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Goyo: Ang Batang



DIRECTED BY Jerrold Tarog


Daphne O.Chiu

WRITTEN BY Jerrold Tarog

Rody Vera

STARRING Paulo Avelino

Carlo Aquino
Mon Confiado
Epy Quizon
Gwen Zamora
Empress Schuck
Alvin Anson
Rafa Siguion-Reyna

MUSIC BY Jerrold Tarog


EDITED BY Jerrold Tarog


Artikulo Uno Productions
Globe Studios

RELEASE DATE September 5, 2018

January 26, 2019 (Netflix
RUNNING TIME 2 hours and 35 minutes

Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral (English: Goyo:

COUNTRY Philippines
The Boy General), also known simply as Goyo, is
a LANGUAGE Filipinoepic film starring
2018 Philippine historical
Paulo Avelino as the titular Gregorio "Goyo" del
Pilar, one of the youngest Generals during the
Philippine-American War who've died at the
historic Battle of Tirad Pass.
It is written, directed, edited, and scored by
Jerrold Tarog, and is a sequel to the critically
and commercially
Preceded by successful 2015 filmbyHeneral
Angelito Untitled MLQ film
Luna, which chronicled Antonio Luna's life.
Additional members of the ensemble
cast include Carlo Aquino, Mon Confiado, Epy
Quizon, Gwen Zamora, Empress Schuck, Alvin
Anson, and Rafa Siguion-Reyna. It was released
on September 5, 2018.

The story of Gregorio "Goyo" del Pilar, one of the
youngest Generals during the Philippine-
American War who fought in the historic Battle
of Tirad Pass.[1]


See: Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral/Deleted

Just a day after the assassination of General

Antonio Luna, General José Alejandrino was
mistaken by a soldier to be General Luna on a
train. A soldier came up to correct the first one,
forcing him to apologize and suggest to shave
his beard. Before the train leaves, however,
Alejandrino told the soldier that he was already
late with the news, for General Luna was already
dead, and he better return home. Alejandrino
then visited former Prime Minister Apolinario
Mabini and told him about the incident. He also
mentioned that it appeared like news about the
capture of Luna, dead or alive, was issued.
Mabini asked him who was carrying out the
order; to where Alejandrino replied "The
President's favorite. The arrogant one." Mabini
highlighted that it was "The Boy General".
June 7 of 1899, in Dagupan, General Gregorio
"Goyo" del Pilar was posing for his portrait to be
taken by Miguel Laureáno with his nephew,
Joven Hernando, being his assistant, per the
contract that the two has for the young general.
Ladies of the town fanned over him, ending the
photoshoot, until the arrival of his brother and
aidé-de-camp, Colonel Julian del Pilar and
Colonel Vicente Enriquez, respectively, informed
him that they've brought a packaged with them.
They guided Goyo to where they have Angel
Bernal tied and beaten by their soldiers in order
to ask him where his older brothers were.

Reports were then delivered to Goyo that Major

Manuel Bernal was hiding in the house of Don
Mariano Nable José, the richest man in
Dagupan. On the way there, he was also told
that Luna's brothers were captured; and to his
dismay, ordered their release. Along with
Vicente and Julian, he inquired to Don Mariano
about him keeping another guest. Manuel,
hearing the arrival of Goyo in search of him,
escaped. However, upon seeing Angel captured
by Goyo's soldiers, he struggled to save him but
failed when beaten. Don Mariano pleaded not to
harm Manuel, to which Goyo promised upon
seeing Don Mariano's eldest daughter,
Remedios. Completely fixated by Remedios,
Goyo mentioned that he would ensure to send
his apologies the next time he visited the house.
Julian teased Goyo for falling in love at first sight
with Remedios, to which Vicente mentioned
that Goyo was just courting a lady on the
neighboring town. However, Julian countered
that it never even stopped Goyo from courting
another, when his younger brother was even
courting neighbors.

Manuel was then submitted to brutal torture to

regain his loyalty. When Manuel won't even
concede, his younger brother Angel was asked
to see him. Still not wanting to cooperate,
Manuel mocked Goyo for being Aguinaldo's
hatchet man, and told him that he wasn't a
soldier but a dog. At his mockery, Goyo reached
the limit of his patience and ordered Manuel's
execution and Angel's released as he left the
cell. As he walked out, he heard the gunshot and
Angel calling out for his brother. Goyo was
bothered by Manuel Bernal's death, asking his
brother Julian if what they did was the right
thing. Julian reminded him that a lot of people
looked up at him and who he was: The Eagle of
the Revolution, Hero of Bulacan, and a brave
man; before asking him again who he was. Goyo
replied, "Aguila", his chosen nom de guerre when
he entered the Katipunan about three years ago.

Goyo and Julian arrived at the Nable José

household for dinner after being invited by Don
Mariano. The latter introduced his children to the
two and inquired about what happened to
Luna's brothers and Manuel. Goyo and Julian
replied respectively that Luna's brothers were
released and that Manuel was "free". Don
Mariano then asked, if possible, that Goyo would
apologize to his daughters for the incident early
that morning; but Remedios thought otherwise.
However, Goyo still apologized and admired
Remedios for being such a courageous woman.
Completely charmed, Goyo started courting

July of the same year, President Emilio

Aguinaldo arrived at Dagupan along with his
family. Julian noted to Joven the presence of
Felicidad Aguinaldo, the President's younger
sister and Goyo's former sweetheart. Aguinaldo
learned that the case regarding the Bernal
brothers were resolved, and he promoted Goyo
to be the governor of Pangasinan.

The news regarding Luna's death had been a

mainstreamed topic among the American forces
in Manila. They've gathered reports that
Aguinaldo had moved his government to the
North; noting that with the death of Luna, it will
not take long or with much more e!ort for them
to win the war.

Goyo's promotion caused the entire city to

celebrate a festival on his honor, where he
showcased his great skills with the horse and
the town even setting up a play about his
achievements. However, while watching the play
that portrayed his first battle, Goyo remembered
Kakarong de Sili vividly, where he was grazed by
a Mauser bullet on the forehead that almost
caused him his life. Remedios, who've been
seated next to Goyo while watching the play,
noticed that the girls in the town had been
eyeing him, before she left him alone.

At the mayor's house, the mayor had been

boasting to Don Mariano and Remedios that
Goyo was the youngest general of the Philippine
Revolution. But at the appearance of Alejandrino
and General Isidoro Torres, the previous stated
that General Manuel Tinio of Ilocos was the
youngest. Aguinaldo then proceed to overlook
the presenting of soldiers. On the way though,
Goyo remembered Manuel's warnings to him
before being engulfed by paranoia upon seeing
an old man. He followed and pointed his pistol at
the man, thinking that he was one of the
"Guardia de Honor" who've vowed to avenge
Luna's death; but Julian calmed him down and
assured him that it was just an old senile man
whom he and Vicente had already questioned
earlier. Julian made him remember who he was,
and mentioned that it was a good thing that
nobody had seen the incident. The two then
returned back at the plaza, and upon finding out
that General Torres had changed the
presentation of soldiers, Goyo rode on his horse
and publicly ashamed General Torres.

August of 1899, Aguinaldo visited Mabini at

Rosales, Pangasinan. Aguinaldo pointed out that
it had been a good thing that the past few
months had been war-free, to which Mabini
replied that it was too quietly odd. Aguinaldo
then o!ered Mabini to head the Supreme Court
as if to make him return back to being a member
of his Cabinet when he was forced to resign.
Aguinaldo also mentioned that he would be
sending Alejandrino to make peace talks with
the Americans again with the captured
Americans that were prisoners-of-war as part of
the exchange. Before leaving, Mabini questioned
Aguinaldo another time about what was the
truth behind the death of Luna, but the latter
evaded the question.

At Aguinaldo's return to Dagupan, he promoted

Julian as Major Commander of Bulacan; one that
made Goyo anxious since it would mean that his
older brother would be needing to leave. A ball
was organized to celebrate in his honor, and Don
Mariano assigned Remedios to overlook the
preparations. While out choosing mangoes to be
served during the party, Felicidad warned
Remedios not to be swayed by anything through
the allusions of mangoes. Vicente paved a visit
to Joven and Miguel in order to ask if it was
possible for their contract of three months to be
extended. In the end, Joven stayed in Dagupan
as Goyo's photographer and Miguel went to
Manila for his American clients.

During the party, Goyo told his hesitations about

Julian's return to Bulacan due to it being way
close to Manila. Julian, however, pointed that a
peace agreement was being talked about but
Goyo reminded him that he was once sent for
the talks himself in vain; in the end, Julian
assured him that even though Goyo's rank was
higher than his, he was still the older one
between them two. Joven remained seated,
observing the others; due to that, Vicente asked
him to watch out for Goyo's satchel. Goyo
invited Remedios then for a dance, and as they
do, Remedios told him her insecurities about
Goyo's infamous reputation of being a lover boy.
At the same time, Joven grew curious of the
contents of Goyo's satchel where he found and
read love letters of countless di!erent women
whom Goyo had courted in the past.

As Goyo and Remedios continued dancing, with

Goyo with all his flattery and praises, Remedios
tested until how long his insistence is. Remedios
inquired of what to call him, if it was "Goyo" or
"Goyong", to which Goyo replied that only his
family called him "Goyong", but if they were ever
to start a family, Remedios could do so; one that
Remedios easily avoided by calling him firmly as
"Goyo". She also noted that Goyo's eyes often
wonder too much, making her question if he was
actually looking at her or to someone behind her,
and Goyo replied that he got cross-eyed by her
beauty. Remedios reminded him that her
youthful appearance will not remain forever, just
as there will be countless other beautiful women
in Dagupan; and Goyo replied that it wasn't only
her beautiful features that made him loved her
but as well as her character. He even added that
if he only have a ring with him at the time, he
would immediately proposed to her and inquired
if she believes that he is in love with her.
Remedios asked him if he could wait, and Goyo
said that he'll wait for her and that she must
give him a sign whenever. As their dance ended,
he mentioned his intentions to marry her.

Vicente followed Joven, whom after handing

back Goyo's satchel, had left the party and told
Vicente that he doesn't want to pretend playing
blind over what matters and what's important.
He also inquired how were the Bernal brothers
were doing, and Vicente was forced to lie that
they were free and he no longer knew where
they were.

September 1899, Alejandrino arrived in Manila

with Major Evaristo Ortiz, Colonel Ramon Soriano
and thirteen American prisoners-of war in
exchange for a meeting with General Elwell Otis
and General Arthur MacArthur. They arrived at
Hotel Oriente where they were eyed by
everyone, causing Alejandrino to ask Ortiz about
the reason. The latter replied that the war was
too far away from Manila, and for the people
living there, the war was already over, and it was
also their first time after a long time to see a
soldier of the Philippine Revolution.

During the dinner, Otis mentioned that he

couldn't accept the letter for Aguinaldo signed it
as the "President of the Republic" when the
Americans would only accept him as the
"General-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Army".
Alejandrino was with Ortiz as the translator,
wherein the previous answered that Aguinaldo
can only free prisoners as President according
to their Constitution. Ortiz wondered if it was
really on the Constitution, to which Alejandrino
replied that he wasn't sure about it as well. After
consulting MacArthur, Otis agreed to accept the
letter, and MacArthur suggested that it would be
best if all Filipinos will surrender already.
Alejandrino replied that it was like they were
asking him to betray his dignity and his nation,
and that he would consult with Aguinaldo over
the matter first. MacArthur ended the discussion
by handing money to them for all their troubles,
but Alejandrino said that there wasn't any need
for it. Otis remarked that at one point, the
Filipinos will say that the Americans was the
best thing that happened to the Philippines.
They were given safe passage across American
lines good for twenty-four hours, and they were
expected to leave afterwards.

A major had reported to Goyo that the

Americans had attacked San Fabian during the
time that he and Julian had been in the middle
of drinking. He said that there was nothing to
worry since Taguntong, the man assigned in San
Fabian, was a brave man. But the reporting
major mentioned that Taguntong was the first
one to escape when he had seen the American
ships, as the rest of the soldiers followed and
got themselves drunk on the next town. Vicente
recommended to add more forces in San Fabian
and to punish Taguntong for what he had done.
However, Goyo said that they should wait for
Taguntong to explain his side. Julian invited the
major for a drink despite Vicente's best e!ort for
all of them to focus on the work on hand.

Mabini had shown his disagreement with the

meeting, but the peace talks continued on, as
he wrote a letter addressed to Aguinaldo that it
will be futile. He said that it would be best to
have a representative for every province to join
the meeting for it to be truly an agreement of
the entire country. He also mentioned that he
was still waiting for Aguinaldo's letter of his full
acceptance being the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court. But Aguinaldo simply dismissed
the letter.

October 1899, at Nueva Ecija, Filipino soldiers

under Goyo's command encountered American
soldiers. Vicente informed Goyo that they will
not win the fight since the Americans has the
high ground and has snipers with them. While
deciding on whether to retreat or not, Goyo saw
one of the soldiers be hit by the neck, looking at
him as the soldier died. Vicente shook him
awake, forcing him to agree with the retreat. As
they went on, Vicente asked Goyo if he must
sent soldiers on the next trench, but Goyo
considered the encounter as a skirmish that the
Americans will not consider heading out to
follow them.

Miguel returned to Dagupan with the news of

American soldiers from Tennessee killing not
only men but also women and children. Joven
immediately said his intention to go to Manila,
but his uncle mentioned that they had a
contract with Goyo and he wasn't a soldier since
the first and last time that he hold a gun, he was
shot. Joven mentioned that the only reason he
wanted to go to Manila was because he couldn't
learn anything from the people here, to which
his uncle said that he better learn then from the
mistakes of others.

Goyo continued courting Remedios all the while

waiting for a sign from her, but received nothing.
When he and Julian followed Remedios at the
church, Goyo asked another time if Julian would
really continue going to Bulacan by November.
Realizing that Remedios had been avoiding him,
Julian said that he must let her go and
compared Remedios to Poleng, Goyo's old flame,
but Goyo continued pursuing Remedios still.
When the two of them finally faced each other
by the shores of the Gulf of Lingayen, Goyo
directly inquired Remedios about the reason of
what's taking her a long time to answer him.
Remedios voiced out her doubts, mentioning
that he was good with his words, asking him if
he had said the same things he told her to other
ladies and if he was surely in love with him. Goyo
replied that he was not only a man of his words
but also showed such through actions, and
when he said that she must let him prove it to
her through his actions, he held her hand.
However, Remedios noted that he was shaking,
immediately asking if he was alright and for him
to pull away and show that he was trembling.
Goyo, not even answering the inquiry, left,
startled and confused as he started having the
visions of Manuel and the old senile man during
the celebration of his promotion last July, and
been hearing the haunting voice of Manuel
telling him, "Tahol, Goyo. Tahol."

It appeared that his hallucinations were

troubling him as nightmares as well, seeing
Manuel and the old senile man haunting him, as
well as visions of blood. Waking up from the
nightmare, Goyo found out that Felicidad had
entered his room with a glass of water upon
hearing him moaning while sleeping. Felicidad
mentioned that she was about to wake him up
but he awoke beforehand, before leaving him
alone again. Unable to sleep another time, Goyo
woke Julian and Vicente at midnight to invite
them to celebrate Julian's last day in Dagupan
before heading to Bulacan. Vicente also woke up
Joven to join the three of them as they headed
to the freezing river for a swim. Joven remained
by the shore, merely watching them.

While swimming, the four of them overheard the

sounds of cannons and gunfire from the other
side of the mountain but dismissed it to be the
cause of an impending storm. Goyo, for a
second time, was attacked by his hallucinations
that almost caused him to drown. Their
comrades in patrol fired a shot at them for
thinking that they were Spanish soldiers who've
escaped, until Julian and Vicente explained to
the soldiers—wherein one from them was Goyo
and Julian's cousin, Juan—that it was them, and
found out that Goyo was missing. A few seconds
later, Goyo emerged from the water and was
helped by Julian and Vicente back to the shore
upon thinking that he had drowned. Goyo,
shaken by his visions, screamed that he was
about to die, despite being calmed down by
Julian and Vicente. A soldier came running to
find Goyo, but due to Goyo's mental breakdown
of what he had seen, Vicente talked to the
soldier to find out what was there to report.
They’ve found out that the Americans had
attacked in countless directions and had already
taken hold of Tarlac and San Fabian as they
speak, and Goyo's brigade was being called to
meet Aguinaldo at Bayambang.

At dawn, the four of them headed back to start

preparing for war. Vicente asked Juan to search
for someone who'll help in carrying Joven's
things. Goyo was told by Julian that this was the
moment they were all waiting for, and on the
way back, Goyo saw Remedios overlooking at
the balcony. He hurried back to start packing
before asking Julian another time if the latter
truly needed to return to Bulacan; and before
parting ways, Julian reminded him another time
to remember who he was. Dolores, Remedios'
younger sister, hurried to hand over a letter from
Remedios to Goyo, before leaving.

On 12 November 1899, Goyo's forces arrived at

Bayambang to meet with Aguinaldo. There, they
surrounded Alejandrino's headquarters, who've
received the two of them while laying on the
sofa with his newspaper. Aguinaldo told
Alejandrino about the fall of Tarlac and San
Fabian, and even said that his family was
already waiting for their march to the north at

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