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AC THEORY TEST 2(3) SOLUTIONS This test is elosed book, calculator permitted. + Time permitted 1% hours. Answer questions in the spaces provided. © 30 MARKS TOTAL (70% pass) Use the blank backs of the test pages for “scratch” work. Clearly label all currents, resistors and voltage drops in the circuits and state any assumptions in order to obtain a full mark © When calculating values, show clearly all steps, starting with the formula, then substituting with numbers and finally show the measuring units of the obtained result. Otherwise NO MARKS are given QU) The coefficient of coupling is 0.25 (LaF k Jon) Los k7b, Le 7 Ua ee las kee (02s)? ioe Spt, (2) A certain transformer has 500 tums in its primary winding. In order to halve the voltage, how many turns must be on the secondary winding? [3 marks] Nez <. Se = 25D turns IH, 1, =2pH. Determine 1). [3 marks} Q3).What is the load resistance as seen by the source in the figure below? [3 marks} Fuse 43 ONS 2 @ 4le Son Roz (Va: (k): Ssvo= 55.56 _—__—__ LD - 12/2009 2 OTAFE WA Q4) For the previous question calculate what must be the tums ratio of the transformer in order to reflect 100 2 into the primary circuit? yey Ro= (OO. , Ry = 500.2 [marks] Ns] QL | S09. 9.94 Ne Re \oo —s Q 5) Determine each unknown voltage indicated in the figure [5 marks} Owns V IAHOV ; ‘~) 4000 100turns V5 turns 100 wens V5 Nsi SO = Vie Np Nez (3 )-n0 = AV, 7 109 \y QUO = Ny= (Se Nee (i (cco ea q \n= ( Ns SS \p= (ss 10 \,QNO= Be Vq= - Vas U8V —_—_ Q 6) Draw the complex plane and locate the points represented by each of the following coordinates. . [3 marks] af2-4i3 = A sh bis “i= az 4 , 8 ois )= C H-—--—- ———4}------ | 2 | n Z 1 | | | r i 1 2 ee er ee en) su 5 6 1 | | | | LD - 12/2009 3 OTAFE WA Q7) Convert 30 —}70 into polar form, [1 mark] a0~ j20 = Vsotrnr L tan’ FES) = 26.16 [-66. 84° Seo Q.8)Convert 30 |_-155° into rectangular form. {1 mark] 30 [Liss? = B0xcos (-1SS*)+)30x8in(-5) = AF AQ —}1a.68 Q9) Express 10 325° using a negative angle to represent the positive anglé [1 mark] 10 [Bas® = 40 L (3ase- ec") = 10 [3s° ——> Q 10) Write the polar expressions for each phasor in the figure below. Convert these numbers into rectangular form [6 marks] ayAa se = — 5.03 +\l0. 88 b) 20 Els = = 19. 86-)\'S. 32 (a) (b) Q 11) Add the following numbers: [3 marks} 3LIS°+5 Lar=(0.476 +) 2.9 Sa (4. 2Y <6 | = = §. 06+} 0.28 Q 12) Divide the following numbers: [3 marks] (10-55) /(-7-33) = MAB LEZESE _ 4.4% [130.23 4. 62 [156.8 LD - 12/2009 4 (TAFE WA Q13) Determine the current and the voltage drops in the circuit bellow. Double check your work by adding the two voltage drops together. Draw the phasor diagram for the voltages. [7 marks} om fe | ; = BaEC * Biyek note 1S. 4S E40" eQ. B= D-jXe= (ig JAS. 4S Je 2 = 19.989 [£52.98 e Q. ao = So 7 [52.88 vA / Be eee Be sae ae repeat eee eee et 42 “2S * [9.93du0> [Sa.98 3 zo Ves by Xe = SOL .F xi5*(Sa.98_ 1S. USxlo [-4F = = 7, 93 [£39.02 6.34 ~\4-8 WV : Ver tx R= SO4.4xITFLS9. 98 x tor lO” - = 6.02 \Sa.88 V=(3.62454 2V ne +3, C248 = (9.49 +30) Vg Ve+Ve= G. 2)-, a OTAFE WA LD - 12/2009 Q14) Determine the resonant frequency for the circuit below. [3 marks] 10 nF 10V, ~ o 100.2 100 mH STOOL 4. |! = 5,033 kHe ‘ (feel 2n {LC AT V0.1 % 10.1074 —————- Q15) Calculate the currents and the voltage drops in the circuit below. Double check your work by adding the currents and the voltage drops together. [15 marks} a 10V, c oO 100 mH kHz | 500. ; & a X= andl = dislo% or= 622.32 (90° 2 i i Xe= Fae Fay A core = A592 [=90 Ke LD - 12/2009 6 OTAFE WA et 2, be kK and %L IN SUMTES, Let Zy ve Po and Xe m Sertes, let G= 2, ll22. Z,= BityXe = (S04 j622. 32).2 = 802.99 [sL49" _Q 2, = Ro-jXe= (300-j 1542) 2 = 1.620 129.3% 2 - ZZ. $02.99 IS1.49 1620 [:74-33 _ 4.3, glo* LE ~ Zt22 500-4} 628.32 +300~} 154? 800 ~} 963.68 2 Addy, 03g [20.46" ~ TASB -5D.30 ~ 68 [22.46 2 iy- Mees 4OID at — = 4.63 LM Az .95)3.68 mA Zr 4,039 (do. Ve 4- Ys. 1S ____.; ius ks Win =6.95 j9-94 a r 4 ét © 2, 300.99 [S149 Panik /-aPaiw olllo% eB 49.33 hs ltd 4)6.06 }w “Oe ee” Feo 94.33 6.47 [20.83 fue 4.2 (8.89-j3.44 Vis tex Xe = AQYS ESI 1", 628, 32190" = = #32 [88s4V =(6. (a4j4.82)V ie Var= x Ri= 12.45 x13 LSLY9* SPOIS. =F =Gocogoy = 6.23 [SING = (3.88-j4.-8F)V Nes Lex X= 6.AP«1O-S [29.33 x 1592 EXO = = 9, Bak40.64 V =(9.65-}4.82 V Veo= Lex Bp = GPx 40312933 x Bed LG = Qratio)v = 1.25 2.23V =. 34 £\t.82)y IS= END OF TEST (Check your work!) LD - 12/2009 7 OTAFE WA

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