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Employee relation

Employee relation Definition

• Employee relations, known historically as industrial relations, is concerned with
the contractual, emotional, physical and practical relationship between employer
and employee

Four Pillars of Employee Relation

• Open Communication.
Employees spend the majority of their days at work so it’s important that
they feel comfortable with their manager and fulfilled in their tasks.
• Show Recognition
Giving public praise is another great way to show recognition while also
inspiring the rest of the team. Rewarding your team properly is what cultivates a
culture of appreciation between employee and manager, ultimately inspiring your
employees to continue to work hard for you and the company.
• Constant Feedback
Offering frequent feedback to your employees on their great work and
constructive criticism on where they can improve is essential in nurturing a
positive relationship with your team.
• Invest in your employee
If an employee is happy in their personal life, they’ll be much more
productive at work, so investing in their lives at large and not just at work will be
beneficial for everyone.

Advantages of maintaining Good employee relation

 Reduce absenteeism
 Improved Morale and motivation
 Harmony in the organization
 Attract Good talent
 Lesser attrition (reduce cost of training , less retention)
 Responsible for increase in productivity
 Open To organizational changes
 Shared Learning And Continues improvement

Employee relation programs

• Pay and benefits
• Supporting work-life balance
• Safe working conditions

Occupational health and safety definition

 Occupational health should aim at the promotion and maintenance of highest
degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations.

Health - a general state of physical mental and emotional well-being

Safety - Condition in physical well-being of people is protected.

Aims of occupational Health and safety

• To Increase Efficiency

• To Increase the production

• To Decrease Accident

Objectives Of Occupational Health and safety

• To Promote the health of the workers
• To maintain the highest degree of physical mental and social being of the
• To prevent the disease by elimination of factors which are inimical to their health
Occupational health and safety act (OSHA)
• The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (/ˈoʊʃə/) is an
agency of the United States Department of Labor. Congress established the
agency under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), which
President Richard M. Nixon signed into law on December 29,1970

Heat, Vibration UV
Physical Radiation, Noise,
Hazard Ionizing vibration,

Chemical Action,Inhalation,Ing
Hazard estion

Living Organism

Hazard Machine, Building

Phycosocial Industrial Stress

Labor Union definition
 Union is a formal association of workers that promotes the interest of its
members through collective action.

 A labor union, also called a trade union or worker’s union, is an organization that
represents the collective interests of employees. Labor unions help workers unite
to negotiate with employers over wages, hours, benefits, and other working

Nature of Union

• Employers Usually would rather not have to deal with unions because they
constrain what managers can and cannot do in a number of areas. Generally, the
union workers receive higher wages and benefits than do non-union workers.
However, Unions can be associated with higher productivity although
management must find labor-saving ways of doing work to offset the higher labor

Why people unionize?

• They are dissatisfied with how they are treated by their employers
• They believe that unions can improve their work situations.

Factors Leading to employee unionization

• Working environment
• Management style
• Compensation
• Organization Treatment

Typical Union process

• Organizing campaigning
• Authorization cards
• Representation election
• Certification
• Contract Negotiation

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