Curriculum Vitae 2015: Personal Information

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VITAE‐ 2015
Personal information
Name: Monji

Family name: Kherallah

Nationality: Tunisian


 Monji KHERALLAH was born in Sfax, Tunisia, in 1963. He received the Ing. Diploma degree, the
Ph.D and HU in electrical engineering, respectively in 1989, 2008 and 2012, from University of Sfax
(ENIS). For fourteen years ago, he was an engineer in Biotechnologie Center of Sfax. Now he is an
associate professor in Faculty of Science of Sfax and member in Research Group of Intelligent
Machines: REGIM-Lab. His research interest includes the Handwritten Documents Analysis and
Recognition. The techniques used are based on intelligent methods, such as neural network,
logic fuzzy, genetic algorithm etc. He is one of the developers of the ADAB-Database (used by more
than 50 research groups from more than 10 countries). He is co-organizer of the Online Arabic
Handwriting Recognition Competitions at ICDAR 2009 and ICDAR 2011. He has more than 50
papers, including journal papers and book chapters. He is a member of IEEE and IEEE AESS
Tunisia Chapter Chair, 2010 and 2011. He is reviewer of several international journals.

Academia degrees

1 University Habilitation (HDR): Electrical Engineering. National Engineering School

Engineers of Sfax, June 2012, “Analysis and Recognition of Handwritten Documents”

2 Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.): Electrical Engineering. National Engineering School
Engineers of Sfax. February 2008. "Online Recognition of the Arabic Handwriting"
3 Engineer (Tray 4 years) Electrical Engineering, the National School of Engineers of

Sfax. July 1989. "Design and implementation of a temperature control process for
4 Diploma of Advanced Studies in Electrical Engineering, Higher Normal School and

Technical Education of Tunis (ENSET). December 1993. "Modeling and identification of

the glucose syrup process"
5 Baccalaureate of Mathematics and Sciences. June 1984
Teaching skills

1. Teaching at University of Safx since February 2003. (analogical electronics, digital

electronics, power electronics, industrial maintenance).

2. Teaching at other institutions (sensors and industrial instrumentation, Pattern


• Faculty of Sciences of Tunis,

• National School of Engineers of Sfax,

• UVT (distance learning)

• Free University of Sfax

3. Coaching students for making end study projects, supervision of Masters, co-supervision
of Masters and PhD.

4. Continuous training of technicians and engineers in the context of full upgrade (CPG).

Last 4 international journal publications

1. Boubaker H, Rezzoug N, Kherallah M, Gorce P, Alimi AM, : « Spatio temporal

representation of 3D hand trajectory based on beta-elliptic models », ; Computer methods
in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 18 (15), 1632-1647, 2015

2. Chaabouni A, Boubaker H, Kherallah M, El-Abed H, A Alimi, : » Static and dynamic

features for writer identification based on multi-fractals » ; International Arabic Journal on
Information Technologies 11 (4), 416-424, 2014

3. Tagougui N, Boubaker H, Kherallah M, Alimi AM, : « A Hybrid NN/HMM modeling

technique for online Arabic handwriting recognition »,.arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0486,

4. Boubaker H, Chaabouni A, Tagougui N, Kherallah M., Alimi A.M. :” Handwriting and

Hand Drawing Velocity Modeling by Superposing Beta Impulses and Continuous Training
Component”. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Vol. 10, Issue 5,
No 1, pp 57-63, 2013.

Book chapters

1 Boubaker H, Tagougui N, Elbaati A, Elabed H, Kherallah M, Alimi A.M, “Online Arabic

Databases and Applications” Chapter book: Guide to OCR for Arabic Scripts, published by
springer. 2011
2 Kherallah M., Bouri F., and Alimi M. A. “ Toward an On-Line Handwriting Recognition

System Based on Visual Coding and Genetic Algorithm ”. Book chapter, David W. Person,
Spring, pp. 502-505. Coimbra, Portogal. 2005
3 Jouini B., Kherallah M., Alimi A.M. “A new approach for on-line visual encoding and

recognition of handwriting script by using neural network system”. Book chapter, David
W. Person. Ed. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Spring, Wien, pp.161-167.
Rouane, France. 2003.

Skills and experiences in European projects

1. Participation to DAAD project: On the way to the information society DAAD.

DAADw ill be able to fund around 15 to 20 projects with a volume of between
50,000.- and 100,000.- euros per annum. This project is devided in to 3 phases. The
period is from April 2007 to March 2010.

2. Participation to EOLES Tempus project proposal: E.O.L.E.S: Electronic and Optic

e-Learning for Embedded Systems (EOLES) bachelor’s degree. The period is from
September 2012 to 2015. (Accepted in July 2012)

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