bilization of microparticles (Krasaekoopt et al., 2004). Probiotic en- the encapsulation efficiency as well as viability of probiotics in simu-
capsulation using carrageenan can be done by both extrusion and lated gastric condition as well as during freeze drying and storage
emulsion methods. Doleyres, Fliss, and Lacroix (2004) demonstrated (Heidebach et al., 2012). Ranadheera, Evans, Adams, and Baines (2015)
ionotropic gelation technique for immobilizing bifidobacteria cells described that encapsulation of mixed cultures of L. acidophilus LA5,
using carrageenan and locust bean gum for better tolerance under si- Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB12, and Propionibacterium jen-
mulated GI conditions, freeze drying and hydrogen peroxide. senii 702 using goats’ milk did not affect the viability during storage at
4 °C, while a significantly reduction occurred at 30 °C.
6.5. Chitosan
6.9. Prebiotics and microbial exopolysaccharides (EPS)
Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide consisting of glucosamine units
that polymerise by cross-linking in presence of anions and polyanions The viability of encapsulated probiotic cells (LAB) have been re-
(polyphosphates and sodium alginate). This polymer is mostly utilized ported to be enhanced using prebiotic components (resistant starch) or
as a coating material but cannot be used as a capsule in encapsulation, cryoprotectants (glycerol) in food products. Cryoprotectants protects a

D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

microbial cell from dehydration, osmotic stress and membrane damage size are measured using light scattering technique or laser dif-
that leads to loss in cell viability and acidification activity. There are fractometer (Picot & Lacroix, 2004). Spherical or elliptical shape of the
several cryoprotectants such as glucose, sucrose, trehalose, lactose, beads are observed directly by microscopic techniques. Efficiency of
sorbitol, proteins and skim milk which has been used in order to im- beads depends upon integrity and uniformity of the beads which are
prove the cell viability and survival during freeze drying and sub- determined using SEM and light scattering technique. Uniformity of
sequent storage (Hubalek, 2003). Addition of prebiotics along with beads size are done by sieving or membrane filtration method (Sultana
calcium alginate provides better protection to LAB in food systems as et al., 2000). Cell concentration in encapsulated beads is determined by
well as GI tract (Sultana et al., 2000). Co-encapsulation using a pre- plate counting method using MRS agar after suspending the beads in
biotic Hi-maize starch along with chitosan or alginate coating sig- phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0) and homogenization at 300 rpm on
nificantly improved the probiotic survival rate compared to free cells orbital shaker (Martin, Lara-Villoslada, Ruiz, & Morales, 2013).
(Iyer & Kailaspathy, 2005). Encapsulated B. bifidum 235 with prebiotics Entrapment yield gives an idea about the % cells that is successfully
gives improvement in sensory attributes in fermented food like dahi entrapped into beads. It is calculated as follows: EY = (Log 10 N) / (Log
compare to free cells (Vivek, 2013). Addition of non-resistant waxy 10 N0) × 100, where N – number of viable entrapped cells released
starch (0.6% w/v) to alginate-chitosan matrix of L. rhamnosus GG im- from the beads, N0 - number of free cells added to the polymer mixture
proved stress tolerance upon freeze drying, two-week storage at 4 °C immediately before entrapment (Reid et al., 2005). Moisture content is
and heat treatment at 100 °C for 30 min compared to resistant starch determined by subjecting the microcapsules to oven-drying at 100 °C
(prebiotic Hi-Maize) (Cheow, Kiew, & Hadinoto, 2016). Peredo, for 24 h and measured gravimetrically. Texture analysis show clear
Beristain, Pascual, Azuara, and Jimenez (2016) evaluated the influence differences in structure of the beads. Gel strength of the coating ma-
of three natural prebiotics potato starch (PS), Plantago psyllium (PSY) terial can be measured using a texture analyzer that will measure the
and Inulin (INU) along with alginate on the viability of L. casei and L. hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and resilience of the encapsulated
plantarum. Higher encapsulation yield was obtained when PSY and INU beads (Sandoval-Castilla, Lobato-Calleros, García-Galindo, Alvarez-
were used in co-encapsulation with alginate, which offers more viabi- Ramírez, & Vernon-Carter, 2010).
lity during storage and better protection in GI conditions. Shamekhi,
Shuhaimi, Ariff, and Manap (2013) demonstrated that B. lactis en- 8. Conclusion and future perspectives
capsulated with prebiotics mixed to calcium alginate matrix was ef-
fective for preparation of symbiotic powder nutraceutical for paediatric Encapsulation is one of the most practical application that have
use. great possibility in prolonging the shelf life of food thereby availing
LAB are known to produce different types of EPS that differ in consumers with benign and healthier foods. Although the existing
chemical, structural and functional properties dependent upon strain technologies for encapsulation on a laboratory scale are effective, still
type, culture conditions and media composition. Microbial EPS plays a there are several challenges in producing food grade microencapsulated
vital role in protection of microbial cells in their natural environment microorganisms at a large scale large-scale. One significant challenge in
against severe conditions like desiccation, osmotic stress, antibiotics or cell encapsulation is the size of encapsulated microbial cells (1–4 mm)
toxic compounds (Patel & Prajapat, 2013). Incorporation of β-glucan or freeze-dried culture particles (> 100 mm). Capsules with larger size
could act as both prebiotic and encapsulating material which will be lean towards negative effect on textural and sensory qualities of food
favorable in stimulating the growth protecting beneficial probiotic products. Selection of appropriate technique and encapsulating mate-
microflora (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) in GI tract (Mitsou, rials are other main challenges. The foremost approach of micro-
Panopoulou, Turunen, Spiliotis, & Kyriacou, 2010). Co-encapsulation of encapsulation is to tackle the problem in survivability of starter culture
probiotic cultures (Lactobacillus casei, L. brevis and L. plantarum) along under storage environment as well as in food matrix. Use of electrical
with β-glucan as matrix displayed improved tolerance towards acidic devices and advances in nanotechnology also lead to more sophisticated
pH, high temperature, simulated GI conditions and under storage developments in encapsulation. Nanoencapsulation can take on im-
(Shah, Gani, Ahmad, Ashwar, & Masoodi, 2016). portance in near future for developing starter culture that could over-
come on bead size and stability.
7. Methods for evaluating the microencapsulation efficiency of Another key factor in future will involve the combined use of pre-
starter culture biotic and EPS in encapsulation, so that self-encapsulation can be
achieved using EPS producing microorganisms in which they will be
The efficiency of the encapsulated starter culture is evaluated by more compatible. However, microencapsulation and delivery of com-
various methods such as viability and stability of LAB, capsule density bined/mixed starter culture in food system seems to underdeveloped.
and micro geometrical properties of the beads, cell concentration, dif- Factors such as change in pH, mechanical stress, temperature, enzyme
fusion property, encapsulation / entrapment yield (EY), moisture con- activity, time and osmotic force can stimulate the rapid release of en-
tent and texture analyzer. The viability of encapsulated starter cultures capsulated cultures or ingredients. In such cases, release of en-
can be measured by inoculating the encapsulated beads in suitable capsulated active agents inside a polymer matrix might be controlled
media and microbial load is determined by spread plate method (Annan based on food constituents such as microbial load, pH and water ac-
et al., 2008). While surface density (g/cm2) of the capsules is calculated tivity. Upcoming research must also govern the process cost, optimal
by breaking/dissolving the capsules, drying and weighing them and size of encapsulated cells that offers extreme defense to probiotics while
dividing the result by total surface of the beads (Picot & Lacroix, 2004). improving the sensory qualities of the product. As now, there are no
Total surface of the beads can be assessed with respect to the average probiotic products stable at high temperatures, which are available in
bead diameter and its proportion to the surface. Capsule density can be markets. Since it is a great challenge to increase the survivability of
done by compressing the beads and then measured using scanning probiotics during the heat treatment process. Development of heat
electron microscopy (SEM) (Sultana et al., 2000). Stability of en- stable starter cultures and an encapsulation system which effectually
capsulated LAB can be determined by storing the beads at different can be an “insulation material” are needed in further research for
temperatures for different time duration and then the number of sur- benefits in food industries.
vived/ live cells calculated by performing spread plate technique.
Usually, encapsulated LAB shows more stability than free cells during Conflict of interest
fermentation (Ding & Shah, 2009).
Micro geometrical properties comprise average bead shape, size/ The authors of this article declare that they have no conflicts of
diameter, integrity and uniformity in shape and size. Generally, beads interest of any kind.

D. Kavitake et al. Food Bioscience 21 (2018) 34–44

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