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Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148

DOI 10.1007/s11012-006-9027-5

The effect of the slip condition on unsteady flow due

to non-coaxial rotations of disk and a fluid at infinity
S. Asghar · Khalid Hanif · T. Hayat

Received: 22 April 2004 / Accepted: 19 July 2006 / Published online: 19 December 2006
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006

Abstract An exact solution of the Navier-Stokes Asghar et al. [11] discussed the magnetohydro-
equation is constructed for the magnetohydrody- dynamic (MHD) rotating flow of a second grade
namic (MHD) flow. The flow is due to non-coaxially fluid with a given volume flow rate variation. In all
rotations of a porous disk with slip condition and these studies, the concept of slip condition is not
a fluid at infinity. The solutions for steady and taken into account. Recent interest in the study of
unsteady cases are obtained by Laplace transform vibrating flow with slip condition has been mainly
method. The effects of magnetic field and slip motivated by its importance in microchannels or
parameters are shown and discussed. nanochannels. It is also known that slip can occur
if the working fluid contains concentrated suspen-
Keywords Slip condition · Unsteady flow · sions [12] . Khaled and Vafai [13] discussed the
Non-coaxial rotations · Viscous fluid · Mechanics Stokes and Couette flows of a viscous fluid with slip
of fluids. condition most recently. However, no attempt has
been made to discuss the flow due to non-coaxial
rotations of fluid at infinity and a porous disk with
slip condition.
In the present communication, such an attempt
1 Introduction
is given. The method of Laplace transform is
adopted to find the exact solution. The exact
The flow due to non-coaxial rotations of disk and a
solutions are very important for checking the accu-
fluid at infinity or between two disks has been stud-
racies of many approximate methods such as
ied by many investigators: Pop [1], Erdogan [2–4]
numerical or empirical. Although computer tech-
Rajagopal [5], Kasiviswanathan and Ramachandra
niques make the complete numerical integration of
[6], Ersoy [7], Hayat et al. [8–10]. In another paper,
the Navier-Stokes equations feasible, the accuracy
of the result can be established by a comparison
S. Asghar
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, with an exact solution. With this in view the exact
Islamabad, Pakistan solution for the velocity is established in steady and
unsteady cases. The results of rigid disk with no slip
K. Hanif · T. Hayat (B)
condition and hydrodynamic fluid can be recov-
Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam
University, Islamabad, Pakistan ered as a special case of the presented analysis.
e-mail: Finally, the graphs are sketched and discussed.
142 Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148

2 Mathematical formulation equations together with Ohm’s law (neglecting dis-

placement and Hall currents)
Let us consider an incompressible viscous fluid ∂B
occupying the space z > 0 and a porous disk at ∇ · B = 0, ∇ × B = µe j, ∇ × E = − , (7)
z = 0. The fluid is electrically conducting and a disk j=σ (−∇ + V × B), (8)
is insulated. A uniform magnetic field B0 is applied
normal to the disk. The axes of rotation, of both the where E (= − ∇) and µe denote, respectively,
disk and the fluid are assumed to be in the plane the electric field and the magnetic permeability
x = 0, with the distance between the axes being l. (assumed constant) and σ is the fluid electrical
The fluid at infinity and disk are initially rotating conductivity (assumed finite). Since we have
about z -axis with same angular velocity . At t = 0 assumed that the disk is electrically non-conducting,
the fluid rotates about z -axis and the disk starts to no electric current flows in the disk. Therefore,
rotate about z-axis with the same  [1–4, 8]. Thus, the magnetic field in the disk is curlfree, that is
the boundary and initial conditions are (∇ × B = 0). Also the induced magnetic field due
to the motion of the electrically conducting fluid is
∂u ∂v
u−β = −y, v−β = x, at z = 0 negligible. This is a valid assumption for small mag-
∂z ∂z netic Reynolds number. Additionally the electric
for t > 0, (1) field due to polarization of charges is also neg-
u = −(y − l), v = x, as z → ∞ ligible. For electrically insulated disk the electric
potential  is constant thus giving
for all t, (2)

u = −(y − l), v = x, at t = 0, E = 0.

z > 0, (3)
This point can be further elobrated as follows.
where β is slip coefficient, u and v are the x and The divergence of Eq. 8 gives
y-components of velocity and are defined by
∇ 2  = ∇.(V × B) = B.(∇ ×V). (z > 0) (8a)
u = −y + f (z, t), v = x + g(z, t). (4)
The conservation of electric charges ∇ · j = 0
gives jz = constant and for non-conducting disk jz
The governing equations for a viscous, electrically
would be equal to zero. This together with Eq. 8
conducting incompressible fluid in the presence of
a uniform magnetic field are expressed as follows:
Continuity equation: ∂
= (V × B).ez = 0. (8b)
divV = 0. (5)
Since B = B0 ez , the right hand side of Eq. 8b
Momentum equation: vanishes and we get the boundary condition as

∂V 1 1 = 0.
+ (V · ∇)V = − ∇p + ν∇ 2 V+ j × B, (6) ∂z
∂t ρ ρ
Thus the potential does not enter the analysis
in which ρ is density, p is the pressure, ν is the kine- giving E = 0.
matic viscosity, j is the current density and total This condition has been etensively used in the
magnetic field B = B0 + b, b is the induced mag- literature, for example see references [14–20]. The
netic field. The last term on the right-hand side electromagnetic force is given by
of Eq. 6 is the pondermotive force Fpond on the
conducting fluid due to the interaction of j and B. 1  σ
The Eq. 5 and 6 are to be coupled with Maxwell’s Fpond = j × B = (V × B) × B = − nV, (9)
ρ ρ
Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148 143

in which 3 Analytic solution

σ 2 We find the solution of problem by Laplace trans-

n= B . (10)
ρ 0 form method. The suction solution in the trans-
formed s-plane is
From Eqs. 4 and 5 we can write for uniform poros- 1
ity that F(ξ , s) = −     
s 1 + |W|
2 + s+
4 +N+i λ
w = −w0 , (11)
|W| 2
s+ |W|
×e− 2 ξ e−ξ 4 +N+i . (22)
where w is the z-component of velocity and w0 > 0 Taking inverse Laplace transform of Eq. 22 and
and w0 < 0 are for suction and blowing. With the then solving the integrals arising into the resulting
help of Eqs. 4, 6, 10 and 11 we get expression of inverse Laplace transform, we obtain
the solution as:
∂ 2F ∂F ∂F 
ν + w0 − − (i + n)F = 0, (12) f g
∂z2 ∂z ∂t F(ξ ,τ )+1 = +i = 1
l l
in which e−( 2 +A)ξ
+ {cos(Bξ )−isin(Bξ )}
1+ λ|W|2 +λ(A+iB)
f + ig

F(z, t) = − 1. (13)
l − |W| ξ 1
−e 2 √ λ|W|

2 b(1+ 2 +λ b)
From Eqs. 1–4 and 13, we can write the boundary  
and initial conditions in the following form:  e− ξ4τ −bτ √
√ √ 
× √ + b e−ξ b erfc bτ − √
∂F  πτ 2 τ 
F(0, t) = β − 1, (14)
F(∞, t) = 0, (15) 1
− √  √ 
F(z, 0) = 0. (16) 2 b 1+ 2 −λ b
 
The problem consisting of Eq. 12 and conditions  e− ξ4τ −bτ √
√  √ 
(14)–(16) in non-dimensional form becomes × √ − b eξ b erfc √ + bτ
 πτ 2 τ 
∂ 2F ∂F ∂F 
+ |W| − − (i + N)F = 0, (17)
 λe− ξ4τ −bτ  λ|W| 
∂ξ 2 ∂ξ ∂τ 1
+ 2 √ − 1+
∂F  πτ 2
F(0, τ ) = λ − 1, (18) 1+ λ|W|
2 −λ2 b
F(∞, τ ) = 0, (19) 1+ λ|W|
2 1+ λ|W|
ξ+ τ −bτ
×e λ λ2
F(ξ , 0) = 0, (20)  
ξ 1 λ|W| √
in which × erfc √ + (1+ ) τ , (23)
2 τ λ 2
ξ= z, W= √ , λ=β , 
ν ν ν  2
1  |W|2 |W|2
σ B20 A= √ +N +1+ + N, (24)
N= , τ = t. (21) 2 4 4
144 Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148

Fig. 1 The variation of the velocity with distance from the disk for various values of slip parameter λ when W = 0, N = 0, and
τ =1

Fig. 2 The variation of the velocity with distance from the disk for various values of porosity parameter W when λ = 0.5, N =
0, and τ = 1
Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148 145

Fig. 3 The variation of the velocity with distance from the disk for various values of magnetic field N when W = 0, λ = 0.5, and
τ =1

Fig. 4 The variation of the velocity with distance from the disk for various values of time τ when W = 0, N = 0, and λ = 0.5
146 Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148

Fig. 5 The variation of the velocity with distance from the disk for steady and unsteady graphs when τ = 2, W = 0, N = 0, and

Fig. 6 The variation of the velocity with distance from the disk for steady and unsteady graphs when τ = 2, W = 1, N = 1, and
Meccanica (2007) 42:141–148 147

 and near the disk are the similar as that of suction
1   |W|2
B= √  +N +1− − N, (25) velocity.
2 4 4 Figure 4 depict the effect of time on f and g when
λ = 0.5, N = W = 0. Here we note that with an
|W|2 increase in time the change in the graphs reduces
b= + N + i. (26)
4 and steady state situation is achieved.
First square bracket in Eq. 24 gives us steady state In Figure 5 the full line represents the steady
solution and second square bracket is deviation and dotted line unsteady situation. It can be seen
from it. It is remarked here that W > 0 we get that as τ increases, the unsteady graph approaches
the suction solution and for W < 0 one obtains to steady graph. It is noted that the time required
the blowing solution in above equations. Also, the to attain the steady state situation is reduced if the
first term on the right hand side in Eq. 23 cor- suction or magnetic parameter is present. More-
responds to the steady state and remaining de- over, it is found that the effect of N is more pro-
note the deviation from it. It is also revealed that nounced than that of W.
diffusive hydromagnetic waves can in general be The steady state in the presence of λ=W=N=1
detected through the asymptotic analysis. This is is achieved at τ = 2 (Fig. 6) which confirm that we
due to non-coaxial rotation in the fluid system. are achieving steady state much earlier when com-
Eventually, these waves are found to decay within pared with Erdogan [4] i.e., when λ, W, N are all
the ultimate steady state boundary layers. It is of zero. This shows that the steady state in presence
interest to note that the external magnetic field of slip, suction and magnetic parameter is achieved
expedites the decay process of these waves. much quickly.
The results of present analysis are in well agree-
ment to that of Erdogan [4]. This comparison tends
4 Results and discussion confidence in the analytical and graphical results.

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