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What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a multi factorial disorder essentially resulting from

lack of proper exercise, inappropriate food habits etc. Modern day
'stress' only aggravates the challenge. All these aspects point to
'life style'. Besides medical attention, addressing life style is of
paramount importance. With the fast-paced life that we lead,
finding the time and often the place itself to address 'life style'
can be a challenge. In this context, addition of pranayama, yoga
& meditation, simply called 'yogic practices', to the daily regimen
is a step in the right direction. This is not to discount the daily
walk. Let us include yogic practices to the daily walk and beat

For sterling results with yogic practices, build in regularity &

consistency. As far as possible, stick to a daily fixed schedule. It
could be mornings or evenings depending on your other daily
demands. Set aside the time and be disciplined about it. You will
be amazed at the results.

Diabetes is of two types - Type 1, where there is no

production of insulin and Type 2, where the pancreas does not
produce enough insulin. In many cases, it is also easy to ignore
diabetes in its early stage, especially, when you do not
experience any symptoms.
Here are few specific asanas to
tackle diabetes better:
1. Kapal Bhati (Skull Shining breathing technique)
2. Supta Matsyendrasana (Lying-down body twist)
3. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
4. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)
5. Ardhya Matsyendrasana (Sitting half spinal twist)
6. Shavasana (Corpse pose)

Kapal Bhati pranayama (Skull Shining breathing technique)
The Skull shining breathing technique helps energize the nervous
system and rejuvenates brain cells. It is very helpful for patients
suffering from diabetes, as it stimulates abdominal organs. This
pranayama also improves the blood circulation and uplifts the

Supta Matsyendrasana (Lying-down body twist)

The Lying-down body twist massages the internal organs and

improves digestion. This posture also exerts pressure on the
abdominal organs and is hence very helpful yoga posture for
people suffering from diabetes.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
The Bow pose strengthens regulates the pancreas and is highly
recommended for people with diabetes. This yoga pose also
strengthens the abdominal muscles and is a good stress and
fatigue buster.

Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

The Two-legged forward bend massages and tones the abdominal

and pelvic organs, and helps people suffering from diabetes. This
yoga posture helps balance the prana in the body and also calms
the mind.

Ardhya Matsyendrasana (Sitting half spinal twist)
The Sitting half spinal twist massages the abdominal organs,
increases the oxygen supply to lungs and makes the spine supple.
It also helps calm the mind and improves blood flow to spine.

Shavasana (Corpse pose)

The final resting yoga pose, Corpse pose, takes the body into a
deep meditative state, letting it relax and rejuvenate.

Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes

Everyone benefits from yoga - if they undergo proper training and
continue with the
practice. Regular practice of yoga benefits the body in the following ways
which :
 It improves digestion, circulation, and immunity
 Yoga enhances function of neurological and endocrine organs
 It can prevents and provides relief from chronic illnesses
 Overall the body feels healthier, more energetic
Sri Sri Yoga attends to every aspect of an asana from start to
finish, as well as the breath-work. So correct training is essential,
before individual practice. The below asanas and pranayamas
are effective for diabetes. They should be learned with proper
guidance, before putting them into practice.

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