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Name/paralel: Elvin julvian/E


Title: A Quiet Place

The story begins when the city occupied by Lee Abbott, his wife, and their three children is
attacked by a mysterious creature that eradicates almost all the inhabitants of the city so that the
city becomes very quiet. This creature has no eyes, but is very sensitive to sound so that only a
little noise is made then this creature will immediately attack. This situation forced Lee and her
family to leave the house. Because they are not allowed to make noise, they are forced to use
sign language. Before leaving the city they must look for provisions such as food supplies and
other supplies and supplies for his pregnant wife. Lee has three children, one of the oldest
women and two boys and the other is in his wife's womb. While they were looking for supplies,
Lee's youngest son wanted to bring a toy in the form of a rocket, because this toy had a loud
sound that forced Lee not to allow it because it would provoke the arrival of the creature, after
that he left first with his wife. Out of pity, Lee's eldest child gave the rocket to her brother and
she also advised to hide the toy from their father. Lee's eldest daughter also has a dislike for her
overly controlling father. The toy was given to her brother without a battery in the hope that the
toy wouldn't ring because it didn't have a battery, so she left first. Because he was little and did
not know anything this brother without the knowledge of his sister and others he took the battery
that his father put on the table and put it on the toy. Exactly when in the middle of the trip
suddenly the toy rang in the hands of her brother, at that time his father was at the forefront and
far enough from his son and Lee ran towards her youngest child and tried to save him but he
failed because of his sufficient position far away and the creature was very fast and at that
moment he was also carrying his second child. Lee was very sad about this incident, but his
daughter actually blamed Lee for this incident, he blamed Lee who did not pay attention to his
child while Lee must lead the way and must be at the front. After some time after the incident
they continued their journey and they arrived at a place that was also uninhabited, for a while
they lived there. In that place they live in a basement, to minimize noise. At the time when they
were doing their respective jobs, and the two children from Lee were playing by accident Lee's
oldest child nudged a lantern and the lantern broke and made a loud noise. Lee was startled and
shocked and told everyone to be quiet, immediately the creature came to the voice. But at that
time some of the mice came out making sounds so that distracting hearing from the creature and
they were saved. In that place, Lee tried to create a device that could produce high frequency
sounds, thanks to her ability, she succeeded in creating a device that when the creature
approached, it could produce high frequency sounds that could make the creature deaf. Lee
wanted to give the device to his wife and child, when he wanted to pair it with his daughter, the
daughter refused because he was angry with Lee forbidding her to go to a house, because
according to Lee the house was dangerous to enter because it hadn't been cleaned, many leaves
were scattered about. if stepped on will make a sound, but Lee told her to save the tool and he
saved it.
After some time lee had to go to look for food needs for his family, he brought his son, but the
child did not want to go because of doubts about his father, after being persuaded by his mother
he was forced to join. At that time his daughter wanted to come along too, but her father forbade
her, her father told her to look after her mother who was pregnant, because it was forbidden, he
became angry and left them. When everything was not at home, when his wife Lee gave birth
because without guard she tried to give birth herself without making a sound, when he went
down to the basement he accidentally stepped on a nail that was upright and finally she made a
sound that provoked the arrival of the creature, but at at the same time a falling object that
diverted the creature and she hid. At that moment an alarm sounded and then distracted the
creature and Lee's wife immediately rushed to turn on a red light that was installed along the
yard of the house indicating that it was time for her to give birth, the lamp was deliberately
prepared by Lee for his wife. Arriving lee at home and he saw the lights hurried, he told his son
to light fireworks to divert the creature and he took a weapon and immediately looked for his
wife. At that time Lee's wife looked for a safe place to give birth and she found a bathtub and she
entered it, meanwhile the creature was already close to her and when the creature was getting
closer and Lee's wife could not stand it anymore because the baby was about to come out and at
the time The sound of fireworks also sounded and the creature left and lee’s wife was safe to
make a sound. When he finished lighting the fireworks, in the middle of the journey the lee’s
second child listened to the sound of the creature and he began to panic and he ran, because he
was too panicked he instead entered in a mound of corn which instead made a sound to provoke
the arrival of the creature, fortunately he found a car and he hid under it. While Lee looked for
his wife and found his wife had survived. At that time Lee's daughter had just come home and
she saw a flashlight that lights up from inside the cornfield when she watched the flashlight,
suddenly the instrument given by her father gave a high frequency sound and it turned out that
the creature was very close behind her, when the creature was hear the sound of the tool then the
creature run away and she approached the flashlight and found her brother was hiding under a
car. Meanwhile Lee took his wife to find a safe place in the middle of the journey suddenly the
newborn child cried and Lee rushed into the place that had been prepared before that is a
soundproof basement and they were temporarily safe there, but they remembered that their two
children are still out there, and Lee was soon looking for them. There the two lee’s childs
continued to argue that her brother said that their father would look for them, but this sister did
not believe, he did not believe that their father would look for them because she did not believe
that his father loved her, at that time the creature came because he heard the voice of his brother,
but they managed to survive and Lee found her child. On the way home suddenly the creature
came and Lee told his son and daughter to hide in a car, meanwhile Lee took a weapon to attack
the creature, when the creature came Lee tried to attack the creature but with one blow Lee was
paralyzed, saw his father hit by an attack Lee's son cried out to his father, and the creature rushed
to his two children who lived in the car and tried to attack them and tried to disassemble the car.
Seeing that Lee is in a state of dying due to being attacked by the creature trying to save his two
children by sacrificing himself. Before he sacrificed his life, he made sign language which
means: I love you very much and will always love you, after that Lee screamed and the creature
approached him at that moment Lee's son managed to start the car and run away. Lee's daughter
realized how love their father was to them. And they came to their mother's condition, but the
creature was still chasing, and they immediately hid. When they arrived at Lee's daughter's
hiding place, he saw his father's research on how to defeat the creature and realized how useful
the tools his father had given to her, that the creature could not be defeated with weapons but
because the creature was so sensitive to sound that it made the creature weak when he heard the
sound high frequency. And they put Lee's discovery tool on a micropone and when the creature
approached it became weak and when it was shot by Lee's wife the creature died. But only one
monster that they killed and they saw on CCTV there were two more monsters who rushed to
their direction, they were preparing resistance by increasing the volume of the device to full, but
the film ended there and will continue on the film series AQUIET PLACE 2 which will air in

Lesson from the movie:

1. The family is a shelter, so always be near the family when in trouble
2. Obey your parents' words, because parents know the best for their children
3. Parents are heroes for their children
4. Never blame parents, because parents always do the best for their children
5. Good parents are parents who are willing to sacrifice for their children
6. The problem will disappear if you are able to defeat the problem
7. If you are facing difficulties, find shelter and find ways to solve them

The specific lesson that I think is the most important:

1. Honor your parents because they love you very much and are willing to sacrifice for you

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