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KALIMATI, KATHMANDU Level B. E. Full Marks 10

2075 Program BCT B Pass Marks 4
Year/Part I/II Time 10 min

Workshop Technology

Attempt all questions Set : A

1. Which of the following is a marking tool?

a. scriber c. surface plate
b. scraper d. Try-square

2. Which of these is not a machine tool?

a. lathe c. Drilling
b. shaper d. Vice

3. In lathe machine
a. job is stationary and tool rotate c. both job and tool rotate
b. tool is stationary and job rotate d. both a and b

4. Which one of following has reciprocating motion

a. Lathe b. Drilling
c. Shaper d. None of the above

5. Tail stock
b. is situated at right hand end of the bed
c. Supports the work when turning on centre.
d. is used for holding and feeding the tools such as drills, reamers, tap etc.
e. all of the above

6. The ability of material to resist the scratching, abrasion, indentation or penetration is

a. Hardness c. Toughness
b. Rigidity d. None of the above

7. The tool used to make the threads inside the drilled hole is called
a. Reamer c. Tap
b. Die d. None of the above

8. Which of these measuring tools has high precision?

a. Steel Rule c. Protractors
b. Divider d. Vernier calipers
9. Ratio of stress to strain, within elastic limit is called
a. Young’s modulus of elasticity c. Modulus of rigidity
b. Bulk modulus of elasticity d. All of the above

10. The process of reducing diameter of the work piece in lathe operations is called
a. Facing c. Turning
b. Spinning d. Rolling

11. Which of these is not a sheet metal operation

a. Shearing c. Seaming
b. Notching d. Reaming

12. The capacity of material to absorb energy elastically is called …………..............

13. The property of material to be flattened into thin sheets without cracking by cold or hot
working is called
a. Ductility c. Malleability
b. Resilience d. Toughness

14. Maximum stress that a material can withstand before destruction is called
a. Breaking strength
b. Ultimate strength
c. Yield strength
d. Tensile strength

15. Which of the following is an objective of annealing?

a. To remove internal stresses c. To refine grain structure
b. To soften the metal d. All of the above

16. Material used for coating the electrode

a. Flux c. Slag
b. Protective Layer d. De-oxidiser

17. In the following type of welding process heat is produced for welding by chemical
a. Resistance Welding c. Thermit welding
b. Forge Welding d. Gas welding

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