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Name Roll No

Sunny Bhavsar 82

Rucha Chaudhari 93
Ruchi Yadav
Group no. 6



Key Words

Objective/s of the paper

Research Methodology


Application of the findings in

Indian Context

Further scope of Research

Group no. 6
I'll be watching you: Shoppers' Reaction to Perception of Being Watched by
Carol L. Esmark
Stephanie M. Nobel
Michael J. Breazeale
Journal of Retailing 93
Reactance Theory, Watching, Privacy, Shopper Behavior, Retailer Strategy, Frontline
To study the impact of shoppers perceptions that they are closely watched by
employees and the implications for the retailer
Type of research- Qualitative research, Type of study - Descriptive research,
Research design - Observational design, Type of data collected- Primary & secondary
48 Participants-Adults over 18 years of Age,79 % female
Primary research data collection through Field Experiment and use of Chi- Square
When eye contact was made-People to abandon the purchase were 15 and placed
product in the cart 8
When eye contact was not made-People to abandon the purchase were 7 and
placed product in the cart 18
All the big retailers in India can take the findings into consideration and can come up
with new ways to eleminate the problems of privacy invasion using advance
The researchers can further experiment whether the shopper who did not pick the
product, whether returned for it later
Group No 6
Key Words
Obj. 1
Objective/s of the paper
Research Methodology
Sample Size





Finding in Indian

Further scope of
Group No 6
Product Touch and Consumers' online and offline buying : The role of mental representation

Wumei liu,Rajeev Batra & Haizhogn Wang

Journal of retailing
Product Touch, Mental representation, Purchase decisions, online and offline Retailing
To find if product touch has an effect the purchase intentions and willingness to pay

Primary research data collection through Experiment and use of Anova, Type of data collected-
Ex 1:137, students, ex 2: 191 customers, ex 3: 195 Visitors

> People with lower construal level (concrete mental representation) emphasize and utilize low
level and subordinate features like color, smell of the product. Whereas those with higher
construal levels (abstract mental representation put more emphasis on higher level and super-
ordinate features like price & overall impression > If consumer likes
the product, he/she will have high intention to buy it ,therefore it can decrease concrete thinkers
perceived risk of the product and will consequently lead to higher PI and WTP
> People can feel the ownership of object even
before they're legal owners of it, concrete thinkers feel stronger ownership after touching hence
enhancing their product valuation & WTP, vs abstract thinkers are hypnotized to know ones
experience an object via obtaining abstract descriptions
EX 1: In the experiment a mug was placed and were asked to watch and touch the mug for 1 min,
the PI for the mug was higher when touched when compared to no touch, also the willingness to
pay was more EX 2: It was found that the
PI neither the pre-purchase touch nor mental representation were statistically significant
however if compared to touch vs non touch the PI for touch was higher and for WTP the was
significant effect of pre-purchase touch & and mental representation and concrete thinkers WTP
was more when they could touch vs when they couldn't.

Ex 3: Similarly, even in experiment 3 the PI and WTP was more I touch condition versus no touch
also it showed that the mediation
effect of perceived risk and ownership still exist when consumer’s mental representation is manipulated.


Changing colors used on website, research shows blue can increase consumers approach
motivation, accordingly decrease their perceived risk and increase their PI and WTP
In addition to perceived ownership, feelings of reactance too could be studied on why concrete
thinkers decrease their PI & WTP for product where there is no touch
Group No 6


Key Words

Objective/s of the paper


Application of the findings in Indian


Further scope of Research

Group No 6

Compete in Price or Service ? - A Study of Personalised Pricing And Money Back Guarantees
B.Chen And J. Chen
Journal Of Retailing
Customer Returns , Pricing, Duopoly,Game Theory
To Find Weather Pricing Or Service Affects The Reatil Business , If It Affects then Duopoly
can Exist ?
1.When Low Quality(L) retailer or Both Retailers switches from a no refund to MBG it tends
to lower its quality levels

2.When Retailer L switches from uniform Pricing to PPS ,both retailers tend to reduce their
quality levels .when retailers H switches from uniform pricing to PPS , both retailers tend to
raise their quality .when both adopt MBG both retailers tend to lower quality levels

3.When Both retailers switch from uniform pricing to PPS then both lose their Money if
neither offers MBG .If both retailers MBG and Either L or H are sufficiently large ,then
retailer H to be better off & retailer L tends to be worse off

Amazon , BigBazaar, Dmart

1.After Implementation PPC and MBG How The Market Will React To It
2.How Consumer Will Perceive it As only 2 major Player Will Exist

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