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Product Specifications

Concept Development Process

Mission Development
Statement Identify Establish Generate Select Test Set Plan Plan
Customer Target Product Product Product Final Downstream
Needs Specifications Concepts Concept(s) Concept(s) Specifications Development

Perform Economic Analysis

Benchmark Competitive Products

Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Target Specs Final Specs

Based on customer needs Based on selected concept,
and benchmarking feasibility, models, testing,
and trade-offs
Product Specifications
 Translation of need expressed in the language of customers
to a measurable attribute
 Express metrics and their values
(Metrics are parameters or measures of quantitative assessment used for
measurement, comparison or to track performance or production)

 Provides concrete goals that are both meaningful technically

and will result in customer satisfaction
 Forces resolution of trade-offs

Setting specifications is really the first set of hard decisions the

team has to make.
Example: A set of metrics corresponding to the need
that a pen writes smoothly
 Assume that smooth writing by a pen can be characterized by
a) Good line quality
b) Preservation of line quality in the face of changes in the user’s writing
technique, and
c) Ease of use

 List of performance metrics based on the above:

1. Variation in line thickness, mm
2. Variation in ink coverage, cc/mm2
3. Functional range of writing force, N
4. Functional range of writing velocity, mm/sec
5. Functional range of pen angle from vertical, deg
6. Variation in resistance to translational motion, N
7. The pen feels comfortable, (subjective)
The Product Specification Process
 Set Target Specifications
 Prepare list of metrics
 Consider what precise measurable characteristic of the product will reflect
the degree to which the product satisfies that need

 Collect competitive benchmarking information

 Set ideal and marginally-acceptable target values
 Reflect on the Results and the Process
 Critical for ongoing improvement

 Refine Specifications
 Based on selected concept and feasibility testing
 Technical modeling
 Trade-offs are critical
Issues and fine points in product specification
 Translation of need expressed in the language of customers to a
measurable attribute
 Two kinds of benchmarking data are possible:
 Benchmarking competitive products in terms of customers’ perceptions
 Benchmarking competitive products in terms of technical performance
 It may also be necessary to gather competitive information such as, detailed
design approaches and manufacturing processes of competitors

 During the specifications process the "must" requirements that

are not expressed by customers, are added in
 For example, the regulatory and agency approval requirements are
incorporated into the specs, even though these may not be included in the
list of customer needs
 Physical and analytical models can be used to assess feasibility
Setting the final specifications
 Finalizing the specifications is difficult because of trade-offs
 This is due to inverse relationships between two specifications that are inherent in
the selected product concept

 Specifications can be refined by the following five-step process:

 Develop technical models of the product
 Develop a cost model of the product
 Refine the specifications, making trade-offs wherever necessary
 Flow down the specifications as appropriate
 Reflect on the results and the process
Product Specifications : Example
 Mountain Bike Suspension Fork
Start with the Customer Needs
Establish Metrics (relevant data) and Units
Link Metrics to Needs
Benchmark on Customer Needs
Benchmark on Metrics
Assign Marginal and Ideal Values
Concept Development Process

Mission Development
Statement Identify Establish Generate Select Test Set Plan Plan
Customer Target Product Product Product Final Downstream
Needs Specifications Concepts Concept(s) Concept(s) Specifications Development

Perform Economic Analysis

Benchmark Competitive Products

Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Target Specs Final Specs

Based on customer needs Based on selected concept,
and benchmarking feasibility, models, testing,
and trade-offs
Specification Trade-offs

The “Monster” is a suspension test developed by Mountain Bike magazine

Set Final Specifications

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